995 resultados para Hla-dr Antigens
The Kaposi-associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) also known as Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is associated with the development of Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) and others limphoprolipheratives diseases such as Primary Effusion Lymphoma (PEL) and Multicentric Castleman Disease (MCD). Even though the virus is considered lymphotropic, it is able to infect others cell types such as macrophages, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, monocytes and fibroblasts. After infection, KSHV be latent expressing essential viral genes to its maintenance in a infected cell. However, in some circumstances may occur the reactivation of lytic cycle producing new viral particles. K1 protein of KSHV interferes in the cellular signaling inducing proliferation and supporting cellular transformation. K1 is encoded by viral ORF-K1, which shows high variability between different genotypes of KSHV. So far, it is not clear whether different isoforms of K1 have specific immunobiological features. The KSHV latency is maintained under strict control by the immune system supported by an adequate antigen presentation involving Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) class I and II. Polymorphisms of HLA class I and II genes confer an enormous variability in molecules that recognize a large amount of antigens, but also can increase the susceptibility to autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the present study aims to genotype HLA class I (A and B) and class II (DR and DQ) from volunteers to identify haplotypes that can provide better response to K1 epitopes of different KSHV genotypes. First of all, 20 volunteers were selected to genotype HLA genes. In our results we observed prevalence of certain HLA class I haplotypes as HLAA1, HLA-A2, HLA-A24, HLA-A26, HLA-B8, HLA-B18 e HLA-B44. After the in silico analysis using BIMAS and SYFPEITHI databases, we observed high scores for epitopes from the B genotype of KSHV, indicating...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) associated drug hypersensitivity: consequences of drug binding to HLA
Recent publications have shown that certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles are strongly associated with hypersensitivity to particular drugs. As HLA molecules are a critical element in T-cell stimulation, it is no surprise that particular HLA alleles have a direct functional role in the pathogenesis of drug hypersensitivity. In this context, a direct interaction of the relevant drug with HLA molecules as described by the p-i concept appears to be more relevant than presentation of hapten-modified peptides. In some HLA-associated drug hypersensitivity reactions, the presence of a risk allele is a necessary but incomplete factor for disease development. In carbamazepine and HLA-B*15:02, certain T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires are required for immune activation. This additional requirement may be one of the 'missing links' in explaining why most individuals carrying this allele can tolerate the drug. In contrast, abacavir generates polyclonal T-cell response by interacting specifically with HLA-B*57:01 molecules. T cell stimulation may be due to presentation of abacavir or of altered peptides. While the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele substantially increases the risk of allopurinol hypersensitivity, it is not an absolute requirement, suggesting that other factors also play an important role. In summary, drug hypersensitivity is the end result of a drug interaction with certain HLA molecules and TCRs, the sum of which determines whether the ensuing immune response is going to be harmful or not.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules displayed clustered patterns at the surfaces of T (HUT-102B2) and B (JY) lymphoma cells characterized by interreceptor distances in the micrometer range as detected by scanning force microscopy of immunogold-labeled antigens. Electron microscopy revealed that a fraction of the MHC class II molecules was also heteroclustered with MHC class I antigens at the same hierarchical level as described by the scanning force microscopy data, after specifically and sequentially labeling the antigens with 30- and 15-nm immunogold beads. On JY cells the estimated fraction of co-clustered HLA II was 0.61, whereas that of the HLA I was 0.24. Clusterization of the antigens was detected by the deviation of their spatial distribution from the Poissonian distribution representing the random case. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements also confirmed partial co-clustering of the HLA class I and II molecules at another hierarchical level characterized by the 2- to 10-nm Förster distance range and providing fine details of the molecular organization of receptors. The larger-scale topological organization of the MHC class I and II antigens may reflect underlying membrane lipid domains and may fulfill significant functions in cell-to-cell contacts and signal transduction.
Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) from an infected women to her offspring during gestation and delivery was found to be influenced by the infant's major histocompatibility complex class II DRB1 alleles. Forty-six HIV-infected infants and 63 seroreverting infants, born with passively acquired anti-HIV antibodies but not becoming detectably infected, were typed by an automated nucleotide-sequence-based technique that uses low-resolution PCR to select either the simpler Taq or the more demanding T7 sequencing chemistry. One or more DR13 alleles, including DRB1*1301, 1302, and 1303, were found in 31.7% of seroreverting infants and 15.2% of those becoming HIV-infected [OR (odds ratio) = 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.0-6.8); P = 0.048]. This association was influenced by ethnicity, being seen more strongly among the 80 Black and Hispanic children [OR = 4.3 (1.2-16.4); P = 0.023], with the most pronounced effect among Black infants where 7 of 24 seroreverters inherited these alleles with none among 12 HIV-infected infants (Haldane OR = 12.3; P = 0.037). The previously recognized association of DR13 alleles with some situations of long-term nonprogression of HIV suggests that similar mechanisms may regulate both the occurrence of infection and disease progression after infection. Upon examining for residual associations, only only the DR2 allele DRB1*1501 was associated with seroreversion in Caucasoid infants (OR = 24; P = 0.004). Among Caucasoids the DRB1*03011 allele was positively associated with the occurrence of HIV infection (P = 0.03).
MULTIPRED is a web-based computational system for the prediction of peptide binding to multiple molecules ( proteins) belonging to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) class I A2, A3 and class II DR supertypes. It uses hidden Markov models and artificial neural network methods as predictive engines. A novel data representation method enables MULTIPRED to predict peptides that promiscuously bind multiple HLA alleles within one HLA supertype. Extensive testing was performed for validation of the prediction models. Testing results show that MULTIPRED is both sensitive and specific and it has good predictive ability ( area under the receiver operating characteristic curve A(ROC) > 0.80). MULTIPRED can be used for the mapping of promiscuous T-cell epitopes as well as the regions of high concentration of these targets termed T-cell epitope hotspots. MULTIPRED is available at http:// antigen.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ multipred/.
The morphologic appearance and clinical behavior of the human urinary bladder papillary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) probably result from a complex interaction between carcinogenic insults and host resistance during the patient`s life. While the main recognized risk factors are of environmental origin (e.g. smoking), relatively little information exists about the susceptibility to TCC development. The human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) molecule plays an important role in immune response regulation and has been implicated in the inhibition of the cytolytic function of natural killer and cytotoxic T cells. Several lines of evidence indicate that HLA-G polymorphisms influence the expression level and production of different HLA-G isoforms. The aim of this study was to explore a possible influence of the HLA-G polymorphism on the susceptibility to urinary bladder TCC development and progression in smokers and nonsmokers Brazilian subjects. The HLA-G locus was found to be associated with susceptibility to TCC development and progression. The G*0104 allelic group (specially the G*010404 allele) and the G*0103 allele were associated with a tobacco-dependent influence on TCC development. The G*0104 group was associated with progression to high-grade tumors, irrespective of smoking habit, while the G*0103 allele was associated to high-grade tumor only in smoking patients. Our results are an evidence that the HLA-G locus itself, or as part of an extended haplotype encompassing this chromosome region (particularly the HLA-A given the high linkage disequilibrium observed between them in this data series), may be associated with TCC susceptibility and tumor progression, suggesting a tobacco-dependent influence of these polymorphisms.
This retrospective study analyzed the HLA-B*27 alleles in a group of 20 consecutive patients with the diagnosis of Reiter syndrome (RS) followed in a tertiary referral university hospital in Brazil, during the period 1990-2006, and compared the data with that observed in other patients with spondyloarthropathies followed at the same institution. Eight cases were associated to gastrointestinal infection, eight cases to previous urethritis, and four cases presented no established preceding infection. HLA-B*27 alleles were typed by polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA hybridized with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (HLA-B*2701 to HLA-B*2721). They were compared to a group of 108 patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), 40 with undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy (uSpA) and 111 healthy controls. Among the 20 patients, 17 were HLA-B*27 positive (85%). Two HLA-B*27 alleles were observed: HLA-B*2705 (65%) and HLA-B*2702 (35%). In the other spondyloarthropathies, the observed alleles were HLA-B*2705 (90% in AS and 92.5% in uSpA), HLA-B*2702 (8% in AS and 5% in uSpA), HLA-B*2704 (1% in AS and 2.5% in uSpA) and HLA-B*2713 (1% in AS). Among the 111 healthy controls, 80% presented HLA-B*2705, followed by HLA-B*2702 in 10%, HLA-B*2703 in 6%, HLA-B*2707 in 3% and HLA-B*2713 in 1%. Concluding, in the HLA-B*27 positive patients with RS in this study there was predominance of HLA-B*2705 allele, in a lower frequency than that observed in patients with other spondyloarthropathies and healthy controls.
As the mechanisms leading to the persistence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection are poorly understood and as the histocompatibility leucocyte antigen (HLA)-G is well described as a tolerogenic molecule, we evaluated HLA-G expression in 74 specimens of HBV liver biopsies and in 10 specimens obtained from previously healthy cadaver liver donors. HBV specimens were reviewed and classified by the METAVIR score, and HLA-G expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. No HLA-G expression was observed in control hepatocytes. In contrast, 57 (77%) of 74 HBV specimens showed soluble and membrane-bound HLA-G expression in hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells or both. No associations between the intensity of HLA-G expression and patient age or gender, HBeAg status, severity of liver fibrosis, and grade of histological findings were observed. Although significance was not reached (P = 0.180), patients exhibiting HLA-G expression presented a higher median HBV DNA viral load (105 copies/mL) than those who did not express HLA-G (103.7 copies/mL). These results indicate that HLA-G is expressed in most cases of chronic HBV infection in all stages and may play a role in the persistency of HBV infection.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes are frequently evaluated for population history inferences and association studies. However, the available typing techniques for the main HLA loci usually do not allow the determination of the allele phase and the constitution of a haplotype, which may be obtained by a very time-consuming and expensive family-based segregation study. Without the family-based study, computational inference by probabilistic models is necessary to obtain haplotypes. Several authors have used the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to determine HLA haplotypes, but high levels of erroneous inferences are expected because of the genetic distance among the main HLA loci and the presence of several recombination hotspots. In order to evaluate the efficiency of computational inference methods, 763 unrelated individuals stratified into three different datasets had their haplotypes manually defined in a family-based study of HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 segregation, and these haplotypes were compared with the data obtained by the following three methods: the Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Excoffier-Laval-Balding (ELB) algorithms using the arlequin 3.11 software, and the PHASE method. When comparing the methods, we observed that all algorithms showed a poor performance for haplotype reconstruction with distant loci, estimating incorrect haplotypes for 38%-57% of the samples considering all algorithms and datasets. We suggest that computational haplotype inferences involving low-resolution HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 haplotypes should be considered with caution.
The HLA-G gene is predominantly expressed at the maternal-fetal interface. It has been associated with maternal-fetal tolerance and in the inhibition of cytotoxic T lymphocyte and natural killer cytolytic functions. At least two variations in the 3` untranslated region (UTR) of HLA-G locus are associated with HLA-G expression levels, the 14-bp deletion/insertion polymorphism and the +3142 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). However, this region has not been completely characterized yet. The variability of the 3`UTR of HLA-G gene and its haplotype structure were characterized in 155 individuals from Brazil, as well as HLA-G alleles associated with each of the 3`UTR haplotype. The following eight variation sites were detected: the 14-bp polymorphism and SNPs at the positions +3003T/C, +3010C/G, +3027A/C, +3035C/T, +3142G/C, +3187A/G and +3196C/G. Similarly, 11 different 3`UTR haplotypes were identified and several HLA-G alleles presented only one 3`UTR haplotype. In addition, a high linkage disequilibrium among the variation sites was detected, especially among the 14-bp insertion and the alleles +3142G and +3187A, all previously associated with low mRNA availability, demonstrating that their effects are not independent. The detailed analyses of 3`UTR of the HLA-G locus may shed some light into mechanisms underlying the regulation of HLA-G expression. Genes and Immunity (2010) 11, 134-141; doi: 10.1038/gene.2009.74; published online 1 October 2009
Human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G) is a non-classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ib molecule predominantly expressed in cytotrophoblasts, where it acts as a specific immunosuppressor. Literature data have shown that grafts in some settings, such as cardiac and liver/kidney-associated transplantations, express HLA-G and this expression is associated with less severe rejection and also reduces the incidence of rejection. Fourteen-base pair deletion/insertion polymorphism has been reported in exon 8 of the 3`-untranslated region of HLA-G. This polymorphism within exon 8 of the HLA-G gene might influence transcription activity, which in turn may influence the stability of HLA-G transcripts. This influences the stability of the HLA-G protein and therefore is of potential functional relevance. In order to determine a possible correlation between the 14-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism and kidney allograft outcome, we isolated genomic DNA from 83 patients who had received isolated kidney allografts, and we classified the 83 specimens into two groups, grafts presenting Banff features of rejection group and a non-rejection group, and compared them with a control group of 97 healthy subjects. The 14-bp polymorphism at exon 8 was genotyped in all groups. There was no significant difference in allelic frequencies of 14-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism between normal controls and kidney transplant patients. In the RG, the homozygous genotype +14/+14 bp (P = 0.0238) was significantly increased in the group with acute rejection compared with the healthy control group. Analysis of other HLA-G polymorphisms and functional studies on immune regulation are essential to elucidate the role of HLA-G in kidney allografts.
A Escherichia coli de aderência difusa (DAEC), um patotipo diarreiogênico de E. coli, corresponde a um grupo heterogêneo sem marcador de virulência comum a todos os isolados e de papel controverso na diarreia infantil. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar genotipica e fenotipicamente amostras de DAEC, portadoras e não portadoras de adesinas Afa/Dr, isoladas de crianças com e sem diarreia. Em 70 amostras de DAEC, PCR foi realizado para pesquisa de genes descritos em DAEC, EAEC ou UPEC, que codificam: (i) oito adesinas fimbriais e afimbriais (fimH, papC, sfa, aggA, aafA, agg3A, aidA/aah, afaC); (ii) cinco toxinas (pet, astA, set1A, sat, hlyA); (iii) três proteínas captadoras/receptora de ferro (irp2, iucA, chuA/shuA); (iv) invasina (daaD) e; antígeno 43 (agn43). Ensaio de formação de biofilme foi realizado a partir da bactéria cultivada em caldo Luria-Bertani e inoculada em placas de poliestireno com DMEM suplementado com 0,4% glicose. A leitura da densidade ótica (DO490) foi realizada após coloração com safranina. Soroaglutinação para 23 antígenos O (Probac do Brasil) foi realizada em 50% das DAEC. Método de difusão de disco foi realizado para testar a suscetibilidade a 13 antimicrobianos. A presença de pelo menos um gene que codifica adesinas, toxinas, proteínas captadoras/receptora de ferro, invasina ou antígeno 43 foram encontrados em 58,6%, 51,4%, 80%, 48,6% e 57,1%, respectivamente, com os genes fimH, irp2, agn43, iucA, chuA/shuA, presentes em mais de 50% das amostras. Gene afaC+ (PCR) e/ou sonda afaBC+ (hibridização de colônias) classificou 50% das DAEC como Afa/Dr, sendo pet, sat, irp2, iucA, chuA/shuA e agn43 significantes nessas amostras (p<0,05). Do total das DAEC, 44,3% foram formadoras de biofilme, igualmente distribuídas entre as Afa/Dr e não Afa/Dr, e nenhum gene foi associado com esse fenótipo. Sorologia de 35 amostras evidenciou os seguintes sorogrupos: 1 O29, 2 O125, 2 O127 e 7 O86. Todas as O86 foram de DAEC Afa/Dr. Maiores frequências de resistência antimicrobiana foram encontradas para ampicilina (55,7%), sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim (35,7%) e tetraciclina (28,6%) e o perfil resistente/intermediário para amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico, ampicilina, sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim foi significante nas DAEC Afa/Dr, assim como a multi-droga resistência (p<0,05). Em conclusão, observou-se: (i) alta frequência de fimH e pet e presença de agn43, até então não descrito em DAEC, em frequências similares àquelas encontradas em EAEC, UPEC e EAEC/UPEC, respectivamente; (ii) que as amostras de DAEC Afa/Dr e não Afa/Dr constituíram grupos com perfis genéticos diferenciados entre si; (iii) poucos sorogrupos foram encontrados entre as DAEC; (iv) frequências de resistência menores quando comparado com as poucas descrições em DAEC, sugerindo uma menor pressão seletiva da população do presente estudo e; (v) amostras de DAEC Afa/Dr podem representar um importante reservatório de genes de resistência a antimicrobianos, além de diversos fatores de virulência.
HLA antigens and their relationship with malaria infection were studied in four different ethnic groups in Colombia (South America): two groups of indians (Kunas and Katios), one of negroes and a group of mixed ancestry. A total of 965 persons were studied, 415 with malaria and 550 as controls. HLA-A,B, and C antigen frequencies in the four groups are reported. The association of each HLA antigen with malaria infection due to P. vivax and to P. falciparum was evaluated. Negroes, Kunas and Katios indians variously lack from 6 to 9 of the HLA antigens found in the mixed group. In the designated ethnic groups, antigens B5, B13, B15, Cw2 and Cw4 showed borderline association with malaria infection. However, in the mixed ethnic group, statistically significant associations were found with malaria infection and the presence of A9, Aw19, B17, B35, and Z98 (a B21-B45: crossreacting determinant) with few differences when P. vivax infection and P. falciparum infection were considered individually. This finding may represent a lack of general resistance to malaria in the group that harbors antigens of Caucasian origin. These individuals have been in direct and permanent contact with malaria only in the past 65 years. In contrast, indians, both Kunas and Katios, and Negroes have lived for centuries in malaria endemic areas, and it is possible that a natural selection system has developed through which only those individuals able to initiate an acute immune response to malaria have survived.
Existeixen creixents evidències què la resposta dels limfòcits T CD8+ alpha beta citotòxics (CTLs) és un element fonamental en la infecció produïda pel VIH. Les CTLs VIH especifiques es consideren molt importants en la reducció de la càrrega viral i en la contenció de la infecció. Encara que la combinació dels antiretrovirals (HAART) ha suposat una millora considerable en la lluita contra el VIH induint una important reducció de la càrrega viral i augmentant el nombre de cèl•lules T CD4+, diverses complicacions han fet ressaltar la necessitat de noves alternatives terapèutiques. Les complicacions inclouen: manca de recuperació d’una resposta immune sòlida contra el VIH, toxicitat a llarg termini de la teràpia i el descobriment que les cèl•lules T CD4+ constitueixen un reservori pel virus. Les noves alternatives controlaran la replicació viral i reconstituiran la immunitat. L’eficàcia de la immunoteràpia cel•lular amb transferència adoptiva de CTLs virals específics s’ha provat en diferents infeccions virals humanes, incloent el VIH. Proposem una modificació de la immunoteràpia adoptiva redirigint l’especificitat de les cèl•lules T contra el VIH mitjançant la transfecció dels gens del TCR. En aquest assaig preclínic, ens aprofitarem de la tecnologia dels animals transgènics per les molècules de HLA, amb la finalitat de generar TCRs d’alta afinitat dirigits contra epitops del VIH restringits per la molècula HLA. Aquests TCRs seran induïts in vivo i seleccionats in vitro. Les cadenes alpha i beta dels TCRs VIH específics procedents de les CTLs seran clonades mitjançant tècniques de biologia molecular. Aquests TCRs VIH específics seran transferits a cèl•lules T CD8+ humanes i la seva especificitat i capacitat citolítica contra cèl•lules diana que presentin antígens de VIH-1 s’estudiaran mitjançant la combinació de diverses tècniques noves (FCC, transfecció mitjançant Nucleoefector). Finalment, una construcció retroviral adient per la seva transducció en cèl•lules T humanes s’establirà amb un TCR òptim seleccionat.
PURPOSE: The Cancer Vaccine Consortium of the Cancer Research Institute (CVC-CRI) conducted a multicenter HLA-peptide multimer proficiency panel (MPP) with a group of 27 laboratories to assess the performance of the assay. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Participants used commercially available HLA-peptide multimers and a well characterized common source of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The frequency of CD8+ T cells specific for two HLA-A2-restricted model antigens was measured by flow cytometry. The panel design allowed for participants to use their preferred staining reagents and locally established protocols for both cell labeling, data acquisition and analysis. RESULTS: We observed significant differences in both the performance characteristics of the assay and the reported frequencies of specific T cells across laboratories. These results emphasize the need to identify the critical variables important for the observed variability to allow for harmonization of the technique across institutions. CONCLUSIONS: Three key recommendations emerged that would likely reduce assay variability and thus move toward harmonizing of this assay. (1) Use of more than two colors for the staining (2) collect at least 100,000 CD8 T cells, and (3) use of a background control sample to appropriately set the analytical gates. We also provide more insight into the limitations of the assay and identified additional protocol steps that potentially impact the quality of data generated and therefore should serve as primary targets for systematic analysis in future panels. Finally, we propose initial guidelines for harmonizing assay performance which include the introduction of standard operating protocols to allow for adequate training of technical staff and auditing of test analysis procedures.