994 resultados para Gryphius, Andreas, 1616-1664.
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[v.19] 1657. Koning Davids Harpzangen.--[v.20] 1657-1660. Koning Davids Harpzangen. Jeptha.--[v.21] 1660. Koning Edipus. Koning David in ballingschap. Koning David herstelt.--[v.22-23] 1660. Publius Virgilius Maroos Wercken in Nederduitsch dicht vertaelt.--[v.24] 1660-1662. Samson. Adonias. Bespiegelingen.--[v.25] 1662. Bespiegelingen. Joannes de Boetgezant.--[v.26] 1663. Batavische Gebroeders. De Heerlyckheit der Kercke. Faëton.--[v.27] 1664-1667. Adam in Ballingschap. Ifigenie in Tauren. Zungchin.--[v.28] 1667-1671. Noah. Feniciaensche. Herkules in Trachin. Ovidius Herscheppinge.--[v.29-30] 1671-1679. Ovidius herscheppinge.
von Wilhelm Gärtner
Studying landscape evolution of the Earthís surface is difficult because both tectonic forces and surface processes control its response to perturbation, and ultimately, its shape and form. Researchers often use numerical models to study erosional response to deformation because there are rarely natural settings in which we can evaluate both tectonic activity and topographic response over appropriate time scales (103-105 years). In certain locations, however, geologic conditions afford the unique opportunity to study the relationship between tectonics and topography. One such location is along the Dragonís Back Pressure Ridge in California, where the landscape moves over a structural discontinuity along the San Andreas Fault and landscape response to both the initiation and cessation of uplift can be observed. In their landmark study, Hilley and Arrowsmith (2008) found that geomorphic metrics such as channel steepness tracked uplift and that hillslope response lagged behind that of rivers. Ideal conditions such as uniform vegetation density and similar lithology allowed them to view each basin as a developmental stage of response to uplift only. Although this work represents a significant step forward in understanding landscape response to deformation, it remains unclear how these results translate to more geologically complex settings. In this study, I apply similar methodology to a left bend along the San Andreas Fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. At this location, the landscape is translated through a zone of localized uplift caused by the bend, but vegetation, lithology, and structure vary. I examine the geomorphic response to uplift along the San Andreas Fault bend in order to determine whether predicted landscape patterns can be observed in a larger, more geologically complex setting than the Dragonís Back Pressure Ridge. I find that even with a larger-scale and a more complex setting, geomorphic metrics such as channel steepness index remain useful tools for evaluating landscape evolution through time. Steepness indices in selected streams of study record localized uplift caused by the restraining bend, while hillslope adjustment in the form of landsliding occurs over longer time scales. This project illustrates that it is possible to apply concepts of landscape evolution models to complex settings and is an important contribution to the body of geomorphological study.
Von M. Phillippo Schlossern, fürstl. Hoff- und ältern Statt-Predigern daselbsten
This paper gives a brief account of the attempt by the German zoologist Christian Andreas Viktor Hensen to quantify the amount of floating organisms in the sea, which he defined for the first time as plankton. To do this, he invented new collecting and analysing methods, and in 1887 led the first major German oceanographic expedition. Despite arousing criticisms, his methods influenced others to begin quantitative sampling and led to his recognition as one of the founders of ecology.
This paper gives a brief account of the attempt by the German zoologist Christian Andreas Viktor Hensen to quantify the amount of floating organisms in the sea, which he defined for the first time as plankton. To do this, he invented new collecting and analysing methods, and in 1887 led the first major German oceanographic expedition. Despite arousing criticisms, his methods influenced others to begin quantitative sampling and led to his recognition as one of the founders of ecology.
Aus einer Original-Handschrift herausgegeben von G. H. M. von Wedell, Magdeburgischem Landrath und Ritter des eisernen Kreuzes
Index of place names in the A.T. Andreas illustrated historical Atlas of Iowa
En este trabajo hemos examinado comentarios a la traducción al latín del ejercicio de la Fábula de los Progymnasmata de Aftonio para ver cómo afecta la traducción de algunos términos al comentario. Dado que, al traducir de una lengua a otra, difícilmente hay correspondencia exacta, el traductor opta por la solución que estima más adecuada, primando ciertos matices sobre otros y, con frecuencia, llega, incluso, a dotar al término de acepciones en la lengua meta que no existían en la lengua origen. La elección realizada no parece obedecer a otra razón que a preferencias del traductor, pero tiene consecuencias e influye en los comentaristas. Por otra parte, la existencia de un término acuñado no impide que tanto los traductores como los escoliastas creen otros nuevos, tal vez por deseo de mostrar originalidad. Finalmente, la traducción tiene una doble vertiente: de un lado, influye en el entendimiento del concepto y en el comentario, y, de otro, refleja la concepción que de la realidad tiene el traductor.