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Growth of giant salvinia ( Salvinia molesta Mitchell) under different pH regimes was examined at the Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility (LAERF) in Lewisville, Texas.(PDF has 5 pages.)


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Waterhyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms), is a serious problem in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, California. There is little published information on its phenology or seasonal growth in this system. Waterhyacinths were sampled at 2 to 3 week intervals from November, 1995 to July, 1997 and the following measurements were made on individual plants: dry weight, height, number of living leaves, number of dead leaves, and the width of the largest lamina. (PDF has 4 pages.)


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Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.) Solms), is a serious problem in the Sacramento Delta. Two weevil species (Neochetina bruchi Hustache and N. eichhorniae Warner) have been introduced as biological control agents. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that nitrogen (N) in the tissue of waterhyacinth was not sufficient to support weevil growth and reproduction. Because it grows better on plants with high N content and because it has a greater impact on the growth of high N plants, N. bruchi may be a more effective biological control agent in the Sacramento Delta.


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Hygrophila ( Hygrophila polysperma (Roxb.) T. Anderson) is a plants which forms serious aquatic weed problems. Both submerged and emergent growth forms occur. Nutritional studies with a controlled release fertilizer and sediments collected from hygrophila-infested areas were conducted with the emergent growth habit to provide insights into growth of this introduced plant. Plant dry weights for experimental 16- week culture periods with low average temperatures were associated with low amounts of hygrophila biomass as compared to culture periods with high average temperatures. Hygrophila cultured in sand rooting media with the controlled release fertilizer produced as much as 20 times more dry weight than plants cultured in sediments only. First-degree linear regression statistics showed hygrophila dry weights were highly related to ammonia nitrogen, magnesium, sodium, and pH values in the sediments. These findings show the close relationship of the emergent growth habit of hygrophila to sediment nutrients. Analyses for certain sediment characteristics may provide an indication of the potential growth that may be expected for weed infestations of this plant. Hygrophila grows year round in south Florida; however, visual observations of canals and other bodies of water indicate that lower amounts of hygrophila plants occur during the cooler months of year than during the summer season. These findings show the seasonal growth of emergent hygrophila occurs with biomass dependent on both sediment nutrients and temperature.


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The growth process of 2-inch silicon carbide (SiC) single crystals by the physical vapor transport method (or modified Lely method) has been modeled and simulated. The comprehensive process model incorporates the calculations of radio frequency (RF) induction heating, heat and mass transfer and growth kinetics. The transport equations for electromagnetic field, heat transfer, and species transport are solved using a finite volume-based numerical scheme called MASTRAPP (Multizone Adaptive Scheme for Transport and Phase Change Process). Temperature distribution for a 2-inch growth system is calculated, and the effects of induction heating frequency and current on the temperature distribution and growth rate are investigated. The predicted results have been compared with the experimental data.


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Ammonothermal growth of GaN crystals with a retrograde solubility has been modeled and simulated here using fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer models. The nutrient is considered as a porous media bed and the flow in the porous charge is simulated using the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. The resulting governing equations are solved using the finite volume method. For the case of retrograde solubility, the charge is put above the baffle. The temperature difference between the dissolving zone and growth zone is found smaller than that applied on the sidewall of autoclave. The baffle opening has a strong effect on the nutrient transport and supersaturation of GaN species in the growth zone.


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The physical vapor transport (PVT) method is being widely used to grow large-size single SiC crystals. The growth process is associated with heat and mass transport in the growth chamber, chemical reactions among multiple species as well as phase change at the crystal/gas interface. The current paper aims at studying and verifying the transport mechanism and growth kinetics model by demonstrating the flow field and species concentration distribution in the growth system. We have developed a coupled model, which takes into account the mass transport and growth kinetics. Numerical simulation is carried out by employing an in-house developed software based on finite volume method. The results calculated are in good agreement with the experimental observation.


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GaN can be used to fabricate blue/green/UV LEDs and high temperature, high power electronic devices. Ideal substrates are needed for high quality III-nitride epitaxy, which is an essential step for the manufacture of LEDs. GaN substrates are ideal to be lattice matched and isomorphic to nitride-based films. Bulk single crystals of GaN can be grown from supercritical fluids using the ammonothermal method, which utilizes ammonia as fluid rather than water as in the hydrothermal process. In this process, a mineralizer such as amide, imide or azide is used to attack a bulk nitride feedstock at temperatures from 200 - 500癈 and pressures from 1 - 4 kbar. Baffle design is essential for successful growth of GaN crystals. Baffle is used to separate the dissolving zone from the growth zone, and to maintain a temperature difference between the two zones. For solubility curve with a positive coefficient with respect to temperature, the growth zone is maintained at a lower temperature than that in the dissolving zone, thus the nutrient becomes supersaturated in the growth zone. The baffle opening is used to control the mixing of nutrients in the two zones, thus the transfer of nutrient from the lower part to the upper part. Ammonothermal systems have been modeled here using fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer models. The nutrient is considered as a porous media bed and the flow is simulated using the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. The resulting governing equations are solved using the finite volume method. We investigated the effects of baffle opening and position on the transport phenomena of nutrient from dissolving zone to the growth zone. Simulation data have been compared qualitatively with experimental data.


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Silicon carbide bulk crystals were grown in an induction-heating furnace using the physical vapor transport method. Crystal growth modeling was performed to obtain the required inert gas pressure and temperatures for sufficiently large growth rates. The SiC crystals were expanded by designing a growth chamber having a positive temperature gradient along the growth interface. The obtained 6H-SiC crystals were cut into wafers and characterized by Raman scattering spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, and the results showed that most parts of the crystals had good crystallographic structures.


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ENGLISH: Data on the size composition of catch for the years 1954-1958 have been studied to determine year class composition, age and growth of yellowfin tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Direct age determination of tropical tunas has not yet proven reliable; however, this analysis has shown that the length-frequency distributions themselves are adequate to determine year class structure and growth rates. Absolute age has been estimated by comparing the average time of spawning with the time at which age groups initially appear in the catch. SPANISH: Los datos sobre la composición del tamaño de la pesca durante los años 1954-1958 han sido estudiados con el objeto de determinar la composición de las clases anuales, la edad y el crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Las determinaciones directas de la edad de los atunes tropicales no han probado todavía ser de confianza; sin embargo, este análisis ha demostrado que las distribuciones de la frecuencia de las longitudes son adecuadas para determinar la estructura de las clases anuales y de las tasas de crecimiento. La edad absoluta ha sido estimada mediante la comparación de la época promedio de desove con la epoca en que los grupos de edades comienzan a aparecer en la pesca.


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Estimates of length at birth and early postnatal growth are made for the northern and southern populations of the offshore spotted dolphin in the offshore eastern tropical Pacific. Length at birth is estimated to be 85.4 cm for the northern population and 83.2 cm for the southern population. Analyses of series of monthly distributions of length revealed two cohorts born each year in the northern population, at least in the northern inshore part of its geographic range, but only one cohort born each year in the southern population. Growth curves fitted to the means of the monthly distributions of length gave estimates of length at 1 year of 126.2 and 132.6 cm and length at 2 years of 154.3 and 154.9 cm for the two cohorts in the northern population. and length at 1 year of 127.9 cm for the southern population. A growth curve fitted to lengths and ages (in dental growth layer groups) from the northern population gave estimates of lengths at 1 and 2 years of 123.0 and 143.0 cm, respectively.


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