947 resultados para Grau INPM
The present work had as principal objective to analyze the, 9th grade students understanding about the solutions of an equation of the 2° degree, using geometric processes of the History of the Mathematics. To do so, the research had as base the elaboration and application of a group of teaching activities, based on Jean Piaget's construtivism. The research consisted of a methodological intervention, that has as subjects the students of a group of 9th grade of the State School José Martins de Vasconcelos, located in the municipal district of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. The intervention was divided in three stages: application of an initial evaluation; development of activities‟ module with emphasis in constructive teaching; and the application of the final evaluation. The data presented in the initial evaluation revealed a low level of the students' understanding with relationship to the calculation of areas of rectangles, resolution of equations of the 1st and 2nd degrees, and they were to subsidize the elaboration of the teaching module. The data collected in the initial evaluation were commented and presented under descriptive statistics form. The results of the final evaluation were analyzed under the qualitative point of view, based on Richard Skemp's theory on the understanding of mathematical concepts. The general results showed a qualitative increase with relationship to the students' understanding on the mathematical concepts approached in the intervention. Such results indicate that a methodology using the previous student‟s knowledge and the development of teaching activities, learning in the construtivist theory, make possible an understanding on the part of the students concerning the thematic proposal
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a altura de plantas e a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes de soja e arroz em dois teores de água (água retida a 0,05 e a 0,01 MPa) e três de resistência do solo à penetração (entre 0,25 e 6,46 MPa), determinados com o penetrômetro de anel dinamométrico. Foram utilizadas amostras de Latossolo Vermelho, distrófico, textura média (LVd) e Latossolo Vermelho, eutroférrico, textura argilosa (LVef), coletadas na profundidade de 0,0-0,20 m e compactadas em camadas de 0,03 m, em vasos de 0,20 m de altura e 0,25 m de diâmetro. A altura das plantas foi reduzida para valores de resistência à penetração superiores a 3,0 MPa. A menor produção de matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas ocorreu na resistência à penetração de 3,76 e 3,37 MPa para soja; 3,93 e 3,37 MPa para arroz, no Latossolo Vermelho, textura média e Latossolo Vermelho argiloso, respectivamente, no teor de água retida na tensão de 0,05 MPa, e no maior teor de água somente ocorreu redução da produção de matéria seca das raízes.
Objetivou-se avaliar o grau de modificação de algumas propriedades físicas e da cor do horizonte superficial de um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro textura média, submetido ao cultivo contínuo com cana-de-açúcar durante 25 anos, em Jaboticabal, SP. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por dois tipos de uso do solo, ou seja, ausência de cultivo (vegetação nativa) e cultivo intenso com cana-de-açúcar e por três profundidades no perfil, 0-10, 10-20 e 20-30cm. O cultivo intenso e contínuo alterou a cor do solo na camada de 0-10cm de 2,5YR 2,5/4 na ausência de cultivo para 2,5YR3/4 e degradou a macroestrutura, reduzindo o grau de floculação da argila do solo.
Among the sugar cane potential uses include those related to the extraction of products and byproducts from the stalk. The sugarcane flowering causes morphological and physiological changes in plant and in the presence of pith, promotes changes in the stalk, reducing the raw matter quality. Most of the areas planted with sugarcane in the South-Central region of Brazil are subject to flowering, however, this feature varies depending on the variety used. There are different pith diameters related to the flowered or induced stalks, and damage to the raw matter quality are still controversial. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the response of cane sugar varieties in relation to the flowering, pith and chemical and technological parameters, and their relationship with the pith degree. The experimental design was a completely randomized with sis treatments (varieties: IAC91-1099-4004IAC94, IAC95-5000, SP81-3250, CTC and RB855536 15) and three replications. Were evaluated the flowering, based on morphological changes in the apical bud, the pith intensity by the percentage determination of internodes occupied by whitish and spongy tissues and and pith diameter, by measuring the diameters of the changes in the internodes, expressed in percentage, in addition to chemical (juice total acidity) and technological (fiber, reducing sugars and sugar cane Pol) parameters. The flowering occurrences were accompanied by higher pith intensity. The flowering induction contributed to the lower raw matter quality, although the pith volume was lower. The pith and flowering did not affected the sugarcane sucrose content. Increases in levels of fiber, sugars and acidity were observed only in cases where the diameter of the area spongeous exceeded 50% of stalk diameter. The variety that had the best and worse response was RB855536 and CTC 15, respectively.
That work has as objective to investigate and to analyze the strategies which they were developed by companies of lodging means with ends of social responsibility in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Therefore, it got data along with the Office of Tourism of the Municipal district of Natal , the Office of Tourism of RN and the cadasters of the firms of the lodging means in the district of Ponta Negra. In after research of field, it verified the enterprises that now develop lodging activities in that quarter in Ponta Negra. It applied Instrument of research which it was elaborated based on the set of indicators of social responsibility of Ethos Institute, structured with binary questions and some open ones. It shows as results which actions the investigated companies develop. Confronting these results with researched theoretical referencial, it points an intermediate degree of socially responsible actions. Comparing with the evaluation accomplished by Ethos Institute, the investigated firms are in incipient condition, with punctual actions, however, they already present the awakening about this thematic
Public investments in the development of innovation in the country, either through the rigging of public universities, either through public announcements of the promotion, increased dramatically in recent years. To analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public resources is especially in times of austerity, essential for the development of a country. In this context, this research aims to identify the influence of public investments to promote innovation in the degree of maturity of innovative companies in the state of the RN. Another goal is to identify the regional influence from the installation site - capital or countryside, in the performance of the companies studied in the degree of innovation. The theoretical basis of the understanding of the scope of the concept of innovation and its determination for the purposes of this study. Typology, degree of innovation, evaluation methodologies and mechanisms to support innovation : Still on the theme of innovation additional concepts that help the reader to a greater understanding, such as are presented. Following is approached conceptualization of the triple helix, highlighting the concepts advocated by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, Salomon and Silva and Ipiranga, Freitas and Paiva, among others. With regard to methodological aspects, we propose a descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research quantitative and qualitative approach with the target audience group of companies served by INOVA PRO- NAGI design - multi-institutional action from a public resource called FINEP promotes the development of innovative companies in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - in 2013. The research should provide reflection and understanding of the influence of public investment in innovation, which by means of qualitative predictive variables associated with quantitative method to explain which variables are significant variations in the degree of maturity of enterprises studied
Investigaram-se a temperatura retal, a freqüência respiratória e a taxa de evaporação total de ovinos Corriedale sob três temperaturas ambientes, visando uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de termorregulação desses animais. Inicialmente, 21 animais adultos foram alojados em câmara climática à temperatura de 45ºC, e pressão parcial de vapor (PV) variável, registrando-se a freqüência respiratória (FR) e a temperatura retal (TR). Baseando-se na FR e TR, foram selecionados 10 animais, cinco com os valores mais baixos, assumindo-os como mais adaptados ao calor (grupo 1) e cinco com valores mais altos, assumindo-os como menos adaptados (grupo 2). Os animais selecionados foram mantidos em câmara climática, onde mediram-se novamente TR, FR e taxa de evaporacão total (TET), sob 20, 30 e 40ºC de temperatura do ar e PV variável. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos classificados, para todas as variáveis medidas. Concluiu-se que a utilização das variáveis fisiológicas TR e FR como parâmetros únicos para a seleção destes animais não é suficiente para avaliar o grau de adaptação a temperaturas elevadas.
O artigo relata parte de estudo desenvolvido junto ao Núcleo de Ensino de Araraquara para caracterizar o professorado que atua em cursos de Magistério (antigo Normal). Por meio de questionários foram obtidas e analisadas informações relativas a sexo, idade, estado civil, experiências anteriores e responsabilidade pelo sustento da família. A análise focaliza relações com o processo educativo, com outros estudos e com aspectos extra-escolares.
The present study aims to check whether the use of activities mediated by the History of Mathematics can contribute to improve the understanding of resolution the 2nd degree equation for teachers and undergraduates that reproduce methods of solving such equations, uncritically, without domain of the justifications for their actions. For this, we adapted a didactic sequence with activities that aims to cause a rediscovery of resolutive formula of 2nd degree equation through the method known as cut and paste. Finally, we presented the activity module containing the didactic sequence used during the study, as suggestion for use in the classroom, by the math teacher
Stroke is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that causes physical impairments and disabilities. Brazil leads the statistics stroke mortality among Latin American countries, demonstrating still be a neglected disease in this country. The incidence is related to risk factors and still is great misinformation in our country about stroke, treatment and prophylaxis. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of knowledge about stroke and patients need to use educational booklet for physiotherapy. The sample consisted of 53 patients, 22 females and 31 males, mean age 56.2 ± 10.9 years. Patients were evaluated by completing questionnaires, observing the socio-demographic and clinical aspects, neurological assessment, functional assessment, knowledge of pathology and presenting educational booklet. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. According to the results, it was observed that the patients had not enough knowledge about the terminology, complications and warning signs of stroke, were not aware and did not perform the proper positioning of the limb and transfers, however, were aware and performed the stretching maneuvers. This reveals the need to implement policies that lead to information about stroke population. Following discharge from outpatient physical therapy using educational booklets with guidelines on positioning, stretching exercises and transfer is important in functional rehabilitation and encouraging independence of the individual affected by stroke
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Analisar a concordância entre distintas escalas para grau de comprometimento em disfagia orofaríngea neurogênica. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo clínico transversal. Participaram 200 indivíduos com disfagia orofaríngea neurogênica, 108 do gênero masculino e 92 do gênero feminino, com idades de 3 meses a 91 anos. Foram aplicadas quatro escalas para classificar o grau de comprometimento da disfagia orofaríngea, sendo duas escalas clínicas e duas videofluoroscópicas. Análises estatísticas foram realizadas para verificar a concordância entre as escalas clínicas e objetivas. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram concordância muito boa entre as escalas clínicas estudadas (Kappa=0,92) e concordância moderada entre as escalas objetivas (Kappa=0,52). CONCLUSÃO: Embora a concordância entre as escalas clínicas tenha sido muito boa e entre as escalas objetivas tenha sido moderada, ainda é necessária ampla discussão e possível revisão dos parâmetros que definem o grau de comprometimento da disfagia orofaríngea em pacientes neurológicos.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o grau de adesão e a eficácia da fibra dietética no tratamento da constipação intestinal funcional. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico longitudinal, envolvendo 59 indivíduos, 54 mulheres e 5 homens, idade média de 46 anos (variação: 18-74 anos), com diagnóstico de constipação intestinal funcional. Após regularização do hábito intestinal, com a introdução de fibra dietética, era recomendado aos pacientes manter a dieta com fibra e retornar quatro meses depois, a fim de ser verificada a continuidade da eficácia e o grau de adesão ao seu uso. Associação entre adesão e eficácia foi pesquisada pelo teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes abandonaram o estudo e 50 continuaram. Destes, 32 mantiveram hábito intestinal satisfatório e a constipação recorreu em 18. Naqueles com manutenção do hábito intestinal, dezesseis mantiveram a ingestão de fibra recomendada, quatro aumentaram, nove reduziram e três interromperam. Nos casos com recorrência do sintoma, a quantidade de fibra foi mantida em três, aumentada em um, diminuída em três e suspensa em onze. Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significante entre adesão e eficácia (p=0,008). CONCLUSÃO: A eficácia da fibra dietética mostrou-se moderada, ocorrendo benefício em 64% dos casos. A perda de adesão foi grande, mais da metade dos indivíduos avaliados (52%). Tais resultados sugerem a necessidade de novas estratégias, visando garantir maior fidelidade à terapêutica com fibra e com isto melhorar seus resultados no tratamento da constipação intestinal.
In this work are presented, as a review and in a historical context, the most used methods to solve quadratic equations. It is also shown the simplest type of change of variables, namely: x = Ay + B where A;B 2 R, and some changes of variables that were used to solve quadratic equations throughout history. Finally, a change of variable, which has been used by the author in the classroom as an alternative method, is presented and the result of this methodoly is illustrated by the responses of a test that was done by the students in classroom