271 resultados para Geodesic convexity
Special nets which characterize Cartesian, geodesic, Chebyshevian, geodesic- Chebyshevian and Chebyshevian-geodesic compositions are introduced. Con- ditions for the coefficients of the connectedness in the parameters of these special nets are found.
* Part of this work was done while the second author was on a visit at Tel Aviv University in March 2001
It is proved that a Banach space X has the Lyapunov property if its subspace Y and the quotient space X/Y have it.
* This work was completed while the author was visiting the University of Limoges. Support from the laboratoire “Analyse non-linéaire et Optimisation” is gratefully acknowledged.
A generalized Drucker–Prager (GD–P) viscoplastic yield surface model was developed and validated for asphalt concrete. The GD–P model was formulated based on fabric tensor modified stresses to consider the material inherent anisotropy. A smooth and convex octahedral yield surface function was developed in the GD–P model to characterize the full range of the internal friction angles from 0° to 90°. In contrast, the existing Extended Drucker–Prager (ED–P) was demonstrated to be applicable only for a material that has an internal friction angle less than 22°. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the anisotropic effect and to validate the GD–P model. Results indicated that (1) the yield stresses of an isotropic yield surface model are greater in compression and less in extension than that of an anisotropic model, which can result in an under-prediction of the viscoplastic deformation; and (2) the yield stresses predicted by the GD–P model matched well with the experimental results of the octahedral shear strength tests at different normal and confining stresses. By contrast, the ED–P model over-predicted the octahedral yield stresses, which can lead to an under-prediction of the permanent deformation. In summary, the rutting depth of an asphalt pavement would be underestimated without considering anisotropy and convexity of the yield surface for asphalt concrete. The proposed GD–P model was demonstrated to be capable of overcoming these limitations of the existing yield surface models for the asphalt concrete.
In an equiaffine space q N E using the connection define with projective tensors na and ma the connections 1 , 2 and 3 . For the spaces N N 1A ,2A and N 3A , with coefficient of connection 1 , 2 and 3 respectively, we proved that the affinor of composition and the projective affinors have equal covariant derivatives. It follows that the connection 3 is equaffine as well, and the connections and 3 are projective to each other. In the case where q N E and N 3A have equal Ricci tensors, we find the fundamental nvector . In [4] compositions with structural affinor a are studied. Space containing compositions with symmetric connection and Weyl connection are studied in [6] and [7] respectively.
Let in even-dimensional a±nely connected space without a torsion A2m be given a composition Xm£Xm by the affinor a¯ ®. The affinor b¯ ®, determined with the help of the eigen-vectors of the matrix (a¯ ®), de¯nes the second composition Ym £ Y m. Conjugate compositions are introduced by the condition: the a±nors of any of both compositions transform the vectors from the one position of the composition, generated by the other a±nor, in the vectors from the another its position. It is proved that the compositions de¯ne by a±nors a¯ ® and b¯ ® are conjugate. It is proved also that if the composition Xm£Xm is Cartesian and composition Ym£Y m is Cartesian or chebyshevian, or geodesic than the space A2m is affine.
In an equiaffine space q N E using the connection define with projective tensors na and ma the connections 1 , 2 and 3 . For the spaces N N 1A ,2A and N 3A , with coefficient of connection 1 , 2 and 3 respectively, we proved that the affinor of composition and the projective affinors have equal covariant derivatives. It follows that the connection 3 is equaffine as well, and the connections and 3 are projective to each other. In the case where q N E and N 3A have equal Ricci tensors, we find the fundamental nvector . In [4] compositions with structural affinor a are studied. Space containing compositions with symmetric connection and Weyl connection are studied in [6] and [7] respectively.
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30C50
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30C50
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C26, 90C20, 49J52, 47H05, 47J20.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C25, 68W10, 49M37.
Здравко Д. Славов - В тази работа се разглеждат Паретовските решения в непрекъсната многокритериална оптимизация. Обсъжда се ролята на някои предположения, които влияят на характеристиките на Паретовските множества. Авторът се е опитал да премахне предположенията за вдлъбнатост на целевите функции и изпъкналост на допустимата област, които обикновено се използват в многокритериалната оптимизация. Резултатите са на базата на конструирането на ретракция от допустимата област върху Парето-оптималното множество.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 42A05. Secondary: 42A82, 11N05.
In this paper, we give several results for majorized matrices by using continuous convex function and Green function. We obtain mean value theorems for majorized matrices and also give corresponding Cauchy means, as well as prove that these means are monotonic. We prove positive semi-definiteness of matrices generated by differences deduced from majorized matrices which implies exponential convexity and log-convexity of these differences and also obtain Lypunov's and Dresher's type inequalities for these differences.