966 resultados para Genetic studies


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Genes play an important role in the development of diabetes mellitus. Putative susceptibility genes could be the key to the development of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. A combination of genetic and environmental factors is most likely the cause of Type 1 diabetes. The pathogenetic sequence leading to the selective autoimmune destruction of islet beta-cells and development of Type 1 diabetes involves genetic factors, environmental factors, immune regulation and chemical mediators. Unlike Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes is often considered a polygenic disorder with multiple genes located on different chromosomes being associated with this condition. This is further complicated by numerous environmental factors which also contribute to the clinical manifestation of the disorder in genetically predisposed persons. Only a minority of cases of type 2 diabetes are caused by single gene defects such as maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), syndrome of insulin resistance (insulin receptor defect) and maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (mitochondrial gene defect). Although Type 2 diabetes mellitus appears in almost epidemic proportions our knowledge of the mechanism of this disease is limited. More information about insulin secretion and action and the genetic variability of the various factors involved will contribute to better understanding and classification of this group of diseases. This article discusses the results of various genetic studies on diabetes with special reference to Indian population.


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LRRK2 was identified in 2004 as the causative protein product of the Parkinson’s disease locus designated PARK8. In the decade since then, genetic studies have revealed at least 6 dominant mutations in LRRK2 linked to Parkinson’s disease, alongside one associated with cancer. It is now well established that coding changes in LRRK2 are one of the most common causes of Parkinson’s. Genome-wide association studies (GWAs) have, more recently, reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around the LRRK2 locus to be associated with risk of developing sporadic Parkinson’s disease and inflammatory bowel disorder. The functional research that has followed these genetic breakthroughs has generated an extensive literature regarding LRRK2 pathophysiology; however, there is still no consensus as to the biological function of LRRK2. To provide insight into the aspects of cell biology that are consistently related to LRRK2 activity, we analysed the plethora of candidate LRRK2 interactors available through the BioGRID and IntAct data repositories. We then performed GO terms enrichment for the LRRK2 interactome. We found that, in two different enrichment portals, the LRRK2 interactome was associated with terms referring to transport, cellular organization, vesicles and the cytoskeleton. We also verified that 21 of the LRRK2 interactors are genetically linked to risk for Parkin- son’s disease or inflammatory bowel disorder. The implications of these findings are discussed, with particular regard to potential novel areas of investigation.


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Stingless bees (Meliponini) constitute a diverse group of highly eusocial insects that occur throughout tropical regions around the world. The meliponine genus Melipona is restricted to the New World tropics and has over 50 described species. Melipona, like Apis, possesses the remarkable ability to use representational communication to indicate the location of foraging patches. Although Melipona has been the subject of numerous behavioral, ecological, and genetic studies, the evolutionary history of this genus remains largely unexplored. Here, we implement a multigene phylogenetic approach based on nuclear, mitochondrial, and ribosomal loci, coupled with molecular clock methods, to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships and antiquity of subgenera and species of Melipona. Our phylogenetic analysis resolves the relationship among subgenera and tends to agree with morphology-based classification hypotheses. Our molecular clock analysis indicates that the genus Melipona shared a most recent common ancestor at least similar to 14-17 million years (My) ago. These results provide the groundwork for future comparative analyses aimed at understanding the evolution of complex communication mechanisms in eusocial Apidae. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ornamental fish culture is important as an economic activity and for biodiversity conservation as well. The species of the genus Trichogaster (Perciformes, Osphronemidae), popularly known as three-spot gourami, are among the several commercial species raised around the world. In the present work, eight specimens of Thrichogaster trichopterus from aquarium trade facilities were analyzed. The karyotype was composed of 23 pairs of subtelo/acrocentric chromosomes. Fluorescent in situ hybridization allowed identifying the 18S ribosomal gene at telomeric region on long arms of the largest acrocentric pair. On the other hand, the 5S rRNA gene is located at a proximal region on a pair of medium-sized chromosomes. Such information is extremely useful in face of the risks of introduction and the development of ornamental fish trade, once many fish species can be identified only by genetic studies.


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In a recent study we found that crania from South Amerindian populations on each side of the Andes differ significantly in terms of craniofacial shape. Western populations formed one morphological group, distributed continuously over 14,000 km from the Fuegian archipelago (southern Chile) to the Zulia region (northwestern Venezuela). Easterners formed another group, distributed from the Atlantic Coast up to the eastern foothills of the Andes. This differentiation is further supported by several genetic studies, and indirectly by ecological and archaeological studies. Some authors suggest that this dual biological pattern is consistent with differential rates of gene flow and genetic drift operating on both sides of the Cordillera due to historical reasons. Here we show that such East-West patterning is also observable in North America. We suggest that the ""ecological zones model"" proposed by Dixon, explaining the spread of the early Americans along a Pacific dispersal corridor, combined with the evolution of different population dynamics in both regions, is the most parsimonious mechanism to explain the observed patterns of within- and between-group craniofacial variability. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We characterized sequences from genes encoding cathepsin L-like (CatL-like) cysteine proteases from African and South American isolates of Trypanosoma vivax and T. vivax-like organisms, and evaluated their suitability as genetic markers for population structure analysis and diagnosis. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences corresponding to CatL-like catalytic domains revealed substantial polymorphism, and clades of sequences (TviCatL1-9) were separated by large genetic distances. TviCatL1-4 sequences were from cattle isolates from West Africa (Nigeria and Burkina Faso) and South America (Brazil and Venezuela), which belonged to the same T. vivax genotype. T. vivax-like genotypes from East Africa showed divergent sequences, including TviCatL5-7 for isolates from Mozambique and TviCatL8-9 for an isolate from Kenya. Phylogenetic analysis of CatL-like gene data supported the relationships among trypanosome species reflected in the phylogenies based on the analysis of small subunit (SSU) of ribosomal RNA gene sequence data. The discovery of different CatL-like sequences for each genotype, defined previously by ribosomal DNA data, indicate that these sequences provide useful targets for epidemiological and population genetic studies. Regions in CatL-like sequences shared by all T. vivax genotypes but not by other trypanosomes allowed the establishment of a specific and sensitive diagnostic PCR for epidemiological studies in South America and Africa. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The population structure of Plasmodium vivax remains elusive. The markers of choice for large-scale population genetic studies of eukaryotes, short tandem repeats known as microsatellites, have been recently reported to be less polymorphic in R vivax. Here we investigate the microsatellite diversity and geographic structure in P vivax, at both local and global levels, using 14 new markers consisting of tri- or tetranucleotide repeats. The local-level analysis, which involved 50 field isolates from Sri Lanka, revealed unexpectedly high diversity (average virtual heterozygosity [H-E], 0.807) and significant multilocus linkage disequilibrium in this region of low malaria endemicity. Multiple-clone infections occurred in 60% of isolates sampled in 2005. The global-level analysis of field isolates or monkey-adapted strains identified 150 unique haplotypes among 164 parasites from four continents. Individual P. vivax isolates could not be unambiguously assigned to geographic populations. For example, we found relatively low divergence among parasites from Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania, but substantial differentiation between parasites from the same continent (South Asia and Southeast Asia) or even from the same country (Brazil). Parasite relapses, which may extend the duration of P. vivax carriage in humans, are suggested to facilitate the spread of strains across continents, breaking down any pre-existing geographic structure. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Twenty-one molecular genetic studies of thirteen antitropical Pacific fishes are herein reviewed. High dispersal potentials and Plio-Pleistocene transequatorial divergence are suggested for approximately half of the taxa studied, consistent with movement across the tropics during glacial periods. Divergences within two fish groups were mid-Miocene in age, corresponding to a period suggested for vicariant isolation associated with equatorial warming, but high dispersal potentials complicate the interpretation of biogeographic history. Only one study suggested transequatorial divergence older than 20 million years. There is a greater proportion of Pleistocene transequatorial divergences in the East Pacific than the West Pacific, consistent with the suggestion that conditions in the East Pacific are more amenable to the formation of antitropical distributions. Multiple transequatorial divergences have been observed within at least two groups, and instances of cryptic speciation have been identified twice. Areas for future research concern taxa that differ from the majority studied to date with respect to latitudinal distribution, bathymetry, evolutionary age, and dispersal potential. Molecular characters have demonstrated utility for the study of antitropical fishes, but with limitations.


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The marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith), is one of the most easily recognisable members of the freshwater crayfish genus Cherax. Since its description in 1912, the taxonomy of the species has not been in dispute, but recent genetic studies have demonstrated that the species is not homogenous and consists of two genetically distinct forms. One of these forms is widespread and exploited via aquaculture and the other is restricted to a single river system, the Margaret River. This paper presents allozyme data, collected over a 19-year period, which documents the introduction of the widespread form into the Margaret River and the subsequent reproductive interactions between the two forms. These data indicate minimal interbreeding between the two forms of marron and so justify their recognition as distinct species. As the original description of the marron was based on specimens collected from the Margaret River, the form native to this river retains the name C. tenuimanus and a new species, Cherax cainii Austin is described for the common, widespread form of marron. An additional outcome of this study is that C. tenuimanus has been rapidly displaced by the introduced C. cainii within the Margaret River. Consequently, urgent conservation measures are required to protect C. tenuimanus and prevent its possible extinction.


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In recent times, the apparent population decline of the southern bent-wing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) at Bat Cave, Naracoorte has been ascribed to pesticide use in the region, following the finding of organochlorine and orgaonophosphate insecticide residues in bat guano. Adult southern bent-wing bats were collected from Bat Cave and Starlight Cave in 2003. Organochlorine contaminants were detected in all carcass samples: p,p′-DDE was by far the most dominant contaminant with concentrations ranging from 11 000 to 59 000 ng g−1, followed by p,p′-DDT (110–1600 ng g−1), p,p′-DDD (35–620 ng g−1), ∑PCBs (33–490 ng g−1), ∑chlordane and related compounds (7.9–270 ng g−1), HCB (1.6–120 ng g−1), HP epox. (3.1–230 ng g−1), TCPMOH (3.8–38 ng g−1), ∑HCHs (1.4–9.6 ng g−1), and TCPMe (0.1–4.2 ng g−1) (all values on lipid-weight basis). No significant difference in DDE, DDD, DDT, ∑DDT, ∑PCB, trans-chlordane, heptachlor epoxide, trans-nonachlor, α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, TCPMOH or TCPMe concentrations were observed either between sexes within sites, or between sites (p > 0.05). However, there were significant differences in HCB and oxychlordane concentrations between sexes and between sites (p < 0.05), between site differences in cis-nonachlor concentrations in male bats (p < 0.05), and cis-chlordane concentrations between sexes at Starlight Cave, and between males of each site (p < 0.05). There were also significant differences in the liver concentrations of some metals between sexes within sites (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn), and between sites (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se, V, Zn). Clustering or grouping of sites was observed when the OC data was expressed on a lipid-weight basis. These inter-site differences in OC concentrations reflect local exposure over a period of time, and do not unambiguously support any suggestion that we are witnessing incipient speciation. However, for conservation purposes, it may be prudent to assume that there are two sub-populations of M. s. bassani feeding in different locations in this region of southern Australia, rather than the single homogeneous population suggested by genetic studies.


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The zebrafish is a useful model organism for developmental and genetic studies. The morphology and function of zebrafish myeloid cells were characterized. Adult zebrafish contain 2 distinct granulocytes, a heterophil and a rarer eosinophil, both of which circulate and are generated in the kidney, the adult hematopoietic organ. Heterophils show strong histochemical myeloperoxidasic activity, although weaker peroxidase activity was observed under some conditions in eosinophils and erythrocytes. Embryonic zebrafish have circulating immature heterophils by 48 hours after fertilization (hpf). A zebrafish myeloperoxidase homologue (myeloid-specific peroxidase; mpx) was isolated. Phylogenetic analysis suggested it represented a gene ancestral to the mammalian myeloperoxidase gene family. It was expressed in adult granulocytes and in embryos from 18 hpf, first diffusely in the axial intermediate cell mass and then discretely in a dispersed cell population. Comparison of hemoglobinized cell distribution, mpx gene expression, and myeloperoxidase histochemistry in wild-type and mutant embryos confirmed that the latter reliably identified a population of myeloid cells. Studies in embryos after tail transection demonstrated that mpx- and peroxidase-expressing cells were mobile and localized to a site of inflammation, indicating functional capability of these embryonic granulocytes. Embryonic macrophages removed carbon particles from the circulation by phagocytosis. Collectively, these observations have demonstrated the early onset of zebrafish granulopoiesis, have proved that granulocytes circulate by 48 hpf, and have demonstrated the functional activity of embryonic granulocytes and macrophages. These observations will facilitate the application of this genetically tractable organism to the study of myelopoiesis.


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Schizophrenia is a disease whose physical cause is unknown despite the attempts of several research teams to discover a physical basis for it. Some success has been gained in genetic studies which indicate that schizophrenia is an inherited disability. However, since research tools are at present so sadly inadequate, the value of pursuing a genetic line of reasoning is questionable. To compensate for the lack of biochemical certainties in treating mental illness, psychological theories have been constructed to explain the schizophrenia syndrome. Normal personality is seen as the resultant of environmental and inherited influences. Involved in the formation of personality are the processes of differentiation and integration, maturation of inherited traits, and the learning processes. As personality develops. consciousness of the self, inferiority feelings, and compensatory mechanisms, and the transformation of interests into drives exert a decided influence upon personality growth. Finally, in the mature personality, an integrating philosophy of life, a large variety of interests, and the possibility of self-objectification become evident.


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This study reports the isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA markers in a mahseer species, Tor tambroides (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Of a total of 14 loci evaluated, 10 were polymorphic in T. tambroides samples, with an average of 2.86 alleles per locus. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed at one locus and there was no indication of linkage disequilibrium among loci. A high level of cross-amplification among four congeners was achieved, with 12 loci successfully amplifying and 11 loci showing polymorphism in at least one other species. These markers will be a useful resource for population genetic studies and broodstock management of closely related mahseer species.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a comprehensive practical tool for the generation and analysis of genetic data for subsequent application in aquatic resources management in relation to genetic stock identification in inland fisheries and aquaculture. The material only covers general background on genetics in relation to aquaculture and fisheries resource management, the techniques and relevant methods of data analysis that are commonly used to address questions relating to genetic resource characterisation and population genetic analyses. No attempt is made to include applications of genetic improvement techniques e.g. selective breeding or producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The manual includes two ‘stand-alone’ parts, of which this is the second volume: Part 1 – Conceptual basis of population genetic approaches: will provide a basic foundation on genetics in general, and concepts of population genetics. Issues on the choices of molecular markers and project design are also discussed. Part 2 – Laboratory protocols, data management and analysis: will provide step-by-step protocols of the most commonly used molecular genetic techniques utilised in population genetics and systematic studies. In addition, a brief discussion and explanation of how these data are managed and analysed is also included. This manual is expected to enable NACA member country personnel to be trained to undertake molecular genetic studies in their own institutions, and as such is aimed at middle and higher level technical grades. The manual can also provide useful teaching material for specialised advanced level university courses in the region and postgraduate students. The manual has gone through two development/improvement stages. The initial material was tested at a regional workshop and at the second stage feedback from participants was used to improve the contents.


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Cnidarians display a diverse range of reproductive tactics including sexual and asexual modes of reproduction. Although few studies have looked for intraspecific variation in reproductive tactics, flexible expression of such life-history traits may be favoured in species that occupy a range of habitats. We tested this in the sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa by comparing cycles of reproductive activity and the mode of production of brooded larvae in local populations occupying boulder fields and stable rock platforms. We determined the mode of production of broods from eight rock platforms (separated by up to 1600 km) and two boulder shores on the south east coast of Australia using a combination of allozyme data and four newly characterised microsatellite markers.

We determined seasonal patterns of brooding and gonad development by monthly dissection of 15–30 adults from each of two boulder fields and two stable platforms. Previous genetic studies have shown that populations of A. tenebrosa on rock platforms can be highly clonal, whereas anemones on more heterogeneous boulder habitats display levels of genotypic diversity similar to that expected for sexual reproduction. We genotyped a total of 221 juveniles from 37 brooding adults including 11 broods and 80 juveniles from boulder shores. We did not detect any evidence of sexual production of broods. All brooded juveniles displayed identical multi-locus genotypes to their brood parent irrespective of habitat of origin or location, including 28 broods (200 juveniles) that were heterozygous at one or more locus. Similarly, we found that temporal patterns of gonad formation and brooding were consistent across habitats and locations. We detected 346 mature males, 234 non-reproductive or immature individuals, and no mature females within a total of 580 dissected individuals. These data suggest that the reproductive tactics of A. tenebrosa are essentially fixed and that variation in the genotypic diversity of populations may reflect variation in factors such as the input of sexually derived planktonically dispersed recruits or post-settlement processes. However, the apparent lack of females paradoxically implies that sexual reproduction, and hence recruitment, must be rare or no longer possible within some populations, and highlights the need for long-term studies of these populations.