977 resultados para Gauss-Bonnet theorem
The famous Herbrand's theorem of mathematical logic plays an important role in automated theorem proving. In the first part of this article, we recall the theorem and formulate a number of natural decision problems related to it. Somewhat surprisingly, these problems happen to be equivalent. One of these problems is the so-called simultaneous rigid E-unification problem. In the second part, we survey recent result on the simultaneous rigid E-unification problem.
Asymmetric kernels are quite useful for the estimation of density functions with bounded support. Gamma kernels are designed to handle density functions whose supports are bounded from one end only, whereas beta kernels are particularly convenient for the estimation of density functions with compact support. These asymmetric kernels are nonnegative and free of boundary bias. Moreover, their shape varies according to the location of the data point, thus also changing the amount of smoothing. This paper applies the central limit theorem for degenerate U-statistics to compute the limiting distribution of a class of asymmetric kernel functionals.
Bellman's methods for dynamic optimization constitute the present mainstream in economics. However, some results associated with optimal controI can be particularly usefuI in certain problems. The purpose of this note is presenting such an example. The value function derived in Lucas' (2000) shopping-time economy in Infiation and Welfare need not be concave, leading this author to develop numerical analyses to determine if consumer utility is in fact maximized along the balanced path constructed from the first order conditions. We use Arrow's generalization of Mangasarian's results in optimal control theory and develop sufficient conditions for the problem. The analytical conclusions and the previous numerical results are compatible .
It is shown that, for almost every two-player game with imperfect monitoring, the conclusions of the classical folk theorem are false. So, even though these games admit a well-known approximate folk theorem, an exact folk theorem may only be obtained for a measure zero set of games. A complete characterization of the efficient equilibria of almost every such game is also given, along with an inefficiency result on the imperfect monitoring prisoner s dilemma.
Neste tese definimos a aplicação de Gauss de uma hipersuperfície orientada imersa em uma variedade homogênea munida de uma métrica Riemanniana invariante. Nosso principal objetivo e estender para este contexto alguns resultados conhecidos sobre a aplicação de Gauss de uma hipersuperfície de curvatura média constante do espaço Euclidiano, como o teorema de Ruth-Vilm que relaciona a harmonicidade da aplicação de Gauss e a constância da curvatura média, o teorema de Hoffmann-Osserman-Schoen o qual caracteriza o plano e o cilindro como as únicas superfícies completas de curvatura média constante cujas imagens pela aplicação de Gauss estão contidas em um hemisfério da esfera.
Tal como ressaltado em de Faro e Guerra (2014), tem sido frequente em nossos tribunais, sentenças judiciais determinando que, relativamente ao caso de amortizações de dívidas com prestações constantes, a popular Tabela Price seja substituída por um sistema que, fundamentado em uma particular aplicação do regime de juros simples, vem sendo cognominado de “Método de Gauss” (cf. Antonick e Assunção, 2006 e Nogueira, 2013). E isso, frize-se, mantendo-se o valor numérico da taxa de juros especificada no contrato de financiamento (usualmente, habitacional). A par de ser totalmente inadequado, como discutido em de Faro (2014c), associar o nome do grande matemático alemão Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) ao procedimento em questão, sucede que ao mesmo, como a qualquer outro que seja baseado no regime de juros simples, associam-se incontornáveis inconsistências. Como já anteriormente, amplamente evidenciado em de Faro (2013b e 2014a). Tomando a Tabela Price como base de comparação, o propósito do presente trabalho é o de aprofundar a análise das deficiências do que tem sido denominado como “Método de Gauss”. Em particular, dado que as sentenças judiciais costumam não alterar os valores numéricos das taxas contratuais de juros, substituindo tão somente o regime de juros compostos, que está implícito na Tabela Price, pela peculiar variante do regime de juros simples que está subjacente ao que se chama de “Método de Gauss”, buscar-se-á considerar a questão do ponto de vista do financiador.
This paper presents an extension of the Enestrom-Kakeya theorem concerning the roots of a polynomial that arises from the analysis of the stability of Brown (K, L) methods. The generalization relates to relaxing one of the inequalities on the coefficients of the polynomial. Two results concerning the zeros of polynomials will be proved, one of them providing a partial answer to a conjecture by Meneguette (1994)[6]. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we use the Hermite-Biehler theorem to establish results for the design of fixed order controllers for a class of time delay systems. We extend results of the polynomial case to quasipolynomials using the property of interlacing in high frequencies of the class of time delay systems considered. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the existence of a holomorphic generalized solution u of the PDE[GRAPHICS]where f is a given holomorphic generalized function and (alpha (1),...alpha (m)) is an element of C-m\{0}.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We apply the Gauss-Codazzi formalism to brane-worlds within the framework of Brans-Dicke gravity. The compactification is taken from six to five dimensions in order to formalize brane-world models with hybrid compactification in scalar tensor theories.
We investigate polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence relation of the form B-n(x) = (x - beta(n))beta(n-1)(x) - alpha(n)xB(n-2)(x), with positive recurrence coefficients alpha(n+1),beta(n) (n = 1, 2,...). We show that the zeros are eigenvalues of a structured Hessenberg matrix and give the left and right eigenvectors of this matrix, from which we deduce Laurent orthogonality and the Gaussian quadrature formula. We analyse in more detail the case where alpha(n) --> alpha and beta(n) --> beta and show that the zeros of beta(n) are dense on an interval and that the support of the Laurent orthogonality measure is equal to this interval and a set which is at most denumerable with accumulation points (if any) at the endpoints of the interval. This result is the Laurent version of Blumenthal's theorem for orthogonal polynomials. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. (USA).