933 resultados para Frentes de expansão e pioneira
O Estado de São Paulo apresenta poucos remanescentes de vegetação nativa, ameaçados pela expansão urbana e agricultura. Com a grande expansão das atividades silviculturais no país, estudos sobre as contribuições e impactos das florestas plantadas são de grande importância na análise da sucessão secundária e conservação de ambientes naturais. O trabalho teve como objetivo a análise da composição florística e estrutura fitossiológica do estrato arbustivoarbóreo de uma comunidade vegetal regenerante na face norte dos talhões 91G, 91H e 91I, na Floresta Estadual “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade” (FEENA), em Rio Claro, SP, em uma área anteriormente ocupada por Eucalyptus sp, sendo as espécies classificadas quanto as classes sucessionais e síndromes de dispersão. A área correspondente aos talhões 91G, 91H e 91I está incluída no Plano de Manejo como Zona de Recuperação, para posterior inclusão no zoneamento como área permanente. Foram alocadas 28 parcelas com dimensões de 20x10 metros cada, totalizando 0,56 ha amostrados. Os resultados indicaram a presença de 79 espécies pertencentes a 34 famílias, sendo as famílias Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae e Myrtaceae as mais representativas em número de espécies. Houve grande abundância e dominância de Virola sebifera e Siparuna guianensis, amplamente distribuídas na área. A maior parte das espécies amostradas é pioneira ou secundária inicial, sendo a grande maioria zoocórica, o que sugere presença de fauna. Foram encontradas muitas espécies generalistas, algumas típicas de floresta e cerrado, portanto, a área assemelha-se a um ecótono de cerrado e floresta estacional semidecidual, com maior abundância e biomassa de espécies generalistas e típicas de cerrado. Dessa forma, a riqueza encontrada foi considerada alta em comparação com outros estudos realizados na FEENA, sendo indicada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
O presente trabalho procura descrever o histórico e a trajetória percorrida pela soja em sua expansão pelo território nacional, considerando a utilização da soja transgênica. Explica quais diferenças e melhorias a soja transgênica apresenta em comparação a soja convencional, discutindo-se a liberalização ou não do uso e consumo de produtos derivados de transgênicos. Expõem ainda, quais foram os fatores preponderantes para a escolha do uso dessa técnica: a rede de persuasão e controle criada e coordenada pela Monsanto e a redução do custo de produção, através da diminuição do uso de herbicidas
Despite the current Environmental Legislation resolution, concerning the protection of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), be quite rigid, in practice, is observed noncompliance with the minimum limits of protection, especially in urban areas where, historically, the urbanization processes have been executed without compliance with the minimum standards of urban and environmental planning. Given the above, the present study aimed to analyze the urban sprawl evolution at the Olinda stream APP, located in the city of Rio Claro - SP. By means of the visual interpretation of aerial photographs in the GIS/ARCGIS environment, thematic maps of the urban sprawl of the years 1972, 1995 and 2010, as well as the Olinda Stream APP surroundings, were prepared. From the maps, it was possible to measure the occupation density for each scenario and indicate from which period the urbanization process has intensified. It was also possible to quantify the loss of vegetation area and indicate the major environmental problems in the basin of the Olinda stream. Therefore, the development of this research shows its importance, considering that its results can support the public administration, assisting in proper planning of land use and occupation in urban watersheds
The fundamental objective of this research was analyzed the urban expansion’s process of municipality Piracicaba, it is located in the countryside of São Paulo state. The use and occupation of land by observing the social and environmental impacts related, including the Protection Permanent Area (PPA) of urban fringes according to the successive expansions of Piracicaba city in 2006, the publication year of the current city hall director planning, until 2011, when the approval of the eighth and most recent update of Piracicaba’s expanding the perimeter. The development of the study was conducted with the support of bibliographic, cartographic, considering maps and satellite images, further more field work. Thematic maps of the current urban expansion were created, urban voids and land use were developed, typifying the occupation according to the activities established thus through the analysis of land use through cartographic interpretation, as research in locus. To assist the research geotechnologies were used, both for production and for the interpretation of cartographic materials, specially in Geographic Information Systems
Este trabalho analisa aspectos do contexto das políticas públicas culturais contemporâ-neas relacionadas com as ações de mobilização que envolvem a sociedade civil. A aná-lise engloba conhecimento sobre o papel do profissional de Relações Públicas na con-tribuição da execução de políticas culturais que incentivem o protagonismo social atra-vés do Programa Cultura Viva, desenvolvido pelo Ministério da Cultura, com a imple-mentação de Pontos e Pontões de Cultura, e no âmbito de movimentos sociais indepen-dentes. Os resultados apontam a importância estratégica do Relações Públicas na expan-são das políticas públicas culturais
The changes occurring in Brazilian agriculture, with the inclusion of agro-industrial activities in your mode of production, must be analyzed to verify the changes in the behavior of territorial dynamics. Through changing the Rural Complex, traditional for the Agroindustrial Complex tightly integrated with trade and industry brought many consequences for the rural population, with regard to employment. Understanding this transformation capitalist the field is needed to analyze the actors involved in this process and the policies adopted for the expansion of sugar and ethanol activity in the State of São Paulo and the consequences for the spatial organization. The expansion of cane production areas were governed by the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol (IAA), the National Alcohol Program (PROÁLCOOL) Development Plan for the West of São Paulo - PRO-WEST and Expansion Program for the production of Canavicultura for production of fuel for the State of São Paulo (PROCANA). The occupation of these agroindustrial facilities in rural spaces contextualized by territorialization of the rural complex, in that sense, understanding these concepts is a key part development in the research. therefore, are concepts of fundamental importance to geographical science, and interpreting their function and construction in rural spaces
The processes resulting from globalization are backdrop for the work. On the other hand the Regulation Theory is theoretical north that drives research directions. Considering these two basis, we studied the formation of economic groups as a consequence of the processes of concentration and centralization of capital, giving more emphasis on their national character. We see how they went through the restructuring process in the transition from Fordist accumulation regime to a flexible system of accumulation. We 'll discuss the brewery industry and how major industry groups are currently creating a sector overview, ranging from the productive process to the forms of competition among large companies. Specifically we will see the Petrópolis Group this framework and how the company relates to the territory, and what answers we have of this relationship in terms of local development in the territories where the group entered, and territorial changes which have occurred there
The spatial chaotic urban growth is an increasing and common problem in Brazilian cities, especially in the State of São Paulo. In order to assist the territorial expansion planning, the present study aimed to conduct the environmental diagnosis of urban expansion areas in the City of Jaguariúna – SP, bounded by the Municipal Plan. From the preparation and analysis of thematic maps, literature review and field analysis, data were collected for use and occupation, geology, geomorphology, pedology, vegetation, water resources and features surrounding the five urban sprawl existing areas. It was noted, in general, that these areas are suitable for urban occupation, since they show flat geomorphology characteristics, with flattened, medium to large hills, slightly undulated, with low slope, and soils that do not present risks to the deployment of buildings, once properly managed. It was also observed a few water bodies crossing these areas and a few areas with native vegetation beyond permanent protection areas along the rivers. By the analysis of these areas and their surroundings, it was possible to determine on which area the urbanization process can occur more quickly. Thus, the study allows the City of Jaguariúna to perform a more effective occupation planning in these areas, always aiming the sustainable development and, consequently, the improvement in population’s quality of life, as well as the maintenance of environmental quality.
In most brazilian cities, urban growth has occurred without adequate planning. Consequently, portions of the city were being occupied, often areas unfit for use and occupation of land, causing risks to local residents and decline of urban environmental quality. One of the most frequent problems is the riverbank occupation, causing the deforestation of the riparian vegetation. Given the above, this paper aimed to map the urban sprawl of Rio Claro/SP, as well as riparian vegetation in the vicinity of Corumbataí in the area including the urban area. For this purpose, GIS techniques were used in order to prepare the thematic map of urban expansion, as well as a map of the riparian vegetation through interpretation of aerial photographs in the environment of ARCGIS. From the maps, an analysis of “Plano Diretor” was made in order to verify if the current occupation of urban land meets the stipulations of this legal instrument
Different forms of human pressure may occur in the pipeline ranges, due to the large extensions and various configurations of land use, which can pass through the pipelines. Due to the dynamics of these pressures, it is necessary to monitor temporal changes of land use and cover the surface. Under this theme, appears as extremely important to use products and techniques of remote sensing, as they allow the identification of objects of the land surface that may compromise the security and monitoring of the pipeline, and allows the extraction of information conditions on land use at different periods of time. Based on the above, this paper aims to examine in a temporal approach, the process of urban expansion in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as settlement patterns characteristic of areas that the changes occurred in the period 1987 to 2010. We used the technique of visual analysis to perform the change detection and the technique of image classification, aimed at monitoring human pressure over a stretch of track pipeline Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The stages of work involved the characterization of the study area, urban sprawl and the existing settlement patterns, through the analysis of bibliographic data. The processing of Landsat 5 images and the application of the technique of change detection were performed in three scenes for the years 1987, 1998 and 2010, while the classification process was performed on the image RapidEye for the year 2010. Can be noted an increase in urban area of approximately 22.38% and the change of land cover from natural to built. This growth is concentrated outside to the area of direct influence of the duct, occurring in the area of indirect influence of the enterprise. Regarding the settlement patterns of growth areas, it was observed that these are predominantly
El objectivo del trabajo fue analisar los impactos ambientales y sociales de las politicas publicas y de la especulación imobiliária sobre las áreas remanescientes de la vegetación nativa en la Granja Carolina. Con base en la definición del Património Cultural y Património Natural, fue abordado el proceso de formación desa región oeste de la metrópole, especificamente en lo entorno de la Granja Carolina situada entre los municipios de Cotia y Itapevi. La identificación deses problemas y la realización de un estudio sobre el modelo de la ocupación y el uso de lo solo urbano permitiu identificar su grau de vulnerabilidad a los impactos traydos por la expansión urbana. Para lo entendimiento de tais cuestiones analisamos lo proyecto y lo EIA/RIMA de um empreendimiento imobiliario que si pretendia instalar em la área de estúdio. Entendese también que el planejamiento territorial debe conter el debate sobre la protección del Património Cultural y Natural, cuestiones también pertinentes em el campo de la Geografía
Malformations and possible damages to the urogenital system can be originated in the embryonic period. Moreover, fire guns, knives and accidents, where there is the disruption of the urethra, also cause these lesions. The objective was to analyze the contribution of tissue engineering in the construction of neo-urethra, developed by bioengineering. We performed an urothelial ex vivo expansion of cells in 3D scaffolds (platelet gel matrix and acellular porcine aorta) to assess the contribution of this technique in the construction of a neo-urethra. Mechanical dissociation was made of the inner wall of 10 North Folk rabbit’s bladder, weighing 2.5 to 3.0 kg. After dissociation the cell content was centrifuged and obtained a pellet of urothelial cells. The pellet was ressuspended in culture medium DMEM F12 and cells were maintained in culture for 15 days. Immunohistochemical analysis characterized the urothelial culture. The cells were then implanted in the scaffold - platelet gel. In a second experiment using aortic porcine acellular matrix were implanted urothelial cells alone and urothelial cells on platelet gel, on the inner wall of the scaffold - aorta, with space for setting bordered by a urethral probe. The complex probe - cells - aorta and probe - cells in platelet gel - aorta, were sealed with suture material and culture were maintained in a humidified 37ºC incubator with 5% CO2 in air for 12 days to subsequent histological analysis of urothelium cell adhesion to the scaffolds. By observation under an optical microscope, we could see the growth of cells in the scaffold platelet gel, from a monolayer in to a three-dimensional structure. In the acellular porcine aortic matrix containing the platelet gel, we could observe a few quantity of urothelial cells adhered. However with the acellular porcine aortic matrix in which was implanted only the urothelial cells, we have obtained adhesion to the wall
Devido às características de uso e ocupação do território nas últimas duas décadas, marcadas pela substituição da heterogeneidade da paisagem camponesa pela monotonia dos mares verdes do agronegócio, o município de Flórida Paulista contempla elementos representativos para analisarmos algumas das resultantes entre a expansão da cana-de-açúcar e a produção de alimentos voltados ao abastecimento dos locais próximos. Com isso buscamos entender, com base no recorte eleito para estudo, o percurso do alimento no espaço, desde as pequenas propriedades camponesas que ainda resistem à imposição do formato único, até os diversos pontos de venda/aquisição de alimentos disponíveis na área urbana, além do CEASA de Presidente Prudente/SP, responsável pela distribuição da maior parte dos produtos alimentícios encontrados nas bancas do município. A expansão das áreas monocultoras encontra-se sintonizada aos imperativos da lógica do abastecimento alimentar referenciado no movimento do alimento no espaço, no qual áreas antes policultoras, produtoras de alimentos, são sobrepostas pela geometria monocultural dos canaviais, o que diminui as possibilidades de abastecimento local e reforça o discurso de que os alimentos devam ser garantidos a partir de sujeitos estranhos ao lugar. Alimentar ou ser alimentado, soberania ou segurança, poder de decisão que emana autonomia ou dependência, constituem o eixo central no debate aqui proposto, de modo a identificar, a partir do movimento que denuncia a lógica por detrás do alimento, atores e setores entre a terra e o alimento. Com o objetivo de compreender as implicações do modus operandi próprio ao agronegócio... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE