904 resultados para Experimental measurements
Systems equipped with multiple antennas at the transmitter and at the receiver, known as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems, offer higher capacities, allowing an efficient exploitation of the available spectrum and/or the employment of more demanding applications. It is well known that the radio channel is characterized by multipath propagation, a phenomenon deemed problematic and whose mitigation has been achieved through techniques such as diversity, beamforming or adaptive antennas. By exploring conveniently the spatial domain MIMO systems turn the characteristics of the multipath channel into an advantage and allow creating multiple parallel and independent virtual channels. However, the achievable benefits are constrained by the propagation channel’s characteristics, which may not always be ideal. This work focuses on the characterization of the MIMO radio channel. It begins with the presentation of the fundamental results from information theory that triggered the interest on these systems, including the discussion of some of their potential benefits and a review of the existing channel models for MIMO systems. The characterization of the MIMO channel developed in this work is based on experimental measurements of the double-directional channel. The measurement system is based on a vector network analyzer and a two-dimensional positioning platform, both controlled by a computer, allowing the measurement of the channel’s frequency response at the locations of a synthetic array. Data is then processed using the SAGE (Space-Alternating Expectation-Maximization) algorithm to obtain the parameters (delay, direction of arrival and complex amplitude) of the channel’s most relevant multipath components. Afterwards, using a clustering algorithm these data are grouped into clusters. Finally, statistical information is extracted allowing the characterization of the channel’s multipath components. The information about the multipath characteristics of the channel, induced by existing scatterers in the propagation scenario, enables the characterization of MIMO channel and thus to evaluate its performance. The method was finally validated using MIMO measurements.
Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Bioinformática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
This manuscript analyses the data generated by a Zero Length Column (ZLC) diffusion experimental set-up, for 1,3 Di-isopropyl benzene in a 100% alumina matrix with variable particle size. The time evolution of the phenomena resembles those of fractional order systems, namely those with a fast initial transient followed by long and slow tails. The experimental measurements are best fitted with the Harris model revealing a power law behavior.
O presente trabalho de dissertação teve como objetivo a implementação de metodologias de Lean Management e avaliação do seu impacto no processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto. A abordagem utilizada consistiu em efetuar uma revisão da literatura e levantamento do Estado da Arte para obter a fundamentação teórica necessária à implementação de metodologias Lean. Prosseguiu com o levantamento da situação inicial da organização em estudo ao nível das atividades de desenvolvimento de produto, práticas de gestão documental e operacional e ainda de atividades de suporte através da realização de inquéritos e medições experimentais. Este conhecimento permitiu criar um modelo de referência para a implementação de Lean Management nesta área específica do desenvolvimento de produto. Após implementado, este modelo foi validado pela sua experimentação prática e recolha de indicadores. A implementação deste modelo de referência permitiu introduzir na Unidade de Desenvolvimento de Produto e Sistemas (DPS) da organização INEGI, as bases do pensamento Lean, contribuindo para a criação de um ambiente de Respeito pela Humanidade e de Melhoria Contínua. Neste ambiente foi possível obter ganhos qualitativos e quantitativos nas várias áreas em estudo, contribuindo de forma global para um aumento da eficiência e eficácia da DPS. Prevê-se que este aumento de eficiência represente um aumento da capacidade instalada na Organização, pela redução anual de 2290 horas de desperdício (6.5% da capacidade total da unidade) e pela redução significativa em custos operacionais. Algumas das implementações de melhoria propostas no decorrer deste trabalho, após verificado o seu sucesso, extravasaram a unidade em estudo e foram aplicadas transversalmente à da organização. Foram também obtidos ganhos qualitativos, tais como a normalização de práticas de gestão documental e a centralização e agilização de fluxos de informação. Isso permitiu um aumento de qualidade dos serviços prestados pela redução de correções e retrabalho. Adicionalmente, com o desenvolvimento de uma nova ferramenta que permite a monitorização do estado atual dos projetos a nível da sua percentagem de execução (cumprimento de objetivos), prazos e custos, bem como a estimação das datas de conclusão dos projetos possibilitando o replaneamento do projeto bem como a detecção atempada de desvios. A ferramenta permite também a criação de um histórico que identifica o esforço horário associado à realização das atividades/tarefas das várias áreas de Desenvolvimento de Produto e desta forma pode ser usada como suporte à orçamentação futura de atividades similares. No decorrer do projeto, foram também criados os mecanismos que permitem o cálculo de indicadores das competências técnicas e motivações intrínsecas individuais da equipa DPS. Estes indicadores podem ser usados na definição por parte dos gestores dos projetos da composição das equipas de trabalho, dos executantes de tarefas individuais do projeto e dos destinatários de ações de formação. Com esta informação é expectável que se consiga um maior aproveitamento do potencial humano e como consequência um aumento do desempenho e da satisfação pessoal dos recursos humanos da organização. Este caso de estudo veio demonstrar que o potencial de melhoria dos processos associados ao desenvolvimento de produto através de metodologias de Lean Management é muito significativo, e que estes resultam em ganhos visíveis para a organização bem como para os seus elementos individualmente.
Measurements and simulations were performed to assess workers' exposure to solvent vapors and aerosols during the waterproofing of a tiled surface. This investigation followed two recent incidents in the same company where workers experienced acute respiratory illness after spraying a stain-repellent resin containing fluorinated polymers on stone-tiled walls and floors. Because the waterproofing activity had been done for years at the tile company without encountering any exposure problems prior to these cases, it was strongly suspected that the incidents were linked to a recent change in the composition of the coating mixture. Experimental measurements and simulations indicated that the emission rate of particles smaller than 10 microm may be estimated at 0.66 mg/sec (SD 0.10) for the old resin and at 0.37 mg/sec (SD 0.04) for the new one. The measurement of the solvent emission rate from surfaces coated with the two resins indicated that shortly after spraying, the emission was in the range of 18 to 20 mg/sec x m2 and was similar for both products. Solvent and overspray emission rates were introduced in a two-zone compartment model. The results obtained in the near-field indicate significant exposure to overspray mist (7 and 34 mg/m3 for new resin) and solvent vapors (80 to 350 ppm for the new resin). It was also shown that the introduction of the new resin tended to significantly decrease the levels of solvents and particulates in the workers' breathing zone. These results strongly suggest that cases of acute respiratory illness are related to the specific toxicity of the fluorinated polymer itself. The fact that the same polymer is used in various commercial products raises concern regarding other possible occupational and domestic exposures.
In distributed energy production, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are often connected to the grid via frequency converters, such as voltage source line converters. The price of the converter may constitute a large part of the costs of a generating set. Some of the permanent magnet synchronous generators with converters and traditional separately excited synchronous generators couldbe replaced by direct-on-line (DOL) non-controlled PMSGs. Small directly networkconnected generators are likely to have large markets in the area of distributed electric energy generation. Typical prime movers could be windmills, watermills and internal combustion engines. DOL PMSGs could also be applied in island networks, such as ships and oil platforms. Also various back-up power generating systems could be carried out with DOL PMSGs. The benefits would be a lower priceof the generating set and the robustness and easy use of the system. The performance of DOL PMSGs is analyzed. The electricity distribution companies have regulations that constrain the design of the generators being connected to the grid. The general guidelines and recommendations are applied in the analysis. By analyzing the results produced by the simulation model for the permanent magnet machine, the guidelines for efficient damper winding parameters for DOL PMSGs are presented. The simulation model is used to simulate grid connections and load transients. The damper winding parameters are calculated by the finite element method (FEM) and determined from experimental measurements. Three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) is carried out. The results from the simulation model and 3D FEA are compared with practical measurements from two prototype axial flux permanent magnet generators provided with damper windings. The dimensioning of the damper winding parameters is case specific. The damper winding should be dimensioned based on the moment of inertia of the generating set. It is shown that the damper winding has optimal values to reach synchronous operation in the shortest period of time after transient operation. With optimal dimensioning, interferenceon the grid is minimized.
The objective of this study is to show that bone strains due to dynamic mechanical loading during physical activity can be analysed using the flexible multibody simulation approach. Strains within the bone tissue play a major role in bone (re)modeling. Based on previous studies, it has been shown that dynamic loading seems to be more important for bone (re)modeling than static loading. The finite element method has been used previously to assess bone strains. However, the finite element method may be limited to static analysis of bone strains due to the expensive computation required for dynamic analysis, especially for a biomechanical system consisting of several bodies. Further, in vivo implementation of strain gauges on the surfaces of bone has been used previously in order to quantify the mechanical loading environment of the skeleton. However, in vivo strain measurement requires invasive methodology, which is challenging and limited to certain regions of superficial bones only, such as the anterior surface of the tibia. In this study, an alternative numerical approach to analyzing in vivo strains, based on the flexible multibody simulation approach, is proposed. In order to investigate the reliability of the proposed approach, three 3-dimensional musculoskeletal models where the right tibia is assumed to be flexible, are used as demonstration examples. The models are employed in a forward dynamics simulation in order to predict the tibial strains during walking on a level exercise. The flexible tibial model is developed using the actual geometry of the subject’s tibia, which is obtained from 3 dimensional reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Images. Inverse dynamics simulation based on motion capture data obtained from walking at a constant velocity is used to calculate the desired contraction trajectory for each muscle. In the forward dynamics simulation, a proportional derivative servo controller is used to calculate each muscle force required to reproduce the motion, based on the desired muscle contraction trajectory obtained from the inverse dynamics simulation. Experimental measurements are used to verify the models and check the accuracy of the models in replicating the realistic mechanical loading environment measured from the walking test. The predicted strain results by the models show consistency with literature-based in vivo strain measurements. In conclusion, the non-invasive flexible multibody simulation approach may be used as a surrogate for experimental bone strain measurement, and thus be of use in detailed strain estimation of bones in different applications. Consequently, the information obtained from the present approach might be useful in clinical applications, including optimizing implant design and devising exercises to prevent bone fragility, accelerate fracture healing and reduce osteoporotic bone loss.
Les preuves astronomiques stipulent qu'environ 4\% de la densité de masse-énergie de l'univers serait composé d'atomes. Le reste est séparé entre la matière sombre, qui représente 24\% de la densité de masse-énergie, et l'énergie sombre, qui s'accapare les 71\% restant. Le neutralino est une particule prédite par la théorie de la supersymétrie et est un candidat à la composition de la matière sombre. Le Projet d'Identification des Candidats Supersymétriques Sombres (PICASSO) vise à détecter le neutralino en utilisant des détecteurs à gouttelettes de C$_4$F$_{10}$ en surchauffe. Lors du passage d'une particule dans les gouttelettes de C$_4$F$_{10}$, une transition de phase aura lieu si l'énergie déposée est au-delà du seuil prédit par le critère de nucléation d'une transition de phase (théorie de Seitz). L'onde acoustique émise durant la transition de phase est ensuite transformée en impulsion électrique par des capteurs piézoélectriques placés sur le pourtour du détecteur. Le signal est amplifié, numérisé puis enregistré afin de pouvoir être analysé par des outils numériques. L'ouvrage qui suit présente les travaux effectués sur la compréhension des signaux des détecteurs à gouttelettes en surchauffe dans le but d'améliorer la discrimination du bruit de fond. Un détecteur à petites gouttelettes, r $\approx 15\mu m$ a été étudié et comparé à une simulation Monte Carlo. Il s'est avéré que les possibilités de discrimination du bruit de fond provenant des particules alpha étaient réduites pour un détecteur à petites gouttelettes, et ce en accord avec le modèle théorique. Différentes composantes du système d'acquisition ont été testées dont le couplage entre le capteur piézoélectrique et la paroi en acrylique, l'efficacité des capteurs piézoélectriques à gain intégré et les conséquences de la force du gain sur la qualité du signal. Une comparaison avec des résultats de l'expérience SIMPLE (Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLe Experiments) a été effectuée en mesurant des signaux de détecteurs PICASSO à l'aide d'un microphone électrostatique à électret. Il a été conclu que les détecteurs PICASSO ne parviennent pas à reproduire la discrimination quasi parfaite présentée par SIMPLE.
Malgré une vaste littérature concernant les propriétés structurelles, électroniques et ther- modynamiques du silicium amorphe (a-Si), la structure microscopique de ce semi-cond- ucteur covalent échappe jusqu’à ce jour à une description exacte. Plusieurs questions demeurent en suspens, concernant par exemple la façon dont le désordre est distribué à travers la matrice amorphe : uniformément ou au sein de petites régions hautement déformées ? D’autre part, comment ce matériau relaxe-t-il : par des changements homo- gènes augmentant l’ordre à moyenne portée, par l’annihilation de défauts ponctuels ou par une combinaison de ces phénomènes ? Le premier article présenté dans ce mémoire propose une caractérisation des défauts de coordination, en terme de leur arrangement spatial et de leurs énergies de formation. De plus, les corrélations spatiales entre les défauts structurels sont examinées en se ba- sant sur un paramètre qui quantifie la probabilité que deux sites défectueux partagent un lien. Les géométries typiques associées aux atomes sous et sur-coordonnés sont extraites du modèle et décrites en utilisant les distributions partielles d’angles tétraédriques. L’in- fluence de la relaxation induite par le recuit sur les défauts structurels est également analysée. Le second article porte un regard sur la relation entre l’ordre à moyenne portée et la relaxation thermique. De récentes mesures expérimentales montrent que le silicium amorphe préparé par bombardement ionique, lorsque soumis à un recuit, subit des chan- gements structuraux qui laissent une signature dans la fonction de distribution radiale, et cela jusqu’à des distances correspondant à la troisième couche de voisins.[1, 2] Il n’est pas clair si ces changements sont une répercussion d’une augmentation de l’ordre à courte portée, ou s’ils sont réellement la manifestation d’un ordonnement parmi les angles dièdres, et cette section s’appuie sur des simulations numériques d’implantation ionique et de recuit, afin de répondre à cette question. D’autre part, les corrélations entre les angles tétraédriques et dièdres sont analysées à partir du modèle de a-Si.
This thesis describes the development and analysis of an Isosceles Trapezoidal Dielectric Resonator Antenna (ITDRA) by realizing different DR orientations with suitable feed configurations enabling it to be used as multiband, dual band dual polarized and wideband applications. The motivation for this work has been inspired by the need for compact, high efficient, low cost antenna suitable for multi band application, dual band dual polarized operation and broadband operation with the possibility of using with MICs, and to ensure less expensive, more efficient and quality wireless communication systems. To satisfy these challenging demands a novel shaped Dielectric Resonator (DR) is fabricated and investigated for the possibility of above required properties by trying out different orientations of the DR on a simple microstrip feed and with slotted ground plane as well. The thesis initially discusses and evaluates recent and past developments taken place within the microwave industry on this topic through a concise review of literature. Then the theoretical aspects of DRA and different feeding techniques are described. Following this, fabrication and characterization of DRA is explained. To achieve the desired requirements as above both simulations and experimental measurements were undertaken. A 3-D finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic simulation tool, HFSSTM by Agilent, is used to determine the optimum geometry of the dielectric resonator. It was found to be useful in producing approximate results although it had some limitations. A numerical analysis technique, finite difference time domain (FDTD) is used for validating the results of wide band design at the end. MATLAB is used for modeling the ITDR and implementing FDTD analysis. In conclusion this work offers a new, efficient and relatively simple alternative for antennas to be used for multiple requirements in the wireless communication system.
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the elastomer of choice to create a variety of microfluidic devices by soft lithography techniques (eg., [1], [2], [3], [4]). Accurate and reliable design, manufacture, and operation of microfluidic devices made from PDMS, require a detailed characterization of the deformation and failure behavior of the material. This paper discusses progress in a recently-initiated research project towards this goal. We have conducted large-deformation tension and compression experiments on traditional macroscale specimens, as well as microscale tension experiments on thin-film (≈ 50µm thickness) specimens of PDMS with varying ratios of monomer:curing agent (5:1, 10:1, 20:1). We find that the stress-stretch response of these materials shows significant variability, even for nominally identically prepared specimens. A non-linear, large-deformation rubber-elasticity model [5], [6] is applied to represent the behavior of PDMS. The constitutive model has been implemented in a finite-element program [7] to aid the design of microfluidic devices made from this material. As a first attempt towards the goal of estimating the non-linear material parameters for PDMS from indentation experiments, we have conducted micro-indentation experiments using a spherical indenter-tip, and carried out corresponding numerical simulations to verify how well the numerically-predicted P(load-h(depth of indentation) curves compare with the corresponding experimental measurements. The results are encouraging, and show the possibility of estimating the material parameters for PDMS from relatively simple micro-indentation experiments, and corresponding numerical simulations.
We examine the stability of lamellar stacks in the presence of an electric field, E-0, applied normal to the lamellae. Calculations are performed with self-consistent field theory (SCFT) supplemented by an exact treatment of the electrostatic energy for linear dielectric materials. The calculations identify a critical electric field, E-0*, beyond which the lamellar stack becomes unstable with respect to undulations. This E-0* rapidly decreases towards zero as the number of lamellae in the stack diverges. Our quantitative predictions for E-0* are consistent with previous experimental measurements by Xu and co-workers.
The ir absorption of gaseous 15NH3 between 510 and 3040 cm−1 was recorded with a resolution of 0.06 cm−1. The ν2, 2ν2, 3ν2, ν4, and ν2 + ν4 bands were measured and analyzed on the basis of the vibration-rotation Hamiltonian developed by V. Špirko, J. M. R. Stone, and D. Papoušek (J. Mol. Spectrosc. 60, 159–178 (1976)). A set of effective molecular parameters for the ν2 = 1, 2, 3 states was derived, which reproduced the transition frequencies within the accuracy of the experimental measurements. For ν4 and ν2 + ν4 bands the standard deviation of the calculated spectrum is about four times larger than the measurements accuracy: a similar result was found for ν4 in 14NH3 by Š. Urban et al. (J. Mol. Spectrosc. 79, 455–495 (1980)). This result suggests that the present treatment takes into account only the most significant part of the rovibration interaction in the doubly degenerate vibrational states of ammonia.
Measurements of affinity and efficacy are fundamental for work on agonists both in drug discovery and in basic studies on receptors. In this review I wish to consider methods for measuring affinity and efficacy at G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Agonist affinity may be estimated in terms of the dissociation constant for agonist binding to a receptor using ligand binding or functional assays. It has, however, been suggested that measurements of affinity are always contaminated by efficacy so that it is impossible to separate the two parameters. Here I show that for many GPCRs, if receptor/G protein coupling is suppressed, experimental measurements of agonist affinity using ligand binding (K-obs) provide quite accurate measures of the agonist microscopic dissociation constant (K-A). Also in pharmacological functional studies, good estimates of agonist dissociation constants are possible. Efficacy can be quantitated in several ways based on functional data ( maximal effect of the agonist (E-max), ratio of agonist dissociation constant to concentration of agonist giving half maximal effect in functional assay ( K-obs/ EC50), a combined parameter EmaxKobs/EC50). Here I show that EmaxKobs/EC50 provides the best assessment of efficacy for a range of agonists across the full range of efficacy for full to partial agonists. Considerable evidence now suggests that ligand efficacy may be dependent on the pathway used to assess it. The efficacy of a ligand may, therefore, be multidimensional. It is still, however, necessary to have accurate measures of efficacy in different pathways.