926 resultados para Electron ion interaction pseudo potential(EIIP)
Culture and mesocosm experiments are often carried out under high initial nutrient concentrations, yielding high biomass concentrations that in turn often lead to a substantial build-up of DOM. In such experiments, DOM can reach concentrations much higher than typically observed in the open ocean. To the extent that DOM includes organic acids and bases, it will contribute to the alkalinity of the seawater contained in the experimental device. Our analysis suggests that whenever substantial amounts of DOM are produced during the experiment, standard computer programmes used to compute CO2 fugacity can underestimate true fCO2 significantly when the computation is based on AT and CT. Unless the effect of DOM-alkalinity can be accounted for, this might lead to significant errors in the interpretation of the system under consideration with respect to the experimentally applied CO2 perturbation. Errors in the inferred fCO2 can misguide the development of parameterisations used in simulations with global carbon cycle models in future CO2-scenarios. Over determination of the CO2-system in experimental ocean acidification studies is proposed to safeguard against possibly large errors in estimated fCO2.
Seawater carbonate chemistry and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta in a laboratory experiment
Anthropogenic CO2 is progressively acidifying the ocean, but the responses of harmful algal bloom species that produce toxins that can bioaccumulate remain virtually unknown. The neurotoxin domoic acid is produced by the globally-distributed diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. This toxin is responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning, which can result in illness or death in humans and regularly causes mass mortalities of marine mammals and birds. Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia cells is known to be regulated by nutrient availability, but potential interactions with increasing seawater CO2 concentrations are poorly understood. Here we present experiments measuring domoic acid production by acclimatized cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta that demonstrate a strong synergism between projected future CO2 levels (765 ppm) and silicate-limited growth, which greatly increases cellular toxicity relative to growth under modern atmospheric (360 ppm) or pre-industrial (200 ppm) CO2 conditions. Cellular Si:C ratios decrease with increasing CO2, in a trend opposite to that seen for domoic acid production. The coastal California upwelling system where this species was isolated currently exhibits rapidly increasing levels of anthropogenic acidification, as well as widespread episodic silicate limitation of diatom growth. Our results suggest that the current ecosystem and human health impacts of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia blooms could be greatly exacerbated by future ocean acidification and 'carbon fertilization' of the coastal ocean.
The potential interactive effects of iron (Fe) limitation and Ocean Acidification in the Southern Ocean (SO) are largely unknown. Here we present results of a long-term incubation experiment investigating the combined effects of CO2 and Fe availability on natural phytoplankton assemblages from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Active Chl a fluorescence measurements revealed that we successfully cultured phytoplankton under both Fe-depleted and Fe-enriched conditions. Fe treatments had significant effects on photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm; 0.3 for Fe-depleted and 0.5 for Fe-enriched conditions), non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), and relative electron transport rates (rETR). pCO2 treatments significantly affected NPQ and rETR, but had no effect on Fv/Fm. Under Fe limitation, increased pCO2 had no influence on C fixation whereas under Fe enrichment, primary production increased with increasing pCO2 levels. These CO2-dependent changes in productivity under Fe-enriched conditions were accompanied by a pronounced taxonomic shift from weakly to heavily silicified diatoms (i.e. from Pseudo-nitzschia sp. to Fragilariopsis sp.). Under Fe-depleted conditions, this functional shift was absent and thinly silicified species dominated all pCO2 treatments (Pseudo-nitzschia sp. and Synedropsis sp. for low and high pCO2, respectively). Our results suggest that Ocean Acidification could increase primary productivity and the abundance of heavily silicified, fast sinking diatoms in Fe-enriched areas, both potentially leading to a stimulation of the biological pump. Over much of the SO, however, Fe limitation could restrict this possible CO2 fertilization effect.
This paper presents a measurement of the charged current interaction rate of the electron neutrino beam component of the beam above 1.5 GeV using the large fiducial mass of the T2K π0 detector. The predominant portion of the νe flux (∼85%) at these energies comes from kaon decays. The measured ratio of the observed beam interaction rate to the predicted rate in the detector with water targets filled is 0.89 ± 0.08 (stat.) ± 0.11 (sys.), and with the water targets emptied is 0.90 ± 0.09 (stat.) ± 0.13 (sys.). The ratio obtained for the interactions on water only from an event subtraction method is 0.87 ± 0.33 (stat.) ± 0.21 (sys.). This is the first measurement of the interaction rate of electron neutrinos on water, which is particularly of interest to experiments with water Cherenkov detectors.
Copper nitride is a metastable material which results very attractive because of their potential to be used in functional device. Cu3 N easily decomposes into Cu and N2 by annealing [1] or irradiation (electron, ions, laser) [2, 3]. Previous studies carried out in N-rich Cu3 N films irradiated with Cu at 42MeV evidence a very efficient sputtering of N whose yield (5×10 3 atom/ion), for a film with a thickness of just 100 nm, suggest that the origin of the sputtering has an electronic nature. This N depletion was observed to be responsible for new phase formation ( Cu2 O) and pure Cu [4]
La propulsión eléctrica constituye hoy una tecnología muy competitiva y de gran proyección de futuro. Dentro de los diversos motores de plasma existentes, el motor de efecto Hall ha adquirido una gran madurez y constituye un medio de propulsión idóneo para un rango amplio de misiones. En la presente Tesis se estudian los motores Hall con geometría convencional y paredes dieléctricas. La compleja interacción entre los múltiples fenómenos físicos presentes hace que sea difícil la simulación del plasma en estos motores. Los modelos híbridos son los que representan un mejor compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo. Se basan en utilizar un modelo fluido para los electrones y algoritmos de dinámica de partículas PIC (Particle-In- Cell) para los iones y los neutros. Permiten hacer uso de la hipótesis de cuasineutralidad del plasma, a cambio de resolver separadamente las capas límite (o vainas) que se forman en torno a las paredes de la cámara. Partiendo de un código híbrido existente, llamado HPHall-2, el objetivo de la Tesis doctoral ha sido el desarrollo de un código híbrido avanzado que mejorara la simulación de la descarga de plasma en un motor de efecto Hall. Las actualizaciones y mejoras realizadas en las diferentes partes que componen el código comprenden tanto aspectos teóricos como numéricos. Fruto de la extensa revisión de la algoritmia del código HPHall-2 se han conseguido reducir los errores de precisión un orden de magnitud, y se ha incrementado notablemente su consistencia y robustez, permitiendo la simulación del motor en un amplio rango de condiciones. Algunos aspectos relevantes a destacar en el subcódigo de partículas son: la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de pesado que permite determinar de forma más precisa el flujo de las magnitudes del plasma; la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de control de población, que permite tener suficiente número de partículas cerca de las paredes de la cámara, donde los gradientes son mayores y las condiciones de cálculo son más críticas; las mejoras en los balances de masa y energía; y un mejor cálculo del campo eléctrico en una malla no uniforme. Merece especial atención el cumplimiento de la condición de Bohm en el borde de vaina, que en los códigos híbridos representa una condición de contorno necesaria para obtener una solución consistente con el modelo de interacción plasma-pared, y que en HPHall-2 aún no se había resuelto satisfactoriamente. En esta Tesis se ha implementado el criterio cinético de Bohm para una población de iones con diferentes cargas eléctricas y una gran dispersión de velocidades. En el código, el cumplimiento de la condición cinética de Bohm se consigue por medio de un algoritmo que introduce una fina capa de aceleración nocolisional adyacente a la vaina y mide adecuadamente el flujo de partículas en el espacio y en el tiempo. Las mejoras realizadas en el subcódigo de electrones incrementan la capacidad de simulación del código, especialmente en la región aguas abajo del motor, donde se simula la neutralización del chorro del plasma por medio de un modelo de cátodo volumétrico. Sin abordar el estudio detallado de la turbulencia del plasma, se implementan modelos sencillos de ajuste de la difusión anómala de Bohm, que permiten reproducir los valores experimentales del potencial y la temperatura del plasma, así como la corriente de descarga del motor. En cuanto a los aspectos teóricos, se hace especial énfasis en la interacción plasma-pared y en la dinámica de los electrones secundarios libres en el interior del plasma, cuestiones que representan hoy en día problemas abiertos en la simulación de los motores Hall. Los nuevos modelos desarrollados buscan una imagen más fiel a la realidad. Así, se implementa el modelo de vaina de termalización parcial, que considera una función de distribución no-Maxwelliana para los electrones primarios y contabiliza unas pérdidas energéticas más cercanas a la realidad. Respecto a los electrones secundarios, se realiza un estudio cinético simplificado para evaluar su grado de confinamiento en el plasma, y mediante un modelo fluido en el límite no-colisional, se determinan las densidades y energías de los electrones secundarios libres, así como su posible efecto en la ionización. El resultado obtenido muestra que los electrones secundarios se pierden en las paredes rápidamente, por lo que su efecto en el plasma es despreciable, no así en las vainas, donde determinan el salto de potencial. Por último, el trabajo teórico y de simulación numérica se complementa con el trabajo experimental realizado en el Pnnceton Plasma Physics Laboratory, en el que se analiza el interesante transitorio inicial que experimenta el motor en el proceso de arranque. Del estudio se extrae que la presencia de gases residuales adheridos a las paredes juegan un papel relevante, y se recomienda, en general, la purga completa del motor antes del modo normal de operación. El resultado final de la investigación muestra que el código híbrido desarrollado representa una buena herramienta de simulación de un motor Hall. Reproduce adecuadamente la física del motor, proporcionando resultados similares a los experimentales, y demuestra ser un buen laboratorio numérico para estudiar el plasma en el interior del motor. Abstract Electric propulsion is today a very competitive technology and has a great projection into the future. Among the various existing plasma thrusters, the Hall effect thruster has acquired a considerable maturity and constitutes an ideal means of propulsion for a wide range of missions. In the present Thesis only Hall thrusters with conventional geometry and dielectric walls are studied. The complex interaction between multiple physical phenomena makes difficult the plasma simulation in these engines. Hybrid models are those representing a better compromise between precision and computational cost. They use a fluid model for electrons and Particle-In-Cell (PIC) algorithms for ions and neutrals. The hypothesis of plasma quasineutrality is invoked, which requires to solve separately the sheaths formed around the chamber walls. On the basis of an existing hybrid code, called HPHall-2, the aim of this doctoral Thesis is to develop an advanced hybrid code that better simulates the plasma discharge in a Hall effect thruster. Updates and improvements of the code include both theoretical and numerical issues. The extensive revision of the algorithms has succeeded in reducing the accuracy errors in one order of magnitude, and the consistency and robustness of the code have been notably increased, allowing the simulation of the thruster in a wide range of conditions. The most relevant achievements related to the particle subcode are: the implementation of a new weighing algorithm that determines more accurately the plasma flux magnitudes; the implementation of a new algorithm to control the particle population, assuring enough number of particles near the chamber walls, where there are strong gradients and the conditions to perform good computations are more critical; improvements in the mass and energy balances; and a new algorithm to compute the electric field in a non-uniform mesh. It deserves special attention the fulfilment of the Bohm condition at the edge of the sheath, which represents a boundary condition necessary to match consistently the hybrid code solution with the plasma-wall interaction, and remained as a question unsatisfactory solved in the HPHall-2 code. In this Thesis, the kinetic Bohm criterion has been implemented for an ion particle population with different electric charges and a large dispersion in their velocities. In the code, the fulfilment of the kinetic Bohm condition is accomplished by an algorithm that introduces a thin non-collisional layer next to the sheaths, producing the ion acceleration, and measures properly the flux of particles in time and space. The improvements made in the electron subcode increase the code simulation capabilities, specially in the region downstream of the thruster, where the neutralization of the plasma jet is simulated using a volumetric cathode model. Without addressing the detailed study of the plasma turbulence, simple models for a parametric adjustment of the anomalous Bohm difussion are implemented in the code. They allow to reproduce the experimental values of the plasma potential and the electron temperature, as well as the discharge current of the thruster. Regarding the theoretical issues, special emphasis has been made in the plasma-wall interaction of the thruster and in the dynamics of free secondary electrons within the plasma, questions that still remain unsolved in the simulation of Hall thrusters. The new developed models look for results closer to reality, such as the partial thermalization sheath model, that assumes a non-Maxwellian distribution functions for primary electrons, and better computes the energy losses at the walls. The evaluation of secondary electrons confinement within the chamber is addressed by a simplified kinetic study; and using a collisionless fluid model, the densities and energies of free secondary electrons are computed, as well as their effect on the plasma ionization. Simulations show that secondary electrons are quickly lost at walls, with a negligible effect in the bulk of the plasma, but they determine the potential fall at sheaths. Finally, numerical simulation and theoretical work is complemented by the experimental work carried out at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, devoted to analyze the interesting transitional regime experienced by the thruster in the startup process. It is concluded that the gas impurities adhered to the thruster walls play a relevant role in the transitional regime and, as a general recomendation, a complete purge of the thruster before starting its normal mode of operation it is suggested. The final result of the research conducted in this Thesis shows that the developed code represents a good tool for the simulation of Hall thrusters. The code reproduces properly the physics of the thruster, with results similar to the experimental ones, and represents a good numerical laboratory to study the plasma inside the thruster.
In laser-plasma experiments, we observed that ion acceleration from the Coulomb explosion of the plasma channel bored by the laser, is prevented when multiple plasma instabilities such as filamentation and hosing, and nonlinear coherent structures (vortices/post-solitons) appear in the wake of an ultrashort laser pulse. The tailoring of the longitudinal plasma density ramp allows us to control the onset of these insabilities. We deduced that the laser pulse is depleted into these structures in our conditions, when a plasma at about 10% of the critical density exhibits a gradient on the order of 250 {\mu}m (gaussian fit), thus hindering the acceleration. A promising experimental setup with a long pulse is demonstrated enabling the excitation of an isolated coherent structure for polarimetric measurements and, in further perspectives, parametric studies of ion plasma acceleration efficiency.
A novel concept for active space debris removal known as Ion Beam Shepherd (IBS) which has been recently presented by our group is investigated. The concept makes use of a highly collimated ion beam to exert the necessary force on a generic debris to modify its orbit and/or attitude from a safe distance in a controlled manner, without the need of docking. After describing the main characteristics of the IBS system, some of the key aspects of thruster plasma and its interaction with the debris are studied, namely, (1) the modeling of the expansion of an plasma beam, based on the quasi-selfsimilarity exhibited by hypersonic plumes, (2) the characterization of the force and torque exerted upon the target debris, and (3) a preliminary evaluation of other plasma-body interactions.
A single, nonlocal expression for the electron heat flux, which closely reproduces known results at high and low ion charge number 2, and “exact” results for the local limit at all 2, is derived by solving the kinetic equation in a narrow, tail-energy range. The solution involves asymptotic expansions of Bessel functions of large argument, and (Z-dependent)order above or below it, corresponding to the possible parabolic or hyperbolic character of the kinetic equation; velocity space diffusion in self-scattering is treated similarly to isotropic thermalization of tail energies in large Z analyses. The scale length H characterizing nonlocal effects varies with Z, suggesting an equal dependence of any ad hoc flux limiter. The model is valid for all H above the mean-free path for thermal electrons.
Collisional analysis of electron collection by a probe in a strongly magnetized, fully ionized plasma is carried out. A solution to the complete set of macroscopic equations with classical transport coefficients that is wholly consistent in the domain is determined; R and le are probe radius and electron gyroradius, respectively. If R2/le 2 is large compared with mi/3me probe large compared with ion gyroradius, ion–electron energy exchange—rather than electron heat diffusion—keeps electrons isothermal. For smaller probes at negative bias, however, electron cooling occurs in the plasma beyond the sheath, with a potential overshoot lying well away from it. The probe characteristic in the electron-retarding range may then mimic the characteristic for a two electron-temperature plasma and lead to an overestimate of electron temperature; the validity of these results for other transport models is discussed