769 resultados para Ectasia corneal


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Purpose. To measure the increase in tear secretion evoked by selective stimulation of the different populations of sensory receptors of the cornea and conjunctiva by using moderate and intense mechanical, chemical, and cold stimuli. Methods. Six healthy subjects participated in the study. Tear secretion was measured in both eyes by the Schirmer’s test conducted under control conditions and after stimulation of the center of the cornea and the temporal conjunctiva with a gas esthesiometer. Mechanical stimulation consisted in three pulses of 3 seconds’ duration of warmed air (at 34°C on the eye surface) applied at moderate (170 mL/min) and high (260 mL/min) flow rates. Cold thermal stimulation was made with cooled air that produced a corneal temperature drop of −1°C or −4.5°C. Chemical (acidic) stimulation was performed with a jet of gas containing a mixture of 80% CO2 in air. Results. The basal volume of tear secretion increased significantly (P < 0.05, paired t-test) after stimulation of the cornea with high-flow mechanical stimuli (260 mL/min), intense cooling pulses (−4.5°C), and chemical stimulation (80% CO2). The same stimuli were ineffective when applied to the conjunctiva. Moderate mechanical (170 mL/min) and cold (−1°C) stimulation of the cornea or the conjunctiva did not change significantly the volume of tear secretion. Conclusions. Reflex tear secretion caused by corneal stimulation seems to be chiefly due to activation of corneal polymodal nociceptors, whereas selective excitation of corneal mechanonociceptors or cold receptors appears to be less effective in evoking an augmented lacrimal secretion. Conjunctival receptors stimulated at equivalent levels do not evoke an increased tear secretion.


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Antecedentes: El Queratocono es un problema oftalmológico que se presenta en la edad adulta temprana, es generalmente bilateral y afecta indistintamente a ambos sexos. Representa la primera causa de trasplante corneal en países desarrollados. En el Ecuador existe escasa evidencia acerca de esta patología. Objetivo general: Establecer el diagnóstico y características del queratocono en pacientes con astigmatismo mayor a 1 dioptría (D) mediante topografía corneal en la consulta externa de oftalmología en el Hospital Santa Inés de Cuenca. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional y descriptivo. Se estudió las topografías corneales de pacientes con astigmatismo mayor a 1 Dioptría que asistieron a consulta externa de oftalmología en el Hospital Santa Inés de Cuenca entre enero del 2012 a diciembre del 2014. Los datos fueron recolectados del Topógrafo “Atlas 9000” y mediante el programa SPSS Statistics versión 20 se realizó el análisis de los datos. Para el diagnóstico se utilizaron los criterios de Rabinowitz y McDonnell modificados, y para su clasificación, se utilizaron los criterios queratométricos. Resultados: La frecuencia de queratocono fue 28,6%, el 53.1% fueron hombres y el 46.9% mujeres, fue bilateral en el 56.3% de los casos. El grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 20 a 39 años. El 75% de pacientes con queratocono presentó astigmatismo severo y el grado de queratocono incipiente fue el predominante con el 46,9%. Conclusiones: La alta frecuencia de queratocono, demuestra que nos encon-tramos frente a un grave problema de salud que muchas veces pasamos por alto y que compromete seriamente a la población joven


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Tesis (Optometra). -- Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias de La Salud. Programa de Optometria, 2014


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PURPOSE: To assess the relationship between short-term and long-term changes in power at different corneal locations relative to the change in central corneal power and the 2-year change in axial elongation relative to baseline in children fitted with orthokeratology contact lenses (OK). METHODS: Thirty-one white European subjects 6 to 12 years of age and with myopia −0.75 to −4.00 DS and astigmatism ≤1.00 DC were fitted with OK. Differences in refractive power 3 and 24 months post-OK in comparison with baseline and relative to the change in central corneal power were determined from corneal topography data in eight different corneal regions (i.e., N[nasal]1, N2, T[temporal]1, T2, I[inferior]1, I2, S[superior]1, S2), and correlated with OK-induced axial length changes at two years relative to baseline. RESULTS: After 2 years of OK lens wear, axial length increased by 0.48±0.18 mm (P0.05). CONCLUSION: The reduction in central corneal power and relative increase in paracentral and pericentral power induced by OK over 2 years were not significantly correlated with concurrent changes in axial length of white European children.


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A review of the current data on the cell density of normal adult human endothelial cells was carried out in order to establish some common parameters appearing in the different considered populations. From the analysis of cell growth patterns, it is inferred that the cell aging rate is similar for each of the different considered populations. Also, the morphology, the cell distribution and the tendency to hexagonallity are studied. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that this phenomenon is analogous with cell behavior in other structures such as dry foams and grains in polycrystalline materials. Therefore, its driving force may be controlled by the surface tension and the mobility of the boundaries.


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PURPOSE: To determine the main causes of penetrating keratoplasty indications at Hospital das Clínicas-UNICAMP (January, 1999 to December, 2003). METHODS: A non-comparative, retrospective series of case studies. The authors reviewed the files of 857 patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty at Hospital das Clínicas-UNICAMP between 1999-2003 and classified them into different categories according to diagnostic indication for surgery. RESULTS: The age range was between 0-88 years (average 44 years ±1.2). The main causes of penetrating keratoplasty were: keratoconus in 427 cases (49.82%); 152 cases (17.74%) of corneal ulceration (perforated or not); corneal graft failure in 87 cases (10.15%); bullous keratopathy, 72 cases (8.40%); Fuchs dystrophy in 59 cases (6.88%); trachoma complications in 28 cases (3.27%); other causes, 32 (3.74%). In children under 10 years of age, the main cause of penetrating keratoplasty indications was infectious ulcer (77.78%) and between 11-50 years of age, keratoconus was the main cause (71.65%). CONCLUSION: This study was composed of a young population, and the main causes of penetrating keratoplasty were keratoconus and therapeutic keratoplasty.


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PURPOSES: 1) To verify the impact of the creation of the Single Technical Record (STR) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) Hospital das Clínicas, on the preservation period of corneas which were used in elective penetrating keratoplasties, and 2) to compare the primary failure incidence in cornea penetrating keratoplasties regarding the periods before and after the creation of STR. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted at the Unicamp Hospital, which evaluated 15 consecutive cornea penetrating keratoplasties between January 1st and April 30th, 2000 and 24 consecutive penetrating keratoplasties between May 1st and September 20th of the same year (corneas under the control of the STR), totaling 39 keratoplasties. RESULTS: The mean time between cornea preparation and transplantation was 3.8 days (±1.78) in the period before STR creation, and 6.0 days (±2.97) after STR creation, representing a 36.7% increase in the preservation time. There was a statistically significant difference (p=0.02) between the two groups. No corneal primary failure was observed among the 39 transplanted patients in both groups. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that this new concept of the State Transplantation System has caused a statistically significant increase in the conservation period of corneas, which may reduce the period of a clear transplant due to an increased loss of endothelial cells, as well as increase the primary failure incidence or result in a high number of corneas that cannot be used due to having exceeded the preservation time recommended by the literature.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the ocular surface toxicity of two nitric oxide donors in ex vivo and in vivo animal models: S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) in a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) matrix at final concentrations 1.0 and 10.0 mM. METHODS: Ex vivo GSNO and SNAC toxicities were clinically and histologically analyzed using freshly excised pig eyeballs. In vivo experiments were performed with 20 albino rabbits which were randomized into 4 groups (5 animals each): Groups 1 and 2 received instillations of 150 µL of aqueous HPMC solution containing GSNO 1.0 and 10.0 mM, respectively, in one of the eyes; Groups 3 and 4 received instillations of 150 µL of aqueous HPMC solution-containing SNAC 1.0 and 10.0 mM, respectively, in one of the eyes. The contralateral eyes in each group received aqueous HPMC as a control. All animals underwent clinical evaluation on a slit lamp and the eyes were scored according to a modified Draize eye test and were histologically analyzed. RESULTS: Pig eyeballs showed no signs of perforation, erosion, corneal opacity or other gross damage. These findings were confirmed by histological analysis. There was no difference between control and treated rabbit eyes according to the Draize eye test score in all groups (p>0.05). All formulations showed a mean score under 1 and were classified as non-irritating. There was no evidence of tissue toxicity in the histological analysis in all animals. CONCLUSION: Aqueous HPMC solutions containing GSNO and SNAC at concentrations up to 10.0 mM do not induce ocular irritation.


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This paper describes a topiramate induced acute bilateral angle-closure glaucoma. This rare adverse effect is an idiosyncratic reaction characterized by uveal effusion and lens forward displacement, leading to increased intraocular pressure and vision loss. We describe a 55 year-old white woman with migraine, spasmodic torticollis and essential tremor, who developed bilateral acute angle-closure glaucoma, one week after starting topiramate 25 mg/day. She was seen at the Ophthalmology Emergency Department of the Fundação João Penido Burnier (Campinas, SP, Brazil) with a 4 hours history of blurry vision, ocular pain and bright flashes vision. Slit lamp examination revealed moderate conjunctival injection and corneal edema, and shallow anterior chambers. Intraocular pressure was 48 mmHg in both eyes. Fundoscopic examination findings were normal. She was treated with timolol, brimonidine, dorzolamide, pilocarpine, prednisone acetate eye drops and acetazolamide. One hour after those measures, as the intraocular pressure was 30 mmHg, she received a manitol intravenous injection and the intraocular pressure normalized. After 24 hours an iridotomy with Yag laser was performed. Topiramate was discontinued and she was totally recovered after one week.


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The objective was to determine the cardiopulmonary effects and eyeball centralization time obtained with 15 or 30µg kg-1 of atracurium in anesthetized dogs under spontaneous breathing. Eighteen healthy adult mixed-breed dogs were used, which received 0.1mg kg-1 acepromazine and 0.5mg kg-1 morphine IM, followed by 4mg kg-1 propofol IV and maintained on isoflurane anesthesia with spontaneous breathing. Animals received 1mL 0.9% NaCl IV (CG), 15µg kg-1 (G15) or 30µg kg-1 (G30) of atracurium IV. Eyeball centralization time was measured; heart rate (HR), systolic (SAP), mean (MAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures, respiratory rate (RR), tidal volume (Vt) and minute volume (Vm) were determined every 5min, and pH, arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2 ), arterial O2 pressure (PaO2 ), hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SaO2 ), bicarbonate (HCO3-) and base excess (BE) every 15min until 60min. Both doses of atracurium produced a similar period of eyeball centralization. Vt in groups treated with atracurium was lower than in CG up to 15min. Vm in G15 differed from CG up to 10min and in G30 up to 25min. No differences were observed for cardiovascular parameters, RR, SaO2, PaO2, HCO3- and BE. pH decreased in CG between 30 and 60min and in G15 and G30 at 15min. G30 differed from CG between 15 and 30min. PaCO2 in GC differed from baseline between 30 and 60min and in G15 differed at 15min. Atracurium at the dose of 15µg kg-1 is adequate for short corneal procedures in inhalant-anesthetized dogs under spontaneous breathing.


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PURPOSE: The ability to predict and understand which biomechanical properties of the cornea are responsible for the stability or progression of keratoconus may be an important clinical and surgical tool for the eye-care professional. We have developed a finite element model of the cornea, that tries to predicts keratoconus-like behavior and its evolution based on material properties of the corneal tissue. METHODS: Corneal material properties were modeled using bibliographic data and corneal topography was based on literature values from a schematic eye model. Commercial software was used to simulate mechanical and surface properties when the cornea was subject to different local parameters, such as elasticity. RESULTS: The simulation has shown that, depending on the corneal initial surface shape, changes in local material properties and also different intraocular pressures values induce a localized protuberance and increase in curvature when compared to the remaining portion of the cornea. CONCLUSIONS: This technique provides a quantitative and accurate approach to the problem of understanding the biomechanical nature of keratoconus. The implemented model has shown that changes in local material properties of the cornea and intraocular pressure are intrinsically related to keratoconus pathology and its shape/curvature.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver a instrumentação e o "software" para topografia de córnea de grande-ângulo usando o tradicional disco de Plácido. O objetivo é permitir o mapeamento de uma região maior da córnea para topógrafos de córnea que usem a técnica de Plácido, fazendo-se uma adaptação simples na mira. MÉTODOS: Utilizando o tradicional disco de Plácido de um topógrafo de córnea tradicional, 9 LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) foram adaptados no anteparo cônico para que o paciente voluntário pudesse fixar o olhar em diferentes direções. Para cada direção imagens de Plácido foram digitalizadas e processadas para formar, por meio de algoritmo envolvendo elementos sofisticados de computação gráfica, um mapa tridimensional completo da córnea toda. RESULTADOS: Resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram que uma região de até 100% maior pode ser mapeada usando esta técnica, permitindo que o clínico mapeie até próximo ao limbo da córnea. São apresentados aqui os resultados para uma superfície esférica de calibração e também para uma córnea in vivo com alto grau de astigmatismo, mostrando a curvatura e elevação. CONCLUSÃO: Acredita-se que esta nova técnica pode propiciar a melhoria de alguns processos, como por exemplo: adaptação de lentes de contato, algoritmos para ablações costumizadas para hipermetropia, entre outros.


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OBJECTIVE: This study seeks to identify practices of self-medication in the treatment of ocular emergencies. We examine patients' use of both homemade preparations and manufactured products before seeking specialized care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analytic survey of consecutive patients seen in the ophthalmology emergency room of a teaching hospital. RESULTS: The sample included 561 subjects, 51.3% males and 48.7% females, with a mean age of 39.8 years. Prior to seeking emergency care, 40.5% reported self-medicating; 29.4% used a homemade preparation (13.9% referred to an industrialized product like boric acid as a homemade preparation), and 11.1% used a manufactured product. The most frequently used products included a boric acid solution (53.3%), a normal saline solution (35.7%), herbal infusions (6.1%) and breast milk (4.8%). Viral conjunctivitis was the most frequent diagnosis (24.4%), followed by the presence of a corneal foreign body (7.4%). No significant differences were found in the self-treatment of ocular injuries according to gender (p = 0.95), level of education (p = 0.21) or age (p = 0.14). In addition, self-medication practices were not related to the medically judged severity of the condition. CONCLUSION: Patients often attempt to treat conditions that require ophthalmologic emergency care by self-medicating with homemade or manufactured products. The most widely used products include boric acid, normal saline, leaf infusions and breast milk. This behavior occurs independently of educational level, gender, age or the nature of the ocular condition. Self-medication is a culturally driven practice that is used even in cases of acute ocular injuries.


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As technology improves human vision, some procedures currently performed may be causing a decrease of the natural UV protection of the cornea. A portable dual beam system prototype was assembled for physicians for clinical studies of these effects on the corneas endowing two types of 300-400 nm evaluations: 1, regularly donated corneas and 2, simulating refractive keratectomy by corneal lamellae removal. The system performs 500 measurements/s, providing +/- 0.25% precision for the transmittance. The measurements performed on the prototype are 95% in agreement with Cary 17 and HR4000CG-UV-NIR Ocean Optics spectrophotometers. Preliminary studies on cadaveric corneas demonstrate that, as the stromal layer is reduced (similar to 150 mu m depth), there is significant loss-an average of 7.1%.-of the cornea's natural UV protection. The prototype is being tested in an eye bank for routine evaluation of donor corneas. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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Background/Aims: It is a challenge to adapt traditional in vitro diffusion experiments to ocular tissue. Thus, the aim of this work was to present experimental evidence on the integrity of the porcine cornea, barrier function and maintenance of electrical properties for 6 h of experiment when the tissue is mounted on an inexpensive and easy-to-use in vitro model for ocular iontophoresis. Methods: A modified Franz diffusion cell containing two ports for the insertion of the electrodes and a receiving compartment that does not need gassing with carbogen was used in the studies. Corneal electron transmission microscopy images were obtained, and diffusion experiments with fluorescent markers were performed to examine the integrity of the barrier function. The preservation of the negatively charged corneal epithelium was verified by the determination of the electro-osmotic flow of a hydrophilic and non-ionized molecule. Results: The diffusion cell was able to maintain the temperature, homogenization, porcine epithelial corneal structure integrity, barrier function and electrical characteristics throughout the 6 h of permeation experiment, without requiring CO(2) gassing when the receiving chamber was filled with 25 m M of HEPES buffer solution. Conclusion: The system described here is inexpensive, easy to handle and reliable as an in vitro model for iontophoretic ocular delivery studies. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel