1000 resultados para Du Bellay Familia,


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Outfall at sea of sewage from Abidjan requires information about the die-off of bacteria in the sea. The method of determination is described and validity of data is analysed. These preliminary results point out some features about the choice of methodology.


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In February-March 1971 the hydrological conditions off Angola did not display the thermal dome mapped by Mazeika's averages (1967). Cold water cells observed are connected at the surface to a sinuous boundary between low-salinity coastal waters and high-salinity tropical oceanic waters. That boundary coincides rather regularly with an area where trades and SW winds alternate; photosynthesis growths rapidly in a thermoclinal layer that rises until 10 m of the surface but never outcrops. Below a poor and permanent homogeneous surface layer, chlorophyll concentrations show a distribution which is typical of divergence areas. Geostrophical and measured currents show off a transient process in horizontal and vertical movements, however the general curvature of the circulation is propitious to upwelling. Oxygen oversaturations of about 110%, suggest a moderate potential primary production which confirms slowness and alternation of movements. Also, the regular range of the various chemical and biological levels and moderate chlorophyll concentrations suggest an ecosystem where nutrients supply rapidly equilibrate phytoplankton consumption and not at all a 'phytoplankton bloom' area as that which exists in coastal upwelling. Values of Richardson's number show that instability becomes visible at the bottom of the euphotic layer. An evaluation of the vertical motion is inferred by the peculiar distribution and diurnal alternance of the winds shows that 'doming' structures may be sustained by local meteorological events.


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First experiments to trap the deep sea red crab Geryon quinquedens off Côte d'Ivoire have had good success. The yields obtained are similar to those observed off the northeastern coast of the United States and off Angola, where commercial fisheries have been developed for some years.


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A cruise of the R. V. Capricorne in May 1973, in inner part of the gulf of Guinea, allowed the authors to identify the main part of the Atlantic circulation at the longitude of 5 degrees E, between 4 degrees N and 4 degrees S. It gave new data on the termination of the equatorial undercurrent. At the equator, under the westward south equatorial current flows the Atlantic equatorial undercurrent with a maximum eastward velocity of 90 cm/sec at 30 m depth linked to a salinity maximum higher than 36.20 ppt. Below the equatorial undercurrent, about 80-100 m depth, flows a westward current with a velocity as high as 30 cm/sec. At 4 degrees S, the south equatorial countercurrent is well delineated by a high salinity core (more than 36.10 ppt) at 30 m depth with an eastward velocity core of 40 cm/sec. On the contrary, near 3 degrees 30N, a high salinity core (36.10 ppt) flows westwards with a speed of 40 cm/sec at 40 m depth: it is the "return flow" of the undercurrent (Hisard and Moliere 1974). At 4 degrees N the Guinea current carries eastwards surface salinities of 34.50 ppt at 40 cm/sec. Off Cape Lopez (0 degrees 35'S-8 degrees 42'E) the high salinity core of the undercurrent becomes wider near the shore. It is 25m wide offshore, and 70 m wide near the cape. A part of undercurrent water extends northwards, then flows westwards with the subsurface westward circulation in the inner part of the Gulf of Guinea. Another part flows south-southwestwards in a high salinity tongue along the African coast to 4 degrees S. South-west of Cape Lopez, the trades divergence contributes to an upwelling of cold and high salinity water; this water increases at the Cape Lopez front.


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Several 'analyses factorielles des correspondences' were used with the numerical data of planktonic copepods issued from a 1 year sampling programme at different stations of the Ivorian shelf. The main results were the following: (1) 'Ecological seasons' approximately corresponding to hydrological seasons may be defined for planktonic populations. (2) Each 'season' is characterized by one group of species, whose maximum abundance occurs in this period. (3) The same definition of ecological season is obtained whether all species present are used or whether only the most important ones are used. (4) The first principal axes may be interpreted as temperature and salinity or as the station's distance from shore.


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The standing stock of chlorophyll, the quantities of copepods collected with a 30 liter Niskin bottle and the standing stock of zooplankton collected with a 'Bongo' net were measured from 0 to 200 m depth during a cruise along 10' W from 1' N to 12' S. These parameters are correlated to hydrological conditions measured simultaneously. 6 zonal areas have been delimited and described; the north equatorial convergence, the northern flow of the south equatorial counter-current, the trade winds drift, the south equatorial counter-current and the Benguela's drift.


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This paper related an echosounding survey located off Côte d'Ivoire in cold season 1980. Biomass mean for the continental platform (20-125m) was 15 metric tons for one square mile.


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[es] El presente trabajo se ha realizado con el propósito de conocer mejor una de las realidades del ámbito educativo: la participación de las familias en los centros escolares. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en las relaciones de comunicación entre la familia y la escuela, teniendo en cuenta a ambos colectivos como contextos de socialización fundamentales en el desarrollo del niño. Así, partiendo de un marco teórico basado en la conceptualización de la participación a partir de diferentes aproximaciones teóricas y del marco jurídico que regula este ámbito a nivel estatal, hemos realizado un trabajo de campo en un centro concertado de clase media que busca sondear las formas y la práctica de participación de las familias a fin de obtener un diagnóstico sobre los niveles de participación existentes hoy en día en este tipo de centros.


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[EUS] Gradu Amaierako Lan honek eskola inklusibo batean familiek duten parte hartzea aztertzea du helburu, Haur Hezkuntzako etapara mugatuz. Horretarako Bilboko Ikastola zehatz batean ikerketa bat egitea erabaki da. Azterketaren ardatza zentro horretan familiek daukaten parte hartze maila eta aukerak zelakoak diren hurbiletik ezagutzea eta ulertzea izan da. Ikerketan erabilitako metodologia kualitatiboa izan da, dokumentuen analisiak, elkarrizketa zuzenak eta inkestak aurrera eramanez. Teknika horien bitartez lortutako informazioa aztertu ostean, marko teorikoarekin alderatu egin da, ikerketaren ondorioak ateratzeko. Amaieran, ondorioak kontuan izanik hobekuntza proposamen bat aurkeztu da.


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[eus] Egungo gizartean, konpetentzia emozional maila baxuak “analfabetismo emozionala” jarri du agerian (Goleman, 1996). Arrazoi honengatik, adimen emozionala jorratu beharra dago, bai familia eta baita hezkuntza arloan ere. Hau guztiagatik, ikerketa honen xede nagusia, 7-11 urte tarteko umeen trebetasun sozialak kooperazioaren bitartez sustatzea da; izan ere, garai horretan, gizabanakoaren bizitza soziala goreneko intentsitatera heltzen da. Honetarako, Bilboko Pagasarribide ikastetxean (Lehen Hezkuntzako 5.maila) jorratzeko unitate didaktikoa aurkezten da. Beraz, bertako bi jardueratan lortutako emaitzak kontuan hartuz, baieztatu ahal da, honi esker, ikasleen trebetasun sozialak garatu direla eta emozionalki adimentsuagoak izatea lortuko dutela unitate didaktiko hau bere osotasunean jorratu ondoren.


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Umeen garapen psikologikoan bi oinarrizko faktorek eragiten dute, besteak beste: familia eta eskola. Hortaz, familia hain garrantzitsua izanda, horren kulturak lehen mailako papera hartzen du garapen horretan. Kultura ijitoa ikerketaren oinarri bezala hartuta, beharrezkoa da ume horien egoera behatzea. Hori dela eta, lan honek objektibo bikoitza dauka: kultura ijitoaren ohiturak zein eskolarekiko duen harremana ezagutzea eta eskolaratze arrakastatsuaren klabeak lortzea. Eskola, gizartearen ordezkari bezala, pertsona guztien eskubideak betetzen dituen berdintasunezko gizarteak sortzeko oinarrizko eta erantzukizunezko bidea da.


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[EUS] Azken urteetan eskolatze goiztiarrak nabarmen egin du gora gure gizartean. Gero eta gehiago dira hilabete gutxirekin haur eskolara joaten hasten diren haurrak, beraientzat segurtasun iturri den ingurunetik aldenduz. Banaketa hau bereziki zaila suerta dakieke ume gehienei aparteko ezinegonak, larritasun uneak edota gaixotasunak sortuz, eskolarekiko harremana betirako baldintzatzeaz gain. Hori dela eta, haur txikiaren eskolatzearen inguruan hausnartzeko beharra dago ezinbestean. Gaur egun haurra haur eskolako erritmo eta eskakizunetara ahalik eta azkarren moldatzeko asmoz, egokitzapen aldi bezala ezagutzen den denboraldia eskaintzen zaio haur txikiari, bere garaian Haur Hezkuntzaren bigarren ziklokoei eskaintzen hasi zitzaien bezala. Zoritxarrez honek egoerari zailtasun gehiago erantsi dizkio, ez baitira haurtxo eta haur txikiaren erritmoak errespetatzen. Hori dela eta, hezitzaileen muina eskola atsegina bihurtzeko asmotan, komunikazioan eta errespetuan oinarritutako etxekotze prozesua aurkezten da, zeinen helburua haurraren hezkuntzan parte hartzen duten guztien, familia eta eskola, elkarlanari esker bere ongizatea bermatu eta haur eskolarako igarobidea erraztuko duen giro lasaia, atsegina eta ez bakarrik adinari, baizik eta norberaren beharrizanen arabera egokia sortzea den.


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FMDV 2B biroporinak duen egitura eta funtzio aztertzeko helburuarekin, peptidoetan oinarritutako analisiak egin dira. Modu honetan, 2B proteina ezestrukturalak bi transmintz domeinu agertu ditu, II motako biroporina dela bermatuz. FMDV 2B biroporinaren aminoazido sekuentziak pikornabirusen 2B aminoazido sekuentziekin homologia erakusten du, 2B4 peptidoari dagokion sekuentzia gehigarria kontuan hartu gabe. Sekuentzia gehigarri hau bigarren domeinu litiko bat da, birus familia honetan deigarria dena. Jakinik birusek haien bizi zikloa aurrera eramateko behar-beharrezkoa den material genetikoa baino ez dutela, bi domeinu litiko izateak ebolutiboki zein funtzionalki garrantzia handia duela onar daiteke.