902 resultados para Distinguishing guise


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Abstract (Irony as object of research: Is it possible to explore what is between the lines?): The main concern of this article is the interpretation of irony: how is it brought about and how can it be investigated? The method applied is based on authentic texts and their elicited interpretations − a method referred to in this article response analysis. Interpretation of irony in the approach taken is seen as being crucially dependent on the notion of coherence. A text is perceived as being coherent if it (a) makes sense and if it(b) hangs together. Incoherent texts can result in an ironic interpretation; however, the incoherence must also be perceived as being intentional, and intentionality in turn is a sign of the edge of the ironist. Ironic interpretation is defined as a combination of five factors: (1) an ironic edge that (2) reflects the intention of the ironist, and (3) has a target and (4) a victim too. Essential to irony is its fifth factor, the fact that one or more of these four factors must be inferred from co(n)text. This definition of irony is crucial in distinguishing irony from non-irony, and it also helps to discern the differences as well as the similarities between irony and related phenomena.


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This article concentrates on the discursive constmction of success and failure in narratives of post-merger integration. Drawing on extensive interview material from eight Finnish-Swedish mergers and acquisitions, the empirical analysis leads to distinguishing four types of discourse — 'rationalistic', 'cultural', 'role-bound' and 'individualistic' — that narrators employ in recounting their experiences. In particular, the empirical material illustrates how the discursive frameworks enable specific (di.scursive) strategies and moves for (re)framing the success/failure, justification/legitimization of one's own actions, and (re)constniction of responsibility when dealing with socio-psychological pressures associated with success/failtire. The analysis also suggests that, as a result of making use of these discursive strategies and moves, success stories are likely to lead to overly optimistic or, in the case of failure stories, overly pessimistic views on the management's ability to control these change processes. Tliese findings imply that we should take the discursive elements that both constrain our descriptions and explanations seriously, and provide opportunities for more or less intentional (re)interpretations of postmerger integration or other organizational change processes.


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There is a lack of integrative conceptual models that would help to better understand the underlying reasons for the alleged problems of MBA education. To address this challenge, we draw on the work of Pierre Bourdieu to examine MBA education as an activity with its own ‘economy of exchange’ and ‘rules of the game.’ We argue that application of Bourdieu’s theoretical ideas elucidates three key issues in debate around MBA education: the outcomes of MBA programs, the inculcation of potentially problematic values and practices through the programs, and the potential of self-regulation such as accreditation and ranking for impeding development of MBA education. First, Bourdieu’s notions of capital – intellectual, social and symbolic – shed light on the ‘economy of exchange’ in MBA education. Critics of MBA programs have pointed out that the value of MBA degrees lies not only in ‘learning.’ Bourdieu’s framework allows further analysis of this issue by distinguishing between intellectual (learning), social (social networks), and symbolic capital (credentials and prestige). Second, the concept of ‘habitus’ suggests how values and practices are inculcated through MBA education. This process is often a ‘voluntary’ one where problematic or ethically questionable ideas may be regarded as natural. Third, Bourdieu’s reflections on the ‘doxa’ and its reproduction and legitimation illuminate the role of accreditation and ranking in MBA education. An analysis of such self-regulation explains in part how the system may turn out impeding change.


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Topics in Spatial Econometrics — With Applications to House Prices Spatial effects in data occur when geographical closeness of observations influences the relation between the observations. When two points on a map are close to each other, the observed values on a variable at those points tend to be similar. The further away the two points are from each other, the less similar the observed values tend to be. Recent technical developments, geographical information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) have brought about a renewed interest in spatial matters. For instance, it is possible to observe the exact location of an observation and combine it with other characteristics. Spatial econometrics integrates spatial aspects into econometric models and analysis. The thesis concentrates mainly on methodological issues, but the findings are illustrated by empirical studies on house price data. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four essays. The introductory chapter presents an overview of topics and problems in spatial econometrics. It discusses spatial effects, spatial weights matrices, especially k-nearest neighbours weights matrices, and various spatial econometric models, as well as estimation methods and inference. Further, the problem of omitted variables, a few computational and empirical aspects, the bootstrap procedure and the spatial J-test are presented. In addition, a discussion on hedonic house price models is included. In the first essay a comparison is made between spatial econometrics and time series analysis. By restricting the attention to unilateral spatial autoregressive processes, it is shown that a unilateral spatial autoregression, which enjoys similar properties as an autoregression with time series, can be defined. By an empirical study on house price data the second essay shows that it is possible to form coordinate-based, spatially autoregressive variables, which are at least to some extent able to replace the spatial structure in a spatial econometric model. In the third essay a strategy for specifying a k-nearest neighbours weights matrix by applying the spatial J-test is suggested, studied and demonstrated. In the final fourth essay the properties of the asymptotic spatial J-test are further examined. A simulation study shows that the spatial J-test can be used for distinguishing between general spatial models with different k-nearest neighbours weights matrices. A bootstrap spatial J-test is suggested to correct the size of the asymptotic test in small samples.


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Research objectives. The Special Education Strategy, the legislative change based on it, and the change in the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Pre-primary and Basic Education build the background for this study. An improvement initiative called KELPO was founded in 2008 to implement a new three-level support system in municipalities. To support this initiative, the Network of Intensified and Special Support in the Metropolitan Area was founded in 2010. The Network consists of 22 pilot schools from four metropolitan municipalities and the Centre for Educational Assessment at the University of Helsinki that carries out the developmental assessment of the initiative. The objective of my study was to form an overall view of the functioning of the Network. The data included interviews of 20 principals of the schools belonging to the Network. The interviews were conducted by the Centre for Educational Assessment in the autumn of 2010. The research question is: What do principals speak about the networking done inside and between the municipalities? Methods. I received the data as already transcribed for my use. I researched it using a narrative research approach. As a method I used both thematic reading and classifying narratives by the holistic-content. These methods belong under the analyze of narratives. I collected the narratives from the principals under themes that arose from the data delimited by my research question. The narrative analysis materialized by writing the research story, as a new story was built by the principals stories theme by theme. The classification of the narratives by the holistic-content method was realized according to what kind of a gatekeeper s role each principal had. With a gatekeeper I here mean the intermediary role of a principal between the school and outside world. In addition, I used the analysis of interactive production of the narrative when applicable. Results and conclusions. Explicit features in the story of the Network were the principals at least partial uncertainty of the purpose of the networking, lack of time and resources, changing of initiatives, and lack of continuity. Positive narratives about ownership and empowerment could also be found. Nonetheless, many of the preconditions for success described by the school reform and school networking theories were not fulfilled. According to the collective story, there was no shared goal or purpose, and nor were the needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness fulfilled. Three different kinds of gatekeepers were found in the data: The Exemplary ones, The Survivors and The Losers. The distinguishing factor turned out to be sharing of information at school. Based on the narratives, the schools with principals taking care of sharing information were the most active in partaking in networking.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan helsinkiläislukiolaisten asennoitumista suomen murteisiin ja pääkaupunkiseudun puhekieleen. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimivat sosiaalipsykologinen kieliasennetutkimus ja kansanlingvistiikka. Keskeisin tutkimusmenetelmä tutkielmassa on kuuntelutesti, jonka avulla selvitettiin, miten helsinkiläisnuoret arvioivat kuulemiaan erimurteisia ääninäytteitä ja minne he paikantavat ne. Pääaineistona on 221:n ja lisäaineistona 19 helsinkiläislukiolaisen lomakevastaukset. Lomakkeen avulla vastaajilta kerättiin tietoa ääninäytteisiin liitetyistä assosiaatioista muun muassa asenneskaalojen ja lisäaineistossa avoimien kysymysten avulla. Laajemman aineiston analysoinnissa on hyödynnetty tilastollisia menetelmiä SPSS-ohjelman avulla. Kuuntelutesti koostui yhdeksästä tutkimusta varten äänitetystä puhenäytteestä. Verbal guise -tekniikan mukaisesti kunkin näytteen puhuja puhuu omaa murrettaan, poikkeuksena yksi puhuja, joka tuotti kuuntelutehtävää varten kaksi erimurteista ääninäytettä (matched guise). Kokonaisuutena miellyttävimmäksi arvioitiin helsinkiläisnaisen ja kiiminkiläismiehen ääninäytteet. Lukiolaiset arvioivat siis myönteisimmin ääripäitä: oman asuinalueensa puhetapaa ja murteellista puhetapaa. Kuitenkin toinen Helsinkiin paikannettu puhuja, espoolaisnainen, arvioitiin toiseksi epämiellyttävimmäksi: samalla lailla arvioitiin myös uusimaalaisena pidetyn turkulaismiehen näyte. Nämä epämiellyttävän kuuloisiksi arvioidut puhuivat vastaajien mielestä epäselvästi, mikä vaikutti tilastollisesti merkitsevästi heidän evaluointeihinsa. Matched guise -ääniparista vastaajat pitivät lounaisvälimurteista versiota peräpohjalaisversiota miellyttävämpänä. Tasoittunutta murretta puhuneet sijoitettiin pääasiassa Etelä-Suomeen ja leimallista murretta puhuneet Savoon ja Pohjanmaalle. Kuvaillessaan sanallisesti ääninäytteitä vastaajat kiinnittivät huomiota siihen, kuinka hyvin puhuja suoriutui tehtävästä (kuvasta kertominen), millainen oli hänen tunnetilansa ja kuinka murteellinen hän oli. Murteellisiksi kuvattuja puhujia pidettiin myös maalaisimpina. Helsinkiin paikannettuja puhujia pidettiin murteettomina. Sekä suoraan kysymällä että epäsuorasti kuuntelutestillä tutkien lukiolaisten murreasenteista saadaan samansuuntainen kuva: suurin osa vastaajista suhtautuu melko myönteisesti murteisiin. Sen sijaan suhde pääkaupunkiseutulaiseen puheeseen on ristiriitainen, sillä kuuntelutestin perusteella vastaajat eivät automaattisesti suosi helsinkiläisiksi tunnistamiaan ja puolet heistä pitää slangia leuhkan kuuloisena. Tutkielma antaa tietoa siitä, miten helsinkiläislukiolaiset suhtautuvat kuulemiinsa erilaisiin puhetapoihin. Tämä kuva poikkeaa osin aiempien tutkimusten kuvaamista stereotyyppisistä murreasenteista. Metodisesti tutkimus avartaa käsitystä siitä, miten olennainen merkitys kuulijoille esitetyn äänimateriaalin luonteella on tuloksiin. Murreaineksen ohella asenteisiin vaikuttavat puheen sisällölliset seikat, sekä se, miten selvästi tai epäselvästi puhujan koetaan puhuvan. Menetelmään liittyvistä ongelmista huolimatta kuuntelutehtävän avulla on mahdollista saada tietoa sekä avoimista että alitajuisemmista asenteista eri kielimuotoja kohtaan.


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Goals. Immigrant pupils are over-represented in special education. Linguistic difficulties are the most pivotal reasons for social exclusion of immigrant pupils during their school career. Addedly reading, writing, and language development disorders are the most common reasons for both part-time and extensive special education. I studied class teachers' perceptions of the typical linguistic difficulties of pupils who speak Finnish as their second language and of those who have dyslexia, because I suspect that telling the difference between linguistic competency in progress and the symptoms of dyslexia isn't easy. I look for overlappings in the perceptions of linguistic difficulties, their causes and their support measures, which would reveal the challenges in recognizing linguistic difficulties, which in turn might partly explain why immigrant pupils are over-represented in special education. Methods. This study was carried out as structured individual interviews with nine class teachers from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. To increase reliability, complementary information was gathered about the same phenomenon with a questionnaire that each interviewee filled out at the end of the interview. It was required that the interviewees have experience of teaching both dyslexic pupils and pupils who speak Finnish as a second language. The material analysis was mainly deductive, but the material that wasn't in line with the theoretical frame of reference was analyzed inductively. Results and conclusions. There were overlappings in the class teachers' perceptions of the linguistic difficulties, support measures fitting them and, based on the questionnaire results, also of the causes of these difficulties. Additionally all the interviewees said it to be difficult to recognize dyslexia in a pupil who speaks Finnish as a second language. I came to the conclusion that distinguishing different linguistic difficulties from one another is a challenge to which class teachers don't always feel competent to rise, which is why they consider the assistance of special teachers and other professionals beneficial.


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The study describes and analyzes Finland Swedes attitudes to modern-day linguistic influence, the relationship between informants explicitly reported views and the implicit attitudes they express towards language influence. The methods are primarily sociolinguistic. For the analysis of opinions and attitudes I have further developed and tested a new tool in attitude research. With statistical correlation analysis of data collected through a quantitative survey I describe the views that Swedish-language Finns (N=500) report on the influence of English, on imports, and on domain loss. With experimental matchedguise techniques, I study Finland-Swedes (N=600) subconscious reactions to English imports in spoken text. My results show that the subconscious reactions in some respects differ markedly from the views informants explicitly report that they have: informants respond that they would like English words that come into Swedish to be replaced by Swedish replacement words, but in a matched-guise test on their subconscious attitudes, the informants consider English words in a Swedish context to have a positive effect. The topic is further dealt with in interviews where I examine 36 informants implicit attitudes through interactional sociolinguistic analyses. This study comes close to pragmatic discourse analysis in its focus on pragmatic particles and modality. The study makes a rather strict distinction between explicitly expressed opinions and implicit, subconscious attitudes. The quantitative analyses suggest that the opinions we express can be tied to the explicit in language. The outcome of the matched-guise test shows that it is furthermore possible to find subconscious, implicit attitudes that people in actual situations rely on when they make decisions. The discourse analysis finds many subconscious signals, but it also shows that the signals arise in interaction with one s interlocutor, the situation, and the norms in the society. To account for this I have introduced the concept of socioconscious attitude. Socioconscious attitudes reflect not only the traditions and values the utterer grew up with, but also the speaker s relation to the social situation (s)he takes part in.


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The distinction between a priori and a posteriori knowledge has been the subject of an enormous amount of discussion, but the literature is biased against recognizing the intimate relationship between these forms of knowledge. For instance, it seems to be almost impossible to find a sample of pure a priori or a posteriori knowledge. In this paper it will be suggested that distinguishing between a priori and a posteriori is more problematic than is often suggested, and that a priori and a posteriori resources are in fact used in parallel. We will define this relationship between a priori and a posteriori knowledge as the bootstrapping relationship. As we will see, this relationship gives us reasons to seek for an altogether novel definition of a priori and a posteriori knowledge. Specifically, we will have to analyse the relationship between a priori knowledge and a priori reasoning, and it will be suggested that the latter serves as a more promising starting point for the analysis of aprioricity. We will also analyse a number of examples from the natural sciences and consider the role of a priori reasoning in these examples. The focus of this paper is the analysis of the concepts of a priori and a posteriori knowledge rather than the epistemic domain of a posteriori and a priori justification.


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Factors contributing to the variations in the Cu(I)-Cu(I) distances in two clusters with identical ligand and coordination geometries have been analyzed. While the hexamer, 4, exhibits metal-metal distances in the range 2.81-3.25 Angstrom, shorter contacts are found in the corresponding tetramer, 3 (2.60-2.77 Angstrom). EHT calculations reveal relatively little attractive interactions in the corresponding Cu-4(4+) and Cu-6(6+) cores. Introduction of the ligands lowers the reduced overlap populations between the metals further. MNDO calculations with model electrophiles have been carried out to determine the bite angle requirements of the ligands. These are satisfactorily met in the structures of both 3 and 4. The key geometric feature distinguishing 3 and 4 is the Cu-S-Cu angle involving the bridging S- unit. In 4, the corresponding angles are about 90 degrees, while the values in 3 are smaller (70-73 degrees). Wider angles are computed to be energetically favored and are characterized by an open three-center bond and a long Cu-Cu distance. The bridging angles are suggested to be primarily constrained by the mode of oligomerization. Implications of these results for the stability and reactivity of these clusters and for short metal-metal distances in d(10) systems in general are discussed.


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When examined using continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, the high T-c superconductors give rise to intense, low field, 'non-resonant' absorption signals in the superconducting state. This phenomenon can be used as a highly sensitive, contactless technique for the detection and characterization of superconductivity even in samples containing only minute amounts of the superconducting phase. Further, it can also be applied to the determination of material parameters of interest such as J(c) and H-c2 in addition to being a powerful way of distinguishing between weak-link superconductivity and bulk superconductivity. The details of these aspects are discussed


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We compute the temperature profiles of accretion discs around rapidly rotating strange stars, using constant gravitational mass equilibrium sequences of these objects, considering the full effect of general relativity. Beyond a certain critical value of stellar angular momentum (J), we observe the radius ( $r_{\rm orb}$) of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) to increase with J (a property seen neither in rotating black holes nor in rotating neutron stars). The reason for this is traced to the crucial dependence of ${\rm d}r_{\rm orb}/{\rm d}J$ on the rate of change of the radial gradient of the Keplerian angular velocity at $r_{\rm orb}$ with respect to J. The structure parameters and temperature profiles obtained are compared with those of neutron stars, as an attempt to provide signatures for distinguishing between the two. We show that when the full gamut of strange star equation of state models, with varying degrees of stiffness are considered, there exists a substantial overlap in properties of both neutron stars and strange stars. However, applying accretion disc model constraints to rule out stiff strange star equation of state models, we notice that neutron stars and strange stars exclusively occupy certain parameter spaces. This result implies the possibility of distinguishing these objects from each other by sensitive observations through future X-ray detectors.


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Site-directed mutagenesis is widely used to study protein and nucleic acid structure and function. Despite recent advancements in the efficiency of procedures for site-directed mutagenesis, the fraction of site-directed mutants by most procedures rarely exceeds 50% on a routine basis and is never 100%. Hence it is typically necessary to sequence two or three clones each time a site-directed mutant is constructed. We describe a simple and robust gradient-PCR-based screen for distinguishing site-directed mutants from the starting, unmutated plasmid. The procedure can use either purified plasmid DNA or colony PCR, starting from a single colony. The screen utilizes the primer used for mutagenesis and a common outside primer that can be used for all other mutants constructed with the same template. Over 30 site-specific mutants in a variety of templates were successfully screened and all of the mutations detected were subsequently confirmed by DNA sequencing. A single base pair mismatch could be detected in an oligonucleotide of 36 bases. Detection efficiency was relatively independent of starting template concentration and the nature of the outside primer used. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The total solids of samples of ass's milk ranged from 7·80 to 9·10, the solids-not-fat from 7·14 to 8·50, and the fat from 0·54 to 0·71%. The nitrogen distribution in ass's milk is: casein 39·5, albumin 35·0, globulin 2·7 and non-protein nitrogen 22·8% of the total nitrogen. Ass's milk contains: casein 0·70, albumin 0·62 and globulin 0·07%. The total protein content is 1·39%. Ass's milk is therefore characterized by a low casein, a low globulin and a high albumin content. The non-protein nitrogen consists of amino nitrogen 8·1, urea nitrogen 24·3 and uric acid 0·7 mg./100 ml. of milk. The urea content is twice that present in cow's milk. The mean chloride and lactose contents of the milk samples are 0·037 and 6·1% respectively. The average calcium and phosphorus content of ass's milk are 0·081 and 0·059% respectively. Half the calcium is ionic, and half is in colloidal form. The phosphorus distribution is: total acid soluble 84·0, acid soluble organic 38·5, easily hydrolysable ester 27·4, inorganic 46·0, and colloidal inorganic 23·0 % of the total phosphorus. The ratio of CaO: P2O5 is 1:1. 46 % of the total phosphorus is in ester form; this is high when compared with only 12 % in cow's milk; most of the phosphoric ester forms soluble barium salts, which is a distinguishing feature of ass's milk. The total sulphur content is 15·8 mg./100 ml. The fat has a penetrating odour and is coloured orange-yellow. It has an iodine value of about 86, which is much higher than that for human milk fat. The Reichert (9·5) and Kirschner values (5·7) are low. In general, the composition of ass's milk resembles that of human rather than of cow's milk.


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The occurrence of segregation and its influence on microstructural and phase evolution have been studied in MgO–MgAl2O4 powders synthesized by thermal decomposition of aqueous nitrate precursors. When the nitrate solutions of Mg and Al were spray-pyrolyzed on a substrate held at 673 or 573 K, homogeneous mixed oxides were produced. Spraying and drying the nitrate solutions at 473 K resulted in the formation of compositionally inhomogeneous, segregated oxide mixtures. It is suggested that segregation in the dried powders was caused by the difference in solubility of the individual nitrate salts in water which caused Mg-rich and Al-rich salts to precipitate during dehydration of the solutions. The occurrence of segregation in the powders sprayed at 473 K and not 573 or 673 K is ascribed to the sluggish rate at which the early stages of decomposition occurred during which the cations segregated. The phase evolution in segregated and segregation-free MgO–MgAl2O4 powders has been compared. The distinguishing feature of the segregated powders was the appearance of stoichiometric periclase grain dimensions in excess of 0.3 μm at temperatures as low as 973 K. By comparison, the segregation-free powders displayed broad diffraction peaks corresponding to fine-grained and nonstoichiometric periclase. The grain size was in the range 5–30 nm at temperatures up to 1173 K. The key to obtaining fine-grained periclase was the ability to synthesize (Mg Al)O solid solutions with the rock salt structure. In the temperature range 973–1173 K, spinel grain size varied from 5 to 40 nm irrespective of its composition and did not appear to be influenced by segregation.