828 resultados para Distance exercised


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In 2003 the first distance teacher education started at Dalarna University in a small scale compared with today when a large part of the teacher education is distributed as distance education. From this point of view it seems important to ask the question: How can you become a successful distance student? This paper is based on a case study. Data were collected from earlier research reports, study registers and a group interview. The most important parameters appeared to be motivation, situation in life, discipline and experiences from earlier studies and/or work experience and good relations to other students and the university teachers.


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Background: Physical activity is of benefit for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but it appears to increase the risk for atrial fibrillation. We aimed to study a cohort of patients following a first stroke in individuals with previous high physical activity, compare them to the general population with respect to recurrent stroke and death, and relate these to atrial fibrillation. Methods and results: From the participants of the Vasaloppet, the world's largest ski-race, and matched individuals from the general population (n=708 604), we identified 5964 patients hospitalized with a first-time stroke between 1994 and 2010. Individuals with severe diseases were excluded. One half percent of skiers and 1% of nonskiers were hospitalized due to stroke. The incidence rate was 8.3 per 100 person-years among skiers and 11.1 among nonskiers. The hazard ratio (HR) for recurrent stroke or death between the 2 groups was 0.76 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.86). The result was consistent in subgroups. The HR for death was 0.66 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.78) and for recurrent stroke 0.82 (95% CI 0.70 to 0.96). After adjustment for smoking and socioeconomic factors, the HR for death was consistent at 0.70 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.87) while the HR for recurrent stroke was not statistically significant. Outcomes for skiers with atrial fibrillation tended to show a lower risk than for nonskiers. Conclusions: This large cohort study supports the hypothesis that patients with a stroke and with prior regular physical activity have a lower risk of death, while their risk for recurrent stroke is similar to that of nonskiers. The skiers had a higher incidence of atrial fibrillation, but still no increased risk of recurring stroke.


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Competition studies with soybeans, Glycine max (L.) Merr. "Bragg." and sicklepod, Cassia obtusifolia L., were conducted at the Agricultural Research and Education Center of the University of Florida in Quincy, Florida. Two field experiments were established, one on May 22, 1975. and the other four weeks later, on June 19, 1975, to determine the competitive effects of various sicklepod densities and the influences of soybean row distances on weed dry matter, soybear plant characteristics, yield components and seed yield, and on soil nutrient content. Control, low, medium, and high sicklepod densities in the first experiment were O, 25,000, 53,000, and 77,000 p1ants/ha, respectively; while the second experiment presented control, low, medium, and high sicklepod densities of O, 36,000, 68,000, and 122,000 plants/ha, respectively. Three soybean row distance treatments were tested using a constant pattern of 90-, 60-, and 45-cm widths throughout the growing season. Three other treatments, evaluated in a variable patern, were initially seeded in 30-cm row widths. Five weeks after planting, an appropriate number of soybean rows were harvested from the 30"cm pattern to establish row distances of 90, 60, and 30-60 cm for the remainder of the season. ln the greenhouse a test was conducted to evaluate the effects af those variables on seed germination and seedling vigor for the next soybean generation. As a result of full-season sicklepod competition, soybean plants were less branched, set fewer leaves, and presented thinner stems as compared to the control. However, height of soybean plants was not affected by the presence of sicklepod. ln one of the two experiments, number of nodes decreased for soybeans under weed campetition. The yield components--number of pods; number of seeds, and seed yield per soybean plant--were all similarly reduced due to weed competition. Seeds per pod were decreased to a lesser extent. Soybean seed yields per unit area were significantly diminished by increasing levels af sicklepod ínfestation. While the control produced 3120 kg/ha, the sicklepod densities of 25,000, 53,000, and 77,000 plants/ha reduced seed yíelds 47, 65, and 73%, respectively. As soybean row distances decreased, number of branches, number of leaves, and stem diameter of soybeans decreased. However, the height of soybean plants increased with narrwing of row width. The components of seed yield--number of pods, number of seeds, and seed yield per soybean plant--diminished as row spacing was reduced. Maximum difference between row distances for these attributes was attained for soybean plants under weed-free conditions. Generally, as row width decreased, soybean seed yield per unit area increased. Specifically, soybear.s in 90-cm rows, either in constant or variable row pattern, yielded less than soybeans in 60- and 30-60-cm rows in the variable pattern. Soil contents of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were not affected by the various levels of sicklepod and soybean populalions. Neither the sicklepod densities nor the soybean row distances influenced seed germination and seedling vigor in the next soybean generation. Sicklepod was a strong competitor with soybeans at all density ranges investigated. Because sicklepod grows taller than soybeans during the reproductive stages of the crop, limited success can be reached by varying row spacing alone. However, this practice is considered an integral measure to complement other methods of sicklepod control. Compared to constant rows, the soybean cropping system using variable row spacings presents the choice of planting soybeans at close row spacings to provide early competition with weeds and the possibility of obtaining a forage crop after the first month of growth, without any decreases on the final seed yields.


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O tema "controle social" nunca esteve tão em voga quanto atualmente. Trata-se de mais uma inovação produzida pelo estado democrático de direito, e que consiste, entre outros objetivos, na busca da legitimidade e da eficiência dos atos da administração pública, na redução das distâncias entre esta e a sociedade, na vinculação das demandas sociais às políticas públicas, e, é claro, no fortalecimento dos controles e da fiscalização. A premissa básica deste trabalho é a suposição de que há sinergia entre o controle social e o controle externo exercido pelos tribunais de contas, valendo-se para tal afirmação da avaliação das práticas do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Tocantins no estímulo à participação cidadã. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é mostrar como o exercício do controle social, exercido pelo cidadão mediante mecanismos adequados criados pelos tribunais de contas, pode interagir com o controle externo de sua responsabilidade, com ganhos significativos para os controles da administração pública. Entre esses mecanismos, as ouvidorias dessas instituições estão entre as ações mais fortes que promovem o controle social. As ouvidorias nos tribunais de contas representam canais de controle da sociedade sobre a gestão pública, e abrem importante espaço para o debate e o consenso em tomo do objetivo comum dos tribunais e da sociedade: a correta aplicação dos recursos públicos que garanta eficiência, eficácia e efetividade. Para atingir seus objetivos, os tribunais de contas necessitam identificar e coibir as práticas contrárias ao interesse público presentes na formação social brasileira, tais como: a má gestão, a corrupção e a ineficiência. Assim, com vistas a identificá-Ias e coibi-Ias, é fundamental a participação da sociedade, que pode, deve e precisa contribuir neste sentido. Desta forma, apresentamos as práticas dos TCs do Brasil quanto ao tema, e, ainda, em detalhe, a ouvidoria do TCE-TO, e destacamos outras ações de estímulo ao controle social e à participação cidadã executadas por aquela Corte de Contas.


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Modelos de tomada de decisão necessitam refletir os aspectos da psi- cologia humana. Com este objetivo, este trabalho é baseado na Sparse Distributed Memory (SDM), um modelo psicologicamente e neuro- cientificamente plausível da memória humana, publicado por Pentti Kanerva, em 1988. O modelo de Kanerva possui um ponto crítico: um item de memória aquém deste ponto é rapidamente encontrado, e items além do ponto crítico não o são. Kanerva calculou este ponto para um caso especial com um seleto conjunto de parâmetros (fixos). Neste trabalho estendemos o conhecimento deste ponto crítico, através de simulações computacionais, e analisamos o comportamento desta “Critical Distance” sob diferentes cenários: em diferentes dimensões; em diferentes números de items armazenados na memória; e em diferentes números de armazenamento do item. Também é derivada uma função que, quando minimizada, determina o valor da “Critical Distance” de acordo com o estado da memória. Um objetivo secundário do trabalho é apresentar a SDM de forma simples e intuitiva para que pesquisadores de outras áreas possam imaginar como ela pode ajudá-los a entender e a resolver seus problemas.


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One of the challenges presented by the current conjecture in Global Companies is to recognize and understand that the culture and levels in structure of the Power Distance in Organizations in different countries contribute, significantly, toward the failure or success of their strategies. The alignment between the implementation and execution of new strategies for projects intended for the success of the Organization as a whole, rather than as an individual part thereof, is an important step towards reducing the impacts of Power Distance (PDI) on the success of business strategies. A position at odds with this understanding by Companies creates boundaries that increase organizational chasms, also taking into consideration relevant aspects such as, FSAs (Firm-Specific Advantages) and CSAs (Country-Specific Advantages). It is also important that the Organizations based in countries or regions of low Power Distance (PDI) between its individuals be more flexible and prepared to ask and to hear the suggestions from Regional and Local Offices. Thus, the purpose of this study is to highlight the elements of effective strategy implementation considering the relevant aspects at all levels of global corporate culture that justify the influences of power distance when implementing new strategies and also to minimize the impacts of this internal business relationship. This study also recognizes that other corporate and cultural aspects are relevant for the success of business strategies so consider, for instance, the lack of alignment between global and regional/local organizations, the need for competent leadership resources, as well as the challenges that indicate the distance between the hierarchical levels ─ Headquarters and Regional Office ─ as some of the various causes that prevent the successful execution of global strategies. Finally, we show that the execution of the strategy cannot be treated as a construction solely created by the Headquarters or by only one Board and that it needs to be understood as a system aimed at interacting with the surroundings.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis plasmáticos de glicose e cortisol de um grupo de eqüinos atletas submetidos ao esforço de longa duração (enduro eqüestre) em distâncias de 30 e 60km, com velocidades médias de 10 e 15km h-1, respectivamente. Os animais foram aleatoriamente separados em dois grupos, sendo que a um deles foi administrada, por via oral, uma pasta eletrolítica hipertônica antes, durante e após as referidas provas. O outro grupo foi usado como controle. Os resultados das concentrações de cortisol revelaram um aumento significativo, no primeiro momento, em que a intensidade do esforço era maior (15km/h), ou com a continuação deste (30km de distância), no segundo momento, para todos os grupos. Os resultados referentes à concentração de glicose permaneceram constantes durante a prova de 30km; entretanto, nos primeiros 20km da prova de 60km, tais resultados revelaram um aumento significativo no grupo controle, retornando a valores basais no momento subseqüente. A reposição eletrolítica tem a sua importância na manutenção do equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido básico e, no presente estudo, pode ter contribuído para a manutenção da concentração média de glicose plasmática.


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Estudaram-se as alterações de atividade das enzimas musculares creatino quinase (CK), lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST) em um grupo de cavalos que utilizados em provas de enduro de 70 e 100km de distância, em cinco competições. Os valores (U/l) basais (antes da largada) foram 245,13±9,84 para CK, 496,61±14,76 para LDH e 328,95±8,65 para AST. Todas as atividades das enzimas decresceram no primeiro momento das provas (~30km). Valores de pico, significativamente diferentes, foram alcançados para CK (413,59±50,75) imediatamente após 70km de distância; 24 horas após para LDH (628,61±33,30); e 48 horas após as provas para AST (389,89±16,96). A monitoração do período de recuperação revelou diferente comportamento entre as concentrações enzimáticas com CK retornando aos valores basais 24 horas pós-provas (279,61 ± 23,05). LDH e AST retornaram aos valores basais, 72 horas pós-provas (505,25±33,78 e 359,35±24,90, respectivamente). Os dados obtidos revelaram diferentes alterações na concentração de enzimas musculares de cavalos de enduro, diretamente relacionadas com a duração do esforço.


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Parent, L. E., Natale, W. and Ziadi, N. 2009. Compositional nutrient diagnosis of corn using the Mahalanobis distance as nutrient imbalance index. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 383-390. Compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) provides a plant nutrient imbalance index (CND - r(2)) with assumed chi(2) distribution. The Mahalanobis distance D(2), which detects outliers in compositional data sets, also has a chi(2) distribution. The objective of this paper was to compare D(2) and CND - r(2) nutrient imbalance indexes in corn (Zea mays L.). We measured grain yield as well as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations in the ear leaf at silk stage for 210 calibration sites in the St. Lawrence Lowlands [2300-2700 corn thermal units (CTU)] as well as 30 phosphorus (2300-2700 CTU; 10 sites) and 10 nitrogen (1900-2100 CTU; one site) replicated fertilizer treatments for validation. We derived CND norms as mean, standard deviation, and the inverse covariance matrix of centred log ratios (clr) for high yielding specimens (>= 9.0 Mg grain ha(-1) at 150 g H(2)O kg(-1) moisture content) in the 2300-2700 CTU zone. Using chi(2) = 17 (P < 0.05) with nine degrees of freedom (i.e., nine nutrients) as a rejection criterion for outliers and a yield threshold of 8.6 Mg ha(-1) after Cate-Nelson partitioning between low- and high-yielders in the P validation data set, D(2) misclassified two specimens compared with nine for CND -r(2). The D(2) classification was not significantly different from a chi(2) classification (P > 0.05), but the CND - r(2) classification differed significantly from chi(2) or D(2) (P < 0.001). A threshold value for nutrient imbalance could thus be derived probabilistically for conducting D(2) diagnosis, while the CND - r(2) nutrient imbalance threshold must be calibrated using fertilizer trials. In the proposed CND - D(2) procedure, D(2) is first computed to classify the specimen as possible outlier. Thereafter, nutrient indices are ranked in their order of limitation. The D(2) norms appeared less effective in the 1900-2100 CTU zone.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Study objectives: This study was developed to investigate the influence of thoracic and upperlimb muscle function on 6-min walk distance (6MWD) in patients with COPD.Design: A prospective, cross-sectional study.Setting: the pulmonary rehabilitation center of a university hospital.Patients: Thirty-eight patients with mild to very severe COPD were evaluated.Measurements and results: Pulmonary function and baseline dyspnea index (BDI) were assessed, handgrip strength, maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax), and 6MWD were measured, and the one-repetition maximum (1RM) was determined for each of four exercises (bench press, lat pull down, leg extension, and leg press) performed on gymnasium equipment. Quality of life was assessed using the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). We found statistically significant positive correlations between 6MWD and body weight (r = 0.32; p < 0.05), BDI (r = 0.50; p < 0.01), FEV, (r = 0.33; p < 0.05), PImax (r = 0.53; p < 0.01), and all values of 1RM. A statistically significant negative correlation was observed between 6MWD and dyspnea at the end of the 6-min walk test (r = -0.29; p < 0.05), as well as between 6MWD and the SGRQ activity domain (r = -0.45; p < 0.01) and impact domain (r = -0.34; p < 0.05) and total score (r = -0.40; p < 0.01). Multiple regression analysis selected body weight, BDI, Pimax, and lat pull down IRM as predictive factors for 6MWD (R-2 = 0.589).Conclusions: the results of this study showed the importance of the skeletal musculature of the thorax and upper limbs in submaximal exercise tolerance and could open new perspectives for training programs designed to improve functional activity in COPD patients.


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We assessed the 6-min walk distance (6MWD) and body weight x distance product (6MWw) in healthy Brazilian subjects and compared measured 6MWD with values predicted in five reference equations developed for other populations. Anthropometry, spirometry, reported physical activity, and two walk tests in a 30-m corridor were evaluated in 134 subjects (73 females, 13-84 years). Mean 6MWD and 6MWw were significantly greater in males than in females (622 ± 80 m, 46,322 ± 10,539 kg.m vs 551 ± 71 m, 36,356 ± 8,289 kg.m, P < 0.05). Four equations significantly overestimated measured 6MWD (range, 32 ± 71 to 137 ± 74 m; P < 0.001), and one significantly underestimated it (-36 ± 86 m; P < 0.001). 6MWD significantly correlated with age (r = -0.39), height (r = 0.44), body mass index (r = -0.24), and reported physical activity (r = 0.25). 6MWw significantly correlated with age (r = -0.21), height (r = 0.66) and reported physical activity (r = 0.25). The reference equation devised for walk distance was 6MWDm = 622.461 - (1.846 x Ageyears) + (61.503 x Gendermales = 1; females = 0); r2 = 0.300. In an additional group of 85 subjects prospectively studied, the difference between measured and the 6MWD predicted with the equation proposed here was not significant (-3 ± 68 m; P = 0.938). The measured 6MWD represented 99.6 ± 11.9% of the predicted value. We conclude that 6MWD and 6MWw variances were adequately explained by demographic and anthropometric attributes. This reference equation is probably most appropriate for evaluating the exercise capacity of Brazilian patients with chronic diseases.