902 resultados para DEMENTIA SEVERITY
The purpose of this cross-sectional observational study was to identify characteristics of caregivers of elderly people with dementia, types of care demands and to relate demands to the stage of dementia. The study was carried out in 2004 with 104 older adults and 90 caregivers in Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo. The OARS instrument was utilized and a questionnaire answered by caregivers. Among older adults, 66.3% were female, aged 75.5 years in average and 86.5% had caregivers. Eighty percent of the caregivers were women family members, aged 52.3 years in average. They spent 15.10 hours/day with care, without help. An important relationship was observed between caregiver's burden, physical and emotional effort and stage of dementia. Emotional overburden was higher at dementia early and late stages, this difference was statistically non-significant. Results reveal the urgent need to plan formal and informal support strategies to caregivers of Brazilian elderly people with dementia.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of a French translation of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) in 100 (78 male) alcoholic patients. METHOD: Validity of the instrument was assessed by measuring test-retest and interrater reliability, internal consistency and convergence and discrimination between items and scales. Concurrent validity was assessed by comparing the scores from the ASI with those obtained from three other clinimetric instruments. RESULTS: Test-retest reliability of ASI scores (after a 10-day interval) was good (r = 0.63 to r = 0.95). Interrater reliability was evaluated using six video recordings of patient interviews. Severity ratings assigned by six rates were significantly different (p < .05), but 72% of the ratings assigned by those who viewed the videos were within two points of the interviewer's severity ratings. Cronbach alpha coefficient of internal consistency varied from 0.58 to 0.81 across scales. The average item-to-scale convergent validity (r value) was 0.49 (range 0.0 to 0.84) for composite scores and 0.35 (range 0.00 to 0.68) for severity ratings, whereas discriminant validity was 0.11 on average (range-0.19 to 0.46) for composite scores and 0.12 (range-0.20 to 0.52) for severity ratings. Finally, concurrent validity with the following instruments was assessed: Severity of Alcoholism Dependence Questionnaire (40% shared variance with ASI alcohol scale), Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (2% shared variance with ASI alcohol scale) and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (31% shared variance with ASI psychiatric scale). CONCLUSIONS: The Addiction Severity Index covers a large scope of problems encountered among alcoholics and quantifies need for treatment. This French version presents acceptable criteria of reliability and validity.
The objective of this study was to verify if replacing the Injury Severity Score (ISS) by the New Injury Severity Score (NISS) in the original Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) form would improve the survival rate estimation. This retrospective study was performed in a level I trauma center during one year. ROC curve was used to identify the best indicator (TRISS or NTRISS) for survival probability prediction. Participants were 533 victims, with a mean age of 38±16 years. There was predominance of motor vehicle accidents (61.9%). External injuries were more frequent (63.0%), followed by head/neck injuries (55.5%). Survival rate was 76.9%. There is predominance of ISS scores ranging from 9-15 (40.0%), and NISS scores ranging from 16-24 (25.5%). Survival probability equal to or greater than 75.0% was obtained for 83.4% of the victims according to TRISS, and for 78.4% according to NTRISS. The new version (NTRISS) is better than TRISS for survival prediction in trauma patients.
Objective: To translate and culturally adapt to Brazil the scale Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia(PAINAD).Method: The cultural adaptation process followed the methodology of a theorical reference, in five steps: translation to Brazilian Portuguese, consensual version of translations, back-translation to the original language, revision by a committee of specialists in the field and a equivalency pre-test. The instrument was assessed and applied by 27 health professionals in the last step. Results: The Escala de Avaliação de Dor em Demência Avançada was culturally adapted to Brazil and presented semantic equivalency to the original, besides clarity, applicability and easy comprehension of the instrument items. Conclusion: This process secured the psychometric properties as the reliability and content validity of the referred scale.
Objetivo: Comparar a gravidade das lesões e do trauma mensurada pelas versões da Abbreviated Injury Scale 1998 e 2005 e verificar a mortalidade nos escores Injury Severity Score e New Injury Severity Score nas duas versões.Método: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo analisou lesões de pacientes de trauma, de três hospitais universitários do município de São Paulo, Brasil. Cada lesão foi codificada com Abbreviated Injury Scale 1998 e 2005. Os testes estatísticos aplicados foram Wilcoxon, McNemar-Bowker, Kappa e teste Z.Resultados: A comparação das duas versões resultou em discordância significante de escores em algumas regiões corpóreas. Com a versão 2005 os níveis de gravidade da lesão e do trauma foram significantemente reduzidos e a mortalidade foi mais elevada em escores mais baixos. Conclusão: Houve redução da gravidade da lesão e do trauma e alteração no percentual de mortalidade com o uso da Abbreviated Injury Scale 2005.
Objective To describe the trans-cultural adaptation of the evaluation instrument entitled Atenció Sanitària de Les Demències: la visió de L' Atenció Primarià from Catalan into versions in Portuguese for doctors and nurses. This study evaluates the knowledge and perspectives of these professionals in their treatment of patients diagnosed with dementia in cases of primary care. Method The adaptation followed internationally accepted rules, which include the following steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, revision by a committee of specialists, and a test run with 35 practicing doctors and 35 practicing nurses in Brazil's Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família, or ESF in Portuguese). Results The translation, synthesis, and back-translation steps were performed satisfactorily; only small adjustments were required. The committee of specialists verified the face validity in the version translated into Portuguese, and all of the items that received an agreement score lower than 80% during the initial evaluation were revised. In the test run, the difficulties presented by the health care professionals did not reach 15% of the sample, and therefore, no changes were made. Conclusion The Portuguese translation of the instrument can be considered semantically, idiomatically, culturally, and conceptually equivalent to the original Catalan version and is, therefore, appropriate for use in Brazil.
The leishmaniases are a group of diseases transmitted by the bite of Leishmania infected female phlebotomine sand flies. The diseases occur in different forms: localized, diffuse and muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis, and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Inside macrophages, the main host cells of the obligate intracellular Leishmania parasites, nitric oxide synthase and arginase can regulate parasite killing or growth. In experimental leishmaniasis, we previously reported that non-healing disease is associated with higher arginase activity at site of pathology, correlating with local suppression of T cell function. To test whether these data translate to human leishmaniasis, the following study was initiated: I first tested the hypothesis that local suppression of T cell responses observed in persistent CL is associated with arginase induced L-arginine depletion. The results showed that arginase activity is increased at site of pathology compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of LCL patients and intact skin of healthy controls. The phenotype of arginase expressing cells was identified in both compartments as CD15+ CD14|0W low-density granulocytes (LDGs). Finally, high arginase activity at site of pathology observed in cutaneous lesions of patients coincides with downregulation of CD3Ç, CD4 and CD8 molecules in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at site of pathology. We concluded that increased arginase levels in lesions of LCL patients might contribute to CL pathogenesis by impairing T cell effector function at site of pathology. Next, it was tested whether arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, is higher in patients with VL and contributes to impaired T cell function through depletion of L- arginine. The results showed that higher level of arginase activity in the PBMC coincides with active phase of VL. Cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were also found to be LDGs. Importantly, increased arginase activity and frequency of degranulated neutrophils coincided with lower plasma L-arginine levels. Furthermore, downregulation of CD3Ç, in T cells correlated with low plasma arginine levels. VL/HIV co-infection is a frequently reported leishmaniasis complication in Ethiopia associated with poor prognosis, with up to 40% mortality rate and high relapse rate. Arginase activity was significantly increased in PBMCs and plasma of VL patients co-infected with HIV than in those having VL alone. Similarly, cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were found to be LDGs. In summary, the results presented here show that increased arginase activity is a marker of disease severity in human leishmaniasis with and without HIV; further, these results suggest that arginase mediated L-arginine depletion may inhibit T cell function and contribute to impaired control of infection. - Les leishmanioses sont un groupe de maladies transmises par la piqûre de mouches des sables femelles, appelées phlébotomes, ayant été infectées par Leishmania. Les maladies se manifestent sous différentes formes: la leishmaniose cutanée localisée, la leishmaniose diffuse et mucocutanée et la leishmaniose viscérale (LV). A l'intérieur des macrophages, les principales cellules hôtes des parasites, l'oxyde nitrique synthase et l'arginase, peuvent contrôler, soit la mort du parasite, soit sa croissance. Pour la leishmaniose expérimentale, nous avons déjà rapporté que le développement de lesions qui ne guérissent pas est associé à une activité plus grande d'arginase au site d'infection, en corrélation avec la suppression locale de la fonction des cellules T. Pour vérifier si ces données pouvaient s'appliquer à la leishmaniose humaine, j'ai d'abord vérifié l'hypothèse selon laquelle la suppression locale des réponses des cellules T observée dans la CL persistante, est associée à la la diminution de L- arginine induite par l'arginase. Les résultats ont montré que l'activité arginase est augmentée au site d'infection, par rapport aux cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique (CMSP) de patients LCL et à la peau intacte des contrôles sains. Le phénotype de cellules exprimant l'arginase a été identifié dans les deux compartiments comme des granulocytes CD15+ et CD 14" de basse densité (LDG). Enfin, l'activité arginase élevée au site de la pathologie, observée dans les lésions cutanées de patients, coïncide avec la reduction dde l'expression des molécules CD3Ç, CD4 et CD8 dans les cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ au site de pathologie . Nous avons conclu que l'augmentation des niveaux d'arginase dans les lésions de patients LCL pourrait contribuer à la pathogenèse de la CL, en altérant la fonction effectrice des celllules T au site de la pathologie. Ensuite, nous avons vérifié si l'arginase, une enzyme associée à l'immunosuppression, était plus élevée chez les patients atteints de VL et si elle contribuait à la mauvaise fonction des cellules T par la depletion en L-arginine. Les résultats ont montré qu'un niveau plus élevé de l'activité arginase dans les PBMC correspond à la phase active de la VL. Les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP se sont révélées à être de type LDG . Il est important de souligner que l'augmentation de l'activité arginase et la fréquence des neutrophiles dégranulés a coïncidé avec des niveaux inférieurs de L-arginine plasmatique. En outre, la suppression de CD3Ç dans les cellules T correlle avec de faibles niveaux d'arginine plasmatique . Il a été fréquement rapporté que la co-infection VL/VIH est une complication de la leishmaniose en Ethiopie, associée à un mauvais prognostic, un taux de mortalité pouvant atteindre 40% et un pourcentage élevé de rechutes. L'activité de l'arginase a beaucoup plus augmentée dans les CMSP et le plasma de patients atteints de VL et co-infectés par le VIH, que chez ceux seulement attaints de VL. De même, les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP sont aussi des LDG. En résumé, les résultats présentés ici montrent que l'augmentation de l'activité de l'arginase est un marqueur de gravité de la la leishmaniose humaine, avec ou sans VIH ; en outre, ces résultats suggèrent que la déplétion de L-arginine par l'arginase pourrait inhiber la fonction des cellules T et contribuer à un contrôle réduit de l'infection. - Les Leishmanioses sont des maladies parasitaires transmises par la piqûre d'une mouche des sables femelle (phlébotome) infectée par Leishmania. La maladie se manifeste sous différentes formes cliniques : la leishmaniose viscérale, une maladie progressive mortelle en l'absence de traitement, la leishmaniose muco-cutanée (MCL), la leishmaniose cutanée diffuse (LCD ) maladie mutilante, qui peut être de longue durée et la leishmaniose cutanée localisée maladie dont on guérit mais laissant une cicatrice inesthétique à vie. La maladie est largement répandue, elle affecte les populations les plus pauvres dans 98 pays et 350 millions de personnes à risque. Globalement on estime à 500.000 les nouveaux cas de la forme viscérale et 1-1.5 million ceux de la leishmaniose cutanée. La leishmaniose est fortement endémique en Ethiopie et se manifeste dans les formes viscérale et cutanée. Le parasite Leishmania infecte et se multiplie dans les cellules du système immunitaire, principalement les macrophages. Les macrophages sont capables de tuer le parasite Leishmania s'ils reçoivent des instructions correctes de la part d'autres cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes. Les macrophages expriment deux enzymes importants, appelés oxide nitrique synthase inductible (iNOS ) et l'arginase, qui sont respectivement associés à la promotion de la mort du parasite et la multiplication. L'enzyme iNOS présent dans les macrophages métabolise l'arginine afin de générer de l'oxyde d'azote (NO) , une molécule effectrice nécessaire pour tuer le parasite . Au contraire, lorsque les macrophages sont activés d'une certaine manière conduisant à l'augmention de la régulation de l'arginase, ils métabolisent l'arginine en polyamines qui favorisent la croissance du parasite. Au cours du développement de la leishmaniose, les lymphocytes ne parviennent pas à transmettre aux macrophages les signaux nécessaires pour tuer le parasite. Les mécanismes cellulaires qui sont la cause de ce défaut, ne sont pas bien compris. En utilisant des modèles animaux, nous avons montré la régulation à la hausse de l'arginase au site de la pathologie, qui s'est traduit par l'altération de la fonction effectrice des lymphoctes. Nous avons initié des études de leishmaniose humaine en Ethiopie afin d'identifier le rôle de l'arginase dans la sévérité de la maladie. Nos résultats montrent, que l'arginase est fortement augmentée dans la lésion des patients CL, et dans le sang des patients VL et ceux co-infectés par VL / VIH. Le niveau d' arginase régulée à la hausse coincide avec l'expression inférieure d'une molécule de signalisation dans les lymphocytes, qui est essentielle à leur bon fonctionnement. En VL actif, l'augmentation d'arginase se traduit par la diminution de l'arginine qui est indispensable à la synthèse de NO et au bon fonctionnement des lymphocytes. Ainsi, l'incapacité des lymphocytes à envoyer des signaux adéquats aux macrophages pourrait être due à la suppression de l'arginine.
RESUMO Objetivo identificar estudos que realizaram ajustes na equação do Trauma and InjurySeverity Score (TRISS) e compararam a capacidade discriminatória da equação modificada com a original. Método Revisão integrativa de pesquisas publicadas entre 1990 e 2014 nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed e SciELO utilizando-se a palavra TRISS. Resultados foram incluídos 32 estudos na revisão. Dos 67 ajustes de equações do TRISS identificados, 35 (52,2%) resultaram em melhora na acurácia do índice para predizer a probabilidade de sobrevida de vítimas de trauma. Ajustes dos coeficientes do TRISS à população de estudo foram frequentes, mas nem sempre melhoraram a capacidade preditiva dos modelos analisados. A substituição de variáveis fisiológicas do Revised Trauma Score (RTS) e modificações do Injury Severity Score (ISS) na equação original tiveram desempenho variado. A mudança na forma de inclusão da idade na equação, assim como a inserção do gênero, comorbidades e mecanismo do trauma apresentaram tendência de melhora do desempenho do TRISS. Conclusão Diferentes propostas de ajustes no TRISS foram identificadas nesta revisão e indicaram, principalmente, fragilidades do RTS no modelo original e necessidade de alteração da forma de inclusão da idade na equação para melhora da capacidade preditiva do índice.
Purpose: To describe the evolution of retinal thickness in eyes affected with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) in the course of follow-up and to assess its correlation with severity of inflammatory activity in the anterior chamber. Methods: Design: Prospective, cohort study Setting: Institutional study Patient population: 72 eyes (affected and fellow eyes) of 36 patients Observation procedure: Patients were followed daily until beginning of resolution of inflammatory activity and weekly thereafter. Optical coherence tomography and laser flare photometry were performed at each visit. Treatment consisted of topical corticosteroids Main outcome measures: Retinal thickness of affected eyes, difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes and their evolution in time, association between maximal retinal thickness and initial laser flare photometry. Results: Difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes became significant on average seven days from baseline and remained so through-out follow-up (p<0.001). There was a steep increase in retinal thickness of affected eyes followed by a progressive decrease after reaching a peak value. Maximal difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes was observed between 17 and 25 days from baseline and exhibited a strong, positive correlation with initial laser flare photometry values (p=0.015). Conclusions: Retinal thickness in eyes affected with AAU presents a steep increase over 3 to 4 weeks and then gradually decreases. Severity of inflammation at baseline predicts the amount of retinal thickening in affected eyes. A characteristic pattern of temporal response of retinal anatomy to inflammatory stimuli seems to arise.
Alcohol addiction is associated with cognitive impairment of clinically varying intensity and duration, which starts progressively while remaining often underestimated. Progressive brain damage can lead over time to a dementia syndrome. The diagnosis of cognitive deficits is of prime importance since it helps to optimize patient care and to decrease failure in re-insertion programs. Here we propose several screening tests which should give the practitioner the opportunity to make a basic cognitive assessment and to decide whether a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation is indicated. In alcohol addiction cognitive impairment is dominated by executive dysfunction of varying severity, which is also characteristic of alcohol dementia.
BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic status is thought to have a significant influence on stroke incidence, risk factors and outcome. Its influence on acute stroke severity, stroke mechanisms, and acute recanalisation treatment is less known. METHODS: Over a 4-year period, all ischaemic stroke patients admitted within 24 h were entered prospectively in a stroke registry. Data included insurance status, demographics, risk factors, time to hospital arrival, initial stroke severity (NIHSS), etiology, use of acute treatments, short-term outcome (modified Rankin Scale, mRS). Private insured patients (PI) were compared with basic insured patients (BI). RESULTS: Of 1062 consecutive acute ischaemic stroke patients, 203 had PI and 859 had BI. They were 585 men and 477 women. Both populations were similar in age, cardiovascular risk factors and preventive medications. The onset to admission time, thrombolysis rate, and stroke etiology according to TOAST classification were not different between PI and BI. Mean NIHSS at admission was significantly higher for BI. Good outcome (mRS ≤ 2) at 7 days and 3 months was more frequent in PI than in BI. CONCLUSION: We found better outcome and lesser stroke severity on admission in patients with higher socioeconomic status in an acute stroke population. The reason for milder strokes in patients with better socioeconomic status in a universal health care system needs to be explained.
This article describes an approach for working with individuals who have dementia, along with their spouses or partners. The 5-week intervention focuses on helping couples communicate, reminisce about the story of their relationship, find photographs and mementoes from their past, and develop a book that incorporates these mementoes. This clinical approach highlights the strengths and the resilience of couples and adds to the limited repertoire of dyadic interventions for dementia care which are currently available. Preliminary findings from 24 couples are presented, including the intervention's feasibility and acceptability.
The advancement of medical sciences during the last century has resulted in a considerable increase in life expectancy. As more people live to old age, one of the most fundamental questions of the 21st century is whether the number of individuals suffering from dementia will also continue to increase. Alzheimer's disease (AD) accounts for the majority of cases of dementia in the elderly, but there is currently no curative treatment available. Several strategies have been introduced for treatment, the most recent strategy of which was the immunization of patients using antibodies against Abeta, which is a naturally occurring, even though misfolded peptide in the AD brain. Both active and passive immunization routes have been shown to reduce the pathology associated with Abeta accumulation in brains of genetically designed animal models. However, despite tremendous efforts, no unequivocal proof of therapeutic efficacy could be shown in AD patients. Particularly, the persistence of the neurofibrillary tangles in immunized brains and the issue of inducing cerebral amyloid angiopathy are major limiting factors of antibody therapy. Furthermore, physical activity, a healthy immune system and nutritional habits are suggested to protect against the onset of age-associated dementia. Thus, accumulative evidence suggests that an early integrated strategy, combining pharmacological, immunological, nutritional and life-style factors, is the most pragmatic approach to delay the onset and progression of age-associated dementia.
In the temperate zone, food availability and winter weather place serious constraints on European Barn Owl Tyto alba populations. Using data collected over 22years in a Swiss population, we analysed the influence of early pre-breeding food conditions and winter severity on between-year variations in population size and reproductive performance. To estimate pre-breeding food conditions, we attempted a novel approach based on an index that combines Tawny Owl Strix aluco reproductive parameters and the occurrence of wood mice Apodemus sp. in their diet. Tawny Owls breed earlier in the season than Barn Owls and are strongly dependent on the abundance of wood mice for breeding. This index was strongly positively associated with the number of breeding pairs and early breeding in the Barn Owl. Winter severity, measured by snow cover and low temperatures, had a pronounced negative influence on the size of the breeding population and clutch size. Food conditions early in the breeding season and winter severity differentially affect the Barn Owl life cycle. We were able to use aspects of the ecology and demography of the Tawny Owl as an indicator of the quality of the environment for a related species of similar ecology, in this case the Barn Owl.