942 resultados para Cosmological constant
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da estabilidade das equações da inflação morna com um fluido de radiação viscoso. A viscosidade do fluido é proveniente do constante decaimento de partículas neste, devido à dissipação do campo escalar da inflação, o ínflaton.Esta viscosidade, que pode ser volumar ou laminar, é tratada em termos de teorias termodinâmicas fora do equilíbrio. Este estudo se limita às equações de fundo da inflação morna, de modo que somente a viscosidade volumar tem um efeito significativo, sendo a viscosidade laminar importante somente no contexto de perturbações cosmológicas. A descrição da viscosidade em termos de uma termodinâmica fora do equilíbrio, porém, não pode ser realizada univocamente, pois a única informação que temos sobre processos irreversíveis é a segunda lei da termodinâmica. Portanto, parte-se em busca de teorias que estejam de acordo com esta lei e que, por argumentos plausíveis, sejam capazes de descrever o comportamento dos fluxos dissipativos próximo ao equilíbrio. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a estabilidade da inflação morna viscosa para teorias causais e não causais para o fluido de radiação com viscosidade, de forma que se possa observar o impacto da viscosidade no regime inflacionário e a relevância de se passar a considerar a causalidade. Para o fluido de radiação, as teorias consideradas são a teoria não causal de Eckart e as teorias causais de Israel-Stewart e de Denicol et al (hidrodinâmica dissipativa causal não linear). Obtém-se que as teorias causais, como era de se esperar, além de serem, por definição, consistentes no tocante à finitude da velocidade de propagação dos fluxos dissipativos, tornam o sistema dinâmico estável para valores de viscosidade mais distantes do equilíbrio. Observa-se também, nitidamente, que a teoria de Denicol et al é a mais robusta nesse sentido. Este trabalho, portanto, visa dar continuidade ao estudo dos efeitos não-isentrópicos na inflação, já que, além da dissipação do ínflaton na inflação morna, o impacto da viscosidade tem despertado bastante interesse.
Stock-rebuilding time isopleths relate constant levels of fishing mortality (F), stock biomass, and management goals to rebuilding times for overfished stocks. We used simulation models with uncertainty about FMSY and variability in annual intrinsic growth rates (ry) to calculate rebuilding time isopleths for Georges Bank yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, and cowcod rockfish, Sebastes levis, in the Southern California Bight. Stock-rebuilding time distributions from stochastic models were variable and right-skewed, indicating that rebuilding may take less or substantially more time than expected. The probability of long rebuilding times increased with lower biomass, higher F, uncertainty about FMSY, and autocorrelation in ry values. Uncertainty about FMSY had the greatest effect on rebuilding times. Median recovery times from simulations were insensitive to model assumptions about uncertainty and variability, suggesting that median recovery times should be considered in rebuilding plans. Isopleths calculated in previous studies by deterministic models approximate median, rather than mean, rebuilding times. Stochastic models allow managers to specify and evaluate the risk (measured as a probability) of not achieving a rebuilding goal according to schedule. Rebuilding time isopleths can be used for stocks with a range of life histories and can be based on any type of population dynamics model. They are directly applicable with constant F rebuilding plans but are also useful in other cases. We used new algorithms for simulating autocorrelated process errors from a gamma distribution and evaluated sensitivity to statistical distributions assumed for ry. Uncertainty about current biomass and fishing mortality rates can be considered with rebuilding time isopleths in evaluating and designing constant-F rebuilding plans.
The twist elastic constant, K2, and the rotational viscosity coefficient, γ1, are of importance when the response lime for the in-plane switching mode is studied. Since adding dopants is one technique to improve the response characteristics, the effect of dopants on these physical properties is significant. The effect on K2 and γ1 of adding alkyl(alkoxy) phenylcyclopentenones and alkyl(alkoxy) cyanobiphenyls to the base mixture ZLI-4792 together with their temperature dependence have been investigated using different temperature scales. The reduced temperature scale showed the effect of these dopants on K2 is small. On the other hand, the temperature dependence of γ1 depends on both the absolute temperature scale and the reduced temperature scale. Therefore, it is clear that the choice of temperature scale with which to compare γ1 for different systems raises fundamental questions which way not have a unique answer. 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint.
A receding horizon steering controller is presented, capable of pushing an oversteering nonlinear vehicle model to its handling limit while travelling at constant forward speed. The controller is able to optimise the vehicle path, using a computationally efficient and robust technique, so that the vehicle progression along a track is maximised as a function of time. The resultant method forms part of the solution to the motor racing objective of minimising lap time. © 2011 AACC American Automatic Control Council.
Exposure to chronic constant light (CCL) influences circadian rhythms and evokes stress. Since hippocampus is sensitive to stress, which facilitates long-term depression (LTD) in the hippocampal CA1 area, we examined whether CCL exposure influenced hippoc
A driver model is presented capable of optimising the trajectory of a simple dynamic nonlinear vehicle, at constant forward speed, so that progression along a predefined track is maximised as a function of time. In doing so, the model is able to continually operate a vehicle at its lateral-handling limit, maximising vehicle performance. The technique used forms a part of the solution to the motor racing objective of minimising lap time. A new approach of formulating the minimum lap time problem is motivated by the need for a more computationally efficient and robust tool-set for understanding on-the-limit driving behaviour. This has been achieved through set point-dependent linearisation of the vehicle model and coupling the vehicle-track system using an intrinsic coordinate description. Through this, the geometric vehicle trajectory had been linearised relative to the track reference, leading to new path optimisation algorithm which can be formed as a computationally efficient convex quadratic programming problem. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.