7 resultados para Cosmological constant

em CaltechTHESIS


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There are two competing models of our universe right now. One is Big Bang with inflation cosmology. The other is the cyclic model with ekpyrotic phase in each cycle. This paper is divided into two main parts according to these two models. In the first part, we quantify the potentially observable effects of a small violation of translational invariance during inflation, as characterized by the presence of a preferred point, line, or plane. We explore the imprint such a violation would leave on the cosmic microwave background anisotropy, and provide explicit formulas for the expected amplitudes $\langle a_{lm}a_{l'm'}^*\rangle$ of the spherical-harmonic coefficients. We then provide a model and study the two-point correlation of a massless scalar (the inflaton) when the stress tensor contains the energy density from an infinitely long straight cosmic string in addition to a cosmological constant. Finally, we discuss if inflation can reconcile with the Liouville's theorem as far as the fine-tuning problem is concerned. In the second part, we find several problems in the cyclic/ekpyrotic cosmology. First of all, quantum to classical transition would not happen during an ekpyrotic phase even for superhorizon modes, and therefore the fluctuations cannot be interpreted as classical. This implies the prediction of scale-free power spectrum in ekpyrotic/cyclic universe model requires more inspection. Secondly, we find that the usual mechanism to solve fine-tuning problems is not compatible with eternal universe which contains infinitely many cycles in both direction of time. Therefore, all fine-tuning problems including the flatness problem still asks for an explanation in any generic cyclic models.


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This thesis consists of three separate studies of roles that black holes might play in our universe.

In the first part we formulate a statistical method for inferring the cosmological parameters of our universe from LIGO/VIRGO measurements of the gravitational waves produced by coalescing black-hole/neutron-star binaries. This method is based on the cosmological distance-redshift relation, with "luminosity distances" determined directly, and redshifts indirectly, from the gravitational waveforms. Using the current estimates of binary coalescence rates and projected "advanced" LIGO noise spectra, we conclude that by our method the Hubble constant should be measurable to within an error of a few percent. The errors for the mean density of the universe and the cosmological constant will depend strongly on the size of the universe, varying from about 10% for a "small" universe up to and beyond 100% for a "large" universe. We further study the effects of random gravitational lensing and find that it may strongly impair the determination of the cosmological constant.

In the second part of this thesis we disprove a conjecture that black holes cannot form in an early, inflationary era of our universe, because of a quantum-field-theory induced instability of the black-hole horizon. This instability was supposed to arise from the difference in temperatures of any black-hole horizon and the inflationary cosmological horizon; it was thought that this temperature difference would make every quantum state that is regular at the cosmological horizon be singular at the black-hole horizon. We disprove this conjecture by explicitly constructing a quantum vacuum state that is everywhere regular for a massless scalar field. We further show that this quantum state has all the nice thermal properties that one has come to expect of "good" vacuum states, both at the black-hole horizon and at the cosmological horizon.

In the third part of the thesis we study the evolution and implications of a hypothetical primordial black hole that might have found its way into the center of the Sun or any other solar-type star. As a foundation for our analysis, we generalize the mixing-length theory of convection to an optically thick, spherically symmetric accretion flow (and find in passing that the radial stretching of the inflowing fluid elements leads to a modification of the standard Schwarzschild criterion for convection). When the accretion is that of solar matter onto the primordial hole, the rotation of the Sun causes centrifugal hangup of the inflow near the hole, resulting in an "accretion torus" which produces an enhanced outflow of heat. We find, however, that the turbulent viscosity, which accompanies the convective transport of this heat, extracts angular momentum from the inflowing gas, thereby buffering the torus into a lower luminosity than one might have expected. As a result, the solar surface will not be influenced noticeably by the torus's luminosity until at most three days before the Sun is finally devoured by the black hole. As a simple consequence, accretion onto a black hole inside the Sun cannot be an answer to the solar neutrino puzzle.


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Observational and theoretical work towards the separation of foreground emission from the cosmic microwave background is described. The bulk of this work is in the design, construction, and commissioning of the C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS), an experiment to produce a template of the Milky Way Galaxy's polarized synchrotron emission. Theoretical work is the derivation of an analytical approximation to the emission spectrum of spinning dust grains.

The performance of the C-BASS experiment is demonstrated through a preliminary, deep survey of the North Celestial Pole region. A comparison to multiwavelength data is performed, and the thermal and systematic noise properties of the experiment are explored. The systematic noise has been minimized through careful data processing algorithms, implemented both in the experiment's Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based digital backend and in the data analysis pipeline. Detailed descriptions of these algorithms are presented.

The analytical function of spinning dust emission is derived through the application of careful approximations, with each step tested against numerical calculations. This work is intended for use in the parameterized separation of cosmological foreground components and as a framework for interpreting and comparing the variety of anomalous microwave emission observations.


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This thesis is divided into two parts: interacting dark matter and fluctuations in cosmology. There is an incongruence between the properties that dark matter is expected to possess between the early universe and the late universe. Weakly-interacting dark matter yields the observed dark matter relic density and is consistent with large-scale structure formation; however, there is strong astrophysical evidence in favor of the idea that dark matter has large self-interactions. The first part of this thesis presents two models in which the nature of dark matter fundamentally changes as the universe evolves. In the first model, the dark matter mass and couplings depend on the value of a chameleonic scalar field that changes as the universe expands. In the second model, dark matter is charged under a hidden SU(N) gauge group and eventually undergoes confinement. These models introduce very different mechanisms to explain the separation between the physics relevant for freezeout and for small-scale dynamics.

As the universe continues to evolve, it will asymptote to a de Sitter vacuum phase. Since there is a finite temperature associated with de Sitter space, the universe is typically treated as a thermal system, subject to rare thermal fluctuations, such as Boltzmann brains. The second part of this thesis begins by attempting to escape this unacceptable situation within the context of known physics: vacuum instability induced by the Higgs field. The vacuum decay rate competes with the production rate of Boltzmann brains, and the cosmological measures that have a sufficiently low occurrence of Boltzmann brains are given more credence. Upon further investigation, however, there are certain situations in which de Sitter space settles into a quiescent vacuum with no fluctuations. This reasoning not only provides an escape from the Boltzmann brain problem, but it also implies that vacuum states do not uptunnel to higher-energy vacua and that perturbations do not decohere during slow-roll inflation, suggesting that eternal inflation is much less common than often supposed. Instead, decoherence occurs during reheating, so this analysis does not alter the conventional understanding of the origin of density fluctuations from primordial inflation.


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We present the first experimental evidence that the heat capacity of superfluid 4He, at temperatures very close to the lambda transition temperature, Tλ,is enhanced by a constant heat flux, Q. The heat capacity at constant Q, CQ,is predicted to diverge at a temperature Tc(Q) < Tλ at which superflow becomes unstable. In agreement with previous measurements, we find that dissipation enters our cell at a temperature, TDAS(Q),below the theoretical value, Tc(Q). Our measurements of CQ were taken using the discrete pulse method at fourteen different heat flux values in the range 1µW/cm2 ≤ Q≤ 4µW /cm2. The excess heat capacity ∆CQ we measure has the predicted scaling behavior as a function of T and Q:∆CQ • tα ∝ (Q/Qc)2, where QcT) ~ t is the critical heat current that results from the inversion of the equation for Tc(Q). We find that if the theoretical value of Tc( Q) is correct, then ∆CQ is considerably larger than anticipated. On the other hand,if Tc(Q)≈ TDAS(Q),then ∆CQ is the same magnitude as the theoretically predicted enhancement.


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A dilution refrigerator has been constructed capable of producing steady state temperatures less than .075°K. The first part of this work is concerned with the design and construction of this machine. Enough theory is presented to allow one to understand the operation and critical design factors of a dilution refrigerator. The performance of our refrigerator is compared with the operating characteristics of three other dilution refrigerators appearing in the present literature.

The dilution refrigerator constructed was used to measure the nuclear contribution to the low temperature specific heat of a pure, single-crystalline sample of rhenium metal. Measurements were made in magnetic fields from 0 to 12.5 kOe for the temperature range .13°K - .52°K. The second part of this work discusses the results of these experiments. The expected nuclear contribution is not found when the sample is in the superconducting state. This is believed to be due to the long spin-lattice relaxation times in superconductors. In the normal state, for the temperature range studied, the nuclear contribution is given by A/T2 where A = .061 ± .002 millijoules-K/mole. The value of A is found to increase to A = .077 ± .004 millijoules-K/mole when the sample is located in a magnetic field of 12.5 kOe.

From the measured value of A the splitting of the energy levels of the nuclear spin system due to the interaction of the internal crystalline electric field gradients with the nuclear quadrupole moments is calculated. A comparison is made between the predicted and measured magnetic dependence of the specific heat. Finally, predictions are made of future nuclear magnetic resonance experiments which may be performed to check the results obtained by calorimetery here and further, to investigate existing theories concerning the sources of electric field gradients in metals.


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Part I

Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.

Part II

The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r ln r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.