900 resultados para Content analysis, discourse analysis, mixed-methods research


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Background: The development of a horse vaccine against Hendra virus has been hailed as a good example of a One Health approach to the control of human disease. Although there is little doubt that this is true, it is clear from the underwhelming uptake of the vaccine by horse owners to date (approximately 10%) that realisation of a One Health approach requires more than just a scientific solution. As emerging infectious diseases may often be linked to the development and implementation of novel vaccines this presentation will discuss factors influencing their uptake; using Hendra virus in Australia as a case study. Methods: This presentation will draw on data collected from the Horse owners and Hendra virus: A Longitudinal cohort study To Evaluate Risk (HHALTER) study. The HHALTER study is a mixed methods research study comprising a two-year survey-based longitudinal cohort study and qualitative interview study with horse owners in Australia. The HHALTER study has investigated and tracked changes in a broad range of issues around early uptake of vaccination, horse owner uptake of other recommended disease risk mitigation strategies, and attitudes to government policy and disease response. Interviews provide further insights into attitudes towards risk and decision-making in relation to vaccine uptake. A combination of quantitative and qualitative data analysis will be reported. Results: Data collected from more than 1100 horse owners shortly after vaccine introduction indicated that vaccine uptake and intention to vaccinate was associated with a number of risk perception factors and financial cost factors. In addition, concerns about side effects and veterinarians refusing to treat unvaccinated horses were linked to uptake. Across the study period vaccine uptake in the study cohort increased to more than 50%, however, concerns around side effects, equine performance and breeding impacts, delays to full vaccine approvals, and attempts to mandate vaccination by horse associations and event organisers have all impacted acceptance. Conclusion: Despite being provided with a safe and effective vaccine for Hendra virus that can protect horses and break the transmission cycle of the virus to humans, Australian horse owners have been reluctant to commit to it. General issues pertinent to novel vaccines, combined with challenges in the implementation of the vaccine have led to issues of mistrust and misconception with some horse owners. Moreover, factors such as cost, booster dose schedules, complexities around perceived risk, and ulterior motives attributed to veterinarians have only served to polarise attitudes to vaccine acceptance.


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A mixed-method approach was used to assess and value the ecosystem services derived from the Dogger Bank, an extensive shallow sandbank in the southern North Sea. Three parallel studies were undertaken that 1) identified and quantified, where possible, how indicators for ecosystem service provision may change according to two future scenarios, 2) assessed members of the public's willingness-to-pay for improvements to a small number of ecosystem services as a consequence of a hypothetical management plan, and 3) facilitated a process of deliberation that allowed members of the public to explore the uses of the Dogger Bank and the conflicts and dilemmas involved in its management. Each of these studies was designed to answer different and specific research questions and therefore contributes different insights about the ecosystem services delivered by the Dogger Bank. This paper explores what can be gained by bringing these findings together post hoc and the extent to which the different methods are complementary. Findings suggest that mixed-method research brings more understanding than can be gained from the individual approaches alone. Nevertheless, the choice of methods used and how these methods are implemented strongly affects the results obtained.


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This paper reports on a longitudinal study that examines how a national reform introduced in England in the field of adult literacy, language, and numeracy is affecting teachers. The paper focuses on the use of a mixed methodology to explore teachers' attitudes to the reform and how these change over time. The quantitative strand includes the construction and use of a Likert-type instrument for measuring the attitudes of a panel of 1,500 teachers. The qualitative strand builds on the quantitative results and includes focus groups and in-depth interviews with a subsample of teachers in the panel. As the study is still in its initial phase, the purpose is not to present findings, but to discuss how quantitative and qualitative evidence can be combined in evaluation research.


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Background: Active travel to school can be an important contributor to the total physical activity of children but levels have declined and more novel approaches are required to stimulate this as an habitual behaviour. The aim of this mixed methods study was to investigate the feasibility of an international walk to school competition supported by novel swipecard technology to increase children's walking to/from school. Methods: Children aged 9-13 years old participated in an international walk to school competition to win points for themselves, their school and their country over a 4-week period. Walks to and from school were recorded using swipecard technology and a bespoke website. For each point earned by participants, 1 pence (£0.01) was donated to the charity of the school's choice. The primary outcome was number of walks to/from school objectively recorded using the swipecard tracking system over the intervention period. Other measures included attitudes towards walking collected at baseline and week 4 (post-intervention). A qualitative sub-study involving focus groups with children, parents and teachers provided further insight. Results: A total of 3817 children (mean age 11.5±SD 0.7) from 12 schools in three cities (London and Reading, England and Vancouver, Canada) took part in the intervention, representing a 95% intervention participation rate. Results show a gradual decline in the average number of children walking to and from school over the 4-week period (week 1 mean 29%±SD2.5; week 2 mean 18%±SD3.6; week 3 mean 14%±SD4.0; week 4 mean 12%±SD1.1). Post intervention, 97% of children felt that walking to school helped them stay healthy, feel happy (81%) and stay alert in class (76%). These results are supported by qualitative findings from children, parents and teachers. Key areas for improvement include the need to incorporate strategies for maintenance of behaviour change into the intervention and also to adopt novel methods of data collection to increase follow-up rates. Conclusions: This mixed methods study suggests that an international walk to school competition using innovative technology can be feasibly implemented and offers a novel way of engaging schools and motivating children to walk to school.


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Young people’s understandings of sexual readiness are under-researched and their perspectives are often missing in debates about sexuality and sex education. Research to date has predominantly focussed upon age and socio-cultural predictors of sexual debut, thus failing to explain how young people themselves conceptualise their readiness for sexual relations. Synthesised in this review is the evidence from 26 studies which included young people’s perspectives of their readiness to begin sexual intercourse, undertaken using either quantitative or qualitative methods. Available evidence suggests that young people may not view initiating sex as problematic, focusing instead on the rewards sex brings and less on health concerns. Gender differences emerged in conceptualisations of love, parenthood, respect and abuse within relationships and were further mediated by social class and ethnicity. Age was also significant in young people’s accounts. Those under 16 years may not be ‘sexually ready’ because their own retrospective analyses suggest they experienced difficulty negotiating their risk of coercion or exploitation. More research exploring more deeply young people’s understandings of sexual readiness is required. We recommend a rights-based approach to support young people’s participation in the research process and to include their voices in the development of relevant sex education and services.


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A key challenge to educators in disciplines that, while not maths based, nevertheless
contain some maths component, is mathematics anxiety. Over the years, a number of
intervention strategies have been tested, seeking reduce maths anxiety in undergraduates.
Many of these studies, however, contain methodological issues that challenge their validity. It
is also unclear how many of these studies decide which type of interventions to use. This
research sought to correct both of these issues. In Study 1, focus groups were carried out to
explore which interventions students believed would most likely reduce their maths anxiety.
Study 2 implemented those interventions that Study 1 showed to be practical and potentially
effective, utilising a large sample of Year 1 and Year 2 psychology undergraduates,
controlling for potential methodological confounds. Results showed that only one
intervention (teaching quantitative research methods using real-life examples) had any
significant effect on maths anxiety, and this was slight. These results, while not impressive by
themselves, do suggest ways in which larger-scale interventions could seek to proceed in
terms of reducing maths anxiety.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Youth are critical partners in health promotion, but the process of training young people to become meaningfully involved is challenging. This mixed-methods evaluation considered the impact of a leadership camp in preparing 42 grade seven students to become peer health leaders in a ‘heart health’ initiative. The experiences of participants and their sense of agency were explored. Data were collected from pre and post camp surveys, focus groups, student journals and researcher observations. Findings indicate that relationships with peers and adults were key to agency development, and participants appeared to broaden their perspectives on the meanings of ‘health’ and ‘leadership.’ Significant changes on two sub-scales of the Harter Perceived Competence Scale for Children were also found. Suggestions for practice and further research are provided.


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Cette étude propose d’identifier les facteurs affectant la consommation d’aliments traditionnels à travers une perspective écologique, afin de réduire les taux de prévalence élevés de maladies chroniques et ralentir la forte diminution de consommation d’aliments traditionnels chez les Cris du nord québécois. Pour ce faire, une méthode mixte « sequential explanatory », fut utilisée, combinant quatre groupes focus (n=23) et une régression logistique (n=374) à partir de données secondaires issues de trois études transversales. Selon les résultats de la régression logistique: l’âge, chasser, marcher, le niveau d’éducation et la communauté de résidence étaient associées à une consommation d’aliments traditionnelle trois fois/semaine (p<0,05). Subséquemment, des groupes focus vinrent enrichir et contredire ces résultats. Par exemple : les participants étaient en désaccord avec le fait qu’il n’y avait aucune association entre les aliments traditionnels et l’emploi. Ils croyaient que les personnes sans emploi ont plus d’opportunités pour aller chasser mais peu d’argent pour couvrir les dépenses et inversement pour ceux avec emploi. Ce double effet aurait possiblement fait disparaître l’association dans la régression logistique. Suite aux groupes focus, plusieurs facteurs furent identifiés et distribués dans un modèle écologique suggérant que la consommation d’aliments traditionnels est principalement influencée par des facteurs sociaux, communautaires et environnementaux et ne se limite pas aux facteurs individuels. En conclusion, afin de promouvoir l’alimentation traditionnelle, quatre suggestions de priorités d’action sont proposées. L’alimentation traditionnelle doit faire partie des stratégies de santé publique pour réduire les taux de maladies chroniques et améliorer le bien-être des populations autochtones.


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Au cours des trois dernières décennies, le travail quotidien des cadres gestionnaires infirmiers de premier niveau (CGIPN) a subi de profondes transformations quant aux rôles qu’ils occupent et aux responsabilités qui leur incombent dans les divers établissements de santé. Ces CGIPN vivent et subissent de la pression au regard de leur charge de travail, faisant en sorte qu’ils perçoivent avoir peu de temps pour réaliser adéquatement leur travail en gestion, et que plusieurs infirmières de la relève qui souhaitent faire carrière en gestion se questionnent sur la possibilité d’œuvrer dans ce domaine de la pratique. Peu d’études portent sur l’état de la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) chez ces professionnels. Divisé en trois volets, le projet de recherche mixte séquentielle exploratoire a pour objectif général d’explorer la QVT chez les CGIPN et les facteurs qui l’influencent dans les divers établissements de santé québécois. Les objectifs spécifiques visent à : 1) décrire et comprendre ce que signifie la QVT auprès des 14 CGIPN œuvrant en Centre hospitalier affilié (CHA) à l’Université, 2) décrire et comprendre ce que signifie l’absence d’une QVT auprès des CGIPN en CHA, 3) développer et valider un nouvel instrument de mesure des facteurs favorables et défavorables pouvant influer sur la QVT à partir des données qualitatives auprès de CGIPN (n= 11) œuvrant en Centre de santé et des services sociaux et de CGIPN (n= 11) en Centre hospitalier universitaire, 4) identifier et mesurer les facteurs qui influencent la QVT des CGIPN (n= 291) travaillant dans divers établissements publics de santé et 5) déterminer si les caractéristiques sociodémographiques influencent le choix des facteurs de la QVT. Inspiré de la philosophie du Human caring de Watson comme perspective disciplinaire, le premier volet qualitatif fait appel à une méthode phénoménologique descriptive husserlienne. Pour ce faire, deux séries d’entretiens semi-dirigés à l’aide d’un guide d’entrevue visent à répondre aux deux premiers objectifs. Le second volet cible l’élaboration et la validation d’un instrument de mesure permettant de répondre au troisième objectif de la recherche et le dernier volet, de type quantitatif corrélationnel, s’applique à répondre aux deux derniers objectifs. Dans la première phase, l’analyse visuelle des données qualitatives (verbatim) permet l’émergence des résultats qualitatifs, soit de cinq eidos-thèmes favorables exprimés par les participants et décrits par ordre d’importance : 1) l’actualisation du leadership et des habiletés politiques pour l’amélioration de la qualité des soins infirmiers, 2) les éléments contextuels propices à l’humanisation organisationnelle, 3) le soutien organisationnel favorisant l’épanouissement socioprofessionnel et personnel, 4) l’organisation apprenante favorisant le développement des compétences en gestion des soins infirmiers et 5) l’accompagnement personnalisé répondant aux besoins spécifiques des novices en gestion des soins infirmiers. L’essence de la QVT pour les CGIPN se définit par l’émancipation socioprofessionnelle du cadre gestionnaire infirmier de premier niveau dans sa pratique clinico-administrative au sein d’une organisation humaniste. De plus, trois eidos-thèmes défavorables se dégagent des analyses qualitatives. Les résultats, décrits par ordre d’importance, sont : 1) la déshumanisation organisationnelle, 2) les conditions défavorables à la pratique en gestion des soins infirmiers et 3) l’accompagnement insuffisant des gestionnaires infirmiers novices. L’essence de l’absence d’une QVT pour les CGIPN se présente comme la dysharmonie au travail du cadre gestionnaire infirmier de premier niveau à l’intérieur d’une structure organisationnelle déshumanisante mettant en péril sa pratique clinico-administrative. Par la suite, une mise en relation des deux essences du phénomène a permis de faire émerger la signification universelle de l’expérience de la QVT et l’absence de celle-ci pour des CGIPN œuvrant en CHA comme étant : une dialectique en administration des services infirmiers dans laquelle se vit des pratiques humanisantes permettant l’atteinte d’un idéal de QVT, en coexistence avec des pratiques déshumanisantes conduisant à l’absence de QVT. Afin de respecter les postulats des méthodes quantitatives, les huit eidos-thèmes qui émergent de la première phase qualitative se transforment en facteurs favorables (FF) et défavorables (FD) à la QVT pour la réalisation des deuxième et troisième phases de la recherche. Dans la seconde phase, le construit théorique qui provient des huit eidos-thèmes et 23 thèmes permet de développer un nouvel instrument de mesure qui s’avère unique à cette population à l’étude. L’analyse psychométrique de l’instrument de mesure (questionnaire auto-administré en mode électronique) permet l’obtention d’un score global du coefficient alpha de Cronbach (α) de 0,93, ce qui est jugé excellent. Dans la troisième et dernière phase, les analyses statistiques des données (logiciel SPSS, version 22 pour Windows 7, 2013) issues de l’enquête quantitative provinciale en ligne (Web) mettent en évidence des résultats probants. Les résultats du questionnaire en ligne avec une échelle ordinale à cinq niveaux révèlent un score global du coefficient alpha de Cronbach à 0,95. De plus, les résultats quantitatifs suggèrent que les facteurs favorables (FF) à la QVT ont des scores moyens de 3,99 (FF1), 3,97 (FF2), 3,96 (FF3), 3,72 (FF4) et 3,53 (FF5) et les trois facteurs défavorables (FD) à la QVT ont des scores moyens de 3,91(FD1), 3,78 (FD2) et 3,56 (FD3). Ces facteurs correspondent aux eidos-thèmes favorables et défavorables de la QVT du volet qualitatif phénoménologique. Les résultats quantitatifs révèlent quelques relations significatives des caractéristiques sociodémographiques (âge et années d’expérience) sur le choix des facteurs qui influencent le plus fortement la QVT. En conclusion, le fait de pouvoir mieux décrire et comprendre la signification de la QVT ainsi que son absence et de pouvoir identifier les facteurs qui sont les plus susceptibles de l’influencer permet de formuler des recommandations pour les quatre domaines de la pratique infirmière. Des pistes d’avenues sont formulées pour maintenir la relève infirmière à des postes de CGIPN au sein des organisations de santé en lui assurant des moyens pour optimiser humainement sa QVT.


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A presente investigação teve como propósito analisar a concepção dos sujeitos professor e aluno sobre o livro didático no cotidiano escolar. A investigação foi realizada em três Escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino, localizadas na cidade de Olinda em Pernambuco. Para tanto esse estudo resgata a trajetória da Educação de Jovens e adultos e do livro didático a partir de uma retrospectiva histórica, destacando o seu quadro legal vigente. Discutiu-se sobre o livro didático e a EJA numa perspectiva teórica com a intenção de respaldar o aporte teórico – Análise de Conteúdo – necessário para a investigação. Com o estudo realizado pode-se concluir que na concepção ideológica de professores e alunos, o livro didático caracteriza-se como um instrumento de ensino indispensável para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Através dessa visão, emerge um discurso ideológico que os leva a conceber o livro didático de modo não crítico e bastante distanciado da realidade que se apresenta. Constatou-se também que os professores que atuam na modalidade EJA, em sua maioria, não possuem formação específica para trabalhar nessa área; o que acentua e dificulta a reflexão sobre a qualidade e o uso do livro didático no cotidiano escolar.


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When migrating to Australia Asian women bring with them birthing cultural beliefs and practices, many of which are different from the Australian medical and cultural understanding of reproduction. Such cultural differences may result in conflicts between clients and health care providers especially when the migrants have a poor knowledge of English. The research investigates the maternity care experiences of Asian migrants in Tasmania. The barriers that Asian migrants face in accessing maternity care services and the factors that affect their views towards maternity care were also explored. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. Ten women from different ethnic minorities were invited to semi-structured interviews. The qualitative data were analysed using grounded theory. Findings from the interviews were utilized to design a survey questionnaire. Of the 150 survey questionnaires posted, 121 questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests of independence were used to analyse the quantitative data. Asian migrants followed some traditional practices such as having good rest and eating hot food during the postpartum month. However, they tended to adapt or disregard traditional practices that were no longer applicable in the new environment including the practices of not washing or having a shower. Support is vital for women recovering after childbirth to prevent postnatal depression. Two main barriers migrant women face in accessing health care are language and cultural barriers. Country of origin, partner’s ethnicity, religion and length of stay in Australia are factors that shape the migrants’ views and attitudes towards and experience of maternity care. Providing interpreting services, social support for migrant women and improving the cross-cultural training for healthcare providers are recommended to improve available maternal care services. The factors that affect migrants’ view on maternity care should be taken into account when providing maternity care for Asian migrant women.


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The Deakin University Faculty of Arts and Education’s Global Experience Program (GEP) aims to “develop the knowledge, cultural sensitivity and skills needed to address diversity within the educational environment” among student teachers (Deakin, 2009). This research aims to investigate the short term student teacher learning outcomes from their participation in the program through their perceptions and real-life international teaching experiences. The data are collected using mixed-methods to get breadth and in-depth insights on learning outcomes. The survey was conducted to investigate student teacher perceptions on their professional and cultural learning using a Likert scale, while an ethnographic case study was intended to reveal the real-life student teachers learning outcomes from their participation in the GEP in Vanuatu.


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Background: Dental caries (decay) is the most prevalent disease of childhood. It is often left untreated and can impact negatively on general health, and physical, developmental, social and learning outcomes. Similar to other health issues, the greatest burden of dental caries is seen in those of low socio-economic position. In addition, a number of diet-related risk factors for dental caries are shared risk factors for the development of childhood obesity. These include high and frequent consumption of refined carbohydrates (predominately sugars), and soft drinks and other sweetened beverages, and low intake of (fluoridated) water. The prevalence of childhood obesity is also at a concerning level in most countries and there is an opportunity to determine interventions for addressing both of these largely preventable conditions through sustainable and equitable solutions. This study aims to prospectively examine the impact of drink choices on child obesity risk and oral health status.
Methods/Design: This is a two-stage study using a mixed methods research approach. The first stage involves qualitative interviews of a sub-sample of recruited parents to develop an understanding of the processes involved in drink choice, and inform the development of the Discrete Choice Experiment analysis and the measurement instruments to be used in the second stage. The second stage involves the establishment of a prospective birth cohort of 500 children from disadvantaged communities in rural and regional Victoria, Australia (with and without water fluoridation). This longitudinal design allows measurement of changes in the child’s diet over time, exposure to fluoride sources including water, dental caries progression, and the risk of childhood obesity.
Discussion: This research will provide a unique contribution to integrated health, education and social policy and program directions, by providing clearer policy relevant evidence on strategies to counter social and environmental factors which predispose infants and children to poor health, wellbeing and social outcomes; and evidence-based strategies to promote health and prevent disease through the adoption of healthier lifestyles and diet. Further, given the absence of evidence on the processes and effectiveness of contemporary policy implementation, such as community water fluoridation in rural and regional communities it’s approach and findings will be extremely