1000 resultados para Complexe de pré-initiation
本文测定了如下电池 Pr(固)|KCl-NaCl+2%PrCl_3|Pr-Al(X_(Pr) = 0.09-0.19) Pr-Al(X_(Pr) = 0.09-0.19)|KCl-NaCl+2% PrCl_3|Pr-Al(待测) Nd(固)|KCl-NaCl+2%NdCl_3|Nd-Al(X_(Nd) = 0.09-0.19) Nd-Al(X_(Nd) = 0.09-0.19)|KCl-NaCl+2%NdCl_3|Nd-Al(待测)的电动势与温度,待测合金组成的关系。温度范围是670-850 ℃,组成范围是Pr或Nd的摩尔分数从0.01到0.190。在此基础上计算了Pr-Al、Nd-Al合金熔体中各金属的活度、偏摩尔自由能、偏摩尔熵以及合金体系的摩尔混自由能、摩尔混合熵和摩尔混合焓,计算了合金相图的部分液相线温度和不同温度下PrAl_4、NdAl_4的标准生成自由能。在空气和氯气混合气氛下对电池Nd-Al(X_(dd) = 0.09-0.19)|KCl-NaCl+NdCl_3|Nd-Al(待测)的电动势与待测合金组成、电解质中NdCl_3含量的关系进行了探讨。为在电解Nd-Al合金过程中快速、近似分析合金组成提供了依据。在此基础上提出了一种快速、近似的分析方法。
本文内容包括Tb~(3+)、Pr~(3+)、Ce~(3+)的光氧化。研究了各种因素对氧化率或四价离子生成量的影响。在Tb~(3+)光氧化的基础上,建立了混合钇族稀土中Tb的光化学分析法及混合稀土中Tb的化学氧化分析方法。Tb~(3+)、Pr~(3+)的光氧化是开创性的工作,Tb的分析方法具有一定的应用价值。1 Ce~(3+)d HZO_3-HClO_4体系中的光氧化 用低压汞灯(254nm)、高压汞灯(366nm)和氩离子激光器(351/364nm, 458 nm, 477nm, 502 nm, 514, nm)光辐照Ce~(3+)-HZO_3-HClO_4溶液,Ce~(3+)发生光氧化反应,生成Ce(ZO_3)_4沉淀 。在低压汞灯254 nm波段可获得较高的氧化率,具它波段下的氧化率低,以低压汞灯为光源辐照。研究了温度、光强、酸度、Ce~(3+)初始浓度及辐照时间对氧化率的影响。降低酸度,选择较高的温度和较大的光强,有利于Ce~(3+)的光氧化。2 Tb~(3+)在KIO_4-KOH体系中的光氧化 用高压汞灯(366nm)光辐照Tb~(3+)-KIO_4-KOH溶液,首次实现了Tb~(3+)的光氧化。研究了碱度、络合剂浓度,Tb~(3+)初始浓度、辐照面积,光强和辐照时间等因素对Tb~(4+)生成的影响。测定了Tb(IV)/Rb(III)的氧化还原电势。适宜的KOH浓度应大于0.3M,KIO_4的浓度要比Tb~(3+)初始浓度大几个数量级。当KOH=0.6M, KIO_4=0.22M, 温度为13 ℃时。E_(Tb(IV)/Tb(III))=0.68优,生成的Tb~(4+)可溶性络离子为红棕色,最大吸收峰在420nm附近,比较稳定。3 用光氧化法分析钇族混合稀土中的Tb 根据Tb~(3+)在KIO_4-KOH体系中的光氧化反应,建立了钇族混合稀土中Tb的分光光度分析方法。在高压汞灯366nm的光辐照不无色的Tb~(3+)转变为红棕色的Tb~(4+),其谱带的吸收峰值在420nm,其它三价钇族稀土无此反应,故无千扰,在Tb的分析浓度范围为1*10~(-5)M - 1*10~(-3)M时,符合Beer定律,Tb在钇族混合稀土中含量的分析最低限为0.2%。此方法可用于萃取钇族稀土过程中Tb的分析,方法简便快速。4 用化学氧化法分析混合稀土中的Tb 根据Tb~(3+)在KIO_4-KOH-K_2S_2O_8体系中的氧化反应,建立了混和稀土中Tb的分光光度分析方法。Tb~(3+)-KzO_4-KOH-K_2S_2O_8溶液加热,Tb~(3+)被氧化的Tb~(4+),其颜色由无色转变为红棕色,最大吸收峰在420nm。Ce~(3+)加入KIO_4-KOH溶液后,立即被完全氧化为Ce~(4+), Ce~(4+)在420nm也有吸收,其干扰可以在本底中排除,其它三价稀土离子在此体系中不能发生氧化反应,故无干扰。在Tb的分析浓度范围为5*10~(-5)-5*10~(-4)M时,符合Beer定律,Tb在混合稀土中含量分析的最低限为1%。此方法可用于萃取稀土过程中Tb的分析和监控,方法简便快速。5 Pr~(3+)在KZO_4-KOH体系中的光氧化用高压汞灯光辐照Pr~(3+)-KZO_4-KOH溶液,首次实现了Pr~(3+)的光氧化。生成的Pr~(4+)为棕褐色,最大吸收峰在400nm附近,稳定性较差,在水溶液中发生自还原反应。按Pr~(4+)在400nm的吸收峰值,研究了辐照时间,Pr~(3+)初始浓度,KOH浓度、KZO_4浓度及Ce~(4+)共存时对Pr~9(4+)生成的影响。相应增加KOH及KZO_4用量,有利于Pr~(4+)的生成,Ce~(4+)对Pr~(3+)的光氧化无所谓的“带同氧化作用”。
Under short pulse laser excitation, it has been observed, for the first time, a new high-energy photoluminescence emission from GaNx As1- x/GaAs SQWs. This new emission has totally different optical properties compared with the localized exciton transition in GaNx As1-x, and is attributed to the recombination of delocalized excitons in QWs. At the same time, a competition process between localized and delocalized exciton emissions in GaNx As1-x/GaAs quantum wells is observed in the temperaturedependent PL spectra under the short pulse excitation. This competition process for the first time, reveals the physical origin of the temperature-induced S-shaped PL peak shift, which was often reported in the disordered alloy semiconductor system under continuous-wave excitation and puzzled people for a long time. We have also investigated a set of GaNx As1- x samples with small nitrogen composition( x < 1% )by PL, and time-resolved PL. After the PL dependence on temperature and excitation power and PL dynamics were measured, the new PL peak was identified as an intrinsic transition of alloy, rather than N-related bound states. This is the first observation in PL, showing that alloy state exists in GaNx As1- x materials even when N composition is smaller than 0.1%. Finally by selective excitation,both type-Ⅰ and type-Ⅱ transitions were observed simultaneously in GaAs1-xSbx/GaAs SQWs for the first time.
When water seeps upwards through a saturated soil layer, the soil layer may become instability and water films occur and develop. Water film serves as a natural sliding surface because of its very small friction. Accordingly, debris flow may happen. To investigate this phenomenon, a pseudo-three-phase media is presented first. Then discontinuity method is used to analyze the expansion velocity of water film. Finally, perturbation method is used to analyze the case that a water flow is forced to seep upwards through the soil layer while the movement of the skeleton may be neglected relative to that of water. The theoretical evolutions of pore pressure gradient, effective stress, water velocity, the porosity and the eroded fine grains are obtained. It can be seen clearly that with the erosion and re-deposited of fine grains, permeability at some positions in the soil layer becomes smaller and smaller and, the pore pressure gradient becomes bigger and bigger, while the effective stress becomes smaller and smaller. When the effective stress equals zero, e.f. liquefaction, the water film occurs. It is shown also that once a water film occurs, it will be expanded in a speed of (U)(t)/(1 - E >).
The initiation of pipeline spanning involves the coupling between the flow over the pipeline and the seepage-flow in the soil underneath the pipeline. The pipeline spanning initiation is experimentally observed and discussed in this article. It is qualitatively indicated that the pressure-drop induced soil seepage failure is the predominant cause for pipeline spanning initiation. A flow-pipe-seepage sequential coupling Finite Element Method (FEM) model is proposed to simulate the coupling between the water flow-field and the soil seepage-field. A critical hydraulic gradient is obtained for oblique seepage failure of the sand in the direction tangent to the pipe. Parametric study is performed to investigate the effects of inflow velocity, pipe embedment on the pressure-drop, and the effects of soil internal friction angle and pipe embedment-to-diameter ratio on the critical flow velocity for pipeline spanning initiation. It is indicated that the dimensionless critical flow velocity changes approximately linearly with the soil internal friction angle for the submarine pipeline partially-embedded in a sandy seabed.
通过130 Te(14 N ,4n)反应首次对双奇核14 0 Pr进行了在束γ谱学研究 .在实验中进行了γ射线的激发函数、γ射线单谱和γ γ t符合测量 .建立了激发能达 4 717.3keV的14 0 Pr的能级纲图 ,其中包括新发现的 4 2条γ射线和新建立的 2 7个能级 .基于实验测量的γ跃迁各向异性度 ,建议了14 0 Pr部分能级的自旋值 .根据14 0 Pr附近同位素核结构的系统性 ,对部分能级的准粒子组态作了定性的讨论 .