977 resultados para Commercial law--Turkey


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és analitzar el llegat jurídic de Ramon Martí d'Eixalà, especialment els seus manuals de dret mercantil i dret civil. En aquest sentit, cal recordar que Ramon Martí d'Eixalà va viure en el segle XIX, moment en el qual s'havien iniciat una sèrie de canvis econòmics i socials profunds. El seu manual de dret mercantil, Instituciones de derecho mercantil de España fou molt més reconegut que el Tratado elementar del derecho civil romano y español. Doncs, el manual de dret mercantil fou recomanat com a llibre de text pels estudis de Jurisprudència durant varis anys, mentre que el manual de dret civil mai va formar part del llistat de manuals elaborat pel govern. A més, la filosofia britànica ocupa una part important de la investigació, ja que Ramon Martí d'Eixalà coneixia el pensament britànic i va introduir la filosofia del sentit comú a Catalunya.


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El estudio de los actores del Derecho del comercio internacional se complementa con el análisis del campo de acción en que se desenvuelven. Dentro de él, destacan los contratos internacionales, instrumentos destinados a conseguir la seguridad jurídica. Una de las principales cuestiones que se debe afrontar respecto de ellos, es precisamente, su carácter internacional. Este trabajo procura cumplir tal cometido, presupuesto imprescindible para descubrir la ley que les es aplicable. A este propósito enfoca la internacionalidad en términos generales y reflexiona sobre las convenciones de Roma y de México. Luego se refiere al mismo tópico de la internacionalidad con respecto a algunos contratos.


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Este documento contiene un análisis de los antecedentes y el alcance de la propuesta del Anexo de Turismo hecha en el marco del Acuerdo General de Comercio de Servicios AGCS de la Organización Mundial de Comercio. Ecuador ha sido promotor de esta iniciativa, junto a varios países de América Latina, como: República Dominicana, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Bolivia, Perú y Venezuela, para que el anexo sea incluido en el marco de las negociaciones del Acuerdo. El comercio de servicios de turismo es uno de los más liberalizados a nivel regional. Ecuador muestra importantes avances en este contexto, razón por la que el país participa activamente en los trabajos que realiza la Organización Mundial del Turismo para que el sector tenga un tratamiento específico y diferenciado en el contexto de los Acuerdos de la Organización Mundial del Comercio.


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A través de este trabajo, el autor pretende evidenciar, en una primera parte, la estrecha relación y dependencia existente entre las diferentes denominaciones que la legislación comercial y tributaria ecuatoriana otorga a la factura, manteniendo ésta, independientemente del enfoque -tributario, mercantil y comercial, de comercio electrónico-, su esencia, cual es la de constituirse en uno de los medios probatorios más eficaces en relación con diversas transacciones comerciales realizadas. Por otro lado, el autor resalta la legalidad de la factura electrónica en el Ecuador, manteniendo como base, la especializada legislación vigente y los diferentes principios jurídicos aplicables al comercio electrónico. Finalmente se revelan las razones de la imperiosa necesidad de que nuestro país instituya, de manera urgente, entidades de certificación de información y un adecuado sistema regulatorio.


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The author deals with a question that has challenged and troubled commercial law scholars for some time: do shares constitute property? The author explores some of the arguments that have been raised for why shares do not constitute property, but ultimately concludes that there are strong reasons – supported by prominent jurisprudential writing and judicial pronouncements – for why shares do indeed constitute property.


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It is usually said that a company is a legal entity separate from its management and shareholders and that the business and affairs of a company must be managed by or under the direction of its board. This implies various duties and responsibilities for directors.<br>Directors' duties traditionally include onerous fiduciary duties and obligations of care, skill and diligence in terms of the common law, various statutory provisions in the Companies Act 61 of 1973 requiring certain things of directors or preventing them from doing certain things (see, eg, ss 221-227 and 234-246 of the Act), and possible duties imposed by the articles of association or even separate agreements between directors and their companies.


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A family owned Mexican company, Zapata Hermanos Sucesores, S.A. ("Zapata"), sold approximately US$950,000 worth of cookie tins over a period of four years to the Maurice Lenell Cooky Company ("Lenell"), an American company that produced baked goods. Lenell failed to pay Zapata for the cookie tins so Zapata sought legal advice and instituted legal proceedings against Lenell for breach of contract in the Federal District Court of Illinios. The cookie tin sale contracts were governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("CISG"). Zapata succeeded in its Federal District Court claim and, as part of the Court's order, was awarded US$550,000 as foreseeable loss under Article 74 of the CISG, being the amount of legal fees incurred by Zapata in bringing proceedings against Lenell. On appeal to the Federal Appellate Court, however, the award of legal fees was overturned. The parties now find themselves contesting a leave application to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States of America in a much anticipated debate over who should pay the lawyers.


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After many years of negotiation, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) came into force in 1988. Today, 62 states have adopted the CISG. Together these countries account for over two-thirds of all world trade.2 On this basis alone, the CISG is an outstanding success in the legal harmonisation of the law governing the international sale of goods. However, the CISG has its critics and much comment has been made on the failure of the CISG to achieve its goal of promoting international trade through a body of uniform rules.The primary motivation driving the push for a harmonised law on the international sale of goods is economic: a harmonised law makes it easier and more efficient for the business person to sell and buy goods across state borders. However, the engine driving the push for harmonisation is political and cultural; and the task of creating the harmonised law belongs to the diplomat.3 A study of the CISG demonstrates that the political and cultural demands on the diplomat also act as shackles that restrain the achievement of a harmonised law.This paper will consider the CISG and discuss the constraints on treaty making as a mechanism for legal harmonisation. Part one discusses the constraints faced when creating a uniform text.Part two discusses the problems with the text of the CISG that result from the negotiation process. Finally, part three discusses the constraints faced in maintaining the uniformity of the CISG.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS