837 resultados para Clinical analysis laboratory


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Objetivos: construir a curva de regressão do b-hCG pós-mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) com remissão espontânea e comparar com a curva de regressão pós-MHC com tumor trofoblástico gestacional (TTG). Análise comparativa da curva de regressão do b-hCG das portadoras de MHC, acompanhadas no Serviço, com a curva de regressão observada por outros autores1-3. Métodos: foi realizada avaliação clínica e laboratorial (dosagem sérica de b-hCG), na admissão e no segmento pós-molar, de todas as pacientes com MHC, atendidas entre 1990 e 1998 no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu - Unesp. O resultado da determinação seriada do b-hCG foi analisado em curvas log de regressão. A evolução da curva de regressão do b-hCG foi analisada e comparada em MHC com remissão espontânea e MHC com TTG numa curva log de regressão, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. A curva log de regressão do grupo de remissão espontânea foi comparada com curvas consideradas padrão1,2. Foram construídas curvas log individuais de todas as pacientes e classificadas de acordo com os quatro tipos de curva (I, II, III e IV), propostos para o seguimento pós-molar³. Resultados: 61 pacientes com MHC tiveram seguimento pós-molar completo, 50 (82%) apresentaram remissão espontânea e 11 (18%) desenvolveram TTG. No grupo de pacientes com MHC e remissão espontânea, o tempo para alcançar a normalização dos níveis do b-hCG, após o esvaziamento molar, foi até 20 semanas. As pacientes que desenvolveram TTG apresentaram desvio precoce da curva de regressão normal do b-hCG, 4 a 6 semanas após o esvaziamento molar. Nestas pacientes, a quimioterapia foi introduzida em média na 9ª semana pós-esvaziamento molar. Conclusões: a curva de regressão do b-hCG pós-MHC com remissão espontânea apresentou declínio log exponencial, semelhante ao observado por outros autores1,2, e diferente das MHC com TTG. Foram identificados três tipos de curvas de regressão do b-hCG, semelhantes aos de Goldstein³, I, II e IV, e outros dois tipos diferentes de regressão do b-hCG: V (regressão normal) e VI (regressão anormal).


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A hipertensão arterial está entre as causas mais freqüentes de morte materna. Entre os tipos presentes na gravidez destacam-se as manifestações específicas, isto é, a pré-eclâmpsia e a hipertensão gestacional, definidas clinicamente por aumento dos níveis da pressão arterial após a 20ª semana de gestação, associado (pré-eclâmpsia) ou não (hipertensão gestacional) à proteinúria. Na fase inicial a doença é assintomática, porém, quando não tratada ou não se interrompe a gestação, sua evolução natural é desenvolver as formas graves, como a eclâmpsia e a síndrome HELLP. Eclâmpsia é definida pela manifestação de uma ou mais crises convulsivas tônico-clônicas generalizadas e/ou coma, em gestante com hipertensão gestacional ou pré-eclâmpsia, na ausência de doenças neurológicas. Pode ocorrer durante a gestação, durante o trabalho de parto e no puerpério imediato. É comumente precedida pelos sinais e sintomas de eclâmpsia iminente (distúrbios do sistema nervoso central, visuais e gástricos). A associação de hemólise, plaquetopenia e disfunção hepática já era relatada na literatura na década de cinqüenta. em 1982, Weinstein reuniu estas alterações sob o acrônimo de HELLP, significando hemólise (H), aumento de enzimas hepáticas (EL) e plaquetopenia (LP), e denominou-as de síndrome HELLP. A literatura diverge em relação aos valores dos parâmetros que definem a síndrome. Sibai et al. (1986) propuseram sistematização dos padrões laboratoriais e bioquímicos para o diagnóstico da mesma, que foi adotada pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. As manifestações clínicas podem ser imprecisas, sendo comuns queixas como dor epigástrica, mal-estar geral, inapetência, náuseas e vômitos. O diagnóstico precoce é, eminentemente, laboratorial e deve ser pesquisado de maneira sistemática nas mulheres com pré-eclâmpsia grave/eclâmpsia e/ou dor no quadrante superior direito do abdome. Diferenciar a síndrome HELLP de outras ocorrências, com manifestações clínicas e/ou laboratoriais semelhantes, não é tarefa fácil. O diagnóstico diferencial é particularmente difícil para doenças como púrpura trombocitopênica trombótica, síndrome hemolítico-urêmica e fígado gorduroso agudo da gravidez, devido à insuficiente história clínica e à semelhança dos aspectos fisiopatológicos. O conhecimento da fisiopatologia da pré-eclâmpsia, o diagnóstico precoce e a atuação precisa no momento adequado nas situações complicadas pela eclâmpsia e/ou síndrome HELLP permitem melhorar o prognóstico materno e perinatal.


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Fish oil omega-3 fatty acids exert antiinflammatory effects on patients with ulcerative colitis. However, a comparative study in patients with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis receiving only sulfasalazine or omega-3 fatty acids has not been performed. We sought to detect changes in the inflammatory disease activity with the use of either fish oil omega-3 fatty acids or sulfasalazine in patients with ulcerative colitis. Ten patients (five male, five female; mean age = 48 +/- 12 y) with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis were investigated in a randomized cross-over design. They received either sulfasalazine (2 g/d) or omega-3 fatty acids (5.4 g/d) for 2 mo. Disease activity was assessed by clinical and laboratory indicators, sigmoidoscopy, histology, and whole-body protein turnover (with N-15-glycine). Treatment with w-3 fatty acids resulted in greater disease activity as detected by a significant increase in platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and total fecal nitrogen excretion. No major changes in protein synthesis and breakdown were observed during either treatment. In conclusion, treatment with sulfasalazine is superior to treatment with omega-3 fatty acids in patients with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis. Nutrition 2000;16:87-901 (C) Elsevier B.V. 2000.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Groups of inbred alloxan-induced diabetic rats were treated with insulin (I), islets (IT), or pancreas transplantation (PT). Nondiabetic (N) and untreated diabetic (D) control groups were concurrently included. Each group was divided into five subgroups of 10 rats and killed after follow-up of 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Clinical and laboratory parameters were recorded, and kidney ultrastructural and morphometric analyses performed in each 12-month subgroup, namely glomerular basement membrane (GM) thickening, podocyte number, and number/extension of slit diaphragms (S). Rats from the I group showed poor metabolic control of diabetes compared with N group control rats. However, successfully transplanted rats (IT and PT) had complete restoration to normal levels for all metabolic parameters. GM thickening was significantly higher in diabetic compared with control rats. In contrast, the numbers of podocytes and slits as well as slit extensions were significantly decreased. Insulin therapy did not prevent any alterations upon comparison of diabetic vs control rats. Despite good metabolic control in IT rats, the degree of kidney lesion control never compared with that achieved in PT rats. In this group all glomerular changes were similar to the age-dependent lesions observed in control rats. We conclude that either IT or PT may be a good option for diabetes treatment, although pancreas transplantation seems to be the most effective treatment to control chronic complications.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a associação entre os parâmetros clinicolaboratoriais e alteração morfológica de biópsias renais em crianças com síndrome nefrótica. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos de 43 crianças com síndrome nefrótica submetidas a biópsia renal. RESULTADOS: Vinte e oito pacientes eram do sexo masculino (65,1%), idades entre 1,4 a 12 anos (média de 4,7±3,2). Quarenta e dois pacientes (97,7%) apresentaram edema; 83,7%, oligúria e 32,5%, hipertensão arterial. A média de proteinúria foi 15,3g/1,73m²SC/dia e 55,8% apresentaram hematúria microscópica. As biópsias renais mostraram: glomerulonefrite proliferativa mesangial (GNPM) em 37,2%, glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal (GESF) em 27,9%, alterações glomerulares mínimas (LM) em 25,6%, glomerulonefrite membranoproliferativa (GNMP) em 7% e glomerulonefrite membranosa (GNM) em 2,3%. Vinte e seis pacientes (60,5%) apresentaram resistência ao corticosteróide. Idade, sexo, hipertensão arterial, oligúria, uréia e creatinina séricas não mostraram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os pacientes com GNPM, GESF e LM. Os pacientes com GNPM e GESF apresentaram maior freqüência de hematúria microscópica (p < 0,003 e p < 0,03; respectivamente). Os pacientes com GESF apresentaram maiores níveis de proteinúria (p < 0,01 versus LM e p < 0,05 versus GNPM). Os pacientes com LM apresentaram sensibilidade ao corticosteróide (p < 0,001 versus GESF e p = 0,047 versus GNPM). CONCLUSÕES: Sexo, idade, presença de hipertensão arterial ou oligúria e níveis séricos de uréia e creatinina não auxiliaram na diferenciação entre pacientes com GNPM, GESF e LM. Os pacientes com LM apresentaram sensibilidade a corticosteróides e menos probabilidade de apresentar hematúria microscópica. Pacientes com GESF apresentaram maiores níveis de proteinúria.


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Crotalic envenomation represents the highest number of deaths when compared to other snakebite envenomations of medical interest. Crotalic venom has important characteristics such as neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and clotting and hemolytic action. We evaluated the clinical and laboratory aspects of Crotalus durissus terrificus experimental envenomation in Wistar rats treated with antivenom and the aqueous extract of the plant mikania glomerata. The animals were divided into three groups: Group C (control); Group VS-venom and antivenom; Group VSM-venom, antivenom and aqueous extract of M glomerata. Crotalic poison caused clinical and laboratory alterations in Wistar mice. Significant clinical alterations were: temperature decrease, edema in the venom inoculated member, sedation and a locomotion decrease in groups VS and VSM when compared with group C. A faster recovery from sedation was observed only for animals of group VSM when compared to VS. There was an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils and creatine kinase in the VS and VSM groups, compared to group C. Wistar rats showed a high resistance to crotalic venom. Additional studies with different doses, time of treatment, different administration methods and histopathological and immunological studies are necessary to understand the action of M glomerata in crotalic accidents. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (4): 929-937. Epub 2009 December 01.


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Different transfer impression techniques for implant-supported prostheses have been suggested to obtain a working cast. This article describes and illustrates clinical and laboratory pros-thodontic procedures to transfer implant positions with splinted transfer copings and without impression material to form a laboratory analog transfer template. With this technique, a preliminary cast is modified to place the analogs according to a corrected position and obtain the master cast. Although this technique does not record adjacent tissues, it is a simple procedure, less time consuming, and easily performed.


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The effectiveness of microwave disinfection of maxillary complete dentures on the treatment of Candida-related denture stomatitis was evaluated. Patients (n = 60) were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups of 15 subjects each; Control group: patients performed the routine denture care; Mw group: patients had their upper denture microwaved (650 W per 6 min) three times per week for 30 days; group MwMz: patients received the treatment of Mw group in conjunction with topical application of miconazole three times per day for 30 days; group Mz: patients received the antifungal therapy of group MwMz. Cytological smears and mycological cultures were taken from the dentures and the palates of all patients before treatment at day 15 and 30 of treatment and at follow-up (days 60 and 90). The effectiveness of the treatments was evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Microbial and clinical analysis of the control group demonstrated no significant decrease in the candidal infection over the clinical trial. Smears and cultures of palates and dentures of the groups Mw and MwMz exhibited absence of Candida at day 15 and 30 of treatment. on day 60 and 90, few mycelial forms were observed on 11 denture smears (36.6%) from groups Mw and MwMz, but not on the palatal smears. Miconazole (group Mz) neither caused significant reduction of palatal inflammation nor eradicated Candida from the dentures and palates. Microwaving dentures was effective for the treatment of denture stomatitis. The recurrence of Candida on microwaved dentures at follow-up was dramatically reduced.


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Oropharyngeal candidiasis is the most common fungal infection among HIV-positive patients. This condition can be treated with either systemic or topical antifungal agents; treatments are usually indicated empirically on the basis of clinical data. The knowledge of in vitro antifungal susceptibility is important to determine correct therapeutic guides for the treatment of fungal infections. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the antifungal susceptibility profile of oral Candida isolates from HIV-positive patients and control individuals. Amphotericin B, fluconazole, flucytosine, nystatin and ketoconazole were tested according to the methodology of microdilution proposed by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI); results were recorded in values of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). A total of 71 Candida isolates from HIV-positive patients were examined with the following species represented: C. albicans (59), C. tropicalis (9), C. glabrata (1), C. guilliermondii (1) and C. krusei (1). A total of 15 Candida isolates were evaluated from control individuals comprised of 11 C. albicans and 4 C. tropicalis samples. Our results demonstrated that the tested antifungal agents showed good activity for most isolates from both groups; however, variability in MIC values among isolates was observed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) species identification is still difficult for most clinical laboratories. The scheme proposed by Kloos and Schleifer and modified by Bannerman is the reference method used for the identification of staphylococcal species and subspecies; however, this method is relatively laborious for routine use since it requires the utilization of a large number of biochemical tests. The objective of the present study was to compare four methods, i.e., the reference method, the API Staph system (bioMérieux) and two methods modified from the reference method in our laboratory (simplified method and disk method), in the identification of 100 CNS strains. Compared to the reference method, the simplified method and disk method correctly identified 100 and 99% of the CNS species, respectively, while this rate was 84% for the API Staph system. Inaccurate identification by the API Staph method was observed for Staphylococcus epidermidis (2.2%), S. hominis (25%), S. haemolyticus (37.5%), and S. warneri (47.1%). The simplified method using the simple identification scheme proposed in the present study was found to be efficient for all strains tested, with 100% sensitivity and specificity and proved to be available alternative for the identification of staphylococci, offering, higher reliability and lower cost than the currently available commercial systems. This method would be very useful in clinical microbiology laboratory, especially in places with limited resources.


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A clinical study of Brazilian patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) was performed in a multidisciplinary Neurofibromatosis Program called CEPAN (Center of Research and Service in Neurofibromatosis). Among 55 patients (60% females, 40% males) who met the NIH criteria for the diagnosis of NF1, 98% had more than six café-au-lait patches, 94.5% had axillary freckling, 45% had inguinal freckling, and 87.5% had Lisch nodules. Cutaneous neurofibromas were observed in 96%, and 40% presented plexiform neurofibromas. A positive family history of NF1 was found in 60%, and mental retardation occurred in 35%. Some degree of scoliosis was noted in 49%, 51% had macrocephaly, 40% had short stature, 76% had learning difficulties, and 2% had optic gliomas. Unexpectedly high frequencies of plexiform neurofibromas, mental retardation, learning difficulties, and scoliosis were observed, probably reflecting the detailed clinical analysis methods adopted by the Neurofibromatosis Program. These same patients were screened for mutations in the GAP-related domain/GRD (exons 20-27a) by single-strand conformation polymorphism. Four different mutations (Q1189X, 3525-3526delAA, E1356G, c.4111-1G>A) and four polymorphisms (c.3315-27G>A, V1146I, V1317A, c.4514+11C>G) were identified. These data were recently published.


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Introdução: A nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva é importante causa de doença renal crônica com necessidade de diálise. As características que distinguem um portador de hipertensão arterial que evolui com nefroangioesclerose de outro que mantém função renal estável não são bem estabelecidas, devido à dificuldade em assegurar que os portadores daquela doença não sejam, na verdade, portadores de glomerulopatias ou outras doenças renais confundíveis. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar características clínicas ou laboratoriais que distingam os pacientes que desenvolveram doença renal crônica a partir da hipertensão, confirmada por biópsia renal, daqueles que, mesmo apresentando hipertensão arterial, não desenvolveram nefroangioesclerose. Métodos: Realizou-se comparação retrospectiva de dados clínicos e laboratoriais de 15 portadores de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva confirmada por biópsia renal e 15 hipertensos oriundos do ambulatório do Centro de Hipertensão Arterial, cuja ausência de nefroangioesclerose foi definida pela ausência de proteinúria. Os grupos foram pareados quanto à idade e gênero. Resultados: Dentre as variáveis avaliadas, tempo de hipertensão arterial, pressão de pulso, glicemia, ácido úrico, creatinina e frequência de uso de diuréticos e simpatolíticos diferiram estatisticamente entre os dois grupos. Todas essas variáveis apresentaram valores maiores no grupo com nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva. Conclusão: O presente estudo associa a nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva, confirmada por biópsia, com alterações metabólicas, duração e intensidade da hipertensão e corrobora a ideia de que a prevenção primária da hipertensão arterial, postergando o seu início, o controle pressórico mais estrito, quando a hipertensão já está estabelecida, bem como o controle metabólico têm a potencialidade de prevenir o desenvolvimento de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva.