501 resultados para Circus performers


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This latest edition of J. S. Bach’s B-minor Mass, by Ulrich Leisinger, described by the publisher as a ‘hybrid edition’, aptly addresses the needs of present-day performers and at the same time fulfils the scholarly expectations of new critical editions to conform to the current study environment


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A large archive of sources for the RDS classical music recitals is extant in the Society’s Library, Ballsbridge, Dublin. The recitals were established in 1886 for the promotion of chamber music and in order to expose Dublin audiences to the works of the great composers. Extant in the collection are minute books; autographed programmes; newspaper cuttings which include previews, reviews and advertisements; correspondences with artists and agents; promotional material; selections of photographs; records of attendance, artists fees and takings; and volumes of printed music.
This paper will document the organisation, management and occurrence of the RDS classical music recitals for the period 1925 to 1950 and will encompass the opening of the current concert hall (The Members’ Hall, 1925), the Society’s bi-centenary celebrations (1931) and the continuance of the recitals within the context of the Second World War (1939- 45). The paper will examine and analyse the following: networks, repertoire and reception.
The RDS music committee established significant links with many performers and UK-based classical music agents. Recitalists include musicians of international renown; Myra Hess, Isolde Menges, Lili Kraus, Joseph Szigeti, Leon Goossens, Sir Hamilton Harty and The Hallé Orchestra, The Catterall Quartet and many local, Dublin-based musicians; Raidió Éireann Orchestra, Dublin String Orchestra, Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra and Culwick Choral Society. The compromises and collaborations in evidence between the music committee, agents and performers resulted in the presentation of varied and well-balanced programmes featuring sonatas, quartets, trios, concerti, overtures, symphonies and songs by composers including Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn and Brahms. Works by contemporary composers including Bax, Dohnanyi, Szymanowski and Suk were also regularly performed, as were works with an Irish influence or flavour. Audiences mainly consisted of members of the Society, music students were encouraged to attend at a reduced rate and reviews were regularly published in the Irish Times, Irish Independent and Irish Press.


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Este trabalho consiste numa proposta metodológica, denominada A∴418, que visa abordar a actividade especulativa dos performers no que diz respeito às suas concepções interpretativas dos discursos musicais. Foram identificados dois factores inerentes a esta actividade – as concepções expressiva e técnica – como estando na base da configuração final deste processo. O A∴418 resulta de um processo de aplicação de técnicas de análise musical vocacionadas para o estudo da interpretação musical, são elas a Análise da Intenção Musical Interpretativa (direccionada para a concepção expressiva da narrativa sonora) e a Análise Técnica da Intenção Musical Interpretativa (direccionada para a concepção técnico-instrumental do discurso musical). A sistematização deste processo metodológico conduz à produção de uma partitura final, revista pelo músico-instrumentista, na qual acrescem ao discurso original do compositor indicações que reflectem a concepção técnicoexpressiva produzida pelo performer que interpreta a obra musical. Esta metodologia foi demonstrada através da sua aplicação à concepção musical interpretativa do Concerto para Violoncelo em La menor, RV 418, de Antonio Vivaldi, tendo em conta as demandas específicas deste instrumento musical e a leitura idiossincrática que o autor fez desta obra musical em concreto.


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Esta tese consiste em uma pesquisa empírica sobre a expressividade musical. Os principais objetivos foram: identificar padrões e estratégias para o aprimoramento expressivo aplicados por profissionais de excelência; identificar como os performers conceitualizam a expressividade; identificar os principais componentes da expressividade; verificar relações entre a expressividade e o momento da performance; elaborar estratégias de estudo a partir das informações obtidas e aplicar estas estratégias na prática; verificar a sua pertinência e realizar uma avaliação qualitativa; e elaborar um modelo prático de estudo para a expressividade. Foram realizadas entrevistas com pianistas profissionais a fim de obter dados consistentes acerca da expressividade, e posteriormente foi conduzido um estudo de caso no qual estratégias de estudo sistematizadas a partir do relato dos pianistas foram aplicadas em um trabalho apoiado na autoetnografia, a fim de verificar a pertinência e realizar uma avaliação qualitativa sobre tais estratégias. Em termos gerais, os resultados indicaram que a expressividade consiste em um fenômeno de comunicação influenciado pela capacidade do intérprete em transmitir a mensagem e estrutura musical, cujos principais componentes compreendem elementos como o caráter, articulação e o fraseado. Além disso, os performers geralmente relacionam a expressividade a "modas" e tendências estético-interpretativas específicas e a elementos extramusicais. As principais estratégias pertinentes ao aprimoramento expressivo relacionam-se ao fraseado, realização de contrastes e sonoridade. A priorizar estes elementos, foi construído um modelo de estudo.


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Diagnosis of developmental or congenital prosopagnosia (CP) involves self-report of everyday face recognition difficulties, which are corroborated with poor performance on behavioural tests. This approach requires accurate self-evaluation. We examine the extent to which typical adults have insight into their face recognition abilities across four studies involving nearly 300 participants. The studies used five tests of face recognition ability: two that tap into the ability to learn and recognise previously unfamiliar faces (the Cambridge Face Memory Test, CFMT, Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006 and a newly devised test based on the CFMT but where the study phases involve watching short movies rather than viewing static faces – the CFMT-Films) and three that tap face matching (Benton Facial Recognition Test, BFRT, Benton, Sivan, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983; and two recently devised sequential face matching tests). Self-reported ability was measured with the 15-item Kennerknecht et al. (2008) questionnaire; two single-item questions assessing face recognition ability; and a new 77-item meta-cognition questionnaire). Overall, we find that adults with typical face recognition abilities have only modest insight into their ability to recognise faces on behavioural tests. In a fifth study, we assess self-reported face recognition ability in people with CP and find that some people who expect to perform poorly on behavioural tests of face recognition do indeed perform poorly. However, it is not yet clear whether individuals within this group of poor performers have greater levels of insight (i.e., into their degree of impairment) than those with more typical levels of performance.


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This study examined the impact that pre-event body language and knowledge of a performer’s playing record had on ratings of tennis performance. Participants (N = 123) were allocated to one of four experimental groups (good body language/bad body language vs. positive playing record/negative playing record) and viewed a live player warming up and completing a series of tennis shots. Information outlining the player’s recent win/loss record was coupled with body language condition during a period of warm-up footage. Likert-type scales were employed to record impressions of the player and judgements as to the quality of the play. ANCOVA revealed that the player was viewed more favourably having displayed positive as opposed to negative body language (p<.001). Participants presented with a positive playing record (p = .001) formed a more favourable impression and rated the players performance more positively (p = 0.001). The study corroborates and extends the findings of recent work incorporating live models in expectancy effects investigations.


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Dissertação de mest., Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos Artísticos (Estudos de Teatro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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I - Este relatório pretende descrever o estágio especializado em ensino de música realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Ensino de Música na Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. Este estágio decorreu no Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa e no Conservatório de Música, de Dança e de Arte Dramática de Lisboa, duas escolas de ensino oficial especializado. Sendo a primeira pública e a segunda privada, estas escolas apresentam realidades muito diferentes do ponto de vista organizacional e de gestão, que resultam em situações heterogéneas e dependentes de vários factores que serão mencionados ao longo deste relatório. A análise SWOT efectuada para cada uma destas organizações descreve mais objectivamente os factores e variáveis que permitiram construir este relatório. Foram caracterizados três alunos, um de cada curso: preparatório, básico e secundário. A Maria M. é a aluna do 2º ano do curso preparatório, o Pedro R. é aluno de 3º grau do curso básico de instrumento e o Diego M. é aluno de 7º grau. Foram aprofundadas as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas com cada um dos alunos e os avanços e metas atingidas por cada um destes alunos. Este estágio resulta numa reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica aplicada e as suas motivações.


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Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica) - O Relatório de estágio foi concebido no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio do Ensino Especializado, Mestrado em Ensino da Música pela Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. Assim, este documento assenta sobre a prática pedagógica desenvolvida no Conservatório de Música David de Sousa – Polo Pombal no ano letivo 2014-2015, abrangendo três alunos de diferentes graus de ensino. Neste Relatório será caracterizado o estabelecimento de ensino onde decorreu o estágio, assim como o desempenho que cada aluno teve durante o ano letivo, salientando os aspetos de competência motora, auditiva e expressiva. Este trabalho consistiu na avaliação do meu desempenho enquanto docente de trompete, permitindo-me refletir sobre os pontos bons e menos bons do meu trabalho, para que no futuro me seja possível atingir um nível mais elevado na minha atividade docente.


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"June, 1902"-- title page.


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This thesis examines the independent alternative music scene in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, also known, with reference to its industrial heritage, as "Steeltown." Drawing on the growing literature on the relationship between place and popular music, on my own experience as a local musician, direct observation of performances and of venues and other sites of interaction, as well as ethnographic interviews with scene participants, I focus on the role of space, genre and performance within the scene, and their contribution to a sense of local identity. In particular, I argue that the live performance event is essential to the success of the local music scene, as it represents an immediate process, a connection between performers and audience, one which is temporally rooted in the present. My research suggests that the Hamilton alternative music scene has become postmodern, embracing forms of "indie" music that lie outside of mainstream taste, and particularly those which engage in the exploration and deconstruction of pre-existing genres. Eventually, however, the creative successes of an "indiescene" permeate mass culture and often become co-opted into the popular music mainstream, a process which, in turn, promotes new experimentation and innovation at the local level.


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View from balcony in Memorial Hall auditorium during a production of The Wizard of Oz, Chapman College, Orange, California. Primarily an audience of children; performers are skipping down an aisle toward back entrance.


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Dorothy Rungeling was born in 1911 and raised in Fenwick, Ontario, by her adopted mother, Ethelwyn Wetherald. After graduating high school, she attended Fort Erie business College. She worked briefly in Toronto and then Hamilton, but eventually took a job with Brown Brothers’ Nursery in Pelham to be closer to home. Dorothy pursued many interests, learning to play the violin, saxophone and clarinet. She met her husband Charles at a local dance where she was playing. In 1939, they opened an automobile and farm machinery business in Welland. In their spare time, they were active in skeet and trap shooting, for which Dorothy won many trophies. In the early 1940s, Dorothy developed a passion for horses, training and showing them in addition to teaching riding at the Welland Riding Club, as well as judging at horse shows. By the late 1940s her interest in horses was waning, but she soon after discovered and pursued a new interest: flying. She joined the Welland Flying Club, obtained a flying licence, and in 1949 purchased her first plane. She proceeded to obtain a Commercial Pilot Licence in 1951, an Instructor’s Licence in 1953, and a Senior Commercial Licence in 1954. She participated in many air races in the 1950s, including the All Women’s International Air Races, the Women’s Transcontinental Air Races, and the Canadian Governor-General’s Cup Air Race. Some of the most notable races were the 1954 International Air Race, where Dorothy met with President Batista of Cuba, and the Governor-General’s Cup Air Race, where she won 1st place in 1953 and 1956 (and was the only woman competing). In 1958, she was also the first Canadian woman to solo pilot a helicopter. That same year she obtained her Airline Transport Licence. She also wrote several articles on aviation, contributing to publications such as Canadian Aviation and Air Facts, a U.S. aviation magazine. In addition to these articles, Dorothy authored several books about her life, as well as a selection of poems and articles by Ethelwyn Wetherald. As planes became more expensive, Dorothy spent less time flying, instead pursuing an interest in sailing. She and her husband bought a sailboat and became members of the Niagara-on-the-Lake Sailing Club. In 2003, Dorothy was awarded the Order of Canada for her accomplishments. She also wrote a regular column for the Voice of Pelham in 2012-2013, called A Century in Pelham. Dorothy celebrated her 100th birthday in 2011, and remains an active member of the community.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)"