544 resultados para Charitable Trusts


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Introducción. En el presente trabajo se pretende identificar los factores psicosociales laborales asociados con el bienestar del trabajador en investigaciones realizadas en Colombia y España, durante el periodo 2002 – 2012. Objetivo. Este trabajo tiene como fin, precisar sobre el desarrollo investigativo en lo referente a los factores psicosociales y su relación con el bienestar, de los trabajadores en Colombia y España durante el período 2002-2012, por medio de los estudios encontrados sobre factores psicosociales y su impacto benéfico en el bienestar del trabajador, marco legal de ambos países, así como también, la revisión documental, consolidación y posterior análisis de la literatura, en torno al estado del arte del presente estudio en relación a los factores psicosociales laborales. Método. Se trata de un estudio documental, realizado por medio, de una revisión de literatura en las bases de datos y posterior selección, clasificación, consolidación, sistematización y análisis de los estudios de investigación encontrados, los cuales, analizaban aspectos relacionados con los factores psicosociales y su relación con el bienestar del trabajador en Colombia y España, durante el período 2002-2012. Resultados. En la revisión documental se evidenció que los estudios referentes a los factores psicosociales y su relación con el bienestar del trabajador, representa un importante y permanente reto para las organizaciones. De la misma manera, se destacan los avances que sobre dicha relación presenta España, pues, en Colombia, aun los estudios siguen direccionados hacia los factores de riesgo o perjudiciales, más que hacia factores protectores o de bienestar, generadores de un efecto benéfico en los trabajadores y por ende en la organización.


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El texto tiene por objetivo examinar las conexiones que se establecieron entre género y política en tres asociaciones de caridad de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en Bogotá. El estudio de la Congregación de la Caridad, la Asociación del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y de la Sociedad Protectora de Niños Desamparados desde una perspectiva que vincule género y política permite captar ambigüedades, contradicciones, conflictos y fisuras presentes y operantes en la constitución de los partidos políticos y en los diferentes proyectos de orden social que estaban en disputa en el mundo político del siglo XIX.


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és estudiar el funcionament real de la servitud catalana medieval. Per això s'estudien els homenatges i els cobraments dels mals usos rebuts i aplicats per l'Almoina del Pa de la Seu de Girona sobre els seus remences al llarg dels segles XIV i XV i, més concretament, entre 1331 i 1458. Aquestes dates han estat determinades per la documentació generada per l'esmentada institució benèfica. El primer llibre de comptes conservat és de l'any 1331. En aquests llibres de comptes els pabordes encarregats de gestionar l'Almoina hi consignaven tots els seus ingressos i totes les despeses. La data final també ha estat fixada per la documentació, perquè a partir d'aquest moment deixem de trobar constància escrita del pagament dels mals usos i de la prestació d'homenatges. La importància dels mals usos, és a dir, aquells pagaments que gravaven als serfs pel fet de ser-ho, a la Catalunya de la baixa edat mitjana és una qüestió fora de discussió. Bona part dels historiadors -Hinojosa, Vicens Vives, Freedman, etc.- atribueixen als mals usos, als homenatges i a la seva continuada exigència els dos alçaments remences contra les senyories feudals a partir de l'any 1462. Segons aquestes hipòtesis, la lluita per suprimir els mals usos i aconseguir la llibertat individual és la raó de les guerres remences de finals del segle XV. Com és sabut van quedar resoltes amb la Sentència Arbitral de Guadalupe, dictada pel rei Ferran II, que va suprimir definitivament la servitud de les terres catalanes. Malgrat la importància que els historiadors han concedit a l'existència dels mals usos i, sobretot, a la manca de llibertat dels remences, no hi ha estudis sistemàtics sobre la seva aplicació a la pràctica. Per això, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és estudiar tots els mals usos i tots els homenatges aplicats i rebuts per una sola senyoria -l'Almoina del Pa de la Seu de Girona-, els remences de la qual van participar activament en ambdues guerres i que és representativa, sense cap mena de dubte, del que succeïa en la diòcesi gironina. A més a més, cal assenyalar que l'estudi comprèn un període de temps que inclou circumstàncies tan cabdals com la pesta negra i la resta de catàstrofes del segle XIV i el segle XV fins a la primera guerra remença. Com és sabut, els remences catalans estaven sotmesos a sis mals usos: la redempció de persones (mitjançant la qual aconseguien la seva llibertat), les firmes d'espoli forçades (que havien de pagar quan es casaven en determinades circumstàncies), la intèstia i l'eixòrquia (que gravaven la mort intestada i sense descendents), l'àrsia (que penalitzava la crema accidental del mas o la masada) i la cugúcia (exigida a les dones considerades adúlteres). Els remences confirmaven la seva dependència d'una senyoria en els corresponents homenatges o reconeixements de domini que havien de prestar quan n'eren requerits. Aquesta tesi consta de deu capítols a més d'una introducció (o primer capítol) i d'unes conclusions. El segon capítol és dedicat a la descripció de les fonts utilitzades, entre les que destaquen els llibres de comptes dels pabordes, i on queda prou palesa la importància del fet d'haver pogut disposar d'una excepcional font seriada, a més a més de pergamins. El tercer correspon a l'estudi de la institució tractada, que tenia terres a les actuals comarques del Gironès, La Selva, l'Alt i el Baix Empordà i el Pla de l'Estany. En el quart capítol hi analitzo els problemes generats a l'hora d' intentar conèixer el nombre de persones que eren pròpies de l'Almoina i saber de quins masos provenien. A continuació segueixen els quatre capítols que constitueixen el cos central de la tesi. Al seu torn, la seva anàlisi va ocasionar l'elaboració dels tres darrers. En el capítol cinquè s'estudien tots els homenatges rebuts per l'Almoina entre els anys 1300 i 1457, tant els que figuren en els manuals de comptes com els conservats en pergamí. En total, tenim documentats 1258 dels homenatges o reconeixements de domini rebuts per la institució. El capítol següent és dedicat a l'estudi de les firmes d'espoli forçades i als 424 cobraments fets per l'Almoina per aquest concepte, entre els anys 1331 i 1452. En els capítols setè i vuitè, s'analitzen els mals usos que gravaven les sortides del domini, tant les voluntàries com les involuntàries. El resultat obtingut és que entre 1331 i 1458, la institució va concedir la llibertat a 557 persones bona part de les quals van tornar a adscriure's de nou a una altra senyoria. El nombre d'aquests sortides contrasta amb el cobrament per part de l'Almoina, entre aquestes mateixes dates, de només 105 intèsties i eixòrquies; dit d'una altra manera, fins l'any 1445 va ingressar diners en concepte de 23 intèsties, fins el 1458 per 68 eixòrquies i fins el 1406 per 14 intèsties i/o eixòrquies. Els capítols 9 i 10 tracten del significat i les limitacions que comportaven els mals usos, com a trets definitoris de la pertinença a la servitud, sobre les persones que hi estaven sotmeses. Finalment, el darrer capítol analitza el compliment de la sentència dictada pel rei Alfons el Magnànim l'any 1457 en la que suspenia la servitud al Principat de Catalunya. Queda fora de dubte que pocs anys abans de la primera guerra remença els homenatges i els mals usos havien deixat d'aplicar-se.


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The last 30 years have seen a tide of interest sweeping across Europe in the development of nature in cities, and an increasing amount of landscape development in urban areas has involved the use of 'naturalistic' styles. This is an increasing attempt to find ways for urbanism and nature to co-exist. However, there have been considerable discussions among professionals regarding the advantages and disadvantages of 'naturalistic' styles in urban areas. This research examines professional attitudes to 'naturalistic' landscape styles in Britain, in contrast to more traditional, formal landscape styles, and aims to find out whether the interest in natural landscapes is really a fashion among landscape professionals. A self-administered postal survey was carried out using both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques and analysis. The survey included 500 professionals from parks and recreation departments of local authorities, private landscape practices and conservation trusts, and resulted in a satisfactory response rate of 53 %. The results of this study suggested that professionals recognise most of the values attached to naturalistic landscapes in urban areas. However, possible benefits that natural areas may have for urban people are not attached to naturalistic landscapes alone. The study also revealed that the naturalistic style is highly popular among conservation trusts but is less so among professionals from local authorities and private landscape practices who seem to appreciate both styles and believe that these styles are not separable from each other and should co-exist in an urban environment. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is a lack of knowledge base in relation to experiences gained and lessons learnt from previously executed National Health Service (NHS) infrastructure projects in the UK. This is in part a feature of one-off construction projects, which typify healthcare infrastructure, and in part due to the absence of a suitable method for conveying such information. The complexity of infrastructure delivery process in the NHS makes the construction of healthcare buildings a formidable task. This is particularly the case for the NHS trusts who have little or no experience of construction projects. To facilitate understanding a most important aspect of the delivery process, which is the preparation of a capital investment proposal; steps taken in developing the business case for an NHS healthcare facility are examined. The context for such examination is provided by the planning process of a healthcare project, studied retrospectively. The process is analysed using a social science based method called ‘building stories’, developed at the University of California-Berkeley. By applying this method, stories or narratives are constructed around the data captured on the case study. The findings indicate that the business case process may be used to justify, rather than identify, trusts’ requirements. The study is useful for UK public sector clients as well as consultants and professionals who aim to participate in the delivery of healthcare infrastructure projects in the UK.


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Objective: To describe the use of a multifaceted strategy for recruiting general practitioners (GPs) and community pharmacists to talk about medication errors which have resulted in preventable drug-related admissions to hospital. This is a potentially sensitive subject with medicolegal implications. Setting: Four primary care trusts and one teaching hospital in the UK. Method: Letters were mailed to community pharmacists and general practitioners asking for provisional consent to be interviewed and permission to contact them again should a patient be admitted to hospital as a result of a medication error. In addition, GPs were asked for permission to approach their patients should they be admitted to hospital. A multifaceted approach to recruitment was used including gaining support for the study from professional defence agencies and local champions. Key findings: Eighty-five percent (310/385) of GPs and 62% (93/149) of community pharmacists responded to the letters. Eighty-five percent (266/310) of GPs who responded and 81% (75/93) of community pharmacists who responded gave provisional consent to participate in interviews. All GPs (14 out of 14) and community pharmacists (10 out of 10) who were subsequently asked to participate, when patients were admitted to hospital, agreed to be interviewed. Conclusion: The multifaceted approach to recruitment was associated with an impressive response when asking healthcare professionals to be interviewed about medication errors which have resulted in preventable drug-related morbidity.


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Background: Population monitoring has been introduced in UK primary schools in an effort to track the growing obesity epidemic. It has been argued that parents should be informed of their child's results, but is there evidence that moving from monitoring to screening would be effective? We describe what is known about the effectiveness of monitoring and screening for overweight and obesity in primary school children and highlight areas where evidence is lacking and research should be prioritised. Design: Systematic review with discussion of evidence gaps and future research. Data sources: Published and unpublished studies ( any language) from electronic databases ( inception to July 2005), clinical experts, Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities, and reference lists of retrieved studies. Review methods: We included any study that evaluated measures of overweight and obesity as part of a population-level assessment and excluded studies whose primary outcome measure was prevalence. Results: There were no trials assessing the effectiveness of monitoring or screening for overweight and obesity. Studies focussed on the diagnostic accuracy of measurements. Information on the attitudes of children, parents and health professionals to monitoring was extremely sparse. Conclusions: Our review found a lack of data on the potential impact of population monitoring or screening for obesity and more research is indicated. Identification of effective weight reduction strategies for children and clarification of the role of preventative measures are priorities. It is difficult to see how screening to identify individual children can be justified without effective interventions.


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Objectives: To identify the extent of dual task interference between cognitive and motor tasks, (cognitive motor interference (CMI)) in sitting balance during recovery from stroke; to compare CMI in sitting balance between stroke and non-stroke groups; and to record any changes to CMI during sitting that correlate with functional recovery. Method: 36 patients from stroke rehabilitation settings in three NHS trusts. Healthy control group: 21 older volunteers. Measures of seated postural sway were taken in unsupported sitting positions, alone, or concurrently with either a repetitive utterance task or an oral word category generation task. Outcome measures were variability of sway area, path length of sway, and the number of valid words generated. Results: Stroke patients were generally less stable than controls during unsupported sitting tasks. They showed greater sway during repetitive speech compared with quiet sitting, but did not show increased instability to posture between repetitive speech and word category generation. When compared with controls, stroke patients experienced greater dual task interferences during repetitive utterance but not during word generation. Sway during repetitive speech was negatively correlated with concurrent function on the Barthel ADL index. Conclusions: The stroke patients showed postural instability and poor word generation skills. The results of this study show that the effort of verbal utterances alone was sufficient to disturb postural control early after stroke, and the extent of this instability correlated with concomitant Barthel ADL function.


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Conflation of academic copyright issues with respect to books (whether text books, research monographs or popularisations) and research articles, is rife in the academic publishing industry. A charitable interpretation is that this is because to publishers they are all effectively the same: a product produced for commercial benefit. An uncharitable interpretation is that this is a classic Fear Uncertainty and Doubt approach, in an attempt to delay the inevitable move to Open Access (OA) to research articles. To authors, however, research articles and books are generally very different things. Research articles are produced without the expectation of direct financial return, whereas books generally include some consideration of financial return. Taylor’s “Copyright and research: an academic publisher’s perspective” (SCRIPT-ed 4:2) falls wholesale into this mental trap and in particular his lauding of the position paper of the Association of American Professional and Scholarly Publishers, shows a lack of understanding of the continuing huge loss to scholarship of a lack of OA to research articles. It should be regarded as a categorical imperative for scholars to embrace OA to research articles.


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The UK private indirect real estate market has seen a rapid growth in the last seven years. The gross asset value (GAV) of the private property vehicle (PPV) market has about tripled from a GAV of £22.6bn in 1998 to a GAV of £67.1 billion at the end of 2005 (OPC, 2006). Although this trend of growing syndication of real estate is not only a UK phenomenon, the rate of growth has been significantly faster in the UK. For example the German open-ended funds have grown over the same period from €50.4bn to €85.1bn (BVI, 2006). In the US the market capitalization of equity real estate investment trusts (REIT) has grown 155% since 1999 to US$ 301bn (NAREIT, 2006). Each jurisdiction is offering different formats to invest indirectly into real estate but at the core all these vehicles are the same in that they provide a different route for investors to access real estate. In the UK, although the range of ‘products’ is now quite diverse, all structures have in common the ‘wrapping’ of property assets into a multi-investor vehicle. This paper examines the nature, pattern and process of market growth in PPVs and constructs a series of associations between causes and effects to explain this market shift.


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Landscape restoration has the potential to mitigate habitat loss and fragmentation. However, restoration can take decades to reach the ecological conditions of the target habitats. The National Trust’s Stonehenge Landscape Restoration Project provides an opportunity to evaluate the ecological benefits against the economic and temporal costs. A field survey between June and September 2010 using Lepidoptera as bio-indicators showed that restored grasslands can approach the ecological conditions of the target chalk grassland habitat within 10 years. However, specialist species like Lysandra bellargus (Adonis blue) were absent from restored grasslands and may require additional management to assist their colonisation. Analysis of the Lepidoptera communities showed that both small-scale habitat heterogeneity and age of the habitat were important for explaining Lepidoptera occurrence. These results demonstrate that habitat restoration at the landscape scale combined with appropriate site-scale management can be a relatively rapid and effective method to restore ecological networks and buffer against future climate change.