923 resultados para Cervix uteri--Cancer--Diagnosis


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As lesões impalpáveis da mama que muitas das vezes são assintomáticas, podem corresponder à um estágio de progressão de câncer difícil de ser detectado, durante os exames de rotina de palpação da mulher. O único método possível para a descoberta dessas lesões é através dos exames de imagem da mama, de modo geral, através da mamografia, que geralmente ocorre após os 45 anos. Devido a esses fatores, lesões impalpáveis, são frequentemente, descobertas apenas quando o estágio de desenvolvimento da doença já está avançado e as intervenções terapêuticas são menos reparadoras. Com a finalidade de iniciar a caracterização de tumores impalpáveis iniciais, objetivamos analisar o perfil genético (mutação) e epigenético (metilação de região promotora) de regiões do DNA relacionadas ao gene supressor tumoral TP53, provenientes de biópsias de mulheres residentes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Neste trabalho, foram investigadas 34 amostras de tecido de tumor de mama, por sequenciamento de DNA, nos exons de 5 a 8 do gene TP53. Nesta região, não foi encontrada nenhuma mutação. Este resultado pode estar relacionado ao tipo inicial de lesão, de acordo com os dados radiológicos das lesões de categorias 3 e 4 da escala BIRADS. Para verificar o estado de metilação da região promotora do gene TP53, analisamos 30 pares de amostras (sangue e tumor) de pacientes com suspeita de câncer de mama, pela técnica MSP-PCR. Nenhuma amostra tumoral apresentou alteração no estado de metilação na região promotora do gene TP53, quando comparada à amostra normal. Um motivo possível para a disparidade de resultados em relação à outros trabalhos pode ter sido a utilização da técnica. A caracterização das lesões impalpáveis apenas foi iniciada neste trabalho, no qual pudemos constatar que a mutação em TP53 pode ser um evento mais tardio. Portanto, a lesão mamária, em suas diferentes formas, continuará a ser o assunto investigado por nosso grupo, ampliando o número de amostras e alcançando melhor conexão da conduta e dos métodos clínicos já existentes, com as novas possibilidades de diagnóstico via marcadores moleculares em tumores e fluidos biológicos


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Devido a sua alta incidência, mortalidade e custos elevados, o câncer de mama feminino é considerado um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Sua etiologia envolve uma interação de diversos fatores denominados de risco os quais podem ser ambientais e genéticos. A história familiar positiva para câncer de mama é um importante fator de risco para o desenvolvimento dessa patologia. Conhecer esses fatores e as medidas de proteção permite que mulheres com risco elevado possam criar estratégias pessoais que venham minimizar os danos causados pela doença. Diante do exposto, o presente estudo tem como objetivos avaliar o nível de conhecimento de mulheres acerca do risco de desenvolverem câncer de mama em decorrência do vínculo familiar com a população portadora desta neoplasia matriculada no Hospital do Câncer III, unidade do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) especializada no tratamento e controle do câncer de mama, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; descrever as características sociodemográficas das mulheres familiares de pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama e descrever a história reprodutiva e hormonal, bem como seus hábitos de cuidado com a saúde. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo exploratório sob a perspectiva quantitativa, transversal e descritiva com 52 mulheres que acompanhavam suas familiares internadas em unidade clínica e cirúrgica do Hospital do Câncer III. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período entre julho e agosto de 2011. A técnica de amostragem adotada foi a não probabilística, intencional Para o cálculo amostral aplicou-se a fórmula de população infinita. Foram selecionadas as seguintes variáveis para compor o estudo: aspectos sociodemográficos, aspectos da vida reprodutiva e hormonal, aspectos de cuidados com a saúde e aspectos de esclarecimento relacionados à patologia/doença. Realizou-se entrevista estruturada com utilização de um formulário composto por 63 questões. A descrição das variáveis foi feita através de frequência simples e porcentagem. Resultados: 61,5% eram filhas, 34,6% eram irmãs e 3,8% eram mães, 40,4% moram no município do Rio de Janeiro, 86,4% encontram-se na faixa etária entre 29 e acima de 51 anos de idade, 32% são pardas, 46,1% apresentavam 2 grau completo, 46,2% são do lar, 15,4% tiveram menarca precoce, 7,7 % tiveram na menopausa tardia, 7,7% fizeram Terapia de Reposição Hormonal, 38,5% nunca engravidaram, 3,8% engravidaram após 30 anos, 3,8% não amamentaram, 42,4% usam anticoncepcional hormonal por mais de 5 anos e 40,4% nunca fizeram descanso ou faz por tempo inferior a 6 meses, 7,7% e 7,6% nunca fizeram e apresenta mais de 24 meses que fizeram exame ginecológico. Quanto ao grau de esclarecimento 34% concordaram com as afirmativas sobre fatores de risco, 65% concordaram com medidas preventivas e os profissionais de saúde foram os que mais transmitiram informação sobre o câncer de mama. Conclusão: ser familiar de primeiro grau associado à falta de esclarecimento sobre a doença torna essas mulheres mais vulneráveis em relação à população geral feminina. Torna-se oportuno para a enfermagem estratégias educativas que visem à promoção da saúde e que contribuam para a modificação do panorama da doença, em razão da detecção mais precoce.


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[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado trata, en primera instancia, de proporcionar una visión detallada sobre los diferentes tipos de cáncer en mujeres, detallando los más padecidos entre ellas y facilitando una serie de datos relacionados con la incidencia, la mortalidad y la prevalencia a cinco años. Además de analizar los diversos factores que favorecen la aparición del cáncer en las personas. En la segunda parte del trabajo, se analiza a través de la especificación y estimación de modelos paramétricos, el efecto de diferentes variables sobre la supervivencia a esta enfermedad en las mujeres. Entre las variables que se han tenido en cuenta están la edad en el momento en que se diagnostica el cáncer, el tamaño del mismo y el grado, además de variables como la raza, si la mujer es de origen hispano y el estado civil. Los datos utilizados en el presente trabajo han sido obtenidos de la base de datos: SEER CANCER RESEARCH DATABASE, del Instituto Nacional de Cáncer de Estados Unidos (2013).


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É alta a prevalência de dor crônica em pacientes com câncer, que é comprovadamente associada ao sofrimento psicológico acentuado e muitas vezes não é adequadamente diagnosticada e tratada. Estudo que realizamos com 120 pacientes adultos em atendimento ambulatorial na Clínica de Dor do Instituto Nacional de Câncer, no Rio de Janeiro que demonstrou que os pacientes mesmo conhecendo o seu diagnóstico de câncer, não se sentiam informados sobre a doença e a dor oncológica a contento, o que trazia insatisfação com o tratamento recebido e maior exigência com os resultados do mesmo. Nosso estudo revelou, ainda, que o comportamento do profissional durante o atendimento pode ser percebido pelos pacientes como fator tanto de melhora como de piora da dor, sendo o comportamento atencioso do profissional muitas vezes mais valorizado pelos pacientes que a supressão da dor. Estes resultados suscitaram questões relativas à qualidade da interação entre médicos e pacientes, desenvolvidas nesta dissertação. Embora não sejam suficientemente investidas nem na relação médico-paciente, nem na educação e no treinamento profissional, as habilidades de comunicação do médico afetam diretamente o nível de informação e de satisfação do paciente, suas crenças e os resultados do tratamento. Ao longo do tempo a relação médico paciente vem mudando, deixando de ser tão centrada na doença e no médico, para centrar-se mais no doente como um ser integral, o que implica no reconhecimento, pelo médico, de saberes diferentes dos seus e de que o seu saber não constitui uma verdade absoluta a ser acatada pelos demais. Apesar de bem-vindas, estas mudanças trazem uma certa confusão nos papéis a serem desempenhados por médicos e pacientes e dificuldades aos médicos de lidarem com as diferenças, com as queixas subjetivas dos pacientes, com as emoções destes e as suas próprias. Se hoje é esperado que os pacientes sejam participativos, corresponsáveis por seus tratamentos e recuperação e que se deem conta do poder que eles têm, individual e coletivamente, espera-se que os médicos sejam estudiosos, bem informados, experientes, sinceros, empáticos, sensíveis, atenciosos, compassivos, perspicazes, bem treinados, hábeis em compartilhar informações e decisões com os pacientes, compreendendo o que estes querem e o que não querem e ajudando-os a expressar suas crenças, preferências e receios, disponibilizando tempo suficiente para isso. Tantas expectativas terminam por trazer conflitos que só poderão ser resolvidos com a melhoria da comunicação entre médicos e pacientes, num esforço de ambas as partes.


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Background: There is consensus in the literature that the end of life care for patients with chronic illness is suboptimal, but research on the specific needs of this population is limited. Aim: This study aimed to use a mixed methodology and case study approach to explore the palliative care needs of patients with a non-cancer diagnosis from the perspectives of the patient, their significant other and the clinical team responsible for their care. Patients (n 18) had a diagnosis of either end-stage heart failure, renal failure or respiratory disease. Methods: The Short Form 36 and Hospital and Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire were completed by all patients. Unstructured interviews were (n 35) were conducted separately with each patient and then their significant other. These were followed by a focus group discussion (n 18) with the multiprofessional clinical team. Quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and simple descriptive statistics. All qualitative data were taped, transcribed and analysed using Colaizzi’s approach to qualitative analysis. Findings: Deteriorating health status was the central theme derived from this analysis. It led to decreased independence, social isolation and family burden. These problems were mitigated by the limited resources at the individual’s disposal and the availability of support from hospital and community services. Generally resources and support were perceived as lacking. All participants in this study expressed concerns regarding the patients’ future and some patients described feelings of depression or acceptance of the inevitability of imminent death. Conclusion: Patients dying from chronic illness in this study had many concerns and unmet clinical needs. Care teams were frustrated by the lack of resources available to them and admitted they were ill-equipped to provide for the individual’s holistic needs. Some clinicians described difficulty in talking openly with the patient and family regarding the palliative nature of their treatment. An earlier and more effective implementation of the palliative care approach is necessary if the needs of patients in the final stages of chronic illness are to be adequately addressed. Pa


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Background: Increasing emphasis is being placed on the economics of health care service delivery - including home-based palliative care. Aim: This paper analyzes resource utilization and costs of a shared-care demonstration project in rural Ontario (Canada) from the public health care system's perspective. Design: To provide enhanced end-of-life care, the shared-care approach ensured exchange of expertise and knowledge and coordination of services in line with the understood goals of care. Resource utilization and costs were tracked over the 15 month study period from January 2005 to March 2006. Results: Of the 95 study participants (average age 71 years), 83 had a cancer diagnosis (87%); the non-cancer diagnoses (12 patients, 13%) included mainly advanced heart diseases and COPD. Community Care Access Centre and Enhanced Palliative Care Team-based homemaking and specialized nursing services were the most frequented offerings, followed by equipment/transportation services and palliative care consults for pain and symptom management. Total costs for all patient-related services (in 2007 CAN) were 1,625,658.07 - or 17,112.19 per patient/117.95 per patient day. Conclusion: While higher than expenditures previously reported for a cancer-only population in an urban Ontario setting, the costs were still within the parameters of the US Medicare Hospice Benefits, on a par with the per diem funding assigned for long-term care homes and lower than both average alternate level of care and hospital costs within the Province of Ontario. The study results may assist service planners in the appropriate allocation of resources and service packaging to meet the complex needs of palliative care populations. © 2012 The Author(s).


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OBJECTIVE: To understand patients' preferences for physician behaviours during end-of-life communication.

METHODS: We used interpretive description methods to analyse data from semistructured, one-on-one interviews with patients admitted to general medical wards at three Canadian tertiary care hospitals. Study recruitment took place from October 2012 to August 2013. We used a purposive, maximum variation sampling approach to recruit hospitalised patients aged ≥55 years with a high risk of mortality within 6-12 months, and with different combinations of the following demographic variables: race (Caucasian vs non-Caucasian), gender and diagnosis (cancer vs non-cancer).

RESULTS: A total of 16 participants were recruited, most of whom (69%) were women and 70% had a non-cancer diagnosis. Two major concepts regarding helpful physician behaviour during end-of-life conversations emerged: (1) 'knowing me', which reflects the importance of acknowledging the influence of family roles and life history on values and priorities expressed during end-of-life communication, and (2) 'conditional candour', which describes a process of information exchange that includes an assessment of patients' readiness, being invited to the conversation, and sensitive delivery of information.

CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that patients prefer a nuanced approach to truth telling when having end-of-life discussions with their physician. This may have important implications for clinical practice and end-of-life communication training initiatives.


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Many people are living with or beyond a cancer diagnosis in the UK. The vision of the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative is that they are supported to live as healthy and as active a life as possible for as long as possible. To realise this vision, a recovery package has been developed, a component of which is holistic needs assessment (HNA) and care planning. This article presents the background and rationale for HNA and offers some practical suggestions for implementation in the current health climate.


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It is widely documented that nurses experience work-related stress [Quine, L., 1998. Effects of stress in an NHS trust: a study. Nursing Standard 13 (3), 36-41; Charnley, E., 1999. Occupational stress in the newly qualified staff nurse. Nursing Standard 13 (29), 32-37; McGrath, A., Reid, N., Boore, J., 2003. Occupational stress in nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies 40, 555-565; McVicar, A., 2003. Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 44 (6), 633-642; Bruneau, B., Ellison, G., 2004. Palliative care stress in a UK community hospital: evaluation of a stress-reduction programme. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 10 (6), 296-304; Jenkins, R., Elliott, P., 2004. Stressors, burnout and social support: nurses in acute mental health settings. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48 (6), 622-631], with cancer nursing being identified as a particularly stressful occupation [Hinds, P.S., Sanders, C.B., Srivastava, D.K., Hickey, S., Jayawardene, D., Milligan, M., Olsen, M.S., Puckett, P., Quargnenti, A., Randall, E.A., Tyc, V., 1998. Testing the stress-response sequence model in paediatric oncology nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 28 (5), 1146-1157; Barnard, D., Street, A., Love, A.W., 2006. Relationships between stressors, work supports and burnout among cancer nurses. Cancer Nursing 29 (4), 338-345]. Terminologies used to capture this stress are burnout [Pines, A.M., and Aronson, E., 1988. Career Burnout: Causes and Cures. Free Press, New York], compassion stress [Figley, C.R., 1995. Compassion Fatigue. Brunner/Mazel, New York], emotional contagion [Miller, K.I., Stiff, J.B., Ellis, B.H., 1988. Communication and empathy as precursors to burnout among human service workers. Communication Monographs 55 (9), 336-341] or simply the cost of caring (Figley, 1995). However, in the mental health field such as psychology and counselling, there is terminology used to captivate this impact, vicarious traumatisation. Vicarious traumatisation is a process through which the therapist's inner experience is negatively transformed through empathic engagement with client's traumatic material [Pearlman, L.A., Saakvitne, K.W., 1995a. Treating therapists with vicarious traumatization and secondary traumatic stress disorders. In: Figley, C.R. (Ed.), Compassion Fatigue: Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in Those Who Treat the Traumatized. Brunner/Mazel, New York, pp. 150-177]. Trauma not only affects individuals who are primarily present, but also those with whom they discuss their experience. If an individual has been traumatised as a result of a cancer diagnosis and shares this impact with oncology nurses, there could be a risk of vicarious traumatisation in this population. However, although Thompson [2003. Vicarious traumatisation: do we adequately support traumatised staff? The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation 24-25] suggests that vicarious traumatisation is a broad term used for workers from any profession, it has not yet been empirically determined if oncology nurses experience vicarious traumatisation. This purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of vicarious traumatisation and argue that it should be explored in oncology nursing. The review will highlight that empirical research in vicarious traumatisation is largely limited to the mental health professions, with a strong recommendation for the need to empirically determine whether this concept exists in oncology nursing.


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Objectives: Approximately 300 people are diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer annually in Northern Ireland. The management may include treatment by surgery or by chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
or a combination of modalities. Patients whose oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands and jaws that
will be affected by treatment, particularly radiotherapy should have a pre-treatment assessment. This should be done as early as possible to maximise the time available for dental management. However, this can be challenging owing to the complexities of cancer diagnosis, treatment planning and multidisciplinary management. At the Belfast Dental Hospital, a number of patients were referred post- radiotherapy with complications after not having received a pre-treatment assessment. The referrals for pre- treatment dental assessment were also late in patients’ multidisciplinary journey, limiting the time period
for dental input. The purpose of this audit was to examine the time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy and whether this was an adequate time frame for dental management. This audit will also examine the dental diseases present and the treatments required pre-radiotherapy. Methods: Data for this audit was collected over 4 months in 2012
by analysing the dental charts and referrals of new patients who were referred to and attended the dental head and neck oncology clinic. A standardised referral pro-forma was introduced from September 2013 to improve the referral process.
A re-audit was conducted over 4 months in 2014. Data was collected similarly as previous. The time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy was examined. The presence of dental disease and subsequent treatments required were also noted.
Results: 63 new patients were examined in the dental head and neck oncology clinic over 4 months in 2012. 48 (76.2%) were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 11 days. A new standardised referral pro-forma was introduced in 2013. In the re-audit, 65 new patients were seen over 4 months in 2014.
60 (92.3%) patients were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 18 days.
Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of pre-existing dental disease amongst head and neck cancer patients, prompt dental assessment and treatment is vital. Efforts aimed at improving the care pathway are on-going through the implementation of a mandatory referral pro-forma and a dedicated assessment clinic.


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Inorgânica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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O cancro é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo. Entre as mulheres, o cancro da mama é o mais frequente. A deteção precoce do cancro é de extrema importância na medida em que pode aumentar as possibilidades de cura dos pacientes e contribuir para a diminuição da taxa de mortalidade desta doença. Um método que tem contribuído para a deteção precoce do cancro é a análise de biomarcadores. Biomarcadores associados ao cancro da mama, como o Recetor 2 do Fator de Crescimento Epidérmico Humano (HER2) e o Antigénio Carbohidratado 15-3 (CA 15-3), podem ser detetados através de dispositivos como os biossensores. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois imunossensores eletroquímicos para a análise de HER2 e CA 15-3. Para ambos os sensores foram utilizados, como transdutores, elétrodos serigrafados de carbono. A superfície destes transdutores foi nanoestruturada com nanopartículas de ouro. Foram realizados imunoensaios não-competitivos (do tipo sandwich) em ambos os imunossensores, cuja estratégia consistiu na (i) imobilização do respetivo anticorpo de captura na superfície nanoestruturada dos elétrodos, (ii) bloqueio da superfície com caseína, (iii) incubação com uma mistura do analito (HER2 ou CA 15-3) e o respetivo anticorpo de deteção biotinilado, (iv) adição de estreptavidina conjugada com fosfatase alcalina (S-AP; a AP foi utilizada como marcador enzimático), (v) adição de uma mistura do substrato enzimático (3-indoxil fosfato) e nitrato de prata, e (vi) deteção do sinal analítico através da redissolução anódica, por voltametria de varrimento linear, da prata depositada enzimaticamente. Com as condições experimentais otimizadas, foi estabelecida a curva de calibração para a análise de HER2 em soro, entre 15 e 100 ng/mL, obtendo-se um limite de deteção de 4,4 ng/mL. Para o CA 15-3 a curva de calibração (em solução aquosa) foi estabelecida entre 15 e 250 U/mL, obtendo-se um limite de deteção de 37,5 U/mL. Tendo em conta o valor limite (cutoff value) estabelecido para o HER2 (15 ng/mL) pode-se comprovar a possível utilidade do imunossensor desenvolvido para o diagnóstico precoce e descentralizado do cancro da mama. No caso do CA 15-3 serão necessários estudos adicionais para se poder avaliar a utilidade do imunossensor para o diagnóstico do cancro da mama.


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Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a major healthcare problem, representing the third most common cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Chronic infections with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or Hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the major risk factors for the development of HCC. The incidence of HBV -associated HCC is in decline as a result of an effective HBV vaccine; however, since an equally effective HCV vaccine has not yet been developed, there are 130 million HCV infected patients worldwide who are at a high-risk for developing HCC. Because reliable parameters and/or tools for the early detection of HCC among high-risk individuals are severely lacking, HCC patients are always diagnosed at a late stage where surgical solutions or effective treatment are not possible. Using urine as a non-invasive sample source, two different approaches (proteomic-based and genomic-based approaches) were pursued with the common goal of discovering potential biomarker candidates for the early detection of HCC among high-risk chronic HCV infected patients. Urine was collected from 106 HCV infected Egyptian patients, 32 of whom had already developed HCC and 74 patients who were diagnosed as HCC-free at the time of initial sample collection. In addition to these patients, urine samples were also collected from 12 healthy control individuals. Total urinary proteins, Trans-renal nucleic acid (Tr-NA) and microRNA (miRNA) were isolated from urine using novel methodologies and silicon carbide-loaded spin columns. In the first, "proteomic-based", approach, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to identify potential candidates from pooled urine samples. This was followed by validating relative expression levels of proteins present in urine among all the patients using quantitative real time-PCR (qRT-PCR). This approach revealed that significant over-expression of three proteins: DJ-1, Chromatin Assembly Factor-1 (CAF-1) and 11 Moemen Abdalla HCC Biomarkers Heat Shock Protein 60 (HSP60), were characteristic events among HCC-post HCV infected patients. As a single-based HCC biomarker, CAF-1 over-expression identified HCC among HCV infected patients with a specificity of 90%, sensitivity of 66% and with an overall diagnostic accuracy of 78%. Moreover, the CAF-lIHSP60 tandem identified HCC among HCV infected patients with a specificity of 92%, sensitivity of 61 % and with an overall diagnostic accuracy of 77%. In the second genomic-based approach, two different approaches were processed. The first approach was the miRNA-based approach. The expression levels of miRNAs isolated from urine were studied using the Illumina MicroRNA Expression Profiling Assay. This was followed by qRT-PCR-based validation of deregulated expression of identified miRNA candidates among all the patients. This approach shed the light on the deregulated expression of a number of miRNAs, which may have a role in either the development of HCC among HCV infected patients (i.e. miR-640, miR-765, miR-200a, miR-521 and miR-520) or may allow for a better understanding of the viral-host interaction (miR-152, miR-486, miR-219, miR452, miR-425, miR-154 and miR-31). Moreover, the deregulated expression of both miR-618 and miR-650 appeared to be a common event among HCC-post HCV infected patients. The results of the search for putative targets of these two miRNA suggested that miR-618 may be a potent oncogene, as it targets the tumor-suppressor gene Low density lipoprotein-related protein 12 (LPR12), while miR-650 may be a potent tumor-suppressor gene, as it is supposed to downregulate the TNF receptor-associated factor-4 (TRAF4) oncogene. The specificity of miR-618 and miR-650 deregulated expression patterns for the early detection of HCC among HCV infected patients was 68% and 58%, respectively, whereas the sensitivity was 64% and 72%, respectively. When the deregulated expression of both miRNAs was combined as a tandem biomarker, the specificity and the sensitivity were 75% and 58% respectively. 111 Moemen Abdalla HCC Biomarkers In the second, "Trans-renal nucleic acid-based", approach, the urinary apoptotic nucleic acid (uaNA) levels of 70ng/mL or more were found to be a good predictor of HCC among chronic HCV infected patients. The specificity and the sensitivity of this diagnostic approach were 76% and 86%, respectively, with an overall diagnostic value of 81 %. The uaNA levels positively correlated to HCC disease progression as monitored by epigenetic changes of a panel of eight tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs) using methylation-sensitive PCR. Moreover, the pairing of high uaNA levels (:::: 70 ng/mL) and CAF-1 over-expreSSIOn produced a highly specific (l 00%) multiple-based HCC biomarker with an acceptable sensitivity of 64%, and with a diagnostic accuracy of 82%. In comparison to the previous pairing, the uaNA levels (:::: 70 ng/mL) in tandem with HSP60 over-expression was less specific (89%) but highly sensitive (72%), resulting in a diagnostic accuracy of 64%. The specificities of miR-650 deregulated expression in combination with either high uaNA content or HSP 60 over-expression were 82% and 79%, respectively, whereas, the sensitivities of these combinations were 64% and 58%, respectively. The potential biomarkers identified in this study compare favorably with the diagnostic accuracy of the a-fetoprotein levels test, which has a specificity of 75%, sensitivity of 68% and an overall diagnostic accuracy of 70%. Here we present an intriguing study which shows the significance of using urine as a noninvasive sample source for the identification of promising HCC biomarkers. We have also introduced new techniques for the isolation of different urinary macromolecules, especially miRNA, from urine. Furthermore, we strongly recommend the potential biomarkers indentified in this study as focal points of any future research on HCC diagnosis. A larger testing pool will determine if their use is practical for mass population screening. This explorative study identified potential targets that merit further investigation for the development of diagnostically accurate biomarkers isolated from 1-2 mL urine samples that were acquired in a non-invasive manner.


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L'élastographie ultrasonore est une technique d'imagerie émergente destinée à cartographier les paramètres mécaniques des tissus biologiques, permettant ainsi d’obtenir des informations diagnostiques additionnelles pertinentes. La méthode peut ainsi être perçue comme une extension quantitative et objective de l'examen palpatoire. Diverses techniques élastographiques ont ainsi été proposées pour l'étude d'organes tels que le foie, le sein et la prostate et. L'ensemble des méthodes proposées ont en commun une succession de trois étapes bien définies: l'excitation mécanique (statique ou dynamique) de l'organe, la mesure des déplacements induits (réponse au stimulus), puis enfin, l'étape dite d'inversion, qui permet la quantification des paramètres mécaniques, via un modèle théorique préétabli. Parallèlement à la diversification des champs d'applications accessibles à l'élastographie, de nombreux efforts sont faits afin d'améliorer la précision ainsi que la robustesse des méthodes dites d'inversion. Cette thèse regroupe un ensemble de travaux théoriques et expérimentaux destinés à la validation de nouvelles méthodes d'inversion dédiées à l'étude de milieux mécaniquement inhomogènes. Ainsi, dans le contexte du diagnostic du cancer du sein, une tumeur peut être perçue comme une hétérogénéité mécanique confinée, ou inclusion, affectant la propagation d'ondes de cisaillement (stimulus dynamique). Le premier objectif de cette thèse consiste à formuler un modèle théorique capable de prédire l'interaction des ondes de cisaillement induites avec une tumeur, dont la géométrie est modélisée par une ellipse. Après validation du modèle proposé, un problème inverse est formulé permettant la quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques de l'inclusion elliptique. Dans la continuité de cet objectif, l'approche a été étendue au cas d'une hétérogénéité mécanique tridimensionnelle et sphérique avec, comme objectifs additionnels, l'applicabilité aux mesures ultrasonores par force de radiation, mais aussi à l'estimation du comportement rhéologique de l'inclusion (i.e., la variation des paramètres mécaniques avec la fréquence d'excitation). Enfin, dans le cadre de l'étude des propriétés mécaniques du sang lors de la coagulation, une approche spécifique découlant de précédents travaux réalisés au sein de notre laboratoire est proposée. Celle-ci consiste à estimer la viscoélasticité du caillot sanguin via le phénomène de résonance mécanique, ici induit par force de radiation ultrasonore. La méthode, dénommée ARFIRE (''Acoustic Radiation Force Induced Resonance Elastography'') est appliquée à l'étude de la coagulation de sang humain complet chez des sujets sains et sa reproductibilité est évaluée.


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Post-transcriptional gene silencing by RNA interference is mediated by small interfering RNA called siRNA. This gene silencing mechanism can be exploited therapeutically to a wide variety of disease-associated targets, especially in AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases, cholesterol and cancer on mice with the hope of extending these approaches to treat humans. Over the recent past, a significant amount of work has been undertaken to understand the gene silencing mediated by exogenous siRNA. The design of efficient exogenous siRNA sequences is challenging because of many issues related to siRNA. While designing efficient siRNA, target mRNAs must be selected such that their corresponding siRNAs are likely to be efficient against that target and unlikely to accidentally silence other transcripts due to sequence similarity. So before doing gene silencing by siRNAs, it is essential to analyze their off-target effects in addition to their inhibition efficiency against a particular target. Hence designing exogenous siRNA with good knock-down efficiency and target specificity is an area of concern to be addressed. Some methods have been developed already by considering both inhibition efficiency and off-target possibility of siRNA against agene. Out of these methods, only a few have achieved good inhibition efficiency, specificity and sensitivity. The main focus of this thesis is to develop computational methods to optimize the efficiency of siRNA in terms of “inhibition capacity and off-target possibility” against target mRNAs with improved efficacy, which may be useful in the area of gene silencing and drug design for tumor development. This study aims to investigate the currently available siRNA prediction approaches and to devise a better computational approach to tackle the problem of siRNA efficacy by inhibition capacity and off-target possibility. The strength and limitations of the available approaches are investigated and taken into consideration for making improved solution. Thus the approaches proposed in this study extend some of the good scoring previous state of the art techniques by incorporating machine learning and statistical approaches and thermodynamic features like whole stacking energy to improve the prediction accuracy, inhibition efficiency, sensitivity and specificity. Here, we propose one Support Vector Machine (SVM) model, and two Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models for siRNA efficiency prediction. In SVM model, the classification property is used to classify whether the siRNA is efficient or inefficient in silencing a target gene. The first ANNmodel, named siRNA Designer, is used for optimizing the inhibition efficiency of siRNA against target genes. The second ANN model, named Optimized siRNA Designer, OpsiD, produces efficient siRNAs with high inhibition efficiency to degrade target genes with improved sensitivity-specificity, and identifies the off-target knockdown possibility of siRNA against non-target genes. The models are trained and tested against a large data set of siRNA sequences. The validations are conducted using Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Mathews Correlation Coefficient, Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis, Accuracy of prediction, Sensitivity and Specificity. It is found that the approach, OpsiD, is capable of predicting the inhibition capacity of siRNA against a target mRNA with improved results over the state of the art techniques. Also we are able to understand the influence of whole stacking energy on efficiency of siRNA. The model is further improved by including the ability to identify the “off-target possibility” of predicted siRNA on non-target genes. Thus the proposed model, OpsiD, can predict optimized siRNA by considering both “inhibition efficiency on target genes and off-target possibility on non-target genes”, with improved inhibition efficiency, specificity and sensitivity. Since we have taken efforts to optimize the siRNA efficacy in terms of “inhibition efficiency and offtarget possibility”, we hope that the risk of “off-target effect” while doing gene silencing in various bioinformatics fields can be overcome to a great extent. These findings may provide new insights into cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapy by gene silencing. The approach may be found useful for designing exogenous siRNA for therapeutic applications and gene silencing techniques in different areas of bioinformatics.