307 resultados para Caffeine


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The objective of this work was to identify genes that could be used as suitable markers for molecular recognition of phenological stages during coffee (Coffea arabica) fruit development. Four cultivars were evaluated as to their differential expression of genes associated to fruit development and maturation processes. Gene expression was characterized by both semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR, in fruit harvested at seven different developmental stages, during three different seasons. No size polymorphisms or differential expression were observed among the cultivars for the evaluated genes; however, distinct expression profiles along fruit development were determined for each gene. Four out of the 28 evaluated genes exhibited a regular expression profile in all cultivars and harvest seasons, and, therefore, they were validated as candidate phenological markers of coffee fruit. The gene a-galactosidase can be used as a marker of green stage, caffeine synthase as a marker of transition to green and yellowish-green stages, and isocitrate lyase and ethylene receptor 3 as markers of late maturation.


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We compared the effects of medium light roast (MLR) and medium roast (MR) paper-filtered coffee on antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in healthy volunteers. In a randomized crossover study, 20 volunteers consumed 482 +/- 61 ml/day of MLR or MR for four weeks. Plasma total antioxidant status (TAS), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), oxidized LDL and 8-epi-prostaglandin F2 alpha, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) activity were measured at baseline and after the interventions. MLR had higher chlorogenic acids-(CGA; 334 mg/150 mL) and less caffeine (231 mg/150 ml) than MR had (210 and 244 mg/150 ml, respectively). MLR also had fewer Maillard reaction products (MRP) than MR had. Compared with baseline, subjects had an increase of 21 and 26 % in TAS, 13 and 13 % in CAT, 52 and 75 % in SOD, and 62 and 49 % in GPx after MLR and MR consumption (P < 0.001), respectively. ORAC increased after MLR (P = 0.004). No significant alteration in lipid peroxidation biomarkers was observed. Both coffees had antioxidant effects. Although MLR contained more CGA, there were similar antioxidant effects between the treatments. MRP may have contributed as an antioxidant. These effects may be important in protecting biological systems and reducing the risk of diseases related to oxidative stress.


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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Doctorado en Gestión Costera.


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DNA methylating compounds are widely used as anti-cancer chemotherapeutics. The pharmaceutical critical DNA lesion induced by these drugs is O6-methylguanine (O6MeG). O6MeG is highly mutagenic and genotoxic, by triggering apoptosis. Despite the potency of O6MeG to induce cell death, the mechanism of O6MeG induced toxicity is still poorly understood. Comparing the response of mouse fibroblasts wild-type (wt) and deficient for ataxia telangiectasia mutant protein (ATM), a kinase responsible for both the recognition and the signalling of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), it was shown that ATM deficient cells are more sensitive to the methylating agents N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), methyl methansulfonate (MMS) and the anti-cancer drug temozolomide, in both colony formation and apoptosis assays. This clearly shows that DSBs are involved in O6MeG toxicity. By inactivating the O6MeG repair enzyme O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) with the specific inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG), ATM wt and deficient cells became more sensitive to MNNG and MMS. The opposite effect was observed when over-expressing MGMT in ATM -/- cells. The results show that O6MeG is the critical DNA lesion causing death in ATM cells following MNNG treatment, and is partially responsible for the toxicity observed following MMS treatment. Furthermore, by inhibiting the ATM kinase activity with caffeine, it was shown that the resistance of wt cells to MNNG was due to the kinase activity of ATM, as wt cells underwent more apoptosis following methylating agent treatment in the presence of caffeine. Apoptosis and caspase-3 activation were late events, starting 48h after treatment. This lends support to the model where O6MeG lesions are converted into DSBs during replication. As ATM wt and deficient cells showed similar G2/M blockage and Chk1 activation following MNNG and MMS treatment, it was concluded that the protective effect of ATM is not due to cell cycle progression control. The hypersensitivity of ATM deficient cells was accompanied by their inability to activate the anti-apoptotic NFkB pathway. In a second part of this study, it was shown that the inflammatory cytokine IL-1 up-regulates the DNA repair gene apurinic endonuclease 2 (APEX2). Up-regulation of APEX2 occurred by transcriptional regulation as it was abrogated by actinomycin D. APEX2 mRNA accumulation was accompanied by increase in APEX2 protein level. IL-1 induced APEX2 expression as well as transfection of cells with APEX2 cDNA positively correlated with a decrease in apoptosis after treatment with genotoxic agents, particularly affecting cell death after H2O2. This indicates an involvement of APEX2 in the BER pathway in cells responding to IL-1.


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L’elevata presenza dei residui dei farmaci nell’ambiente acquatico desta preoccupazione per la salute della fauna acquatica e per un eventuale rischio per l’uomo. Dopo l’assunzione, i farmaci vengono escreti come tali o come metaboliti attivi, risultando spesso resistenti ai processi di trattamento delle acque. Per questo motivo alcuni di essi sono pseudo-persistenti raggiungendo concentrazioni di ng-µg/L. I farmaci sono molecole disegnate per essere biologicamente attive a basse concentrazioni su bersagli specifici, per questo motivo possono indurre effetti anche su specie non target con bersagli molecolari simili all’uomo a concentrazioni ambientali. A tal proposito il presente lavoro intende investigare gli effetti della caffeina, ampiamente usata come costituente di bevande e come farmaco, presente nelle acque superficiali a concentrazioni di ng-µg/L. Come organismo di studio è stato scelto il Mytilus galloprovincialis, sfruttando le conoscenze disponibili in letteratura circa le sue risposte ai contaminanti ambientali. I mitili sono stati esposti in acquario a caffeina (5, 50 e 500 ng/L) per 7 giorni e poi analizzati attraverso una batteria di otto biomarker, alterazioni fisiologiche o biochimiche che forniscono informazioni circa lo stato di salute degli animali. I metodi utilizzati sono stati diversi a seconda dei biomarker (analisi citochimiche e saggi enzimatici). Le concentrazioni sono state scelte nel range ambientale. L’esposizione ha prodotto alterazioni della stabilità della membrana lisosomiale negli emociti e l’instaurarsi di processi di detossificazione nella ghiandola digestiva, evidenziati dall’aumento dell’attività della glutatione S-transferasi. Gli altri biomarker non mettono in evidenza che la caffeina, in queste condizioni sperimentali, possa indurre alterazioni della funzionalità lisosomiale, effetti ossidativi o neurotossici. I dati ottenuti sui mitili, quindi, suggeriscono che la caffeina, anche nel range di concentrazioni ambientali più elevato, possa essere considerata un contaminante che desta bassa preoccupazione.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Bindung von Koffein und verwandten Oxopurinen in C¬3-symmetrischen Rezeptoren auf der Basis von Triphenylenketalen untersucht. Dabei stand vor allem die Evaluierung für eine spätere Anwendung im Vordergrund. Für die Anwendung als Chemosensor wurden mehrere optische Verfahren getestet. Die Verwendung von UV/Vis-Spektroskopie gelingt nur unter Einsatz eines elektronenarmen Konkurrenzgastes, welcher durch das stärker bindende Koffein unter Entfärbung verdrängt wird. Obwohl dieser Effekt sogar mit bloßem Auge zu erkennen ist und somit eine einfache Untersuchung ermöglichen würde, machen die besondere Reaktivität des Konkurrenzgastes und dessen geringe Affinität zum Rezeptor eine weitere Anwendung als Chemosensor für Koffein unwahrscheinlich. Den entscheidenden Durchbruch lieferte der Wechsel auf Fluoreszenzspektroskopie. Die Bindung von Gästen lässt sich mit dieser Methode direkt beobachten und für quantitative Studien nutzen. Die Signalzunahme bei Zugabe von Koffein liegt bei maximal 30%. Durch Verwendung eines vom Koffein abgeleiteten Konkurrenzgastes können weitere Verbesserungen erzielt werden. So konnte eine maximale Signaldynamik von fast 400% erzielt werden. Durch die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Probenvorbereitungsprotokolls war es möglich, mit dem fluoreszenzbasierten System einen Nachweis von Koffein an kommerziell verfügbaren Getränkeproben durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse waren in guter Übereinstimmung mit HPLC-Kontrollexperimenten. Die Eignung von Rezeptoren auf Triphenylenketalbasis für die enantiofaciale Differenzierung an Heteroaromaten wurde durch Untersuchung verschiedener Wirt-Gast-Komplexe mittels CD-Spektroskopie und Tieftemperatur-NMR systematisch demonstriert. Rezeptoren mit Menthyl-Substituenten liefern laut NMR die stärkste Seitendifferenzierung. Anhand des CD wird ein vollständiges und schlüssiges Bild über den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Raumbedarf am Gast, der Ausrichtung der chiralen Gruppen am Wirt und dem erhaltenen CD hergestellt. Durch umfangreiche molekulardynamische Simulationen und nachfolgende semiempirische Berechnungen wurden Referenzspektren berechnet, welche die Zuordnung der Stereochemie anhand des CD eindeutig belegen. Die Ergebnisse sind zudem in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen aus röntgenkristallographischen Untersuchungen. (Diese Methode ließ sich erfolgreich auf die helicale Faltung von Alkanen in Kapseln von Rebek, jr. umsetzen.) Obwohl die Energieunterschiede zwischen den diastereomeren Komplexen klein sind, konnte anhand der CD-Spektroskopie somit erstmalig die enantiofaciale Differenzierung an einem heterocyclischen System bei Raumtemperatur beobachtet werden. Die beste enantiofaciale Differenzierung erzielen die Menthyl-abgeleiteten Rezeptoren. Diese sind hinsichtlich einer möglichen Anwendung als chirales „Auxiliar“ ungeeignet, da sie mit den sperrigen Cyclohexylgruppen auch den Raum oberhalb des gebundenen Gastes blockieren. Daher wird für die weitere Entwicklung auf die praktische Einführung chiraler Information in Form des Isocyanats verzichten werden müssen. Stattdessen zielen aktuelle Bemühungen auf den Aufbau chiraler Rückgrate, welche den Raum in der unteren Peripherie des Gastes beeinflussen.


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Während des frühen Lebens stellen epileptische Anfälle schwere neurologische Zustände dar, weil sie ein großer Risikofaktor für die Manifestation der Epilepsie sind und eine hohe pharmakologische Resistenz zeigen. In meiner Doktorarbeit konzentrierte ich mich auf die Frage, wie verschiedene Neurotransmitter-Systeme und klinisch verwendete Medikamente epileptiforme Entladungen im perinatalen Hippocampus beeinflussen. rnIm ersten Teil meines Projektes untersuchte ich die Wirkung von GABA-Antagonisten und Modulatoren, die zwischen phasischen und tonischen GABAergen Strömen differenzieren, auf Feldpotentialaktivität in Hippocampusschnitten. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass im unreifen Hippocampus synaptische GABAerge Aktivität benötigt wird, um die Erregbarkeit zu begrenzen, während tonische GABAerge Ströme die Erregbarkeit verstärken können. Dies könnte darauf hinweisen, dass Antiepileptika mit einer höheren Spezifität für synaptische GABAA-Rezeptoren wirksamer zur Behandlung von epileptischen Anfällen bei Neugeborenen sein können. rnUm den Einfluss von Dopamin auf die Erregbarkeit des unreifen Hippocampus herauszufinden, untersuchte ich im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit die Wirkung von verschiedenen Dopaminkonzentrationen und spezifische Agonisten und Antagonisten der Dopamin-Rezeptor-Subtypen auf epileptiforme Entladungen. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass niedrige Dopamin Konzentrationen eine antikonvulsive Wirkung haben, welche vom D2-ähnliche-Rezeptor-Agonisten Quinpirol nachgeahmt werden kann, während höhere Dopamin-Konzentrationen eine prokonvulsive Wirkung über Aktivierung von D1-ähnlichen Rezeptoren hervorrufen. Obwohl unsere Untersuchungen eine mögliche Verwendung von D2-ähnlichen Rezeptor-Agonisten zur Kontrolle epileptischer Anfälle in Neugeborenen nahelegen, müssen mögliche negative Auswirkungen von DAergen Agonisten und Antagonisten auf die neuronale Entwicklung berücksichtigt werden.rnIm dritten Teil meiner Arbeit untersuchte ich welche Konzentrationen von Methylxanthinen epileptische Anfälle in Hippocampuspreparationen auslösen die synaptische Übertragungen verändern können. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass sowohl Theophyllin als auch Koffein in höheren Konzentrationen die basale synaptische Übertragungen in der CA1-Region des Hippocampus modifizieren und epileptiforme Entladungen provozieren. Die Auswirkungen auf die postsynaptischen Antworten und spontanen epileptiformen Entladungen durch Koffein waren weniger ausgeprägt, was darauf hindeutet, dass diese Substanz potentiell vorteilhafter für therapeutische Anwendungen bei Frühgeborenen sein kann. rnZusammenfassend bereichern die Ergebnisse meiner Studie erheblich unser Wissen über die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen epileptiformer Aktivität im unreifen Hippocampus und den therapeutischen Einsatz von Methylxanthinen und Pharmaka, die auf das GABAerge und DArge System einwirken.rnrn


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Animal models suggest that reduced nitric oxide (NO) synthase activity results in lower values of exhaled NO (eNO) present at birth in those individuals who are going to develop chronic lung disease of infancy (CLDI). Online tidal eNO was measured in 39 unsedated pre-term infants with CLDI (mean gestational age (GA) 27.3 weeks) in comparison with 23 healthy pre-term (31.6 weeks) and 127 term infants (39.9 weeks) at 44 weeks post-conceptional age, thus after the main inflammatory response. NO output (NO output (V'(NO)) = eNO x flow) was calculated to account for tidal- flow-related changes. Sex, maternal atopic disease and environmental factors (smoking, caffeine) were controlled for. The mean eNO was not different (14.9 ppb in all groups) but V'(NO) was lower in CLDI compared with healthy term infants (0.52 versus 0.63 nL x s(-1)). Values for healthy pre-term infants were between these two groups (0.58 nL x s(-1)). Within all pre-term infants (n = 62), V'(NO) was reduced in infants with low GA, high clinical risk index for babies scores and longer duration of oxygen therapy but not associated with post-natal factors, such as ventilation or corticosteroid treatment. After accounting for flow, the lower nitric oxide output in premature infants with chronic lung disease of infancy is consistent with the hypothesis of nitric oxide metabolism being involved in chronic lung disease of infancy.


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Bone requires a wide variety of nutrients to develop normally and to maintain itself after growth. Most important--in the sense that bony abnormalities are associated with their deficiencies--are protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, C and K, zinc, manganese and copper. The nutrients most likely to be deficient in citizens of industrialized countries are calcium and vitamin D. In this review of the current literature about nutritional aspects of osteoporosis, we have focused on factors influencing calcium requirement: the principal interacting nutrients are sodium, protein, caffeine, fiber, oxalate, phytate, and the acid/alkaline ash character of the overall diet. Fiber and caffeine decrease calcium absorption from the gut and typically exert relatively minor effects, while sodium, protein and the acid/alkaline balance of the diet increase urinary excretion of calcium and are of much greater significance for the calcium homeostasis. Alkali buffers, whether vegetables or fruits reverse this urinary calcium loss. As long as accompanied by adequate calcium intake, protein-rich diet is not deleterious to bone: a calcium-to-protein ratio of 20:1 (mg calcium/g protein) is recommended. Whether a nutrition-based therapeutic approach to osteoporosis is feasible in the near future is yet unclear: at least there are some recent promising data from in-vitro as well as from rat studies showing that extracts taken from various vegetables, mainly from the onion family inhibit bone resorption in a dose-dependent manner.


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BACKGROUND Epidemiologic and experimental data have suggested that chlorogenic acid, which is a polyphenol contained in green coffee beans, prevents diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. OBJECTIVE We assessed whether the consumption of chlorogenic acid-rich coffee attenuates the effects of short-term fructose overfeeding, dietary conditions known to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs), and blood triglyceride concentrations and to decrease hepatic insulin sensitivity in healthy humans. DESIGN Effects of 3 different coffees were assessed in 10 healthy volunteers in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. IHCLs, hepatic glucose production (HGP) (by 6,6-d2 glucose dilution), and fasting lipid oxidation were measured after 14 d of consumption of caffeinated coffee high in chlorogenic acid (C-HCA), decaffeinated coffee high in chlorogenic acid, or decaffeinated coffee with regular amounts of chlorogenic acid (D-RCA); during the last 6 d of the study, the weight-maintenance diet of subjects was supplemented with 4 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) (total energy intake ± SD: 143 ± 1% of weight-maintenance requirements). All participants were also studied without coffee supplementation, either with 4 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) (high fructose only) or without high fructose (control). RESULTS Compared with the control diet, the high-fructose diet significantly increased IHCLs by 102 ± 36% and HGP by 16 ± 3% and decreased fasting lipid oxidation by 100 ± 29% (all P < 0.05). All 3 coffees significantly decreased HGP. Fasting lipid oxidation increased with C-HCA and D-RCA (P < 0.05). None of the 3 coffees significantly altered IHCLs. CONCLUSIONS Coffee consumption attenuates hepatic insulin resistance but not the increase of IHCLs induced by fructose overfeeding. This effect does not appear to be mediated by differences in the caffeine or chlorogenic acid content. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00827450.


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Exercise is making a resurgence in many countries, given its benefits for fitness as well as prevention of obesity. This trend has spawned many supplements that purport to aid performance, muscle growth, and recovery. Initially, sports drinks were developed to provide electrolyte and carbohydrate replacement. Subsequently, energy beverages (EBs) containing stimulants and additives have appeared in most gyms and grocery stores and are being used increasingly by "weekend warriors" and those seeking an edge in an endurance event. Long-term exposure to the various components of EBs may result in significant alterations in the cardiovascular system, and the safety of EBs has not been fully established. For this review, we searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases from 1976 through May 2010, using the following keywords: energy beverage, energy drink, power drink, exercise, caffeine, red bull, bitter orange, glucose, ginseng, guarana, and taurine. Evidence regarding the effects of EBs is summarized, and practical recommendations are made to help in answering the patient who asks, "Is it safe for me to drink an energy beverage when I exercise?"


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The National Library of Medicine and the Continuing Legacy of Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. (Stephen B. Greenberg) The Legacy of William Osler: North America’s most famous physician (Robert E. Rakel) A Lady Alone: Elizabeth Blackwell: First American Woman Doctor (Linda Gray Kelley, Charlton) A Mariner with Crippling Arthritis and Bleeding Eyes: The Chronic Arthritis of Christopher Columbus (Frank C. Arnett) Generation C(affeine): A History of Caffeine Consumption and its Medical Implications (Student Essay Contest winners) (Priti Dangayach) Our Artificial Fitness? Relaxed Selection Leads to Medical Dependence (Student Essay Contest winners) Philip Boone Remembering John P. McGovern, M.D. (1921-2007) (Bryant Boutwell) Who Was Albert Schweitzer? (Bryant Boutwell) Disease, Doctors and the Duty to Treat in American History (Thomas R. Cole) Vaccinating Freedom: The African-American Experience of Smallpox Prophylaxis in Old Philadelphia, 1723-1923 (Dayle B. Delancey) The Royal Hemophilia (The Royal Hemophilia)


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Phenotyping cocktails use a combination of cytochrome P450 (CYP)-specific probe drugs to simultaneously assess the activity of different CYP isoforms. To improve the clinical applicability of CYP phenotyping, the main objectives of this study were to develop a new cocktail based on probe drugs that are widely used in clinical practice and to test whether alternative sampling methods such as collection of dried blood spots (DBS) or saliva could be used to simplify the sampling process. METHODS In a randomized crossover study, a new combination of commercially available probe drugs (the Basel cocktail) was tested for simultaneous phenotyping of CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4. Sixteen subjects received low doses of caffeine, efavirenz, losartan, omeprazole, metoprolol and midazolam in different combinations. All subjects were genotyped, and full pharmacokinetic profiles of the probe drugs and their main metabolites were determined in plasma, dried blood spots and saliva samples. RESULTS The Basel cocktail was well tolerated, and bioequivalence tests showed no evidence of mutual interactions between the probe drugs. In plasma, single timepoint metabolic ratios at 2 h (for CYP2C19 and CYP3A4) or at 8 h (for the other isoforms) after dosing showed high correlations with corresponding area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) ratios (AUC0-24h parent/AUC0-24h metabolite) and are proposed as simple phenotyping metrics. Metabolic ratios in dried blood spots (for CYP1A2 and CYP2C19) or in saliva samples (for CYP1A2) were comparable to plasma ratios and offer the option of minimally invasive or non-invasive phenotyping of these isoforms. CONCLUSIONS This new combination of phenotyping probe drugs can be used without mutual interactions. The proposed sampling timepoints have the potential to facilitate clinical application of phenotyping but require further validation in conditions of altered CYP activity. The use of DBS or saliva samples seems feasible for phenotyping of the selected CYP isoforms.


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Purpose: Cardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated cells in the adult heart and ischemia and cardiotoxic compounds can lead to cell death and irreversible decline of cardiac function. As testing platforms, isolated organs and primary cells from rodents have been the standard in research and toxicology, but there is a need for better models that more faithfully recapitulate native human biology. Hence, a new in vitro model comprising the advantages of 3D cell culture and the availability of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from human origin was developed and characterized. Methods: Human cardiomyocytes (CMs) derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were studied in standard 2D culture and as cardiac microtissues (MTs) formed in hanging drops. 2D cultures were examined using immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blotting while the cardiac MTs were subjected to immunofluorescence, contractility, and pharmacological investigations. Results: iPSC-derived CMs in 2D culture showed well-formed myofibrils, cell-cell contacts positive for connexin-43, and other typical cardiac proteins. The cells reacted to pro-hypertrophic growth factors with a substantial increase in myofibrils and sarcomeric proteins. In hanging drop cultures, iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes formed spheroidal MTs within 4 days showing a homogeneous tissue structure with well-developed myofibrils extending throughout the whole spheroid without a necrotic core. MTs showed spontaneous contractions for more than 4 weeks that were recorded by optical motion tracking, sensitive to temperature, and responsive to electrical pacing. Contractile pharmacology was tested with several agents known to modulate cardiac rate and viability. Calcium-transients underlay the contractile activity and were also responsive to electrical stimulation, caffeine-induced Ca2+-release, extracellular calcium levels. Conclusions: 3D culture using iPSC-derived human cardiomyocytes provides an organoid human-based cellular platform that is free of necrosis and recapitulates vital cardiac functionality, thereby providing new and promising relevant model for the evaluation and development of new therapies and detection of cardiotoxicity.


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We explore the feasibility of obtaining a spatially resolved picture of Ca2+Ca2+ inward currents (ICaICa) in multicellular cardiac tissue by differentiating optically recorded Ca2+Ca2+ transients that accompany propagating action potentials. Patterned growth strands of neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes were stained with the Ca2+Ca2+ indicators Fluo-4 or Fluo-4FF. Preparations were stimulated at 1 Hz, and Ca2+Ca2+ transients were recorded with high spatiotemporal resolution (50  μm50  μm, 2 kHz analog bandwidth) with a photodiode array. Signals were differentiated after appropriate digital filtering. Differentiation of Ca2+Ca2+ transients resulted in optically recorded calcium currents (ORCCs) that carried the temporal and pharmacological signatures of L-type Ca2+Ca2+ inward currents: the time to peak amounted to ∼2.1  ms∼2.1  ms (Fluo-4FF) and ∼2.4  ms∼2.4  ms (Fluo-4), full-width at half-maximum was ∼8  ms∼8  ms, and ORCCs were completely suppressed by 50  μmol/L50  μmol/LCdCl2CdCl2. Also, and as reported before from patch-clamp studies, caffeine reversibly depressed the amplitude of ORCCs. The results demonstrate that the differentiation of Ca2+Ca2+ transients can be used to obtain a spatially resolved picture of the initial phase of ICaICa in cardiac tissue and to assess relative changes of activation/fast inactivation of ICaICa following pharmacological interventions.