854 resultados para Caesarean birth
Des études animales ont montré que l’exposition du foetus à l’adversité affecte le développement cérébral et la régulation d’émotions plus tard. Cette régulation serait reliée aux changements structurels cérébraux, particulièrement au circuit fronto-limbique. Cependant, ces résultats n’ont pas été entièrement répliqués chez l’humain. Le but de cette étude était de tester si l'adversité précoce conduit à des altérations structurelles des régions (orbitofrontal, préfrontal, cingulaire) fronto-limbiques, identifiées comme régions-clés dans la (de)régulation d’émotions. Les mesures principales de l’adversité étaient un poids léger à la naissance et l’hostilité maternelle puisqu’ils étaient parmi les plus prédictifs des résultats développementaux et comportementaux chez l’humain. Les mesures secondaires, incluant le tempérament difficile d’enfant et l’impulsivité en adolescence, étaient utilisées du à leur lien avec le développement cérébral et émotionnel. Les participants étaient des jumeaux identiques, membres de l’Étude des Jumeaux Nouveau-nés du Québec (ÉJNQ, N = 650 paires) suivis depuis 5 mois à 15 ans, leur âge actuel. Ceci a permis de mieux contrôler le facteur génétique et ainsi mieux isoler les effets d’environnement. Trente-sept paires ont été recrutées. La structure cérébrale de chacun, obtenue avec l’imagerie par résonance magnétique, a été analysée avec la régression linéaire. Le poids à la naissance n’a eu aucun effet. L’hostilité maternelle a prédit une réduction de l’aire du gyrus cingulaire postérieur. Tempérament difficile a prédit une réduction de l’aire du cortex orbitofrontal. L’impulsivité était associée avec l’aire et volume du cortex préfrontal réduits. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance des interventions précoces afin d’empêcher des altérations menant à la psychopathologie.
There are several factors that affect piglet survival and this has a bearing on sow productivity. Ten variables that influence pre-weaning vitality were analysed using records from the Pig Industry Board, Zimbabwe. These included individual piglet birth weight, piglet origin (nursed in original litter or fostered), sex, relative birth weight expressed as standard deviation units, sow parity, total number of piglets born, year and month of farrowing, within-litter variability and the presence of stillborn or mummified littermates. The main factors that influenced piglet mortality were fostering, parity and within-litter variability especially the weight of the individual piglet relative to the average of the litter (P<0.05). Presence of a mummified or stillborn littermate, which could be a proxy for unfavourable uterine environment or trauma during the birth process, did not influence pre-weaning mortality. Variability within a litter and the deviation of the weight of an individual piglet from the litter mean, influenced survival to weaning. It is, therefore, advisable for breeders to include uniformity within the litter as a selection criterion. The recording of various variables by farmers seems to be a useful management practice to identify piglets at risk so as to establish palliative measures. Further, farmers should know which litters and which piglets within a litter are at risk and require more attention.
Introducción: La cesárea es un procedimiento quirúrgico considerado como inocuo por algunas personas, sin tener en cuenta las posibles consecuencias en los embarazos siguientes. Existe literatura que evidencia un aumento en el riesgo para abrupcio de placenta, acretismo placentario, placenta previa, mortalidad materna, sepsis materna, ingreso a UCI, al igual que apgar bajo, bajo peso neonatal, distress respiratorio,entre otros.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el impacto del antecedente de cesárea en la morbilidad materna y neonatal mediante una revisión sistemática de literatura. Metodología Se realizó una búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos desde 1996 hasta 2011 sobre el antecedente de cesárea y sus posibles riesgos en el desenlace maternos y perinatales. Se utilizaron variaciones de términos MeSH. Resultados La búsqueda arrojó un total de 2.483 artículos, entre los cuales fueron escogidos 247 por criterios de elegibilidad.Estos fueron evaluados en su totalidad. Posteriormente se realizó el análisis metanalítico de cada uno de los desenlaces. Los resultados deben interpretarse con precaución pues la calidad metodológica de algunos estudios fue variable. En el riesgo conjunto se encontraron resultados estadísticamente significativos en placenta previa, apgar bajo, histerectomía periparto. Discusión El antecedente de cesárea presenta un riesgo aumentado para los siguientes embarazos en la morbilidad tanto materna como neonatal. Faltan más estudios analíticos para definir el verdadero papel de la cesarea.
Objective: to assess, in a randomized sample of measurements made with the NBAS scale, in preterm and / or low birth weight babies, some psychometric characteristics of the same as her construct validity and internal consistency. Materials and methods: we designed a study of assessment of Psychometric properties. From a study of cross-sectional measurements, there were made assessment of the statistic behavior of the items, individually and in their internal consistency, then, there were carried out, type exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: we find that, in the analysis of preterm or low birth weight babies, the scale remains largely, the overall structure of factors proposed since 1982, in relation to the dimensions of habituation, social interactive and complementary. The items that make up the dimensions of SNA and motor systems are integrated. Also, we found Cronbach alpha values for internal consistency, which reflects higher to medium correlation levels in the behavioral and reflex items. Conclusion: the NBAS scale reflects characteristics of construct validity and internal consistency, which credits it as a useful tool in clinical assessment of neurodevelopmental effects of preterm or low birth weight babies. It is necessary to analyze the structure of the scale when used for purposes of scientific research.
In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en español
This paper examines support groups for parents of newly-diagnosed hearing-impaired children and presents an outline for an effective parent support group.
This paper discusses the use of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) in performing outpatient hearing screening for children, birth to age five.
This paper presents basic and immediate resources for parents with hearing impaired children between the ages of birth and five years. Resources include those dealing with educational options, basic literature, government resources, legal rights, parent advocacy issues and financial aid.
The purpose of this study was to assess the use of 1 kHz tympanometry in young infants. A larger sample will be needed to develop definitive norms and determine the sensitivity and specificity of 1 kHz tympanometry for middle ear pathology in young infants.
Interpretation of 1000 Hz tympanometry is not standardized. Several compensated and uncompensated measures were analyzed and compared to otologic findings. Results of auditory brainstem testing and otoacoustic emissions were considered to better obtain middle ear status. Findings were inconclusive due to small sample size.
This paper discusses a study to determine whether the neonatal ABR predicts neurodevelopmental delays in low birth weight infants.