902 resultados para COD
Acomprehensive description of the Massachusetts coastal lobster (Homarus americanus) resou,rce was obtained by sampling commercial catches coastwide at sea and at dealerships between 1981 and 1986. Acommercial lobster sea-sampling program, wherein six coastal regions were sampled monthly, with an areal and temporal data weighting design, was the primary source of data. An improved index of catch per trap haul/set-over-day was generated by modeling the relationship between catch and immersion time and standardizing effort. This 6-year time-series of mean annual catch rates tracked closely the landings trend for territorial waters. During the study period there was a gradual increase in indices of exploitation and total annual mortality which corresponded to a gradual decline in mean carapace length of marketable lobster. The frequency of culls escalated from 10.0% in 1981 to 20.9% in 1986, while the percentage of lobster found dead in traps was consistently less than 1%. The sex ratio (%F:%M) was significantly different from 50:50 and approximated a 60:40 relationship during the study period. Male and female weight-length relationships were significantly different. Females weighed more than males at smaller sizes and less than males at larger sizes. A north-south clinal trend was evident wherein lobster north of Cape Cod weighed less at length than those from regions south of Cape Cod. Functional size-maturity relationships were developed for female lobster by staging cement gland development. Proportions mature at size represent more realistic values than those obtained by analyses of percent of females ovigerous. Regional variation occurred in most of the parameters studied. Three lobster groups, differing in major population descriptors, are defined by our data.(PDF file contains 28 pages.)
The successful application of techniques to enhance detection of age marks in biological specimens is of vital importance in fisheries research. This manual documents age determination techniques used by staff at the Woods Hole Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service. General information on procedures for preparing anatomical structures is described, together with criteria used to interpret growth patterns and assign ages. Annotated photographs of age structures are provided to illustrate criteria. Detailed procedures are given for the following species: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), pollock (Pollachius virens), silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis), red hake (Urophycis chuss), black sea bass (Centropristis striata), weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus), redfish (Sebastes fasciatus), summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea), surf clam (Spisula solidissima), and ocean quahog (Arctica islandica). (PDF file contains 142 pages.)
Within the frame of the EU Data Collection Regulation (DCR), Germany is obliged since 2002 to collect basic fisheries data to support the Common Fisheries Policy. Various governmental institutions are involved in the collection of landings and effort data, biological and economic data of the German fisheries. About 200 trips on commercial fishery vessels were sampled from 2002 to 2006. Additional stock data are collected on research surveys. The landings of cod in the recreational fisheries in the North and Baltic Seas were recorded within a pilot study. In order to assess the economic situation of the fishing fleet and processing industry, economic data were collected. The collected data are being stored in a national database and being made available for scientific working groups. At present, the legal regulations within the DCR framework are being reviewed and adapted to the changing requirements of fisheries management.
The present fishing effort regulation for bottom trawls in the North Sea (EU 40/2008) reduces the fishing effort with larger co-dend mesh sizes (> 100 mm mesh opening) to 86 fishing days per year. The aim of this technical measure is the protection of the weak cod stock usually harvested with this mesh opening. By combining the results of our selectivity investigations on plaice during a commercial fishing trip and the samples taken within the frame of the EU data collection regulation (DCR) we could draw conclusions on commercial and non-commercial fish species. When using codend meshes with larger mesh opening the discard was reduced remarkably. In the reference codend with 80 mm mesh opening the undersized bycatch was 47 % of the total catch of plaice, in the experimental codends with 120 mm mesh opening it was only 7 % and with 130 mm mesh opening just 3 %. On the other hand however, the applied mesh openings in the experimental codends let escape marketable plaice to some extent. The loss of catch was assessed on the basis of fish numbers per length class using a length-weight conversion rate from the DCR. The loss by weight of marketable fish with 120 mm codend mesh opening was 18 %, and 28 % with 130 mm codend mesh opening. To assure the protection of young round and flatfish with one general mesh size, a new regulation should prescribe a minimum mesh opening of 120 mm, accompanied by an expansion of the fishing effort.
Trials with the “topless” version (with reduced upper panel) of the bottom trawl resulted in a 63 % reduction of cod bycatch in numbers, compared to the complete trawl. Flounder catches increased by 120 % on average. Further modification of the net opening height to optimize the trawl performance are underway.
The cod stock in the Western Baltic Sea is assessed to be overfished regarding the definitions of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002. Thus, the European Fisheries Council enforced a multi-annual management plan in 2007. Our medium term simulations over the future 10 years assume similar stock productivity as compared with the past four decades and indicate that the goals of the management plan can be achieved through TAC and consistent effort regulations. Taking account of the uncertainty in the recruitment patterns, the target average fishing mortality of age groups 3 – 6 years of F = 0.6 per year as defined in the management plan is indicated to exceed sustainable levels consistent with high long term yields and low risk of depletion. The stipulated constraint of the annual TAC variations of ±15% will dominate future fisheries management and implies a high recovery potential of the stock through continued reductions in fishing mortality. The scientific assessment of sustainable levels of exploitation and consideration in the plan is strongly advised, taking account of uncertainties attributed to environmental and biological effects. We recommend our study to be complemented with economic impact assessments including effects on by-catch species, which have been disregarded in this study. It is further demonstrated, that the goals of the management plan can alternatively be achieved by mesh size adaptations. An alternative technical option of mesh size increases to realize the required reductions in fishing mortality provides avoidance of discards of undersized fish after a few years by means of improved selectivity, another important element of the Common Fisheries Policy. However, it is emphasized that technical regulations since 1990 failed to affect the by-catch and discards of juvenile cod. In any way, the meaningful implementation of the multiannual management plan through stringent control and enforcement appears critical.
Malformation rates in embryos of dab, whiting, cod, flounder and plaice have been monitored for several years (1984-2006) in the Southern North Sea. For embryos of all species investigated trends for the fluctuation of malformation rates over the time were registered in the areas showing intermediate prevalences at the beginning of the studies in 1984 and maxima in 1987. Thereafter for all species a decrease of malformation rates was found until 2006 excepting an increase in 1996. A significant negative correlation existed between surface water temperature and prevalences of malformed embryos of dab and other species.
The basis for a long-term profitable fishery is a precautionary and environment-compatible use of fish stocks. The fishery management presently models the exploitation through the parameters of fishing mortality and the age at first capture. These two parameters are translated into the technical measures of fishing effort and mesh openings and quotas, which are then used in practice for controlling the fishery. Stock protection can be achieved by reducing the fishing effort, by assigning smaller quotas, by reducing the number of days at sea, or by increasing the mesh opening. The respective protection measures have different effects on the development of the stocks but also on the revenue obtained by the fishery. These alternatives have been examined taking as an example the cod stock in the western Baltic. The optimization goal was the maximization of profit observing at the same time the prerequisites for stock protection according to the precaution approach. For these calculations the same models and data have been used as are beeing used in the stock management of the ACFM of ICES. The response of altered technical measures to the recruitment of cod stock was considered, and a proposal to overcome overfishing of cod in the western Baltic Sea was derived.
In eel catches with special small-mesh trawls the proportion of by-catch is unjustifiably high. From 2003 to 2005 eel trawls with various types of separation panels were designed, constructed, and tested under real fishing conditions. Tests were carried out using cover cod-ends and an underwater TV equipment. It was possible to reduce the amount of by-catch to one tenth of its usual amount. However, a decline of the catch efficiency for the target species eel could not be avoided.
After due consideration the EU Commission has decided in December 2005 to admit cod-ends made of netting turned 90 de-grees (T90) as an allowable alternative for the cod fishery of the Baltic. The construction was included as one of two admissibles versions into the newly issued EU regulation 2187/2005 on technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources of the Baltic. This contribution describes some of the investigations preceeding that decision with which some of the previous demurs could be dispelled. In the course of these experiments it was detected that the cod-end netting material plays an important role for the mesh selection of a T90 cod-end, whereas the netting twine diameter is negligible. Problems with modern twine mate-rial have to be taken in consideration for constructional changes of T90 cod-ends. A relation of 1 to 2 in the circumferences in meshes at the joining round between last row of the belly and extension/cod-end turned out to be acceptable. Both the hauling technique (sidetrawler or sterntrawler) and an extensive use in the commercial fishery proved to be of no relevance for to the selection of T90 cod-ends. Taken alone, the different hydrodynamic conditions in a cod-end are insufficient to fully explain the selection phenomena. This was demonstrates by the material-related differences in selectivity of T90 cod-ends.
本文研究粘弹性材料界面裂纹对冲击载荷的瞬态响应和对广义平面波的稳态散射。相对于已有广泛研究的弹性材料裂纹瞬态响应和稳态散射问题,本文的研究有三个突出特点:1)粘弹性材料;2)界面裂纹;3)广义平面波入射。粘弹性材料界面裂纹对冲击载荷的瞬态响应和对广义平面波的散射尚无开展研究,本文在弹性材料相应问题的研究基础上,首先开展了这一问题的研究。对于冲击载荷下粘弹性界面裂纹的瞬态响应问题,利用Laplace积分变换方法,将粘弹性材料卷积型本构方程转化为Laplace变换域内的代数型本构方程,从而可以在Laplace变换域内象处理弹性材料的冲击响应一样,将相应的混合边值问题归结为关于裂纹张开位移COD的对偶积分方程,并进一步引入裂纹位错密度函数CDD (Crack Dislocation Density),将对偶积分方程化成关于CDD的奇异积分方程(SIE)。用数值方法求解奇异积分方程得到变换域内的动应力强度因子数值解,最后利用Laplace积分逆变换数值方法得到时间域内的动应力强度因子的时间响应。理论分析考虑了两种裂纹模型,即Griffith界面裂纹和柱面圆弧型界面裂纹。考虑的载荷包括反平面冲击载荷和平面冲击载荷。对于平面冲击载荷,通过对裂尖应力场的奇性分析,首次发现粘弹性界面裂纹裂尖动应力场奇性指数不是常数0.5,而是与震荡指数一样依赖材料参数。针对反平面冲击载荷给出了一个算例,计算了裂尖动应力强度因子的时间响应,并与弹性材料的结果作了比较,发现粘弹性效应的影响不仅使过冲击峰值降低,而且使峰值点后移。粘性效应较大时,过冲击现象甚至不出现。关于粘弹性界面裂纹对广东省义平面波的散射问题,首先研究广义平面波在无裂纹存在的理想界面的反射和透射,再研究由于界面裂纹的存在而产生的附加散射场。利用粘弹性材料的复模量理论,可将粘弹性材料的卷积型相构方程化成频率域内的代数型本构方程。类似弹性平面波的处理,在频率域内将问题最终归结为关于裂纹位错密度CDD的奇异积分方程。数值方法求解奇异积分方程即可得到频率域内的散射场,并进而得到裂尖动应力强度因子和远场位移型函数和散射截面。理论分析考虑了两种裂纹模型:Griffith界面裂纹和柱面圆弧型界面裂纹。研究的入射波有广义的SH波和P波。对于广义平面P波入射的情况,通过对裂尖应力场的奇性分析,同样发现粘弹性界面裂纹裂尖动应力场奇性指数不地常数0.5,而是与震荡指数一样依赖于材料参数。对柱面裂纹散射远场的渐近分析,发现远场位移和应力除含有几何衰减因子外,都含有一个材料衰减速因子。散射截面由于材料衰减因子的存在也成为依赖散射半径的量。为了使散射截面仍有意义,文中提出一种修正办法。对Griffith界面裂纹,给出了一个广义平面SH波入射的算例;对柱面界面裂纹,给出了一个广义平面P波入射的算例。计算了不同入射角和入射频率下裂纹的张开位移和动就应力强度因子,并分析了其依赖关系。求解奇异积分方程的数值方法和Laplace积分逆变换数值方法是本文的基本数值方法。本文对这两种方法作了大量的调研和系统的研究。在对比分析的基础上,对现有的各种方法从原理,适用范围,计数效率,优势及特点进行了归纳总结。并尝试了奇异积分方程的最新数值方法--分片连续函数法,证实了其适用性和方便性.
Profit maximization in fishery protects cod of western Baltic Sea against overfishing – Only a theoretical approach? The frame for the management of fish stocks politically given contains – apart from ecological and social goals – also an economic goal, which is considered here in particular. From the point of view of fishery enterprises the main management goal for the exploitation of fish stocks is the maximization of profit. There are models for the yield optimization since long time. They are mainly used so far to optimize fishing mortality. Here the Beverton and Holt yield model was used. Apart from the optimization of fishing effort the model was used to optimize age of first capture and thus mesh opening. Starting point of the considerations is a given age group of a fish stock. If this age group is completely fished the yield obtained from this age group is maximized. The investigations show that the term overfishing is not exclusively linked as frequently assumed with a too large fishing mortality, but likewise with a mismatch of the mesh opening. For the calculated example Baltic cod data are used. At present the cod is caught far from reaching its mass optimum. Therefore, the profit of fishery enterprises can in the long term be considerably increased by the optimization of the mesh opening. During the conversion from the state of the art to fishing with optimised mesh sizes, however, a loss of profit has to be expected. The title of the paper sounds provocative. However, the stock of the Baltic Sea cod is better protected by a long-term maximum-profit oriented exploitation than by the precautionary approach applied now.
Since 1990 North-east Atlantic fish species – arctic cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut – have been investigated by on-board observers on the German commercial trawler FMS Kiel. These investigations are part of the national data collection regulation established by the European Union in recent years. Collected data are basic data for the scientific assessment of these important fish stocks of the European fisheries. The results of the observed cruises are used by the Arctic Fisheries Working Group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). Biological investigations were carried out in Norwegian waters and the Barents Sea (ICES Divisions IIa and IIb) on board FMS Kiel in January to March and in August/September 2004. This report presents results of these cruises and an overview about the general fishery situation in 2004.
From 1993 to 2003 special surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea. The ICES advice for cod in the Baltic Sea is based on yearly stock assessments of two separate stocks the western (SD 22 – 24) and the eastern stock (SD 25 – 32). Both stocks are characterized by different spawning seasons. The general progression of the maturity suggests that two types of development can be distinguished. In the western Baltic Sea (SD 22) the maturity development is temporal stable, with a relative short, main spawning period from March to April - spring spawner. In the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin the main spawning season starts in June and probably finishes in September - summer spawner. The proportion of spawners in summer is significantly higher than in spring in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin. This again underlines the importance of the Arkona Sea for the reproduction success of the eastern Baltic cod stock. The analysis furthermore show, that the proportion of male spawners was significantly higher than the proportion of female spawners in all areas and the investigated months. This observation suggests that the reproductive success is only limited by the number of female cod which participates in the spawning process.
Surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea from 1993 to 2003. Part I of the article describes the general maturity development and the spawning activities in the western Baltic Sea, the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Sea. The studies suggest that two types of spawner can be distinguished, the spring spawner in the western Baltic Sea and the summer spawner in the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Basin. The descriptive analysis is supported by statistical studies presented in this article. It is shown, that the proportion of spawning individuals is significantly higher in summer than in spring in the ArkonaSea and the Bornholm Sea. Furthermore, it is shown that reproductive mixing of both types of spawner is possible in the Arkona Sea in May/June due to the hydrographical conditions in the Arkona Sea which were suitable in 8 of 10 years for successful reproduction of both Baltic cod stocks, and that spatial expansion of spawning activities of the eastern Baltic cod stock into the Arkona Sea is positive correlated with the size of spawning stock in the Bornholm Sea.