267 resultados para CHILLED MEATS


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A inclusão de óleos vegetais na dieta de bovinos tem sido utilizada para aumentar a densidade energética da dieta, melhorar a eficiência alimentar, além de produzir carnes com a composição de ácidos graxos mais favorável à saúde humana. Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos da inclusão de óleos de soja, girassol e linhaça na dieta de bovinos, sobre o desempenho, características quantitativas de carcaça e qualitativas da carne, perfil de ácidos graxos, oxidação lipídica e formação de compostos oxidados do colesterol. Foram confinados 96 bovinos Nelore, castrados, com aproximadamente 380 kg ± 34 kg de peso inicial e idade média de 20 meses. As dietas foram compostas de 79% de concentrado e 21% de volumoso (silagem de milho) e incluídos os óleos de soja, girassol e linhaça. Os animais foram pesados e avaliadas as características de carcaça por ultrassonografia nos dias 0, 28, 56 e 81 de confinamento. Nos dias zero e 81 dias de confinamento foi coletado sangue dos bovinos para avaliação do LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol, VLDL-colesterol e triacilgliceróis. Ao final de 81 dias de confinamento, os animais foram abatidos e foi avaliado o pH (uma e 48 horas após o abate) e foram retiradas amostras do músculo longissimus. Foi avaliado a cor, força de cisalhamento (FC) e perdas por cocção (PPC) em carnes não maturadas e maturadas por 14 dias. Duas amostras do longissimus foram expostas por um e três dias em condições semelhantes ao varejo. Nas carnes expostas por um dia foi avaliado a cor e o pH. Nas amostras expostas por três dias foi avaliado além da cor e pH, o perfil de ácidos graxos, TBARS, colesterol e a presença do 7-cetocolesterol. Foi realizada ainda a análise sensorial e determinado a quantidade de lipídios totais das carnes. A estabilidade oxidativa dos óleos utilizados na dieta também foi avaliada. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados, sendo o peso inicial o bloco. O desempenho e as características de carcaça avaliadas por ultrassonografia não foram influenciadas pelas fontes de óleo. Os tratamentos não influenciaram o peso de abate, o peso de carcaça quente, o pH da carcaça uma hora e 48 horas após o abate, o rendimento de carcaça, a cor, as PPC e a FC. O pH foi maior nas carnes maturadas por 14 dias (P=0,01), em relação àquelas sem maturação. As PPC e a FC foram menores (P=0,01) nas carnes maturadas por 14 dias. O óleo de linhaça apresentou menor estabilidade oxidativa seguidos do óleo de girassol e soja. As fontes de óleo não afetaram a concentração dos lipídios do plasma sanguíneo, no entanto, os níveis de VLDL, LDL, HDL, colesterol e triacilgliceróis foram maiores (P<0,01) no final do experimento em relação ao início. Não houve interação entre a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) avaliada no abate e as dietas e efeito das fontes de óleo sobre os valores de TBARS, lipídios e colesterol. Não foi encontrado o 7-cetocolesterol nas carnes. O pH das carnes expostas por um e três dias sob condições de varejo, não foram influenciadas pela dieta nem pela interação da dieta e dos dias de exposição. No entanto, foi observado o efeito de tempo (P<0,01), as carnes expostas por três dias tiveram valores de pH maiores que as carnes expostas por um dia. A cor L*, a* e b* das carnes expostas em gôndola, sob condições de varejo não foi influenciado pela dieta, pelos dias de exposição e nem pela interação dos dias de exposição e dietas. Os ácidos graxos C18:1 n-9, C20:3 n-6 e C20:5 n-3 apresentaram interação entre a EGS e a dieta (P<0,05). O C18:1 cis 6 apresentou maiores concentrações (P<0,05) nas carnes provenientes dos animais alimentados com óleo de linhaça e soja, em comparação com as carnes provenientes da dieta controle. O C18:3 n-3 apresentou maiores concentrações nas carnes de animais alimentados com linhaça (P<0,05), em comparação com os demais tratamentos. O aroma e a textura da carne avaliados em análise sensorial realizada com consumidores não foram alterados pelos tratamentos. A carne dos animais alimentados com óleo de girassol resultou em maiores notas para o sabor (P<0,01), em relação à carne proveniente de animais alimentados com óleo de soja. As dietas controle e girassol resultaram em carnes mais suculentas e com maior aceitabilidade global (P<0,01), em relação ao tratamento soja. Independentemente do tipo de óleo utilizado na dieta dos animais, não houve influência no desempenho e nas características da carcaça. O óleo de linhaça proporcionou carnes com perfil de ácidos graxos mais favorável para a saúde humana, pois apresentou maiores proporções do ácido linolênico e relações ideais de n6:n3 (4,15). O uso de óleos vegetais na dieta, não prejudicou a aparência das carnes e não proporcionaram oxidação lipídica com a formação de compostos de colesterol oxidados nas carnes expostas sob condições de varejo.


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Objetivo: determinar la calidad de la dieta española mediante el Índice de Alimentación-Saludable (IASE) y su relación con variables geográficas y socioeconómicas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal a partir de Encuesta-Nacional-Salud-2006 (ENS-2006) Se estudiaron 29.478 personas (Mujeres = 15.019; Hombres = 14.459) que respondieron el Cuestionario de Frecuencia de Consumo (CFC). El IASE se compone de 10 variables (Cereales-derivados, Verduras-hortalizas, Frutas, Leche-derivados, Carnes, Legumbres, Embutidos-fiambres, Dulces, Refrescos-azúcar y Variedad-dieta), construidas a partir del CFC y las recomendaciones de las Guías-Alimentarias (Sociedad-Española-Nutrición-Comunitaria-2004). Categorías IASE (puntuación-máxima 100): Alimentación-saludable: > 80 puntos; Necesita-cambios: > 5.080; Poco-saludable: 50. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, de diferencias de medias (pruebas Kruskal–Wallis y Mann–Whitney), y prueba Chi-Cuadrado, para estudiar la independencia de las variables edad, sexo, clase-social y nivel de estudios con las categorías de IASE. Resultados: El 72% del total de la muestra necesita cambios en su alimentación. La puntuación media para mujeres es 73,7 ± 10,5 y para hombres 69,9 ± 11,3 (p < 0,001). En la categoría saludable obtienen mayor porcentaje (38,8%) el grupo de edad > 65 años y las mujeres (28,3%) frente a los hombres (18,4%). Así mismo, las clases-sociales más altas (clase-I: 24,4%, clase-II: 25,0%, clase-III: 25,8%) presentan mayor índice de alimentación-saludable, (p < 0,001). Las Comunidades-Autónomas: Comunitat Valenciana (5,4%), Illes Balears (4,6%) y Andalucía (4,3%) son las que presentan mayor índice en la categoría poco-saludable. Conclusiones: El IASE es un método rápido y económico de estimación de la calidad de la dieta de la población, porque utiliza datos secundarios procedente de la ENS y de las guías-alimentarias; siendo útil en la planificación de políticas nutricionales en España.


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Objetivo: Determinar el patrón de consumo de alimentos del alumnado de la Universidad de Alicante (UA) mediante el grado de adecuación a la dieta mediterránea. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo para estimar la ingesta individual a través de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (CFCA) en una muestra representativa de 380 universitarios. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, área geográfica de procedencia, peso y talla autoreferidos. Así como los alimentos y frecuencias de consumo que componen el CFCA. Se determinó el porcentaje de adecuación teniendo en cuenta, consumo real sobre consumo recomendado por la guía dieta mediterránea tradicional: (100 x raciones consumidas/raciones recomendadas). Se establecieron 5 rangos de porcentaje adecuación: consumo óptimo (80%-119%), consumo aceptable (60%-79%), consumo deficiente (40%-59%), consumo muy deficiente (< 39%), consumo excesivo (> 120%). Se realizó contraste de diferencia de proporciones y la prueba t-Student con EPIDAT 3.1, y SPSS 15.0. Resultados: Prevalencia de sobrepeso-obesidad, es mayor en hombres (34,6%) que en mujeres (9,8%), p < 0,001. Mientras que las mujeres presentan mayor prevalencia de bajo peso (7,0%) que hombres (0,7%), p < 0,05. El consumo de cereales y derivados es muy deficiente (mujeres = 90,6; hombres = 94,9), y el consumo de carnes rojas (mujeres = 90,6; hombres = 92,7) y embutidos (mujeres = 95,9%, hombres = 96,3%) es excesivo. Ningún alumno cubre un “consumo óptimo” o un “consumo aceptable” de todos los grupos de alimentos (n = 12). Discusión: El nivel educativo y el acceso a la información no protegen a la población universitaria de factores socioambientales que influencian sus hábitos alimentarios. Deben reforzarse estrategias de salud pública dirigidas a este grupo de población.


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A high-resolution study of palaeoenvironmental changes through the late Younger Dryas and early Holocene in the Skagerrak, the eastern North Atlantic, is based on multi-proxy analyses of core MD99-2286 combined with palaeo-water depth modelling for the area. The late Younger Dryas was characterized by a cold ice-distal benthic foraminiferal fauna. After the transition to the Preboreal (c. 11 650 cal. a BP) this fauna was replaced by a Cassidulina neoteretis dominated fauna, indicating the influence of chilled Atlantic Water at the sea floor. Persisting relatively cold bottom-water conditions until c. 10 300 cal. a BP are presumably a result of an outflow of glacial meltwater from the Baltic area across south-central Sweden, which develops a strong stratification of the water column at MD99-2286. A short-term peak in the C/N ratio at c. 10 200 cal. a BP is suggested to indicate input of terrestrial material, which may represent the drainage of an ice-dammed lake in southern Norway, the Glomma event. After the last drainage route across south-central Sweden closed, c. 10 300 cal. a BP, the meltwater influence diminished, and the Skagerrak resembled a fjord with stable inflow of waters from the North Atlantic through the Norwegian Channel and a gradual increase in boreal species. Full interglacial conditions were established at the sea floor from c. 9250 cal. a BP. Subsequent warm stable conditions were interrupted by a short-term cooling around 8300-8200 cal. a BP, representing the 8.2 ka event.


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[no. 1] The chain store and the packing industry, by E. L. Rhoades.--[no. 2] The management of chain meat markets, by E. L. Rhoades.--[no. 3] Chain stores and the independent meat retailer, by E. L. Rhoades.--[no. 4] Advertising of meats by chain grocery companies, by E. L. Rhoades.--[no. 5] Consumption of meat and meat products, with particular reference fo price, by J. H. Cover.


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Includes bibliographies.


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Background: Nutrition-related disorders, including vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and chronic diseases, are serious problems in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Many suggest that these disorders are new problems related to dietary and lifestyle changes. In the past four decades, imported foods, such as white rice, flour, sugar, refined foods and fatty meats, have increasingly replaced local foods in the diet. Aim: A literature review was conducted to understand underlying issues related to dietary change and obtain insights for nutrition research and interventions. Method: Published and unpublished papers from different disciplines were reviewed and collated for information on food and nutrition in FSM. Topics covered were historical background, local foods, infant and child feeding, dietary assessment, and nutritional status. Particular focus was on information and data relating to VAD, the primary topic that led to the review of the literature. Conclusions: FSM, a tropical country of abundant agricultural resources, has suffered a great loss in production and consumption of local foods. Inconsistent external and internal government policies and food aid programmes have contributed to the problem. Further research on the nutrient content of local foods and factors affecting production, acquisition and consumption is needed, as well as a broad, well-planned, intersectoral intervention aimed at dietary improvement for all age groups in the population.


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As a first step towards the development of a method for the cryopreservation of black marlin spermatozoa, this study investigated the effect of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) concentration and pellet size on post-thaw spermatozoal motility. Spermatozoa were recovered from the spermatic duct of testes retrieved post-mortem from four adult black marlin caught in the Coral Sea spawning grounds of Australia. Undiluted spermatozoa. were stored on ice for 4 to 10 hours during transport to shore, then evaluated for motility after activation in seawater (1:10 v:v). Spermatozoa were prepared for cryopreservation in pellets by extension (1:3 v:v) in a defined fish Ringer's solution to give two final DMSO concentrations of 2.5% or 5.0%. Diluted spermatozoa were frozen directly on a dry ice block in pellet sizes of either 0.25 ml or 0.50 ml. Frozen pellets were thawed in a water bath at 40 degrees C for 60 seconds and assessed for post-thaw motility following activation in seawater. Spermatozoa recovered within 50 minutes of death and chilled on ice for 4 to 10 hours showed a mean (+/- SEM) motility immediately following activation of 91.6 +/- 7.9%. 50% of the spermatozoa remained motile for approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Following cryopreservation; mean motility declined significantly across all cryoprotectant and pellet size combinations (P < 0.001) but spermatozoa frozen in 2.5% DMSO showed higher motility than those frozen in 5.0% DMSO (P = 0.014). Pellet size had no effect on post-thaw motility (P = 0.179).


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Introduction: Endothelin-1 is a potent vasoconstricting growth peptide. In physiologic conditions basal levels maintain vascular homeostasis, conversely in pathological situations it may be expressed in response to chronic and acute vascular injury. Elevated levels of plasma ET-1 have been identified in sub-populations at risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) including smokers, diabetics and hyerlipidaemic subjects and in patients with atherosclerotic disease. This peptide may be chronically expressed, such as in congestive heart failure where it has been used as a prognostic marker of disease severity and also acutely, after cardiac revascularisation surgery, possibly as a result of endothelial injury and ischaemia. Aims: The objectives of this study were to (1) identify basal endothelin-1 concentrations in a young healthy control group with no risk factors for IHD (control group 1); (2) to compare; (1) venous plasma ET-1 levels preoperatively and post-operatively in patients undergoing CABG surgery, (3) to compare pre-operative plasma ET-1 levels from the CABG group with an age and gender matched control group (control group 2) and (4) combine all three groups to assess correlations between plasma ET-1 and the various risk factors for IHD, including smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and family history. Methods: Venous specimens were collected in chilled EDTA tubes and samples measured using an ELISA assay (Biomedica), following the standard protocol for human EDTA plasma. Results: Forty CABG patients (5F, 35M, mean age 66 yrs), 15 control group 1 subjects (8F, 7M, mean age 29 yrs) and 30 control group 2 subjects (5F, 25M, mean age 61 yrs) participated in the study. No significant difference was detected in plasma ET-1 levels between the controls (1) and (2), and the CABG group, where plasma ET-1 levels were 3.37+/ 5.19 pmol/L, 1.99+/3.74 pmol/L and 1.28+/1.27 pmol/L, respectively. There was a non-significant elevation in post-op ET-1 plasma in comparison with the pre-op levels (2.50+/0.51 Vs 1.45+/6.44). There were also no statistical correlation between risk factors for IHD including smoking, hypertension, NIDDM, hyperlipidemia or family history when data from both patient and controls groups was merged. Conclusion: Contrary to other findings, plasma ET-1 does not appear to a valid marker for IHD or factors which are strongly associated with the pathogenesis of this disease.


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The Priestlaw and Cockburn Law intrusions are zoned granitoid plutons intruded into Lower Palaeozoic sediments at the margin of, and prior to closure of, the Iapetus Ocean. They vary from marginal basic rocks to more acid rocks towards their centres. The parental magmas to the plutons were derived from an isotopically depleted mantle modified by melts/fluids during subduction. Zonation in the plutons was caused by combined assimilation and fractional crystallisation (AFC), and rates of assimilation were low relative to rates of fractionation. A series of pyroxene-mica diorites in Priestlaw are however hybrids formed by simple mixing. Porphyrite-acid porphyrite dykes, associated with the plutons, represent chilled portions of the pluton magmas; more evolved quartz porphyry dykes represent crustal melts. Lamprophyre dykes have high LILE and LREE abundances and relative depletions of HFS elements, typical of subduction related ultra-potassic magmas. High Mg numbers, Ni and Cr contents and experimental constraints, imply near primary status for the least evolved lamprophyres. Their enrichments in incompatible elements, high La/Nb, La/Yb, Sr and low Nd indicate derivation from a previously metasomatised mantle source. Granitoid plutons and lavas in the northern Southern Uplands have high Nd and low Sr, whereas the younger plutons of the southern Southern Uplands have higher Sr, La/Yb and lower Nd, consistent with derivation from a more enriched source. No plutons however have remained as closed systems. Three magmatic suites are present in southern Scotland: (1) Midland Valley Suite (2) Northern Southern Uplands Suite and (3) Southern Southern Uplands Suite, consistent with previous models indicating northward underthrusting of English lithosphere below the southern Southern Uplands. Further underthrusting of decoupled lithospheric mantle is indicated by the presence of lamorophyres in the eastern Southern Uplands, and took place between 410 Ma and 400 Ma.


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This paper emphasizes on the concept of innovation which is more and more nowadays recognized as of significant importance for all companies across different business sectors. The paper initially provides a review of the innovation literature in terms of types, classifications, and sources of innovation that have been proposed over time. Then, innovation in the context of the food industry is examined and it is attempted to identify innovation strategies followed by Greek food companies based on a value driven approach of innovation. The paper finally, provides insights from eight Greek food companies, which were selected from four subsectors: fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat products (cured meats), and bakery products. The criterion used for the selection was market success and outstanding performance (e.g. market share, achieved results). Evidence indicates that companies tend to innovate along the dimension of offerings, which is more related to the traditional view of product and process innovation.


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Chicken breast from nine products and from the following production regimes: conventional (chilled and frozen), organic and free range, were analysed for fatty acid composition of total lipids, preventative and chain breaking antioxidant contents and lipid oxidation during 5 days of sub-ambient storage following purchase. Total lipids were extracted with an optimal amount of a cold chloroform methanol solvent. Lipid compositions varied, but there were differences between conventional and organic products in their contents of total polyunsaturated fatty acids and n-3 and n-6 fatty acids and n-6:n-3 ratio. Of the antioxidants, a-tocopherol content was inversely correlated with lipid oxidation. The antioxidant enzyme activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase varied between products. Modelling with partial least squares regression showed no overall relationship between total antioxidants and lipid data, but certain individual antioxidants showed a relationship with specific lipid fractions.


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In the US, one in every eight deaths is due to an obesity-related chronic health condition (ORCHC). More than half of African American women (AAW) 20 years old or older are obese or morbidly obese, as are 63% of menopausal AAW. Many have ORCHC that increase their morbidity and mortality and increase health care costs. In 2013, 42.6 percent of AAs living in South Carolina (SC) were obese. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to identify the cognitive, behavioral, biological, and demographic factors that influence health outcomes (BMI, and ORCHC) of AAW living in rural SC. A sample of 200 AAW (50 in each of the 4 groups of rurality by menopausal status), 18-64 years, completed the: Menopausal Rating Scale (symptoms); Body Image Assessment for Obesity (self-perception of body); Mental Health Inventory; Block Food Frequency Questionnaire; Eating Behaviors and Chronic Conditions, Traditional Food Habits, and Food Preparation Technique questionnaires — and measures for Body Mass Index. Most rural, and premenopausal AAW were single and not living with a partner. Premenopausal women had significantly higher educational levels. Sixty percent of AAW had between 1 and 5 ORCHC. Most AAW used salt based seasonings, ate deep fried foods 1 to 3 times a week, and ate outside the home 1 to 3 times a month. Few AAW knew the correct daily serving for grains and dairy, and most consumed less than the recommended daily serving of fruits, vegetables and dairy. Morbidly obese AAW used more traditional food preparation techniques than obese and normal-weight AAW. Rural, and menopausal AAW had significantly higher morbid obesity levels, consumed larger portions of meats and vegetables, and reported more body image dissatisfaction than very rural AAW, and premenopausal AAW, respectively. Controlling for socioeconomic factors the relationships between perceptions of body images, psychological distress, and psychological wellbeing remained significant for numbers of ORCHC^


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The studied area is situated in the northeastern extremity of the Rio Grande do Norte State, between the municipalities of Taipu and Poço Branco, and is geologically inserted into the São José do Campestre Crystalline Terrain within the Borborema Province, where the analysis of field relationships, petrographic and geochemical data allowed the distinction of three plutons named: Gameleira, Taipu and Pitombeira. The Gamaleira Pluton is composed of granodioritic rocks characterized by zoned plagioclase phenocrysts, with amphibole and biotite as the main mafic phases. Geochemically, these are metaluminous rocks of calc-alkaline nature and magnesian character. The Pitombeira Pluton encompasses two facies: (a) a coarse-grained to porphyritic monzo- to syenogranitic facies marked by K-feldspar phenocrysts; and (b) a quartz dioritic to tonalitic facies with partially zoned plagioclase laths showing chilled rims. Geochemically, rocks of the monzo- to syenogranitic facies are transitional between metaluminous and peraluminous, display a subalkaline nature (high K calc-alkaline) and a ferroan character, whereas rocks of the quartz dioritic to tonalitic facies are metaluminous, with shoshonitic affinity and ferroan character. Lastly, the Taipu Pluton is made of monzoto syenogranitic rocks with biotite as the chief mafic mineral. They are peraluminous rocks of subalkaline nature (high-K calc-alkaline) and ferroan character. Regarding the rare-earth elements (REE), it is possible to conclude that the three studied plutons display negative Eu anomalies and a relative enrichment of LREE over HREE, with LaN/YbN ratios between 9.39 to 16.20 (Gameleira Pluton), 17.99 to 31.39 (granitic facies of the Pitombeira Pluton), 14.15 to 21.81 (dioritic facies of the Pitombeira Pluton) and 15.17 to 175.41 (Taipu Pluton). Based on the combined investigation of geochemical data and discrimination tectonic diagrams, a late- to post-collisional tectonic environment is suggested for the plutons here studied