894 resultados para Branching random walk
We present here a nonbiased probabilistic method that allows us to consistently analyze knottedness of linear random walks with up to several hundred noncorrelated steps. The method consists of analyzing the spectrum of knots formed by multiple closures of the same open walk through random points on a sphere enclosing the walk. Knottedness of individual "frozen" configurations of linear chains is therefore defined by a characteristic spectrum of realizable knots. We show that in the great majority of cases this method clearly defines the dominant knot type of a walk, i.e., the strongest component of the spectrum. In such cases, direct end-to-end closure creates a knot that usually coincides with the knot type that dominates the random closure spectrum. Interestingly, in a very small proportion of linear random walks, the knot type is not clearly defined. Such walks can be considered as residing in a border zone of the configuration space of two or more knot types. We also characterize the scaling behavior of linear random knots.
In this treatise we consider finite systems of branching particles where the particles move independently of each other according to d-dimensional diffusions. Particles are killed at a position dependent rate, leaving at their death position a random number of descendants according to a position dependent reproduction law. In addition particles immigrate at constant rate (one immigrant per immigration time). A process with above properties is called a branching diffusion withimmigration (BDI). In the first part we present the model in detail and discuss the properties of the BDI under our basic assumptions. In the second part we consider the problem of reconstruction of the trajectory of a BDI from discrete observations. We observe positions of the particles at discrete times; in particular we assume that we have no information about the pedigree of the particles. A natural question arises if we want to apply statistical procedures on the discrete observations: How can we find couples of particle positions which belong to the same particle? We give an easy to implement 'reconstruction scheme' which allows us to redraw or 'reconstruct' parts of the trajectory of the BDI with high accuracy. Moreover asymptotically the whole path can be reconstructed. Further we present simulations which show that our partial reconstruction rule is tractable in practice. In the third part we study how the partial reconstruction rule fits into statistical applications. As an extensive example we present a nonparametric estimator for the diffusion coefficient of a BDI where the particles move according to one-dimensional diffusions. This estimator is based on the Nadaraya-Watson estimator for the diffusion coefficient of one-dimensional diffusions and it uses the partial reconstruction rule developed in the second part above. We are able to prove a rate of convergence of this estimator and finally we present simulations which show that the estimator works well even if we leave our set of assumptions.
In this thesis we consider systems of finitely many particles moving on paths given by a strong Markov process and undergoing branching and reproduction at random times. The branching rate of a particle, its number of offspring and their spatial distribution are allowed to depend on the particle's position and possibly on the configuration of coexisting particles. In addition there is immigration of new particles, with the rate of immigration and the distribution of immigrants possibly depending on the configuration of pre-existing particles as well. In the first two chapters of this work, we concentrate on the case that the joint motion of particles is governed by a diffusion with interacting components. The resulting process of particle configurations was studied by E. Löcherbach (2002, 2004) and is known as a branching diffusion with immigration (BDI). Chapter 1 contains a detailed introduction of the basic model assumptions, in particular an assumption of ergodicity which guarantees that the BDI process is positive Harris recurrent with finite invariant measure on the configuration space. This object and a closely related quantity, namely the invariant occupation measure on the single-particle space, are investigated in Chapter 2 where we study the problem of the existence of Lebesgue-densities with nice regularity properties. For example, it turns out that the existence of a continuous density for the invariant measure depends on the mechanism by which newborn particles are distributed in space, namely whether branching particles reproduce at their death position or their offspring are distributed according to an absolutely continuous transition kernel. In Chapter 3, we assume that the quantities defining the model depend only on the spatial position but not on the configuration of coexisting particles. In this framework (which was considered by Höpfner and Löcherbach (2005) in the special case that branching particles reproduce at their death position), the particle motions are independent, and we can allow for more general Markov processes instead of diffusions. The resulting configuration process is a branching Markov process in the sense introduced by Ikeda, Nagasawa and Watanabe (1968), complemented by an immigration mechanism. Generalizing results obtained by Höpfner and Löcherbach (2005), we give sufficient conditions for ergodicity in the sense of positive recurrence of the configuration process and finiteness of the invariant occupation measure in the case of general particle motions and offspring distributions.
Wir betrachten Systeme von endlich vielen Partikeln, wobei die Partikel sich unabhängig voneinander gemäß eindimensionaler Diffusionen [dX_t = b(X_t),dt + sigma(X_t),dW_t] bewegen. Die Partikel sterben mit positionsabhängigen Raten und hinterlassen eine zufällige Anzahl an Nachkommen, die sich gemäß eines Übergangskerns im Raum verteilen. Zudem immigrieren neue Partikel mit einer konstanten Rate. Ein Prozess mit diesen Eigenschaften wird Verzweigungsprozess mit Immigration genannt. Beobachten wir einen solchen Prozess zu diskreten Zeitpunkten, so ist zunächst nicht offensichtlich, welche diskret beobachteten Punkte zu welchem Pfad gehören. Daher entwickeln wir einen Algorithmus, um den zugrundeliegenden Pfad zu rekonstruieren. Mit Hilfe dieses Algorithmus konstruieren wir einen nichtparametrischen Schätzer für den quadrierten Diffusionskoeffizienten $sigma^2(cdot),$ wobei die Konstruktion im Wesentlichen auf dem Auffüllen eines klassischen Regressionsschemas beruht. Wir beweisen Konsistenz und einen zentralen Grenzwertsatz.
Radiotherapy has been a method of choice in cancer treatment for a number of years. Mathematical modeling is an important tool in studying the survival behavior of any cell as well as its radiosensitivity. One particular cell under investigation is the normal T-cell, the radiosensitivity of which may be indicative to the patient's tolerance to radiation doses.^ The model derived is a compound branching process with a random initial population of T-cells that is assumed to have compound distribution. T-cells in any generation are assumed to double or die at random lengths of time. This population is assumed to undergo a random number of generations within a period of time. The model is then used to obtain an estimate for the survival probability of T-cells for the data under investigation. This estimate is derived iteratively by applying the likelihood principle. Further assessment of the validity of the model is performed by simulating a number of subjects under this model.^ This study shows that there is a great deal of variation in T-cells survival from one individual to another. These variations can be observed under normal conditions as well as under radiotherapy. The findings are in agreement with a recent study and show that genetic diversity plays a role in determining the survival of T-cells. ^
This thesis includes analysis of disordered spin ensembles corresponding to Exact Cover, a multi-access channel problem, and composite models combining sparse and dense interactions. The satisfiability problem in Exact Cover is addressed using a statistical analysis of a simple branch and bound algorithm. The algorithm can be formulated in the large system limit as a branching process, for which critical properties can be analysed. Far from the critical point a set of differential equations may be used to model the process, and these are solved by numerical integration and exact bounding methods. The multi-access channel problem is formulated as an equilibrium statistical physics problem for the case of bit transmission on a channel with power control and synchronisation. A sparse code division multiple access method is considered and the optimal detection properties are examined in typical case by use of the replica method, and compared to detection performance achieved by interactive decoding methods. These codes are found to have phenomena closely resembling the well-understood dense codes. The composite model is introduced as an abstraction of canonical sparse and dense disordered spin models. The model includes couplings due to both dense and sparse topologies simultaneously. The new type of codes are shown to outperform sparse and dense codes in some regimes both in optimal performance, and in performance achieved by iterative detection methods in finite systems.
The paper is a contribution to the theory of branching processes with discrete time and a general phase space in the sense of [2]. We characterize the class of regular, i.e. in a sense sufficiently random, branching processes (Φk) k∈Z by almost sure properties of their realizations without making any assumptions about stationarity or existence of moments. This enables us to classify the clans of (Φk) into the regular part and the completely non-regular part. It turns out that the completely non-regular branching processes are built up from single-line processes, whereas the regular ones are mixtures of left-tail trivial processes with a Poisson family structure.
Косто В. Митов - Разклоняващите се стохастични процеси са модели на популационната динамика на обекти, които имат случайно време на живот и произвеждат потомци в съответствие с дадени вероятностни закони. Типични примери са ядрените реакции, клетъчната пролиферация, биологичното размножаване, някои химични реакции, икономически и финансови явления. В този обзор сме се опитали да представим съвсем накратко някои от най-важните моменти и факти от историята, теорията и приложенията на разклоняващите се процеси.
Марусия Н. Славчова-Божкова - В настоящата работа се обобщава една гранична теорема за докритичен многомерен разклоняващ се процес, зависещ от възрастта на частиците с два типа имиграция. Целта е да се обобщи аналогичен резултат в едномерния случай като се прилагат “coupling” метода, теория на възстановяването и регенериращи процеси.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 62P05.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classi cation: 60J80.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 60J10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 60G70.