954 resultados para Bending plates
The mechanical forming processes are the main means of transformation. Among all processes, the most used is rolling and broken down into flat and non-flat products. In the flat products are classified plates, and products no plans bars and profiles. Thus laminating products, mostly, are the raw materials for other processes of transformation, as stamping, forging, machining, bending and more. This work has focused on non-flat products, classified as bars and rods, watching a key point in the proceedings that is the product quality. Here is demonstrated through metallographic analysis of steel bars, hot-rolled, the characteristics of surface cracks in these bars
The present study aims to compare three types of internal fixation for fractures of the mandibular angle. Mechanical testing was performed on replicas of polyurethane hemimandibles sectioned at the angle region to simulate a fracture and fixed with three different hardwares. Fixation devices enrolled on this survey included the grid plates with and without an intermediate bar and the method described by Champy and colleagues in 1978 and the sample consisted of 10 hemimandibles for each group. Vertical loadings were applied on each hemimandible and recorded after a vertical displacement of 3 and 5 mm. Statistical analysis was made by means of the variance analysis (ANOVA) and the Duncan test with a significance level of 5%. The Champy technique showed a statistically significant increased resistance when compared to the grid plates after vertical displacements of 3 and 5 mm. The results of this survey suggest that the Champy technique, when compared to the grid plate positioned at the middle of the mandibular bone (placement site selected for this study), is more resistant than the grid plate and that the inclusion or not of an intermediate bar to the grid plates does not improve its resistance after linear vertical loadings.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
The grading of structural lumber besides contributing for increasing the structure's safety, due to the reduction of the material variability, also allows its rational use. Due to the good correlation between strength and bending stiffness, the latter has been used in estimating the mechanical strength of lumber pieces since the 60's. For industrial application, there are equipment and techniques to evaluate the bending stiffness of lumber, through dynamic tests such as the longitudinal vibration technique, also known as stress wave, and the transverse vibration technique. This study investigated the application of these two techniques in the assessment of the modulus of elasticity in bending of Teca beams (Tectona grandis), from reforestation, and of the tropical species Guajara (Micropholis venulosa). The modulus of elasticity estimated by dynamic tests showed good correlation with the modulus measured in the static bending test. Meantime, we observed that the accuracy of the longitudinal vibration technique was significantly reduced in the evaluation of the bending stiffness of Teca pieces due to the knots existing in this species.
This paper shows the results of an experimental investigation carried out on a connection element of glulam and concrete composite structures, through double-sided push-out shear tests. The connection system was composed of perforated steel plates glued with epoxy adhesive. Five specimens were made and tested under shear forces. This innovative connection system showed an average initial slip modulus equivalent to 339.4 kN/mm. In addition, the connection system was evaluated by means of numerical simulations and the software ANSYS was used for this purpose. The numerical simulations demonstrated good agreement with the experimental data, especially in the regime of elastic-linear behavior of materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The uplift capacity of helical anchors normally increases with the number of helical plates. The rate of capacity gain is variable, considering that the disturbance caused by the anchor installation is generally more pronounced in the soil mass above the upper plates than above the lower plates, because the upper soil layers are penetrated more times. The present investigation examines the effect of the number of helices on the performance of helical anchors in sand, based on the results of centrifuge model tests. Uplift loading tests were performed on 12 different types of piles installed in two containers of dry sand prepared with different densities. The measured fractions of the uplift capacity related to each individual helical plate of multi-helix anchors were compared with the fractions predicted by the individual bearing method. The results of this investigation indicate that in double- and triple-helix anchors, the contributions of the second and third plate to the total anchor uplift capacity decreased with the increase of sand relative density and plate diameter. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the variation of the anchor load-displacement behavior with the number of helices also depends on these parameters.
[EN]When analysing the seismic response of pile groups, a vertically-incident wavefiel is usually employed even though it doesnot necessarily correspond to the worst case scenario. This work aims to study the influence of both type of seismic body wave and its angle of incidence on the dynamic response of pile foundations.
The aim of this Thesis is to investigate the effect of heterogeneities within the subducting plate on the dynamics of subduction. In particular, I study the motion of the trench for oceanic and continental subduction, first, separately, and, then, together in the same system to understand how they interact. The understanding of these features is fundamental to reconstruct the evolution of complex subduction zones, such as the Central Mediterranean. For this purpose, I developed 2D and 3D numerical models of oceanic and continental subduction where the rheological, geometrical and compositional properties of the plates are varied. In these models, the trench and the overriding plate move self-consistently as a function of the dynamics of the system. The effect of continental subduction on trench migration is largely investigated. Results from a parametric study showed that despite different rheological properties of the plates, all models with a uniform continental crust share the same kinematic behaviour: the trench starts to advance once the continent arrives at the subduction zone. Hence, the advancing mode in continental collision scenarios is at least partly driven by an intrinsic feature of the system. Moreover, the presence of a weak lower crust within the continental plate can lead to the occurrence of delamination. Indeed, by changing the viscosity of the lower crust, both delamination and slab detachment can occur. Delamination is favoured by a low viscosity value of the lower crust, because this makes the mechanical decoupling easier between crust and lithospheric mantle. These features are observed both in 2D and 3D models, but the numerical results of the 3D models also showed that the rheology of the continental crust has a very strong effect on the dynamics of the whole system, since it influences not only the continental part of plate but also the oceanic sides.
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Anwendung der Rasterkraftmikroskopie auf die Untersuchung mesostrukturierter Materialien. Mesostrukturierte Materialien setzen sich aus einzelnen mesoskopen Bausteinen zusammen. Diese Untereinheiten bestimmen im Wesentlichen ihr charakteristisches Verhalten auf äußere mechanische oder elektrische Reize, weshalb diesen Materialien eine besondere Rolle in der Natur sowie im täglichen Leben zukommt. Ein genaues Verständnis der Selbstorganisation dieser Materialien und der Wechselwirkung der einzelnen Bausteine untereinander ist daher von essentieller Bedeutung zur Entwicklung neuer Synthesestrategien sowie zur Optimierung ihrer Materialeigenschaften. Die Charakterisierung dieser mesostrukturierten Materialien erfolgt üblicherweise mittels makroskopischer Analysemethoden wie der dielektrischen Breitbandspektroskopie, Thermogravimetrie sowie in Biegungsexperimenten. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie sich diese Analysemethoden mit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie verbinden lassen, um mesostrukturierte Materialien zu untersuchen. Die Rasterkraftmikroskopie bietet die Möglichkeit, die Oberfläche eines Materials abzubilden und zusätzlich dazu seine quantitativen Eigenschaften, wie die mechanische Biegefestigkeit oder die dielektrische Relaxation, zu bestimmen. Die Übertragung makroskopischer Analyseverfahren auf den Nano- bzw. Mikrometermaßstab mittels der Rasterkraftmikroskopie erlaubt die Charakterisierung von räumlich sehr begrenzten Proben bzw. von Proben, die nur in einer sehr kleinen Menge (<10 mg) vorliegen. Darüberhinaus umfasst das Auflösungsvermögen eines Rasterkraftmikroskops, welche durch die Größe seines Federbalkens (50 µm) sowie seines Spitzenradius (5 nm) definiert ist, genau den Längenskalenbereich, der einzelne Atome mit der makroskopischen Welt verbindet, nämlich die Mesoskala. In dieser Arbeit werden Polymerfilme, kolloidale Nanofasern sowie Biomineralien ausführlicher untersucht.rnIm ersten Projekt werden mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie dielektrische Spektren von mischbaren Polymerfilmen aufgenommen und mit ihrer lokalen Oberflächenstruktur korreliert. Im zweiten Projekt wird die Rasterkraftmikroskopie eingesetzt, um Biegeexperimente an kolloidalen Nanofasern durchzuführen und so ihre Brucheigenschaften genauer zu untersuchen. Im letzten Projekt findet diese Methode Anwendung bei der Charakterisierung der Biegeeigenschaften von Biomineralien. Des Weiteren erfolgt eine Analyse der organischen Zusammensetzung dieser Biomineralien. Alle diese Projekte demonstrieren die vielseitige Einsetzbarkeit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie zur Charakterisierung mesostrukturierter Materialien. Die Korrelation ihrer mechanischen und dielektrischen Eigenschaften mit ihrer topographischen Beschaffenheit erlaubt ein tieferes Verständnis der mesoskopischen Materialien und ihres Verhaltens auf die Einwirkung äußerer Stimuli.rn
Il collasso di diverse colonne, caratterizzate da danneggiamenti simili, quali ampie fessure fortemente inclinate ad entrambe le estremità dell’elemento, lo schiacciamento del calcestruzzo e l’instabilità dei ferri longitudinali, ha portato ad interrogarsi riguardo gli effetti dell’interazione tra lo sforzo normale, il taglio ed il momento flettente. Lo studio è iniziato con una ricerca bibliografica che ha evidenziato una sostanziale carenza nella trattazione dell’argomento. Il problema è stato approcciato attraverso una ricerca di formule della scienza delle costruzioni, allo scopo di mettere in relazione lo sforzo assiale, il taglio ed il momento; la ricerca si è principalmente concentrata sulla teoria di Mohr. In un primo momento è stata considerata l’interazione tra solo due componenti di sollecitazione: sforzo assiale e taglio. L’analisi ha condotto alla costruzione di un dominio elastico di taglio e sforzo assiale che, confrontato con il dominio della Modified Compression Field Theory, trovata tramite ricerca bibliografica, ha permesso di concludere che i risultati sono assolutamente paragonabili. L’analisi si è poi orientata verso l’interazione tra sforzo assiale, taglio e momento flettente. Imponendo due criteri di rottura, il raggiungimento della resistenza a trazione ed a compressione del calcestruzzo, inserendo le componenti di sollecitazione tramite le formule di Navier e Jourawsky, sono state definite due formule che mettono in relazione le tre azioni e che, implementate nel software Matlab, hanno permesso la costruzione di un dominio tridimensionale. In questo caso non è stato possibile confrontare i risultati, non avendo la ricerca bibliografica mostrato niente di paragonabile. Lo studio si è poi concentrato sullo sviluppo di una procedura che tenta di analizzare il comportamento di una sezione sottoposta a sforzo normale, taglio e momento: è stato sviluppato un modello a fibre della sezione nel tentativo di condurre un calcolo non lineare, corrispondente ad una sequenza di analisi lineari. La procedura è stata applicata a casi reali di crollo, confermando l’avvenimento dei collassi.
To assess the long-term clinical and radiologic findings after insertion of a bioresorbable polylactide plates P(L/DL)LA 70/30 implant (PolyMax) in the repair of orbital floor and wall defects, with special focus on stability and clinical signs of foreign-body reaction.
Knowledge about segmental flexibility in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is crucial for a better biomechanical understanding, particularly for the development of fusionless, growth-guiding techniques. Currently, there is lack of data in this field. The objective of this study was, therefore, to compute segmental flexibility indices (standing angle minus corrected angle/standing angle). We compared segmental disc angles in 76 preoperative sets of standing and fulcrum-bending radiographs of thoracic curves (paired, two-tailed t tests, p < 0.05). The mean standing Cobb angle was 59.7 degrees (range 41.3 degrees -95 degrees ) and the flexibility index of the curve was 48.6\% (range 16.6-78.8\%). The disc angles showed symmetric periapical distribution with significant decrease (all p values <0.0001) for every cephalad (+) and caudad (-) level change. The periapical levels +1 and -1 wedged at 8.3 degrees and 8.7 degrees (range 3.5 degrees -14.8 degrees ), respectively. All angles were significantly smaller on the-bending views (p values <0.0001). We noted mean periapical flexibility indices of 46\% (+1), 49\% (-1), 57\% (+2) and 81\% (-2), which were significantly less (p < 0.001) than for the group of remote levels 105\% (+3), 149\% (-3), 231\% (+4) and 300\% (-4). The discal and bony wedging was 60 and 40\%, respectively, and mean values 35 degrees and 24 degrees (p < 0.0001). Their relationship with the Cobb angle showed a moderate correlation (r = 0.56 and 0.45). Functional, radiographic analysis of idiopathic thoracic scoliosis revealed significant, homogenous segmental tethering confined to four periapical levels. Future research will aim at in vivo segmental measurements in three planes under defined load to provide in-depth data for novel therapeutic strategies.