929 resultados para Behaviour, Sports, Training
Das Training im Klartraum ist eine Art von mentalem Training, wobei der Träumende wäh-rend des nächtlichen REM-Traums seine motorischen Fertigkeiten übt (Erlacher, Stumbrys & Schredl, 2011). In einer Pilotstudie konnten Erlacher und Schredl (2010) zei-gen, dass die Trefferleistung einer Zielwurfaufgabe durch ein Training im Klartraum (KTT) verbessert werden kann. In der vorliegenden Studie soll dieses Ergebnis mit einer Fingersequenzaufgabe repliziert werden. Die Resultate sollen dabei mit einer körperlich trainierenden Gruppe (KT), einer mental trainierenden Gruppe (MT) und einer Kontroll-gruppe (KG) verglichen werden
For perceptual-cognitive skill training, a variety of intervention methods has been proposed, including the so-called “color-cueing method” which aims on superior gaze-path learning by applying visual markers. However, recent findings challenge this method, especially, with regards to its actual effects on gaze behavior. Consequently, after a preparatory study on the identification of appropriate visual cues for life-size displays, a perceptual-training experiment on decision-making in beach volleyball was conducted, contrasting two cueing interventions (functional vs. dysfunctional gaze path) with a conservative control condition (anticipation-related instructions). Gaze analyses revealed learning effects for the dysfunctional group only. Regarding decision-making, all groups showed enhanced performance with largest improvements for the control group followed by the functional and the dysfunctional group. Hence, the results confirm cueing effects on gaze behavior, but they also question its benefit for enhancing decision-making. However, before completely denying the method’s value, optimisations should be checked regarding, for instance, cueing-pattern characteristics and gaze-related feedback.
BACKGROUND Pelvic floor muscle training is effective and recommended as first-line therapy for female patients with stress urinary incontinence. However, standard pelvic floor physiotherapy concentrates on voluntary contractions even though the situations provoking stress urinary incontinence (for example, sneezing, coughing, running) require involuntary fast reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions. Training procedures for involuntary reflexive muscle contractions are widely implemented in rehabilitation and sports but not yet in pelvic floor rehabilitation. Therefore, the research group developed a training protocol including standard physiotherapy and in addition focused on involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions. METHODS/DESIGN The aim of the planned study is to compare this newly developed physiotherapy program (experimental group) and the standard physiotherapy program (control group) regarding their effect on stress urinary incontinence. The working hypothesis is that the experimental group focusing on involuntary reflexive muscle contractions will have a higher improvement of continence measured by the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence (short form), and - regarding secondary and tertiary outcomes - higher pelvic floor muscle activity during stress urinary incontinence provoking activities, better pad-test results, higher quality of life scores (International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire) and higher intravaginal muscle strength (digitally tested) from before to after the intervention phase. This study is designed as a prospective, triple-blinded (participant, investigator, outcome assessor), randomized controlled trial with two physiotherapy intervention groups with a 6-month follow-up including 48 stress urinary incontinent women per group. For both groups the intervention will last 16 weeks and will include 9 personal physiotherapy consultations and 78 short home training sessions (weeks 1-5 3x/week, 3x/day; weeks 6-16 3x/week, 1x/day). Thereafter both groups will continue with home training sessions (3x/week, 1x/day) until the 6-month follow-up. To compare the primary outcome, International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire (short form) between and within the two groups at ten time points (before intervention, physiotherapy sessions 2-9, after intervention) ANOVA models for longitudinal data will be applied. DISCUSSION This study closes a gap, as involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training has not yet been included in stress urinary incontinence physiotherapy, and if shown successful could be implemented in clinical practice immediately. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT02318251 ; 4 December 2014 First patient randomized: 11 March 2015.
Despite various efforts to promote sport participation among youth, social inequalities still exist. An explanation for these social inequalities could be traced back to transgenerational transmission of sport-related values and behaviour patterns in a family (Baur, 1989). Therefore, children’s socialisation to sport is strongly influenced by the parents’ sport-related values and sport behaviour (Burrmann, 2005). However, findings of previous studies are inconsistent, and the daily sport-related behaviour patterns of families have often not been taken into account. The paper deals with the question, to what extent sport participation of youth is influenced by factors such as the importance of sport, the self-evidence of regular sport activity, mutual support, shared sport activities, sport-related health-awareness and communication about sport in the family. In order to pursue this research question, socialisation theories were used as theoretical framework (Hurrelmann, 2006). Based on this approach, a quantitative online survey where 4’039 adolescents and young adults from the ages of 15 to 30 (n = 4’039, M = 21.48, SD = 4.64) answered questions according their sport participation and the sport-related patterns of their families. Furthermore, a qualitative study that included guideline-based interviews with adolescents and young adults (n = 13) were undertaken. Content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Initial findings of the multiple regression analysis reveal that the most important predictors of sport participation of youth are communication about sport (β = .18, p < .001), mutual support (β = .13, p < .001), regular sport activity (β = .10, p < .01) and the importance of sport in the family (β = .10, p < .01). By means of content analysis, more in-depth information could be identified. The promotion of sport through sport-related behaviour patterns in the family appears to be a successful strategy to develop a durable sport commitment in youth. References Baur, J. (1989). Körper- und Bewegungskarrieren [Body and exercise careers]. Schorndorf: Hofmann. Burrmann, U. (2005). Zur Vermittlung und intergenerationalen "Vererbung" von Sport(vereins)engagements in der Herkunftsfamilie [On placing and "inheriting" intergenerational sport(club) commitment in the family of origin]. Sport und Gesellschaft, 2, 125–154. Hurrelmann, K. (2006). Einführung in die Sozialisationstheorie [Introduction to socialisation theory] (9th ed.). Studium Paedagogik. Weinheim: Beltz.
Behavioural tests to assess affective states are widely used in human research and have recently been extended to animals. These tests assume that affective state influences cognitive processing, and that animals in a negative affective state interpret ambiguous information as expecting a negative outcome (displaying a negative cognitive bias). Most of these tests however, require long discrimination training. The aim of the study was to validate an exploration based cognitive bias test, using two different handling methods, as previous studies have shown that standard tail handling of mice increases physiological and behavioural measures of anxiety compared to cupped handling. Therefore, we hypothesised that tail handled mice would display a negative cognitive bias. We handled 28 female CD-1 mice for 16 weeks using either tail handling or cupped handling. The mice were then trained in an eight arm radial maze, where two adjacent arms predicted a positive outcome (darkness and food), while the two opposite arms predicted a negative outcome (no food, white noise and light). After six days of training, the mice were also given access to the four previously unavailable intermediate ambiguous arms of the radial maze and tested for cognitive bias. We were unable to validate this test, as mice from both handling groups displayed a similar pattern of exploration. Furthermore, we examined whether maze exploration is affected by the expression of stereotypic behaviour in the home cage. Mice with higher levels of stereotypic behaviour spent more time in positive arms and avoided ambiguous arms, displaying a negative cognitive bias. While this test needs further validation, our results indicate that it may allow the assessment of affective state in mice with minimal training— a major confound in current cognitive bias paradigms.
The penalty corner is one of the most important game situations in field hockey with one third of all goals resulting from this tactical situation. The aim of this study was to develop and apply a training method, based on previous studies, to improve the drag- flick skill on a young top-class field hockey player. A young top-class player exercised three times per week using specific drills over a four week period. A VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) was employed to capture twenty drag-flicks, with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior and after the training period. In order to analyze pre- and post-test differences a dependent t-test was carried out. Angular velocities and the kinematic sequence were similar to previous studies. The player improved (albeit not significantly) the angular velocity of the stick. The player increased front foot to the ball at T1 (p < 0.01) and the drag-flick distances. The range of motion from the front leg decreased from T1 to T6 after the training period (p < 0.01). The specific training sessions conducted with the player improved some features of this particular skill. This article shows how technical knowledge can help with the design of training programs and whether some drills are more effective than others.
La termografía infrarroja (TI) es una técnica no invasiva y de bajo coste que permite, con el simple acto de tomar una fotografía, el registro sin contacto de la energía que irradia el cuerpo humano (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011, Merla et al., 2005, Ng et al., 2009, Costello et al., 2012, Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Esta técnica comenzó a utilizarse en el ámbito médico en los años 60, pero debido a los malos resultados como herramienta diagnóstica y la falta de protocolos estandarizados (Head & Elliot, 2002), ésta se dejó de utilizar en detrimento de otras técnicas más precisas a nivel diagnóstico. No obstante, las mejoras tecnológicas de la TI en los últimos años han hecho posible un resurgimiento de la misma (Jiang et al., 2005, Vainer et al., 2005, Cheng et al., 2009, Spalding et al., 2011, Skala et al., 2012), abriendo el camino a nuevas aplicaciones no sólo centradas en el uso diagnóstico. Entre las nuevas aplicaciones, destacamos las que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, donde recientemente se ha demostrado que los nuevos avances con imágenes de alta resolución pueden proporcionar información muy interesante sobre el complejo sistema de termorregulación humana (Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Entre las nuevas aplicaciones destacan: la cuantificación de la asimilación de la carga de trabajo físico (Čoh & Širok, 2007), la valoración de la condición física (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012, Akimov et al., 2009, 2011, Merla et al., 2010), la prevención y seguimiento de lesiones (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012, Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) e incluso la detección de agujetas (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Bajo estas circunstancias, se acusa cada vez más la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores que influyen en la aplicación de la TI en los seres humanos, así como la descripción de la respuesta de la temperatura de la piel (TP) en condiciones normales, y bajo la influencia de los diferentes tipos de ejercicio. Por consiguiente, este estudio presenta en una primera parte una revisión bibliográfica sobre los factores que afectan al uso de la TI en los seres humanos y una propuesta de clasificación de los mismos. Hemos analizado la fiabilidad del software Termotracker, así como su reproducibilidad de la temperatura de la piel en sujetos jóvenes, sanos y con normopeso. Finalmente, se analizó la respuesta térmica de la piel antes de un entrenamiento de resistencia, velocidad y fuerza, inmediatamente después y durante un período de recuperación de 8 horas. En cuanto a la revisión bibliográfica, hemos propuesto una clasificación para organizar los factores en tres grupos principales: los factores ambientales, individuales y técnicos. El análisis y descripción de estas influencias deben representar la base de nuevas investigaciones con el fin de utilizar la TI en las mejores condiciones. En cuanto a la reproducibilidad, los resultados mostraron valores excelentes para imágenes consecutivas, aunque la reproducibilidad de la TP disminuyó ligeramente con imágenes separadas por 24 horas, sobre todo en las zonas con valores más fríos (es decir, zonas distales y articulaciones). Las asimetrías térmicas (que normalmente se utilizan para seguir la evolución de zonas sobrecargadas o lesionadas) también mostraron excelentes resultados pero, en este caso, con mejores valores para las articulaciones y el zonas centrales (es decir, rodillas, tobillos, dorsales y pectorales) que las Zonas de Interés (ZDI) con valores medios más calientes (como los muslos e isquiotibiales). Los resultados de fiabilidad del software Termotracker fueron excelentes en todas las condiciones y parámetros. En el caso del estudio sobre los efectos de los entrenamientos de la velocidad resistencia y fuerza en la TP, los resultados muestran respuestas específicas según el tipo de entrenamiento, zona de interés, el momento de la evaluación y la función de las zonas analizadas. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de las ZDI musculares se mantuvieron significativamente más calientes 8 horas después del entrenamiento, lo que indica que el efecto del ejercicio sobre la TP perdura por lo menos 8 horas en la mayoría de zonas analizadas. La TI podría ser útil para cuantificar la asimilación y recuperación física después de una carga física de trabajo. Estos resultados podrían ser muy útiles para entender mejor el complejo sistema de termorregulación humano, y por lo tanto, para utilizar la TI de una manera más objetiva, precisa y profesional con visos a mejorar las nuevas aplicaciones termográficas en el sector de la actividad física y el deporte Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a safe, non-invasive and low-cost technique that allows the rapid and non-contact recording of the irradiated energy released from the body (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011; Merla et al., 2005; Ng et al., 2009; Costello et al., 2012; Hildebrandt et al., 2010). It has been used since the early 1960’s, but due to poor results as diagnostic tool and a lack of methodological standards and quality assurance (Head et al., 2002), it was rejected from the medical field. Nevertheless, the technological improvements of IRT in the last years have made possible a resurgence of this technique (Jiang et al., 2005; Vainer et al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2009; Spalding et al., 2011; Skala et al., 2012), paving the way to new applications not only focused on the diagnose usages. Among the new applications, we highlighted those in physical activity and sport fields, where it has been recently proven that a high resolution thermal images can provide us with interesting information about the complex thermoregulation system of the body (Hildebrandt et al., 2010), information than can be used as: training workload quantification (Čoh & Širok, 2007), fitness and performance conditions (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012; Akimov et al., 2009, 2011; Merla et al., 2010; Arfaoui et al., 2012), prevention and monitoring of injuries (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012; Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) and even detection of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – DOMS- (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Under this context, there is a relevant necessity to broaden the knowledge about factors influencing the application of IRT on humans, and to better explore and describe the thermal response of Skin Temperature (Tsk) in normal conditions, and under the influence of different types of exercise. Consequently, this study presents a literature review about factors affecting the application of IRT on human beings and a classification proposal about them. We analysed the reliability of the software Termotracker®, and also its reproducibility of Tsk on young, healthy and normal weight subjects. Finally, we examined the Tsk thermal response before an endurance, speed and strength training, immediately after and during an 8-hour recovery period. Concerning the literature review, we proposed a classification to organise the factors into three main groups: environmental, individual and technical factors. Thus, better exploring and describing these influence factors should represent the basis of further investigations in order to use IRT in the best and optimal conditions to improve its accuracy and results. Regarding the reproducibility results, the outcomes showed excellent values for consecutive images, but the reproducibility of Tsk slightly decreased with time, above all in the colder Regions of Interest (ROI) (i.e. distal and joint areas). The side-to-side differences (ΔT) (normally used to follow the evolution of some injured or overloaded ROI) also showed highly accurate results, but in this case with better values for joints and central ROI (i.e. Knee, Ankles, Dorsal and Pectoral) than the hottest muscle ROI (as Thigh or Hamstrings). The reliability results of the IRT software Termotracker® were excellent in all conditions and parameters. In the part of the study about the effects on Tsk of aerobic, speed and strength training, the results of Tsk demonstrated specific responses depending on the type of training, ROI, moment of the assessment and the function of the considered ROI. The results showed that most of muscular ROI maintained warmer significant Tsk 8 hours after the training, indicating that the effect of exercise on Tsk last at least 8 hours in most of ROI, as well as IRT could help to quantify the recovery status of the athlete as workload assimilation indicator. Those results could be very useful to better understand the complex skin thermoregulation behaviour, and therefore, to use IRT in a more objective, accurate and professional way to improve the new IRT applications for the physical activity and sport sector.
Purpose: This systematic review examines what is known about injuries in strength training. Methods: A systematic search was performed in PubMed and SportDiscus. Studies were included if they examined powerlifters, weightlifters, strongman athletes, bodybuilding athletes, individuals who undertook recreational weight training or weight training to complement athletic performance. Exposure variables were incidence, severity and body part injury. Results: After examining 1214 titles and abstracts, 62 articles were identified as potentially relevant. Finally, 11 were included in this systematic review. Conflicting results were reported on the relationships between injury definition and incidence or severity recorded. The lower back followed by the shoulder and knee are the most frequently affected areas in strength sports. Conclusion: Strength training is safe. However, the variety of injury definitions has makes it difficult to compare different studies in this field. New styles of reporting injuries have appeared, and could make increases these ratios. If methodological limitations in measuring incidence rate and severity injuries can be resolved, more work can be conducted to define the real incidence rate, compare it with others sports, and explore cause and effect relationships in randomized controlled trials. Key Words: strength training, injuries, specific strength sports, severity
The monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) family member MCT1 transports lactate into and out of myocytes. Oxidative cells import lactate through MCT1 as a substrate, being the role of MCT1 in glycolysis-derived lactate efflux less clear. MCT1 T1470A polymorphism (rs1049434), which has been related with lactate metabolism and sports specialty 1, 2, could be an influencing factor for exercise adherence. Therefore the aim of this study was to relate the adherence to different training modalities with the T1470A MCT1 polymorphism in overweight and obese men following a weight loss program (WLP).
Elemento centrale della presente tesi dottorale è il costrutto di perspective taking, definibile come l’abilità, emergente nei bambini intorno a 4-5 anni, di assumere la prospettiva altrui secondo tre differenti dimensioni: emotiva, cognitiva e percettiva (Bonino, Lo Coco, Tani, 1998; Moll e Meltzoff, 2011). Dalla letteratura emerge come il perspective taking, in quanto abilità di comprensione sociale, rivesta un ruolo adattivo e sia fondamentale per lo sviluppo, non solo intellettivo, ma anche per la formazione di adeguate capacità relazionali e sociali (Jenkins e Astington, 2000; Weil et al., 2011). Sulla base di tali considerazioni, alcuni ricercatori si sono interrogati sulla possibilità di insegnare questa abilità, elaborando specifiche e differenti procedure di intervento finalizzate ad incrementare l’abilità di perspective taking sia in bambini a sviluppo normativo (Cigala e Mori, 2015), sia in gruppi di bambini a sviluppo atipico (Fisher e Happé, 2005; Heagle e Rehfeldt, 2006; Paynter e Peterson, 2012). A partire da una prospettiva teorica socio-costruzionista, secondo cui l’acquisizione del perspective taking si configura come un’impresa di co-costruzione continua, all’interno di interazioni quotidiane con figure significative per il bambino, si è deciso di analizzare il perspective taking non solo in relazione a variabili individuali (genere, età del bambino, regolazione emotiva, abilità sociali) ma anche e soprattutto a variabili contestuali quali le caratteristiche del contesto familiare (caratteristiche disposizionali e stili genitoriali di socializzazione emotiva, presenza di fratelli). Sono stati in particolare indagati un contesto familiare normativo ed uno caratterizzato da maltrattamento psicologico, contrassegnato dalla reiterazione di comportamenti inadeguati (critiche svalutanti, denigrazione, umiliazione, minacce verbali, indifferenza) nei confronti del minore, che convogliano sul bambino l’idea di non essere amato e di avere poco valore. Con i termini “a sviluppo tipico” si intendono i bambini per i quali non sussista una diagnosi clinica e con quelli di “famiglie normative” ci si riferisce a nuclei per i quali non ci siano state segnalazioni da parte dei Servizi Educativi e Sociali di riferimento, indipendentemente dalle caratteristiche della composizione del nucleo familiare (nucleare, estesa, multipla, ricostituita o ricomposta). Tale studio rientra in un ampio progetto di ricerca e formazione che ha coinvolto più di 250 prescolari frequentanti 8 scuole dell’infanzia e 15 comunità terapeutiche e di accoglienza mamma-bambino, situate in differenti province del Nord Italia. Il gruppo dei partecipanti alla ricerca si è composto di 256 bambini in età prescolare, compresa quindi tra 3 e 5 anni (M=54,39; DS=5,705): 128 maschi (M=54,08; DS=5,551) e 128 femmine (M=54,70; DS=5,860). In particolare, 213 bambini appartenevano a famiglie normative e 43 a nuclei familiari caratterizzati dalla presenza di maltrattamento psicologico. Oltre ai bambini, la ricerca ha previsto il coinvolgimento di 155 coppie di genitori, 43 madri ospitate in comunità, 18 insegnanti e 30 operatori. Obiettivo centrale è stato l’indagine della possibilità di poter promuovere il perspective taking in bambini di età prescolare a sviluppo tipico appartenenti a due differenti tipologie di contesto familiare (normativo e psicologicamente maltrattante), attraverso l’applicazione di uno specifico percorso di training di natura “ecologica” all’interno della scuola dell’infanzia e della comunità, assimilabile a quelli di tipo evidence based. In particolare è stata prevista una procedura quasi sperimentale di tipo pre-test, training, post-test e follow-up. Dopo una preliminare valutazione dello sviluppo del perspective taking nelle sue tre componenti, in bambini appartenenti ad entrambi i contesti, si è voluto verificare l’esistenza di eventuali relazioni tra questa abilità ed alcune capacità socio-emotive dei bambini, con particolare riferimento alla disposizione prosociale, rilevate nel contesto scolastico attraverso differenti metodologie (osservazioni dirette non partecipanti, questionari self report compilati dalle insegnanti). Inoltre, data l’importanza del contesto familiare per lo sviluppo di tale abilità, la ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di verificare l’esistenza di eventuali relazioni tra le abilità di perspective taking mostrate dai bambini e gli stili di socializzazione emotiva delle figure familiari, caratteristiche di entrambi i contesti (maltrattante e non maltrattante). È stato inoltre previsto uno studio di confronto tra i due campioni rispetto alle dimensioni indagate. I risultati ottenuti sono stati particolarmente interessanti. Innanzitutto, le esperienze di training hanno determinato, in entrambi i contesti, miglioramenti nell’abilità dei prescolari di mettersi nei panni altrui. Tale training ha inoltre dimostrato effetti positivi sulla competenza sociale dei bambini, che, a seguito del percorso, hanno manifestato un incremento dei comportamenti prosociali ed una diminuzione di quelli aggressivi. Per lo studio in contesto normativo, è stato inoltre dimostrato un mantenimento delle abilità acquisite a seguito del training attraverso un follow-up a distanza di 4 mesi dal termine dell’intervento. Il positivo esito di tale percorso sembra quindi rappresentare un’importante risorsa per i prescolari, soprattutto in caso di situazioni in cui l’abilità di perspective taking risulti deficitaria. Il confronto dei due gruppi a seguito del training ha evidenziato come non siano emerse differenze significative, rispetto al perspective taking, ad eccezione della dimensione emotiva, in cui le prestazioni dei prescolari maltrattati sono risultate inferiori, come già evidenziato prima del training. Tali risultati non giungono però inaspettati, poiché, sebbene il percorso abbia agito significativamente sull’abilità di comprensione delle emozioni altrui di questi bambini, non si configura come sufficiente a ristrutturare così profondamente le problematiche presentate. Interessanti sono stati altresì i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi degli stili di socializzazione emotiva, dei genitori (madri e padri) dei prescolari non maltrattati e delle mamme dei bambini residenti in comunità. In particolare è emerso come, stili accettanti e di tipo coaching nei confronti delle emozioni negative dei bambini, siano positivamente correlati con il perspective taking dei figli, e come all’opposto, stili rifiutanti rispetto alle espressioni emotive negative dei propri bambini, mostrino correlazioni negative con le abilità di perspective taking dei figli. Oltre ad interessi di ordine teorico e metodologico, è possibile quindi affermare come, il presente lavoro di tesi, sia stato guidato da fini applicativi, affinché la ricerca scientifica possa tradursi in pratiche educative quotidiane da applicare ai contesti di vita significativi per i bambini.
The theory of deliberate practice (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993) is predicated on the concept that the engagement in specific forms of practice is necessary for the attainment of expertise. The purpose of this paper was to examine the quantity and type of training performed by expert UE triathletes. Twenty-eight UE triathletes were stratified into expert, middle of the pack, and back of the pack groups based on previous finishing times. All participants provided detailed information regarding their involvement in sports in general and the three triathlon sports in particular. Results illustrated that experts performed more training than non-experts but that the relationship between training and performance was not monotonic as suggested by Ericsson et al. Further, experts' training was designed so periods of high training stress were followed by periods of low stress. However, early specialization was not a requirement for expertise. This work indicates that the theory of deliberate practice does not fully explain expertise development in UE triathlon.
The role of sport-specific practice in the development of decision-making expertise in the sports of field hockey, netball, and basketball was examined. Fifteen expert decision-makers and 13 experienced non-expert athletes provided detailed information about the quantity and type of sport-specific and other related practice activities they had undertaken throughout their careers. Experts accumulated more hours of sport-specific practice from age 12 years onwards than did non-experts, spending on average some 13 years and 4,000 hours on concentrated sport-specific practice before reaching international standard. A significant negative correlation existed between the number of additional activities undertaken and the hours of sportspecific training required before attaining expertise, suggesting a functional role for activities other than sport-specific training in the development of expert decision-making.