888 resultados para Audience Reception
This work aims to examine the television social representation by mothers/educators as a TV viewers, to understand the meaning of this media in their quotidian and which relations occur between teachers and students in the classroom. The study purpose is the educational television rule, based on a social representation approach. It look for to reveal, through the discourses of five educators who are engaged in pedagogic activities in the Public Elementary School of the Natal city, a significant experience in the media education field progress. It’s also a way to understand which representations the educators have about the television can contribute to aid the idea and critic analysis about the media meaning in the teacher’s formation. Some questions were in the basis of the investigation as: What is the television for the educators who are also TV viewers? How it reaches the classroom? Their relation with the media interfere in the pedagogic practice? Assuming that the verbal technical is one of the formal ways to access the representations, the methodological strategy employed was the open interview, guided by a wide and flexible schedule, leaving the interviewees free to expose their ideas, a attitude adopted to avoid the imposition of interviwer’s points of view, that result in a rich material. Through this strategy it was possible to confirm or to reject presumptions raised in the beginning of the investigation and modify some planning direction lines. The study has as the theory presupposition the contribution of the Mexican researcher Guillermo Orozco Gómez, who, based on the Paulo Freire e Jesús Martín-Barbero ideas, establishes a dialogue between popular Education and the communication theories, mainly the television reception, when he develops an integral view focused on the audience or on the multiple mediations model. The school – and the family, as well – is an important mediator of the media information. The relationship which the teachers establish between the television and their representations about it in their lives reflects effectively and directly on their professional practice and on the media dialogue within the school, it can contribute to the critic reflection which students establish with the media trough the educators mediation
In itinerant film projects made in Brazil, the unique experience of watching movies on the big screen is held in open spaces, through the establishment of a contemporary ritual, under which the presence of spectators is primordial. Considering this dynamic of the performance of itinerant cinema, the main objective of this research is to analyze the process of reception of the spectators of the sessions of Cine Sesi Cultural, conducted by the Social Service Industry - Sesi, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The body of research was composed by the audience of the movie sessions of the edition developed in 2010. Analyses were made from the look on the specific audience of open sessions of this cinema project throughout a case study. Theoretical authors of Latin American as Jesus Martin-Barbero, Guillermo Orozco, Eliseo Veron and Nestor Garcia Canclini, which have important theoretical basis for the analysis of research on the cinematographic reception of the spectators, were taken as a basis. In this discussion are associated with contributions from Brazilian authors as Roseli Paulino, Fernando Mascarello, Mauro Wilton Souza, Nilda Jacks and Carolina Escostesguy. Besides the reception study, the research focuses on aspects that relate to and explain the circumstances in which itinerant cinema emerges as an alternative exhibition, for example, the context of the exhibition of films in the country, lack of public policies in the audiovisual sector, and mainly the closing of movie theaters in the inner cities of the country and the consequent migration of these rooms to the malls. Seeking to reduce the existing gap in the studies of the reception of spectators to the cinema in the country, this research presents a deeper analysis of the reception of the public of the itinerant cinema as a contribution to an important database for the diagnosis of projects such as the Cine Sesi Cultural
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar uma investigação preliminar da precisão nos resultados do sistema de localização geográfica de transmissores desenvolvido utilizando o software da rede brasileira de coleta de dados. Um conjunto de medidas de desvio Doppler de uma única passagem do satélite, considerando uma Plataforma de Coleta de Dados (PCD) e uma rede de estações de recepção terrestrês, e denominado uma rede de recepção de dados. Assim, a rede brasileira de coleta de dados com o uso de múltiplas estações de recepção permitira o incremento na quantidade de dados coletados com consequente melhora na precisão e na confiabilidade das localizações fornecidas. Consequentemente uma maior quantidade de localizações válidas e mais precisas. Os resultados e análises foram obtidos sob duas condições: na primeira foi considerada uma condição prática com dados reais e dados ideais simulados, para comparar os resultados considerando a mesma passagem do satélite, transmissor e duas estações de recepção conhecidas; na segunda foram consideradas as condições ideais simuladas a partir de medidas de um transmissor fixo, três estações de recepção e dois satélites. Os resultados utilizando a rede de recepção de dados foram bastante satisfatórios. O estudo realizado mostrou a importãncia da instalação de novas estações de recepção terrenas distribuídas no territorio nacional, para um aumento na quantidade de medidas e consequentemente uma maior quantidade de localizações válidas e mais precisas.
Exact and closed-form expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration are presented for equal gain combining and maximal ratio combining schemes, assuming an arbitrary number of independent branches in a Rayleigh environment. The analytical results are thoroughly validated by simulation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
O presente estudo objetiva compreender o fenômeno da devolução voluntária à transferência de renda condicionada “Bolsa Família”. Tal estudo tem como base a teoria crítico-dialética,utiliza as categorias de Política social, Assistência social, emancipação/autonomia, cidadania, transferência de renda e pobreza. O método adotado é o dialético, a partir do qual se adotará o estudo de caso com entrevistas em profundidade. Os dados obtidos foram tratados através de análise de conteúdo com que consiste em “uma técnica de investigação que tem por finalidade a descrição objetiva, sistemática e quantitativa do conteúdo manifesto da comunicação” a partir de procedimentos sistemáticos e objetivos de descrição do conteúdo das mensagens, indicadores (quantitativos ou não) que permitam a inferência de conhecimentos relativos às condições de produção/recepção (variáveis inferidas) dessas mensagens e os aspectos quantitativos do método. O Programa Bolsa Família trouxe benefícios ao público alvo, o volume de informações não deixa dúvidas, porém os casos estudados indicam que a devolução do benefício deste Programa não se deu de forma espontânea, mas estimulada, sem que os beneficiários estivessem efetivamente emancipados.Assim, não houve desistência voluntária e sim bloqueio, orientação e saída induzida. Algumas famílias foram detectadas pelo sistema do programa e foram automaticamente bloqueadas, por estarem fora do padrão de renda para continuar recebendo o benefício; outras foram detectadas no momento do recadastramento.Quanto a esse desligamento, o posicionamento das pessoas entrevistadas se dividiu entre aqueles que entendiam que ainda precisavam muito do benefício para continuar o melhoramento de suas vidas; e aqueles que, mesmo não tenham pedido o desligamento de forma espontânea à coordenação do programa, concordaram com os procedimentos institucionais realizados, por entenderem que outras pessoas mais necessitadas precisam da oportunidade gerada por essa política.
This article, part of a larger research work that resulted in a Professorship Thesis, presents a survey and evaluation of the early reception of one of Brian Friel’s first plays: Philadelphia, Here I Come! (1964). The article also explores the question of emigration from Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s, considering British legislation on the matter, and comments on the eventual influence such issue, among other factors, may have had on criticism about the performance of the play at the time.
Technological innovations associated with the media made changes in the production, transmission and reception of mediatic messages. Among them, we highlight the convergence of media, and the consequent multimediality and the emergence of new possibilities of interactivity, allowing the audience to become increasingly active. But for that to happen properly, it is necessary to promote actions aimed to critical and creative use of media. Thus, this paper aims to refl ect on the need for literacy initiatives for the formation of publics, aiming what is considered a productive interactivity.
In late August 1991 scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) began a pilot study to investigate the capability of hydrophones from the US. Navy’s fixed array system to detect large whales in the North Pacific by passive reception of their calls. PMEL had previously established a direct data link from five bottom-mounted arrays of the Navy SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System), via the Naval Oceanographic Processing Facility (NOPF) at Whidbey Island, Washington, to study low-level seafloor seismicity (Fox et al. 1994). PMEL subsequently provided NMML tapes of SOSUS hydrophone data from which whale calls were analyzed. As in an analogous study conducted in the North Atlantic (Nishimura and Conlon 1994, Clark 1995, Mellinger and Clark 1995), calls attributable to whales were received at each SOSUS site at rates that varied seasonally (Anonymous 1996).
What a pleasure it is to be here today as we recognize outstanding scholarship. Like everyone here, I want to congratulate each of your students being recognized today for your scholastic accomplishments. I want you to know we are happy you’ve chosen to study with us in the College of Human Resources and Family Sciences, the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.