833 resultados para Approches in silico


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Due to the growing attention of consumers towards their food, improvement of quality of animal products has become one of the main focus of research. To this aim, the application of modern molecular genetics approaches has been proved extremely useful and effective. This innovative drive includes all livestock species productions, including pork. The Italian pig breeding industry is unique because needs heavy pigs slaughtered at about 160 kg for the production of high quality processed products. For this reason, it requires precise meat quality and carcass characteristics. Two aspects have been considered in this thesis: the application of the transcriptome analysis in post mortem pig muscles as a possible method to evaluate meat quality parameters related to the pre mortem status of the animals, including health, nutrition, welfare, and with potential applications for product traceability (chapters 3 and 4); the study of candidate genes for obesity related traits in order to identify markers associated with fatness in pigs that could be applied to improve carcass quality (chapters 5, 6, and 7). Chapter three addresses the first issue from a methodological point of view. When we considered this issue, it was not obvious that post mortem skeletal muscle could be useful for transcriptomic analysis. Therefore we demonstrated that the quality of RNA extracted from skeletal muscle of pigs sampled at different post mortem intervals (20 minutes, 2 hours, 6 hours, and 24 hours) is good for downstream applications. Degradation occurred starting from 48 h post mortem even if at this time it is still possible to use some RNA products. In the fourth chapter, in order to demonstrate the potential use of RNA obtained up to 24 hours post mortem, we present the results of RNA analysis with the Affymetrix microarray platform that made it possible to assess the level of expression of more of 24000 mRNAs. We did not identify any significant differences between the different post mortem times suggesting that this technique could be applied to retrieve information coming from the transcriptome of skeletal muscle samples not collected just after slaughtering. This study represents the first contribution of this kind applied to pork. In the fifth chapter, we investigated as candidate for fat deposition the TBC1D1 [TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) gene. This gene is involved in mechanisms regulating energy homeostasis in skeletal muscle and is associated with predisposition to obesity in humans. By resequencing a fragment of the TBC1D1 gene we identified three synonymous mutations localized in exon 2 (g.40A>G, g.151C>T, and g.172T>C) and 2 polymorphisms localized in intron 2 (g.219G>A and g.252G>A). One of these polymorphisms (g.219G>A) was genotyped by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis and PCR-RFLP. Moreover, this gene sequence was mapped by radiation hybrid analysis on porcine chromosome 8. The association study was conducted in 756 performance tested pigs of Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Significant results were obtained for lean meat content, back fat thickness, visible intermuscular fat and ham weight. In chapter six, a second candidate gene (tribbles homolog 3, TRIB3) is analyzed in a study of association with carcass and meat quality traits. The TRIB3 gene is involved in energy metabolism of skeletal muscle and plays a role as suppressor of adipocyte differentiation. We identified two polymorphisms in the first coding exon of the porcine TRIB3 gene, one is a synonymous SNP (c.132T> C), a second is a missense mutation (c.146C> T, p.P49L). The two polymorphisms appear to be in complete linkage disequilibrium between and within breeds. The in silico analysis of the p.P49L substitution suggests that it might have a functional effect. The association study in about 650 pigs indicates that this marker is associated with back fat thickness in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds in two different experimental designs. This polymorphisms is also associated with lactate content of muscle semimembranosus in Italian Large White pigs. Expression analysis indicated that this gene is transcribed in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue as well as in other tissues. In the seventh chapter, we reported the genotyping results for of 677 SNPs in extreme divergent groups of pigs chosen according to the extreme estimated breeding values for back fat thickness. SNPs were identified by resequencing, literature mining and in silico database mining. analysis, data reported in the literature of 60 candidates genes for obesity. Genotyping was carried out using the GoldenGate (Illumina) platform. Of the analyzed SNPs more that 300 were polymorphic in the genotyped population and had minor allele frequency (MAF) >0.05. Of these SNPs, 65 were associated (P<0.10) with back fat thickness. One of the most significant gene marker was the same TBC1D1 SNPs reported in chapter 5, confirming the role of this gene in fat deposition in pig. These results could be important to better define the pig as a model for human obesity other than for marker assisted selection to improve carcass characteristics.


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The establishment of appropriate synapses between neurons and their target cells is an essential requirement for the formation of functional neuronal circuits. However, there is very little insight into the mechanisms underlying de novo formation of synapses and synaptic terminals. To identify novel genes involved in signalling or structural aspects of these processes I capitalised on possibilities provided by the model organism Drosophila. Thus, I contributed to a screen of a collection of third chromosomal mutations (Salzberg et al., 1997, Genetics 147, 1723ff.) selecting those mutant strains displaying structural defects of Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJ). Carrying out genetic mapping experiments, I could assign 7 genes to interesting candidate mutations. All 7 mutations selected in this process cause size alterations of the embryonic NMJ, and one shows additional disturbances in the distribution of synaptic markers. 4 of these turned out to be transcription factors, not falling into the remit of this project. Only for one of these, the neuronal transcription factor Castor, I could show that its overgrown mutant NMJ phenotype is due to an increase in the number of motorneurons. The remaining genes encode a potential nitrophenylphosphatase, the translation initiation factor eIF4AIII, and a novel protein Waharan. Unfortunately, the nitophenylphosphatase gene was identified too late to carry out functional studies in the context of this project, but potential roles are discussed. eIF4AIII promotes NMJ size tempting to speculate that local translation at the NMJ is affected. I found that the synaptic scaffolding molecule Discs large (Dlg; orthologue of PSD95) is upregulated at eIF4AIII mutant NMJs. Targeted upregulation of Dlg can not mimic the eIF4AIII mutant phenotype, but dlg mutations suppress it. Therefore, Dlg function is required but not sufficient in this context. My findings are discussed in detail, pointing out future directions. The main focus of this work is the completely novel gene waharan (wah), an orthologue of the human gene KIAA1267 encoding a big brain protein of likewise unknown structure and function. My studies show that mutations or RNAi knock-down of wah cause NMJ overgrowth and reveal additional crucial roles in the patterning of wing imginal discs. RNAi studies suggest Wah to be required pre- and postsynaptically at NMJs and, consistently, wah is transcribed in the nervous system and muscles. Anti-Wah antisera were produced but could no longer be tested here, but preliminary studies with newly generated HA-targeted constructs suggest that Wah localises at NMJs and in neuronal nuclei. In silico analyses predict Wah to be structurally related to the Rad23-family of proteins, likely to target ubiquitinated proteins to the proteasome for degradation (Chen et al., 2002, Mol Cell Biol 22, 4902ff.) . In agreement with this prediction, poly-ubiquitinated proteins were found to accumulate in the absence of wah function, and wah-like mutant phenotypes were induced in NMJs and wing discs by knocking down proteasome function. My analysis further revealed that poly-ubiquitinated proteins are reduced in nuclei of wah mutant neurons and muscles, suggesting that Wah may play additional roles in ubiquitin-mediated nuclear import. Taken together, this study has uncovered a number of interesting candidate genes required for the de novo formation of Drosophila NMJs. 3 of these genes fell into the focus of this project. As discussed in detail, discovery of these genes and insights gained into their function have high potential to be translatable into vertebrate systems.


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I studied the effects exerted by the modifications on structures and biological activities of the compounds so obtained. I prepared peptide analogues containing unusual amino acids such as halogenated, alkylated (S)- or (R)-tryptophans, useful for the synthesis of mimetics of the endogenous opioid peptide endomorphin-1, or 2-oxo-1,3-oxazolidine-4-carboxylic acids, utilized as pseudo-prolines having a clear all-trans configuration of the preceding peptide bond. The latter gave access to a series of constrained peptidomimetics with potential interest in medicinal chemistry and in the field of the foldamers. In particular, I have dedicated much efforts to the preparation of cyclopentapeptides containing D-configured, alfa-, or beta-aminoacids, and also of cyclotetrapeptides including the retro-inverso modification. The conformational analyses confirmed that these cyclic compounds can be utilized as rigid scaffolds mimicking gamma- or beta-turns, allowing to generate new molecular and 3D diversity. Much work has been dedicated to the structural analysis in solution and in the receptor-bound state, fundamental for giving a rationale to the experimentally determined bioactivity, as well as for predicting the activity of virtual compounds (in silico pre-screen). The conformational analyses in solution has been done mostly by NMR (2D gCosy, Roesy, VT, molecular dynamics, etc.). A special section is dedicated to the prediction of plausible poses of the ligands when bound to the receptors by Molecular Docking. This computational method proved to be a powerful tool for the investigation of ligand-receptor interactions, and for the design of selective agonists and antagonists. Another practical use of cyclic peptidomimetics was the synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic analogues of endomorphin-1 lacking in a protonable amino group. The studies revealed that a inverse type II beta-turn on D-Trp-Phe constituted the bioactive conformation.


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Identifizierung, Sequenzierung und Charakterisierung des Dmxl1-Gen in Mus musculus sowie die funktionelle Analyse durch Knock-OutrnrnBei Dmxl1 handelt es sich um ein neuartiges Gen aus Mus musculus. Das ebenfalls in der vorliegenden Arbeit bioinformatisch untersuchte Gen DMXL1 ist das zu Dmxl1 homologe Gen des Menschen. Beide Gene bestehen aus 43 Exons, das murine Dmxl1 codiert für eine mRNA von 10992 bp bzw. 12210 bp, das humane DMXL1 kodiert für eine cDNA von 11082 bp, der offene Leserahmen umfasst bei der Maus 9042 bp. In der Maus konnte ein mögliches alternatives Polyadenylierungssignal identifiziert werden. Zwischen beiden Spezies sind die Exonpositionen und ihre Längen hoch konserviert. Dmxl1 liegt auf dem Crick-Strang von Chromosom 18 Bande C, der translatierte Bereich erstreckt sich auf genomischer Ebene über 129558 bp und die Orientierung verläuft in Richtung Centromer. Dmxl1 und DMXL1 gehören damit zu den größten bekannten Genen in Maus und Mensch. Bei beiden Spezies liegen die DmX-Homologen genomisch innerhalb eines Bereichs der Isochoren-Klasse L1 in einer Gen-armen Region. Die Anzahl der repetitiven Elemente innerhalb der Genregion von Dmxl1 liegt 6% unter dem erwarteten Wert eines L1 Isochors, die Anzahl beim Menschen liegt 4% über dem erwarteten Wert. Um die mögliche Promotorstruktur von Dmxl1 darzustellen, wurden umfangreiche in silico-Analysen der Region um den putativen Transkriptionsstart vorgenommen. Mit Hilfe der gewonnenen Daten konnte ein Transkriptionstartpunkt identifiziert werden. Zudem wurde eine Promotorstruktur erarbeitet, bei der angenommen werden kann, dass sie eine gute Näherung an die tatsächlich vorhandenen Bindungsstellen von Transkriptionsfaktoren darstellt. Die mit bioinformatischen Werkzeugen erzeugte virtuelle Promotor- und Enhancerstruktur zeigt das Potenzial, Dmxl1 basal und ubiquitär zu exprimieren. Gleichzeitig zeigen diese Daten, dass Dmxl1 vermutlich in einigen Geweben der Keimbahn, im Fettgewebe, dem blutbildenen System und während der Embryogenese hochkomplex reguliert werden kann. Eine regulierte Expression zur Steuerung des Energiestoffwechsels ist ebenfalls wahrscheinlich. Diese Ergebnisse passen sehr gut zu den experimentell ermittelten Daten und den beobachteten Phänotypen Dmxl1-chimärer Mäuse.rnDie abgeleitete Aminosäuresequenz umfasst in der Maus 3013 AS, im Menschen 3027 AS, der Vergleich der abgeleiteten Aminosäuresequenzen zeigt eine Identität von 89,3 % und eine Similarität von 94,7 % zwischen beiden Spezies. Im Dmxl1/DMXL1-Protein von Maus und Mensch konnten mindestens 24 und maximal 36 WD-Wiederholungseinheiten identifiziert werden, zudem wurden eine Reihe weiterer konservierter Proteinmotive gefunden. Die in silico-Strukturanalysen beider abgeleiteter Aminosäuresequenzen lässt vermuten, dass sich C- und N-terminal WD-Propellerstrukturen befinden. In dieser Arbeit gelang eine C-terminale Rekonstruktion einer 10-blättrigen Propellerstruktur, denkbar ist jedoch auch eine Struktur mit mindestens drei WD-Propellern, wenn eine prädominante Struktur mit Propellern aus jeweils sieben Propellerblättern angenommen wird.rnDas primäre Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Etablierung einer stabilen Mauslinie mit diruptiertem Dmxl1-Gen konnte aufgrund einer beobachteten Haploinsuffizienz nicht erreicht werden. Trotz zahlreicher Transformationen von Maus-Stammzelllinien konnte letztlich nur eine stabil transformierte Linie mit einem Dmxl1-Null-Allel identifiziert werden, was auch zu den theoretischen Daten und den angenommenen Aufgaben von Dmxl1 als komplex und diffizil reguliertes Multifunktions-Protein passt. Aus der transformierten Mauszelllinie konnten chimäre Mäuse entwickelt werden, die in Abhängigkeit von dem Ausmaß des Chimärismus phänotypisch massive Schädigungen aufwiesen. Neben einer Teilsterilität wurden massive Fettleibigkeit und ein ausgeprägter Hypogonadismus beobachtet. Keines der Tiere war in der Lage das Dmxl1-Null-Allel zu transduzieren. Die Tiere waren nur sehr eingeschränkt fertil, die wenigen Nachkommen entsprachen genotypisch und phänotypisch ausschließlich den verwendeten Blastocysten.rn


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Pig meat and carcass quality is a complex concept determined by environmental and genetic factors concurring to the phenotypic variation in qualitative characteristics of meat (fat content, tenderness, juiciness, flavor,etc). This thesis shows the results of different investigations to study and to analyze pig meat and carcass quality focusing mainly on genomic; moreover proteomic approach has been also used. The aim was to analyze data from association studies between genes considered as candidate and meat and carcass quality in different pig breeds. The approach was used to detect new SNP in genes functionally associated to the studied traits and to confirm as candidate other genes already known. Five polymorphisms (one new SNP in Calponin 1 gene and four additional polymorphism already known in other genes) were considered on chromosome 2 (SSC2). Calponin 1 (CNN1) was associated to the studied traits and furthermore the results reported confirmed the data already known for Lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA), Low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), Myogenic differentiation 1 (MYOD1) e Ubiquitin-like 5 (UBL5), in Italian Large White pigs. Using an in silico search it was possible to detect on SSC2 a new SNP of Deoxyhypusine synthase (DHPS) gene partially overlapping with WD repeat domain 83 (WDR83) gene and significant for the meat pH variation in Italian Large White (ILW) pigs. Perilipin 1 (PLIN1) mapping on chromosome 7 and Perilipin 2 (PLIN2) mapping on chromosome 1 were studied and the results obtained in Duroc breed have shown significant associations with carcass traits. Moreover a study of protein composition of porcine LD muscle, indicated an effect of temperature treatment of carcass, on proteins of the sarcoplasmic fraction and in particular on PGM1 phosphorylation. Future studies on pig meat quality should be based on the integration of different experimental approaches (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, etc).


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Identification and genetic diversity of phytoplasmas infecting tropical plant species, selected among those most agronomically relevant in South-east Asia and Latin America were studied. Correlation between evolutionary divergence of relevant phytoplasma strains and their geographic distribution by comparison on homologous genes of phytoplasma strains detected in the same or related plant species in other geographical areas worldwide was achieved. Molecular diversity was studied on genes coding ribosomal proteins, groEL, tuf and amp besides phytoplasma 16S rRNA. Selected samples infected by phytoplasmas belonging to diverse ribosomal groups were also studied by in silico RFLP followed by phylogenetic analyses. Moreover a partial genome annotation of a ‘Ca. P. brasiliense’ strain was done towards future application for epidemiological studies. Phytoplasma presence in cassava showing frog skin (CFSD) and witches’ broom (CWB) diseases in Costa Rica - Paraguay and in Vietnam – Thailand, respectively, was evaluated. In both cases, the diseases were associated with phytoplasmas related to aster yellows, apple proliferation and “stolbur” groups, while only phytoplasma related to X-disease group in CFSD, and to hibiscus witches’ broom, elm yellows and clover proliferation groups in CWB. Variability was found among strains belonging to the same ribosomal group but having different geographic origin and associated with different disease. Additionally, a dodder transmission assay to elucidate the role of phytoplasmas in CWB disease was carried out, and resulted in typical phytoplasma symptoms in periwinkle plants associated with the presence of aster yellows-related strains. Lethal wilt disease, a severe disease of oil palm in Colombia that is spreading throughout South America was also studied. Phytoplasmas were detected in symptomatic oil palm and identified as ‘Ca. P. asteris’, ribosomal subgroup 16SrI-B, and were distinguished from other aster yellows phytoplasmas used as reference strains; in particular, from an aster yellows strain infecting corn in the same country.


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Escherichia coli kann C4-Dicarboxylate sowohl unter aeroben als auch unter anaeroben Bedingungen zur Energiekonservierung nutzen. Die Synthese der beteiligten Transporter und Enzyme wird auf der Transkriptionsebene durch das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert. DcuS ist der Sensor für C4-Dicarboxylate. Der Antwortregulator DcuR wird von DcuS aktiviert und induziert die Expression des C4-Dicarboxylat-Transporters DctA unter aeroben Verhältnissen. Anaerob verstärkt DcuSR die Expression des Fumarat/Succinat-Antiporters DcuB, der Fumarase B und der Fumaratreduktase FrdABCD. DctA und DcuB agieren als Co-Sensoren von DcuS und üben einen negativen Effekt auf die Genexpression von dctA bzw. dcuB aus.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktion von DctA und DcuB als Co-Sensoren von DcuS untersucht. Sowohl für DcuB als auch für DctA wurde eine direkte Protein-Protein-Interaktion mit DcuS über ein bakterielles Two-Hybrid System nachgewiesen. DcuS bildete ein Transporter-Sensor-Cluster mit DctA und DcuB. C-terminale Verkürzung und die Mutagenese einzelner Aminosäuren der C-terminalen Helix 8b von DctA führten zu einem Verlust der Interaktion mit DcuS. Mit dieser Interaktion gingen sowohl die regulatorische Funktion als auch die Transportfunktion der Punktmutante DctA-L414A verloren. Ein Verlust der Interaktion wurde ebenfalls zwischen einer konstitutiv aktiven DcuS-Mutante und wildtypischem DctA beobachtet. Ebenso zeigte sich eine partielle Reduktion der Interaktion von DcuS mit DctA, wenn DcuS nach der zweiten Transmembranhelix verkürzt wurde. Die Interaktion zwischen DcuS und DctA wurde durch den Effektor Fumarat modifiziert, ging aber nicht komplett verloren.rnDctA konnte in verschiedenen Plasmidsystemen überproduziert werden und bildete Homotrimere. Die Topologie von DctA wurde mit experimentellen und in silico Methoden aufgeklärt. DctA ähnelt der Struktur und Topologie des Aminosäuretransporters Glt aus Pyrococcus horikoshii. DctA besitzt acht Transmembranhelices mit einem cytosolischen N- und C-Terminus sowie zwei Haarnadelschleifen. Die Substratbindung findet höchstwahrscheinlich in den Haarnadelschleifen statt und der Transport erfolgt nach dem „alternating access“ Modell.rnAußerdem wurde die Funktion des Transporters YfcC untersucht. Das Gen yfcC wurde mit Schlüsselgenen des Acetatstoffwechsels co-transkribiert. In yfcC-Deletionsstämmen zeigte sich ein stammspezifischer Defekt bei Wachstum mit Acetat und Transport von Acetat.


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Der Stamm der Apicomplexa ist eine artenreiche Gruppe, der einzellige, meist obligat intrazelluläre Parasiten angehören, darunter auch erstzunehmende Krankheitserreger wie Plasmodium sp. sowie tierpathogene Vertreter wie Eimeria sp. und Theileria sp. Eimeria sp. verursacht die Kokzidiose beim Huhn. Diese Krankheit bedingt weltweite Verluste in der Geflügelindustrie von etwa 3 Milliarden US$ pro Jahr [DALLOUL & LILLEHOJ, 2006; SHIRLEY et al., 2007; LUCIUS & LOOS-FRANK, 2008]. Die Parasiten weisen eine hohe Resistenzbildungsrate gegen vorhandene Wirkstoffe auf. Zudem ist der Einsatz von Vakzinen mit Nebenwirkungen verbunden und für hohe Produktionskosten verantwortlich. Daher ist die Entwicklung von neuen, kostengünstigen und effektiven Kokzidiostatika eine dringend notwendige Herausforderung [KINNAIRD et al., 2004]. rnAuf Grund ihrer essentiellen, regulatorischen Funktion im eukaryotischen Zellzyklus sind Zyklin-abhängige Kinasen (CDKs) validierte Zielproteine [LEHNINGER et al., 2005]. Auch Eimeria tenella CDC2-related kinase 2 (EtCRK2) wurde bereits mittels des bekannten CDK-Inhibitors Flavopiridol als Zielprotein chemisch validiert [ENGELS et al., 2010]. Wie bei allen CDKs ist die Aktivität von EtCRK2 abhängig von der Bindung eines Aktivators, der zur Zyklin-Proteinfamilie gehört. Dieser natürliche EtCRK2-Aktivator war jedoch bislang nicht bekannt. Deshalb war ein Teil dieser Arbeit die Identifizierung des natürlichen EtCRK2-Aktivators. Bioinformatische Analysen identifizierten vier E. tenella Zyklin-ähnliche Proteine (EtCYC1, EtCYC3a, EtCYC3b und EtCYC4), die nah verwandt zu den Plasmodium falciparum-Zyklinen sind [ENGELS et al., 2010; SUÁREZ FERNÁNDEZ et al., bislang unveröffentlichte Daten]. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten zwei neue Aktivatoren identifiziert und biochemisch charakterisiert werden: der bekannte CDK-Aktivator XlRINGO und das neue E. tenella-Zyklin EtCYC3a. Nachdem der nicht-radioaktive TR-FRET-Assay für die EtCRK2 etabliert und optimiert wurde, konnte die EtCRK2-Aktivität im Komplex mit beiden Aktivatoren und weitere wichtige kinetische Parameter bestimmt werden.rnZusätzlich wurde dieser Assay zum in vitro Screening einer kommerziellen Chemikalienbibliothek auf die EtCRK2 eingesetzt, um potentielle Inhibitoren für EtCRK2 zu identifizieren. Dieses in vitro Screening gefolgt von einer in silico Hit-Anreicherung identifizierte 19 aktive Verbindungen für die durch EtCYC3a und XlRINGO aktivierte EtCRK2. Zudem wurden drei Struktur-Cluster definiert: Naphthoquinone, 8-Hydroxyquinoline und 2-Pyrimidinyl-aminopiperidin-propan-2-ole. rnDie aktivsten Vertreter von jedem Cluster wurden als Leitstrukturen ausgewählt und auf EtCRK2 und HsCDK2 getestet. Aufgrund ihrer inhibierenden Wirkung auf EtCRK2 stellen diese Verbindungen viel versprechende Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung eines neuen Antikokzidiums dar. Hiermit konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass BES124764, der Vertreter des 2-Pyrimidinyl-aminopiperidin-propan-2-ol-Clusters, in der Lage ist, die EtCRK2 selektiv zu inhibieren. rnDaher wird BES124764 sowie einige Derivate in den Leitstruktur-Optimierungsprozess für die Auffindung eines neuen Arzneimittelkandidaten gegen Kokzidiose eingehen.rn


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The heritability of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is approximately 0.8. Despite several larger scale attempts, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have not led to the identification of significant results. We performed a GWAS based on 495 German young patients with ADHD (according to DSM-IV criteria; Human660W-Quadv1; Illumina, San Diego, CA) and on 1,300 population-based adult controls (HumanHap550v3; Illumina). Some genes neighboring the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the lowest P-values (best P-value: 8.38 × 10(-7)) have potential relevance for ADHD (e.g., glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 gene, GRM5). After quality control, the 30 independent SNPs with the lowest P-values (P-values ≤ 7.57 × 10(-5) ) were chosen for confirmation. Genotyping of these SNPs in up to 320 independent German families comprising at least one child with ADHD revealed directionally consistent effect-size point estimates for 19 (10 not consistent) of the SNPs. In silico analyses of the 30 SNPs in the largest meta-analysis so far (2,064 trios, 896 cases, and 2,455 controls) revealed directionally consistent effect-size point estimates for 16 SNPs (11 not consistent). None of the combined analyses revealed a genome-wide significant result. SNPs in previously described autosomal candidate genes did not show significantly lower P-values compared to SNPs within random sets of genes of the same size. We did not find genome-wide significant results in a GWAS of German children with ADHD compared to controls. The second best SNP is located in an intron of GRM5, a gene located within a recently described region with an infrequent copy number variation in patients with ADHD.


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ADAMTS1 inhibits capillary sprouting, and since capillary sprouts do not experience the shear stress caused by blood flow, this study undertook to clarify the relationship between shear stress and ADAMTS1. It was found that endothelial cells exposed to shear stress displayed a strong upregulation of ADAMTS1, dependent upon both the magnitude and duration of their exposure. Investigation of the underlying pathways demonstrated involvement of phospholipase C, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and nitric oxide. Forkhead box protein O1 was identified as a likely inhibitor of the system, as its knockdown was followed by a slight increase in ADAMTS1 expression. In silico prediction displayed a transcriptional binding site for Forkhead box protein O1 in the promotor region of the ADAMTS1 gene, as well as sites for nuclear factor 1, SP1, and AP-1. The anti-angiogenic effects of ADAMTS1 were attributed to its cleavage of thrombospondin 1 into a 70-kDa fragment, and a significant enhancement of this fragment was indeed demonstrated by immunoblotting shear stress-treated cells. Accordingly, scratch wound closure displayed a slowdown in conditioned medium from shear stress-treated endothelial cells, an effect that could be completely blocked by a knockdown of thrombospondin 1 and partially blocked by a knockdown of ADAMTS1. Non-perfused capillary sprouts in rat mesenteries stained negative for ADAMTS1, while vessels in the microcirculation that had already experienced blood flow yielded the opposite results. The shear stress-dependent expression of ADAMTS1 in vitro was therefore also demonstrated in vivo and thereby confirmed as a mechanism connecting blood flow with the regulation of angiogenesis.


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A novel adaptive approach for glucose control in individuals with type 1 diabetes under sensor-augmented pump therapy is proposed. The controller, is based on Actor-Critic (AC) learning and is inspired by the principles of reinforcement learning and optimal control theory. The main characteristics of the proposed controller are (i) simultaneous adjustment of both the insulin basal rate and the bolus dose, (ii) initialization based on clinical procedures, and (iii) real-time personalization. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of glycemic control has been investigated in silico in adults, adolescents and children under open-loop and closed-loop approaches, using announced meals with uncertainties in the order of ±25% in the estimation of carbohydrates. The results show that glucose regulation is efficient in all three groups of patients, even with uncertainties in the level of carbohydrates in the meal. The percentages in the A+B zones of the Control Variability Grid Analysis (CVGA) were 100% for adults, and 93% for both adolescents and children. The AC based controller seems to be a promising approach for the automatic adjustment of insulin infusion in order to improve glycemic control. After optimization of the algorithm, the controller will be tested in a clinical trial.


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Background We present a compendium of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutations, identified in our laboratory over a period of 10 years either on the basis of phenotype or whole genome and/or whole exome sequencing, and archived in the Mutagenetix database. Our purpose is threefold: 1) to formally describe many point mutations, including those that were not previously disclosed in peer-reviewed publications; 2) to assess the characteristics of these mutations; and 3) to estimate the likelihood that a missense mutation induced by ENU will create a detectable phenotype. Findings In the context of an ENU mutagenesis program for C57BL/6J mice, a total of 185 phenotypes were tracked to mutations in 129 genes. In addition, 402 incidental mutations were identified and predicted to affect 390 genes. As previously reported, ENU shows strand asymmetry in its induction of mutations, particularly favoring T to A rather than A to T in the sense strand of coding regions and splice junctions. Some amino acid substitutions are far more likely to be damaging than others, and some are far more likely to be observed. Indeed, from among a total of 494 non-synonymous coding mutations, ENU was observed to create only 114 of the 182 possible amino acid substitutions that single base changes can achieve. Based on differences in overt null allele frequencies observed in phenotypic vs. non-phenotypic mutation sets, we infer that ENU-induced missense mutations create detectable phenotype only about 1 in 4.7 times. While the remaining mutations may not be functionally neutral, they are, on average, beneath the limits of detection of the phenotypic assays we applied. Conclusions Collectively, these mutations add to our understanding of the chemical specificity of ENU, the types of amino acid substitutions it creates, and its efficiency in causing phenovariance. Our data support the validity of computational algorithms for the prediction of damage caused by amino acid substitutions, and may lead to refined predictions as to whether specific amino acid changes are responsible for observed phenotypes. These data form the basis for closer in silico estimations of the number of genes mutated to a state of phenovariance by ENU within a population of G3 mice.


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Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a higher rate of obesity than children without ADHD. Obesity risk alleles may overlap with those relevant for ADHD. We examined whether risk alleles for an increased body mass index (BMI) are associated with ADHD and related quantitative traits (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity). We screened 32 obesity risk alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for ADHD based on 495 patients and 1,300 population-based controls and performed in silico analyses of the SNPs in an ADHD meta-analysis comprising 2,064 trios, 896 independent cases, and 2,455 controls. In the German sample rs206936 in the NUDT3 gene (nudix; nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X-type motif 3) was associated with ADHD risk (OR: 1.39; P = 3.4 × 10(-4) ; Pcorr  = 0.01). In the meta-analysis data we found rs6497416 in the intronic region of the GPRC5B gene (G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B; P = 7.2 × 10(-4) ; Pcorr  = 0.02) as a risk allele for ADHD. GPRC5B belongs to the metabotropic glutamate receptor family, which has been implicated in the etiology of ADHD. In the German sample rs206936 (NUDT3) and rs10938397 in the glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 2 gene (GNPDA2) were associated with inattention, whereas markers in the mitogen-activated protein kinase 5 gene (MAP2K5) and in the cell adhesion molecule 2 gene (CADM2) were associated with hyperactivity. In the meta-analysis data, MAP2K5 was associated with inattention, GPRC5B with hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention and CADM2 with hyperactivity/impulsivity. Our results justify further research on the elucidation of the common genetic background of ADHD and obesity.


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The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is expressed in the hypothalamus and regulates energy intake and body weight. In silico screening of the canine chromosome 1 sequence and a comparison with the porcine MC4R sequence by BLAST were performed. The nucleotide sequence of the whole coding region and 3'- and 5'-flanking regions of the dog (1214 bp) and red fox (1177 bp) MC4R gene was established and high conservation of the nucleotide sequences was revealed (99%). Five sets of PCR primers were designed and a search for polymorphism was performed by the SSCP technique in a group of 31 dogs representing nineteen breeds and 35 farm red foxes. Sequencing of DNA fragments, representing the identified SSCP patterns, revealed three single nucleotide polymorphisms (including a missense one) in dogs and four silent SNPs in red foxes. An average SNP frequency was approx. 1/400 bp in the dog and 1/300 bp in the red fox. We mapped the MC4R gene by FISH to the canine chromosome 1 (CFA1q1.1) and to the red fox chromosome 5 (VVU5p1.2).


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BACKGROUND: Culture-independent methods based on the 16S ribosomal RNA molecule are nowadays widely used for assessment of the composition of the intestinal microbiota, in relation to host health or probiotic efficacy. Because Bifidobacterium thermophilum was only recently isolated from human faeces until now, no specific real-time PCR (qPCR) assay has been developed for detection of this species as component of the bifidobacterial community of the human intestinal flora. RESULTS: Design of specific primers and probe was achieved based on comparison of 108 published bifidobacterial 16S rDNA sequences with the recently published sequence of the human faecal isolate B. thermophilum RBL67. Specificity of the primer was tested in silico by similarity search against the sequence database and confirmed experimentally by PCR amplification on 17 Bifidobacterium strains, representing 12 different species, and two Lactobacillus strains. The qPCR assay developed was linear for B. thermophilum RBL67 DNA quantities ranging from 0.02 ng/microl to 200 ng/microl and showed a detection limit of 10(5) cells per gram faeces. The application of this new qPCR assay allowed to detect the presence of B. thermophilum in one sample from a 6-month old breast-fed baby among 17 human faecal samples tested. Additionally, the specific qPCR primers in combination with selective plating experiments led to the isolation of F9K9, a faecal isolate from a 4-month old breast-fed baby. The 16S rDNA sequence of this isolate is 99.93% similar to that of B. thermophilum RBL67 and confirmed the applicability of the new qPCR assay in faecal samples. CONCLUSION: A new B. thermophilum-specific qPCR assay was developed based on species-specific target nucleotides in the 16S rDNA. It can be used to further characterize the composition of the bifidobacterial community in the human gastrointestinal tract. Until recently, B. thermophilum was considered as a species of animal origin, but here we confirm with the application of this new PCR assay the presence of B. thermophilum strains in the human gut.