906 resultados para Antirheumatic Agents


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Involvement of the central or peripheral nervous system, frequently present in systemic inflammatory immune disorders, has to be considered a severe threat and requires aggressive immunosuppressive treatment to achieve rapid remission. This is usually obtained with high-dose systemic corticosteroids combined with cyclophosphamide. Once remission is obtained, immunosuppressive agents with a more favorable safety profile are needed to exert a corticosteroid-sparing effect and minimize adverse events. New therapeutic approaches are currently developed to treat autoimmune diseases, mostly linked to the definition of new indications for biological agents such as TNF-alpha antagonists and rituximab.


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The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is fundamental for cancer cell proliferation and is known to be frequently altered and activated in neoplasia, including embryonal tumors. Based on the high frequency of alterations, targeting components of the PI3K signaling pathway is considered to be a promising therapeutic approach for cancer treatment. Here, we have investigated the potential of targeting the axis of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and PI3K signaling in two common cancers of childhood: neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial tumor in children and medulloblastoma, the most frequent malignant childhood brain tumor. By treating neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cells with R1507, a specific humanized monoclonal antibody against the IGF-1R, we could observe cell line-specific responses and in some cases a strong decrease in cell proliferation. In contrast, targeting the PI3K p110α with the specific inhibitor PIK75 resulted in broad anti-proliferative effects in a panel of neuro- and medulloblastoma cell lines. Additionally, sensitization to commonly used chemotherapeutic agents occurred in neuroblastoma cells upon treatment with R1507 or PIK75. Furthermore, by studying the expression and phosphorylation state of IGF-1R/PI3K downstream signaling targets we found down-regulated signaling pathway activation. In addition, apoptosis occurred in embryonal tumor cells after treatment with PIK75 or R1507. Together, our studies demonstrate the potential of targeting the IGF-1R/PI3K signaling axis in embryonal tumors. Hopefully, this knowledge will contribute to the development of urgently required new targeted therapies for embryonal tumors.


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Managing Football is the first book to directly respond to the rapid managerial, commercial and global development of the sport and offers a thorough analysis of how the football industry can meet the challenges that flow from these developments. Expertly edited by two well known specialists in football business management, it draws together the work of a world-class contributor team to form a comprehensive analysis of the most important issues facing the managers of football businesses across the world. The cutting edge analysis examines all the important business challenges in the football industry and the management of football businesses and covers all of the key football markets including England, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, North America, China, South Africa, South Korea, the Netherlands & Belgium, and Mexico. Managing Football is simply a must-read for anyone studying or working in football business management and is set to be an important landmark in this rapidly moving and globally expansive field.


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The treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) has undergone significant developments in recent years. The availability of the novel agents thalidomide, bortezomib, and lenalidomide has expanded treatment options and has improved the outcome of patients with MM. Following the introduction of these agents in the relapsed/refractory setting, they are also undergoing investigation in the initial treatment of MM. A number of phase III trials have demonstrated the efficacy of novel agent combinations in the transplant and nontransplant settings, and based on these results standard induction regimens are being challenged and replaced. In the transplant setting, a number of newer induction regimens are now available that have been shown to be superior to the vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone regimen. Similarly, in the front-line treatment of patients not eligible for transplantation, regimens incorporating novel agents have been found to be superior to the traditional melphalan plus prednisone regimen. Importantly, some of the novel agents appear to be active in patients with high-risk disease, such as adverse cytogenetic features, and certain comorbidities, such as renal impairment. This review presents an overview of the most recent data with these novel agents and summarizes European treatment practices incorporating the novel agents.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus and primary SjÃgren's syndrom are the two major connective tissue diseases. A better knowledge of their physiopathology allows us today to propose an adapted therapy. Moreover progress concerns the oldest treatment, hydroxychloroquine, and biotherapy. Hydroxychloroquine is still an actual treatment for lupus, its positive effects are better understood today. Nevertheless it does not seem to be efficient to treat primitive SjÃgren. Biotherapy targeting B lymphocytes seems efficient in these two connective tissue diseases. Anti TNF therapy is not recommended and seems to induce connective tissue diseases. The real news is the recent approval and reimbursement in Switzerland of the new drug belimumab (Benlysta) in case of moderate lupus.


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Objective Analyzing the conceptions of supervision of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (ESF - Estratégia Saúde da Família) in relation to community health workers (ACS – Agente Comunitário de Saúde), taking for reference the work process and the power relations. Method A qualitative study, in which 18 interviews were carried out with nurses from the ESF in the countryside of the state of Goiás. Following transcription, the data were subjected to thematic content analysis and the following categories were identified: Supervision with that sees it all and Supervision is participating and working together. Results Among the findings, it is clear the character of control and monitoring that is carried out primarily through printed instruments and home visits, which constitute vertical and impositive relations, and suffer influence of the local health management. Another finding is the supervision as acting together and with the educational perspective. Conclusion The supervision carried out does not provide the changes intended by the ESF.


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Most of the novel targeted anticancer agents share classical characteristics that define drugs as candidates for blood concentration monitoring: long-term therapy; high interindividual but restricted intraindividual variability; significant drug-drug and drug- food interactions; correlations between concentration and efficacy/ toxicity with rather narrow therapeutic index; reversibility of effects; and absence of early markers of response. Surprisingly though, therapeutic concentration monitoring has received little attention for these drugs despite reiterated suggestions from clinical pharmacologists. Several issues explain the lack of clinical research and development in this field: global tradition of empiricism regarding treatment monitoring, lack of formal conceptual framework, ethical difficulties in the elaboration of controlled clinical trials, disregard from both drug manufacturers and public funders, limited encouragement from regulatory authorities, and practical hurdles making dosage adjustment based on concentration monitoring a difficult task for prescribers. However, new technologies are soon to help us overcome these obstacles, with the advent of miniaturized measurement devices able to quantify circulating drug concentrations at the point-of-care, to evaluate their plausibility given actual dosage and sampling time, to determine their appropriateness with reference to therapeutic targets, and to advise on suitable dosage adjustment. Such evolutions could bring conceptual changes into the clinical development of drugs such as anticancer agents, while increasing the therapeutic impact of population PK-PD studies and systematic reviews. Research efforts in that direction from the clinical pharmacology community will be essential for patients to receive the greatest benefits and the least harm from new anticancer treatments. The example of imatinib, the first commercialized tyrosine kinase inhibitor, will be outlined to illustrate a potential research agenda for the rational development of therapeutic concentration monitoring.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the social representations of the Nursing Technicians and Community Health Agents about domestic violence against women. METHOD A qualitative study carried out in the city of Rio Grande, RS, in which evocations and interviews were collected between July and November 2013. For the treatment of data were used the EVOC 2005 software and the context analysis. RESULT It is a structured representation, in which the central nucleus contains conceptual, imaging and attitudinal elements, namely: abuse, aggression, physical aggression, cowardice and lack of respect. Such terms were present in the context of the interviews. The professionals acknowledged that violence is not limited to physical aspects and were judgemental about the acts of the aggressor. CONCLUSION This knowledge may enable the problematization of the studied phenomenon with the team, and facilitate the search for prevention and intervention strategies for victims, offenders and managers of health services.


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OBJECTIVES: There are some common occupational agents and exposure circumstances where evidence of carcinogenicity is substantial but not yet conclusive for humans. The objectives are to identify research gaps and needs for twenty agents prioritized for review based on evidence of widespread human exposures and potential carcinogenicity in animals or humans. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review was conducted of new data published since the most recent pertinent IARC monograph meeting. DATA EXTRACTION: Reviewers were charged with identifying data gaps and general and specific approaches to address them, focusing on research that would be important in resolving classification uncertainties. An expert meeting brought reviewers together to discuss each agent and the identified data gaps and approaches. DATA SYNTHESIS: Several overarching issues were identified that pertained to multiple agents; these included the importance of recognizing that carcinogenic agents can act through multiple toxicity pathways and mechanisms, including epigenetic mechanisms, oxidative stress and immuno- and hormonal modulation. CONCLUSIONS: Studies in occupational populations provide important opportunities to understand the mechanisms through which exogenous agents cause cancer and intervene to prevent human exposure and/or prevent or detect cancer among those already exposed. Scientific developments are likely to increase the challenges and complexities of carcinogen testing and evaluation in the future, and epidemiologic studies will be particularly critical to inform carcinogen classification and risk assessment processes.[Authors]


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Lâobjectiu del cribatge molecular és seleccionar pacients que es beneficiïn especialment de teràpies dirigides. Sâanalitza lâactivitat en monoteràpia de fàrmacs inhibidors de la via de PI3K/AKT/mTOR (PI3Ki) en pacients amb càncer de mama metastàtic (CMM) i sâexploren potencials predictors de benefici clínic. La mitjana de temps a la progressió és de 2.6 mesos en 38 pacients incloses. No existeix correlació entre alteracions de la via i lâeficàcia, excepte en pacients amb mutació de PIK3CA que van millor al tractar-se amb un PI3Ki alfa-especific. Aquests resultats emfatitzen la necessitat dâun adequat cribatge molecular previ al tractament amb teràpies dirigides en CMM


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the workloads present in the work activities of community health agents (CHAs) and the resulting strain processes. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and quantitative study conducted with 137 CHAs. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interview guided by the health surveillance software called SIMOSTE (Health Monitoring System of Nursing Workers), following the ethical codes of the current law. RESULTS In total, were identified 140 workloads involved in 122 strain processes, represented by the occurrence of health problems of the CHAs. The mechanical (55.00%) and biological (16.43%) loads stood out. The most common strain processes were the external causes of morbidity and mortality (62.31%) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (10.66%). CONCLUSION From the identified overloads, it became evident that all workloads are present in the work process of CHAs, highlighting the mechanical load, represented mainly by external causes of morbidity and mortality that are related to occupational accidents.


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We study the quantitative properties of a dynamic general equilibrium model in which agents face both idiosyncratic and aggregate income risk, state-dependent borrowing constraints that bind in some but not all periods and markets are incomplete. Optimal individual consumption-savings plans and equilibrium asset prices are computed under various assumptions about income uncertainty. Then we investigate whether our general equilibrium model with incomplete markets replicates two empirical observations: the high correlation between individual consumption and individual income, and the equity premium puzzle. We find that, when the driving processes are calibrated according to the data from wage income in different sectors of the US economy, the results move in the direction of explaining these observations, but the model falls short of explaining the observed correlations quantitatively. If the incomes of agents are assumed independent of each other, the observations can be explained quantitatively.