911 resultados para Ant colony optimisation


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Aim: Optimise a set of exposure factors, with the lowest effective dose, to delineate spinal curvature with the modified Cobb method in a full spine using computed radiography (CR) for a 5-year-old paediatric anthropomorphic phantom. Methods: Images were acquired by varying a set of parameters: positions (antero-posterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA) and lateral), kilo-voltage peak (kVp) (66-90), source-to-image distance (SID) (150 to 200cm), broad focus and the use of a grid (grid in/out) to analyse the impact on E and image quality (IQ). IQ was analysed applying two approaches: objective [contrast-to-noise-ratio/(CNR] and perceptual, using 5 observers. Monte-Carlo modelling was used for dose estimation. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used to calculate inter-observer-variability. The angle was measured using Cobb’s method on lateral projections under different imaging conditions. Results: PA promoted the lowest effective dose (0.013 mSv) compared to AP (0.048 mSv) and lateral (0.025 mSv). The exposure parameters that allowed lower dose were 200cm SID, 90 kVp, broad focus and grid out for paediatrics using an Agfa CR system. Thirty-seven images were assessed for IQ and thirty-two were classified adequate. Cobb angle measurements varied between 16°±2.9 and 19.9°±0.9. Conclusion: Cobb angle measurements can be performed using the lowest dose with a low contrast-tonoise ratio. The variation on measurements for this was ±2.9° and this is within the range of acceptable clinical error without impact on clinical diagnosis. Further work is recommended on improvement to the sample size and a more robust perceptual IQ assessment protocol for observers.


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O presente projeto enquadra-se na área das redes de sensores sem fios, onde o seu crescente desenvolvimento permite aplicar esta tecnologia em diversas áreas, como por exemplo, na monitorização ambiental, utilização militar, domótica, saúde, entre outras. Uma rede de sensores sem fios consiste em diversos nós dispersos num campo de aplicação onde procedem à recolha de dados do ambiente em que estão inseridos, como o valor de uma temperatura, humidade ou outra grandeza física, e os transmitem para uma estação base onde podem ser monitorizados. Tendo a área da saúde uma importância significativa, este projeto focalizou-se na mesma. O projeto apresentado nesta dissertação teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma rede de sensores sem fios, em que dois nós procedam à aquisição da temperatura corporal de uma pessoa em dois locais distintos, para posterior envio da mesma para os restantes nós da rede, onde será apresentada em estações de monitorização. Este projeto foi desenvolvido baseado num recente protocolo de redes sem fios, nomeadamente o protocolo ANTTM. Assim sendo, em primeiro lugar, serão abordados neste relatório os objetivos e a contextualização deste projeto. Em seguida, será apresentada uma comparação sobre alguns aspetos de algumas tecnologias de comunicações sem fios, nomeadamente o ZigBee, Bluetooth e ANT. Devido ao fato da tecnologia ANT ser a escolhida para o desenvolvimento deste projeto, será também apresentado um estudo mais detalhado sobre o mesmo. Depois, será apresentado o desenvolvimento e implementações efetuadas, e por último serão apresentadas as conclusões técnicas e pessoais que este projeto permitiu obter.


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The colony of urban stray cats living in the Rio de Janeiro zoological garden was studied in order to develop a population and health control program. As many cats as possible were captured during two months (47 animals) and were classified according to gender, age, weight and coat markings. They were submitted to a general health evaluation, examined for the presence of ectoparasites and sent to a surgical neutering program. All animals had a blood sample drawn for CBC, platelet count, heartworm and retroviruses detection. Capillary blood smears were made for hemoparasites detection. Coat marking and colors were tabby (59.7%), followed by solid black (17%); torbie (10.6%); bicolor (10.6%) and harlequin (2.1%). The only ectoparasites found were fleas, which infested 28% of the animals. The hemoparasites found were Haemobartonella felis (38%) and piroplasmas that could not be differentiated between Cytauxzoon spp. and Babesia spp. (47%). No cat was found infected by Dirofilaria immitis or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus), although FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) antibodies could be detected (21%). There was no correlation between hemoparasites and FIV infections. The estimated total cat population (mark-recapture method) was 59; 68% female and 32% male, suggesting that a neutering program is in fact needed.


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On a mobile ad-hoc network environment, where the resources are scarce, the knowledge about the network's link state is essential to optimize the routing procedures. This paper presents a study about different pheromone evaluation models and how they react to possible changes in traffic rate. Observing how the pheromone value on a link changes, it could be possible to identify certain patterns which can indicate the path status. For this study, the behavior of the Ant System evaluation model was compared with a Temporal Active Pheromone model (a biological approach) and a Progressive Pheromone Reduction model with and without a maximum pheromone limit.


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The diagnosis of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is frequently based on clinical and epidemiological data associated with the results of laboratory tests. Some laboratory methods are currently being applied for the diagnosis of ACL, among them the indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IIFR), the Montenegro skin test (MST), histopathological examination, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The performance of these methods varies in a considerable proportion of patients. After the standardization of an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for the detection of IgG in the serum of patients with ACL using a crude Leishmania braziliensis antigen, the results obtained were compared to those of other tests routinely used for the diagnosis. The tests revealed the following sensitivity, when analyzed separately: 85% for ELISA IgG, 81% for PCR, 64.4% for MST, 58.1% for IIFR, and 34% for the presence of parasites in the biopsy. ELISA was positive in 75% of patients with ACL presenting a negative MST, in 84.8% of ACL patients with negative skin or mucous biopsies for the presence of the parasite, and in 100% of cases with a negative PCR. Thus, ELISA presented a higher sensitivity than the other tests and was useful as a complementary method for the diagnosis of ACL.


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This study proposes a new methodology to increase the power delivered to any load point in a radial distribution network, through the identification of new investments in order to improve the repair time. This research work is innovative and consists in proposing a full optimisation model based on mixed-integer non-linear programming considering the Pareto front technique. The goal is to achieve a reduction in repair times of the distribution networks components, while minimising the costs of that reduction as well as non-supplied energy costs. The optimisation model considers the distribution network technical constraints, the substation transformer taps, and it is able to choose the capacitor banks size. A case study based on a 33-bus distribution network is presented in order to illustrate in detail the application of the proposed methodology.


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Some bat species have adapted to the expanding human population by acquiring the ability to roost in urban buildings, increasing the exposure risk for people and domestic animals, and consequently, the likelihood of transmitting rabies. Three dead bats were found in the yard of a house in an urban area of Jundiaí city in the state of São Paulo in southeast Brazil. Two of the three bats tested positive for rabies, using Fluorescent Antibody and Mouse Inoculation techniques. A large colony of Eptesicus furinalis was found in the house's attic, and of the 119 bats captured, four more tested positive for rabies. The objectives of this study were to report the rabies diagnosis, characterize the isolated virus antigenically and genetically, and study the epidemiology of the colony.


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The design of anchorage blisters of internal continuity post-tensioning tendons of bridges built by the cantilever method, presents some peculiarities, not only because they are intermediate anchorages but also because these anchorages are located in blisters, so the prestressing force has to be transferred from the blister the bottom slab and web of the girder. The high density of steel reinforcement in anchorage blisters is the most common reason for problems with concrete cast in situ, resulting in zones with low concrete compacity, leading to concrete crushing failures under the anchor plates. A solution may involve improving the concrete compression and tensile strength. To meet these requirements a high-performance fibre reinforced self-compacting mix- ture (HPFRC) was used in anchorage corner blisters of post-tensioning tendons, reducing the concrete cross-section and decreasing the reinforcement needed. To assess the ultimate capacity and the adequate serviceability of the local anchorage zone after reducing the minimum concrete cross-section and the confining reinforcement, specified by the anchorage device supplier for the particular tendon, load transfer tests were performed. To investigate the behaviour of anchorage blisters regarding the transmission of stresses to the web and the bottom slab of the girder, and the feasibility of using high performance concrete only in the blister, two half scale models of the inferior corner of a box girder existing bridge were studied: a reference specimen of ordinary reinforced concrete and a HPFRC blister specimen. The design of the reinforcement was based in the tensile forces obtained on strut-and-tie models. An experimental program was carried out to assess the models used in design and to study the feasibility of using high performance concrete only in the blister, either with casting in situ, or with precast solutions. A non-linear finite element analysis of the tested specimens was also performed and the results compared.


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Qualitative and quantitative collections of ants made in the region of Manaus, Brazil (evergreen tropical humid forest), and in western North Carolina, USA (deciduous temperate/wet forest), were undertaken to investigate. latitudinal patterns of ant diversity and community organization on regional and local scales. We have found to date 307 ant species in the Municipality of Manaus. Totals ranging from 134 to 270+ species have been reported in the literature for other tropical regions of less than 10,000km2. In contrast, temperate ant surveys generally report only SO to 150 species in similar or larger areas. Sampling at sardine baits set 10m apart on square grids, we found forest ecosystems near Manaus to be much richer and more diverse in ants than those sampled in North Carolina: 28 species vs. 5-10 species in 50 collections and 16 vs. 3 previously unrecorded species discovered with each doubling of sample size. Room's (1975a) results from climatically simllar Papua New Guinea forest agree closely with those from Manaus. We suggest that one important factor contributing to the increased diversity of tropical, omnivorous ants may be greater variety of nest sites available for specialization.


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SUMMARYMist-net captures of army ant-following bird were monitored during the isolation of central Amazonian forest fragments of 1 ha (n = 5), 10 ha (n = 4) and 100 ha (n = 1). Post-isolation captures of the three obligate ant-following birds Dendrocinela merula, Pithys albifrons, and Gymnopithys rufigula decreased significantly in all fragments. post-isolation captures of four facultative ant-following species were not significantly different in forest fragments of 1 ha and 10 ha, although two species decreased significantly in the 100 ha fragment. Experimental introductions of obligate species into small forest fragments in the absence and presence of introduced Eciton burchelli army ant colonies resulted in significantly greater recaptures of introduced birds when active army ant colonies were present. Of the 105 birds introduced, 58 ' 55%) crossed 100-320 m od dedorested area an were recaptured in continuous forest.


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Polygyny, characterized by the presence of several egg-laying queens, is considered as a temporary colony status. In stingless bees it is rarely observed. This paper reports the first case of natural polygyny in Melipona scutellaris colony, with five egg-laying queens.


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Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a very well known mycotoxin found in several food commodities for which maximum limits are being discussed in EC in other to produce appropriate regulations. OTA is one of several ochratoxins produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium species. All the compounds in this group have a molecular structure very similar to OTA and some were already isolated from natural substrates. Several of these compounds such as ochratoxin , methyl and ethyl ester of ochratoxin A, 4-R and S-hydroxyochratoxin A, 10-hydroxyochratoxin A and ochratoxin A open lactone are commercially unavailable. However, they can be easily synthesized through OTA modification. With the main objective of its application on further research works, OTA production, isolation and purification has been optimised from an A. alliaceus strain grown on wheat medium. Synthesis and purification of some OTA derivatives has been achieved and an HPLC method for their detection was optimised. Data about their production by several species of Aspergillus will be presented. The toxicological properties of ochratoxins are still not very clear and a future EC safety limit for OTA will depend on e.g., a better clarification of its carcinogenity. Could OTA derivatives play a role here?


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica.