859 resultados para Andre Lefevere


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O aumento dos Gases de Efeito Estufa - GEE - e o consequente aquecimento global têm causado preocupação à sociedade em geral, que cobra ações governamentais e dos setores produtivos nacionais, dentre eles, da pecuária. O Brasil ocupa posição de destaque internacional na produção pecuária e exportação de carne e assumiu compromissos voluntários de redução das emissões de GEE, refletindo os anseios da sociedade brasileira. O Brasil tem aumentado a produção de produtos de origem animal de forma consistente. Nos últimos anos esse aumento foi obtido por meio do aumento na eficiência dos sistemas de produção, sem contudo provocar a abertura de novas áreas de pastagens, com o emprego de recuperação de pastagens, a melhoria dos índices zootécnicos e a adoção de sistemas integrados e de boas práticas agropecuárias. Para que essas técnicas possam fazer parte das políticas governamentais para o setor, é preciso determinar o nível das emissões dos sistemas tradicionais e o potencial de mitigação (redução de emissões e remoção de GEE da atmosfera) dos sistemas "melhorados", em âmbito nacional. Neste contexto, a rede de pesquisa PECUS foi concebida para produzir as informações necessárias, de forma imparcial e utilizando métodos padronizados internacionalmente, com vistas a dar suporte ao governo brasileiro na elaboração de políticas e negociações internacionais. Com esse intuito, a rede de pesquisa PECUS criou um comitê técnico, composto por vários subcomitês de especialistas, encarregados de gerar protocolos de pesquisa, de forma a garantir a obtenção de resultados válidos, comparáveis e reportáveis da geração dos componentes produtivos e da vegetação natural, dos fluxos de emissão de GEE e do sequestro de carbono, por meio da padronização e sistematização dos métodos de avaliação nos diferentes sistemas de produção localizados nos principais Biomas brasileiros.


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Este documento sintetiza as informações geradas nas duas últimas décadas por várias Instituições de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Ensino do Brasil, no que se refere a elaboração de um diagnóstico do quadro natural e agrossocioeconômico deste tão importante ecossistema.


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O potencial pedoclimático de ambientes para culturas agrícolas depende, além das condições de solo e clima, da geologia, do relevo (topografia) e de fatores biológicos, associados às exigências das culturas. Este trabalho foi realizado em parceria entre a Embrapa Solos UEP-Recife e a Secretaria de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Agrário do Estado de Alagoas - SEAGRI-AL. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial pedoclimático do Estado de Alagoas para a cultura do milho (Zea Mays L.). Os resultados deste trabalho são apresentados considerando três mesorregiões: 1) Leste alagoano, compreendendo o Litoral e Mata Atlântica, 2) Sertão alagoano porção Oeste do estado, 3) Agreste, porção transicional entre as mesorregiões do Leste e Sertão alagoanos, conforme estabelecido pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Na obtenção do potencial pedoclimático, as informações do potencial dos solos, obtidos considerando dois níveis tecnológicos para o manejo das terras e das culturas (média tecnologia ou Manejo B, e alta tecnologia ou Manejo C), foram cruzadas com aquelas obtidas para a aptidão climática considerando três cenários pluviométricos: anos chuvosos, anos regulares e anos secos. O cruzamento das informações foi realizado por meio de técnicas de geoprocessamento com o auxílio do software ArcGis, obtendo-se os mapas do potencial pedoclimático. O resultado das interpretações foi organizado em quatro classes de potencial pedoclimático: Preferencial, Médio, Baixo e Muito Baixo. Os resultados indicam que a extensão territorial das classes de potencial pedoclimático apresenta variações importantes em função do nível de manejo adotado e do cenário pluviométrico considerado. Em geral, as áreas com potencial Preferencial estão localizadas nas mesorregiões do Agreste e do Leste Alagoano, onde as condições de solo e de clima são mais favoráveis para o cultivo de milho, com amplitude de 174 km2 a 4.077 km2, o que corresponde a 1% e 15% da área total do estado. Os ambientes com potencial Médio têm ocorrência dispersa nas diferentes regiões do estado, variando de 6.080 km2 a 13.750 km2, compreendendo 25% a 49% da área total, com os maiores valores no manejo com média tecnologia (Manejo B). As áreas que apresentam o potencial Baixo e o Muito Baixo localizam-se, em sua maior parte, na região Oeste do estado, sobretudo no Sertão, onde as limitações de solo e de clima semiárido são mais intensas. Os referidos potenciais também ocorrem na zona úmida costeira, principalmente nos ambientes onde o relevo impõe fortes restrições de uso e manejo do solo e da cultura, independentemente do nível de manejo considerado. Com adoção de alta tecnologia ocorre maior abrangência da classe de potencial pedoclimático Preferencial para a cultura do milho, principalmente na Mesorregião do Agreste, com maior percentual de ocorrência para o cenário pluviométrico regular.


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Grupo de Maturidade Relativa. Indicação de cultivares por região edafoclimática. Época de Semeadura. População de Plantas. Peso médio de sementes. Mancha olho-de-rã. Cancro da haste. Nematoides de galhas. Cultivares de soja convencional: BRS Carnaúba; BRS Sambaíba; BRS Tracajá; BRS Pérola; BRS 8590. Cultivares de soja transgênica RR: BRS 333RR, BRS Sambaíba RR, BRS 9280RR, BRS 9090RR, BRS 8890RR, BRS 279RR. CULTIVARES DE SOJA TRANSGÊNICA: INTACTA RR2 PROTM; BRS 9180IPRO. Multiplicadores de Sementes de Soja. Parceria FAPCEN. Parceria Fundação Bahia e Fundação Cerrados.


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The tris[tetrachlorobenzenediolato]phosphate(v) anion (TRISPHAT) is known to be an efficient NMR chiral shift agent for various chiral cationic species. Here we compare the efficiency of TRISPHAT and of a chiral lanthanide shift reagent for the determination of the enantiomeric purity of the chiral building block [Ru(phen)[2]PY[2]][2][+] which possesses C[2] symmetry. We also discuss our results in terms of the geometry of interaction between the Ru(II) complex and the TRISPHAT anion.


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The bifunctional complex [Ru(TAP)(2)POQ-Nmet](2+), 1, formed with a [Ru(TAP)(2)Phen](2+) metallic unit linked to a quinoline moiety, and [Ru(TAP)(2)Phen](2+), 2, as reference, have been tested as photoprobes of DNA. Interestingly, 1 exhibits an emission enhancement of a factor of 16-17 upon binding to calf thymus DNA. Moreover, this emission is modulated by the nucleic base content of the polynucleotide. It varies by almost an order of magnitude from a polynucleotide containing 100% of G-C to a guanine-free nucleic acid where the excited-state lifetime reaches about 2 micros. The origins of these interesting properties are analyzed by comparing 1 with reference 2 in the presence of different polynucleotides.


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The immobilisation of molybdate on Mg,Al-LDH leads to an active, heterogeneous catalyst that generates singlet molecular oxygen from hydrogen peroxide in the absence of soluble base


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The bifunctional Ru(II) complex [Ru(BPY)2POQ-Nmet]2+ (1), in which the metallic unit is tethered by an aliphatic chain to an organic DNA binder, was designed in order to increase the affinity toward nucleic acids. The interaction of 1 with DNA was characterised from luminescence and absorption data and compared with the binding of its monofunctional metallic and organic analogues, [Ru(BPY)2(ac)phen]2+ (2) and Nmet-quinoline (3). The bifunctional complex has a binding affinity one order of magnitude higher than that of each of its separated moieties. Absorption changes induced upon addition of DNA at different pH indicate protonation of the organic sub-unit upon interaction with DNA under neutral conditions. The combination of the luminescence data under steady-state and time-resolved conditions shows that the attachment of the organic unit in 1 induces modifications of the association modes of the metallic unit, owing to the presence of the aliphatic chain which probably hinders the metallic moiety binding. The salt dependence of the binding constants was analysed in order to compare the thermodynamic parameters describing the association with DNA for each complex. This study demonstrates the interest of the derivatisation of a Ru(II) complex with an organic moiety (ia the bifunctional ligand POQ-Nmet) for the development of high affinity DNA probes or photoreactive agents.


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The synthesis and characterisation of a new bifunctional Ru(II) complex are presented. This compound contains a metallic unit, photo-reactive versus the guanines of DNA, and a new bifunctional ligand. An intramolecular luminescence quenching makes this complex an attractive candidate for photoprobing DNA where the intramolecular quenching process is inhibited with restoration of luminescence. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Novel bifunctional ruthenium(n) complexes, [Ru(TAP)2(POQ-Nmet)]2+ and [Ru(BPY)2(POQ-Nmet)]2+(la, 2a), containing a metallic and an organic moiety, have been prepared as photoprobes and photoreagents of DNA(TAP = 1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene, POQ-Nmet = 5-[6-(7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)-3-thia-6-azaheptanamido]-l,10phenanthroline). The ES mass spectrometry and 'H NMR data in organic solvents indicate that the quinoline moiety exists in both the protonated and non-protonated form. Moreover, the comparison of the NMR data with those of the corresponding monofunctional complexes(without quinoline) evidences that [Ru(TAP).2(POQ-Nmet)]2+ and [Ru(BPY)J(POQ-Nmet)]2+ are unfolded when the quinoline unit is protonated whereas deprotonation permits folding of the molecule. In the folded state the spatial proximity of the electron donor(the organic moiety) and electron acceptor(the metallic moiety) in [Ru(TAP)2(POQ-Nmet)]2+ favours intramolecular photo-induced electron transfer, which has been shown in a previous study to be responsible for the very low luminescence of la in non-protonating solutions. The restoration of the luminescence by protonation of the quinoline moiety as observed previously is in agreement with the unfolding of the molecule demonstrated in this work. The existence of such folding-unfolding processes related to protonation is crucial for studies of la with DNA. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2000.


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The recognition that early breast cancer is a spectrum of diseases each requiring a specific systemic therapy guided the 13th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Conference [1]. The meeting assembled 3600 participants from nearly 90 countries worldwide. Educational content has been centred on the primary and multidisciplinary treatment approach of early breast cancer. The meeting culminated on the final day, with the St Gallen Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, established by 40-50 of the world's most experienced opinion leaders in the field of breast cancer treatment. The major issue that arose during the consensus conference was the increasing gap between what is theoretically feasible in patient risk stratification, in treatment, and in daily practice management. We need to find new paths to access innovations to clinical research and daily practice. To ensure that continued innovation meets the needs of patients, the therapeutic alliance between patients and academic-led research should to be extended to include relevant pharmaceutical companies and drug regulators with a unique effort to bring innovation into clinical practice. We need to bring together major players from the world of breast cancer research to map out a coordinated strategy on an international scale, to address the disease fragmentation, to share financial resources, and to integrate scientific data. The final goal will be to improve access to an affordable, best standard of care for all patients in each country.


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The topic of this dissertation is the concours pieces for flute at the Paris Conservatory covering two decades. The works are used for exit examination pieces for graduating students at the conservatory. The music is chosen by the director, the professors in the performance area, and a committee of other professors. These pieces still seem to be among the more important pieces known by flutists in the twenty-first century, and they are also frequently used as required audition pieces by conservatories, orchestras, and competitions. I have performed the works used for examination in two decades separated by almost half a century: The pieces from 1900 to 1909 and from 1940-1949, This performance dissertation contains three recital programs, and the recordings of the recitals are filed electronicaIly. I have grouped them according to contrasting styles in three recitals. Works performed are Agrestide (1942) by Eugene Bozza, Andante et Scherzo (1945) by Francois J. Brun, Preude et Scherzo (1908) by Henri Busser, Concertino (1902) by Cecile Chaminade, sixth Solo (1855) by Jules Demersseman (it was on the concours of 1896, dates which are outside the scope of this dissertation), Sonatine (1943) by Henri Dutilleux, Cantabile et Presto (1904) by Georges Enesco, Andante et Scheno (1901) by Louis Ganne, Fantaisie (1920) by Philippe Gaubert, Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando (1906) by Philippe Gaubert, Chant de Linos (1944) by Andre Jolivet, Fantasiestuck (1947) by Henri Martelli, Eglogue (1909) by Jules Mouquet, Concerto in A (1945-1949) by mile Passani, Ballade (1903) by Albert Perhilou, Sonatine (1946) by Pierre Sancan, Andante Pastorale et Scherzettim (1907) by Paul Taffanel, and Concertino in E Major (1945) by Henri Tornasi. Cantabile et Presto was required in both 1904 and 1940, and Andante et Scherzo was required in both 1901 and 1905.


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[Ru(BPY)2POQ-Nmet]2+ and [Ru(TAP)2POQ-Nmet]2+ (1 and 3) are bifunctional complexes composed of a metallic unit linked by a flexible chain to an organic unit. They have been prepared as photoprobes or photoreagents of DNA. In this work, the spectroscopic properties of these bifunctional complexes in the absence of DNA are compared with those of the monofunctional analogues [Ru(BPY)2Phen]2+, [Ru-(BPY)2acPhen]2+, [Ru(TAP)2Phen]2+, and [Ru(TAP)2acPhen]2+ (2 and 4). The electrospray mass spectrometry and absorption data show that the quinoline moiety exists in the protonated and nonprotonated form. Although the bifunctional complex containing 2,2′-bipyridine (BPY) ligands exhibits photophysical properties similar to those of the monofunctional compounds, the bifunctional complex with 1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene (TAP) ligands behaves quite differently. It has weaker relative emission quantum yields and shorter luminescence lifetimes than the monofunctional TAP analogue when the quinoline unit is nonprotonated. This indicates an efficient intramolecular quenching of the 3MLCT (metal to ligand charge transfer) excited state of the TAP metallic moiety. When the organic unit is protonated, there is no internal quenching. In organic solvent, the nonquenched excited metallic unit (bearing a protonated quinoline) and the quenched one (bearing a nonprotonated organic unit) are in slow equilibrium as compared to the lifetime of the two emitters. In aqueous solution this equilibrium is faster and is catalysed by the presence of phosphate buffer. Flash photolysis experiments suggest that the intramolecular quenching process originates from a photoinduced electron transfer from the nonprotonated quinoline to the excited Ru(TAP)2 2+ moiety.