989 resultados para Aksakov, I. S. (Ivan Sergeevich), 1823-1886
Relato sobre o sistema penitencirio nacional, em que discorre sobre a condenação criminal, a pena de detenção, o regime penitencirio, os menores delinquentes, o livramento condicional, as prisões militares, as prisões de mulheres, a educação do preso, à luz do direito comparado.
Contém uma relação de todos os deputados brasileiros desde as cortes portuguesas e a constituinte até a 14ª legislatura ordinária.
Wydział Neofilologia: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej
During the 19th century, Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Franz Liszt (1811- 1886), and Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) were among the most recognized composers of character pieces. Their compositions have been considered a significant milestone in piano literature. Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) did not give descriptive titles to his character pieces. He grouped them into several genres such as Mazurkas, Polonaises. His Mazurkas and Polonaises are influenced by Polish dance music and inspired by the polish national idiom. Franz Liszt (1811-1886) was influenced in many ways by Chopin, and adopted Chopin’s lyricism, melodic style, and tempo rubato. However, Liszt frequently drew on non-musical subjects (e.g., art, literature) for inspiration. “Harmonies poétiques et religieuses and “Années de pèlerinage” are especially representative of character pieces in which poetic and pictorial imagination are reflected. Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) was a conservative traditionalist, synthesizing Romantic expression and Classical tradition remarkably well. Like Chopin, Brahms avoided using programmatic titles for his works. The titles of Brahms short character pieces are often taken from traditional lyrical or dramatic genres such as ballade, rhapsody and scherzo. Because of his conservatism, Brahms was considered the main rival of Liszt in the Romantic Period. Brahms character pieces in his third period (e.g., Scherzo Op.4, Ballades of Op.10, and Rhapsodies of Op.79) are concise and focused. The form of Brahms character pieces is mostly simple ternary (ABA), and his style is introspective and lyrical. Through this recording project, I was able to get a better understanding of the styles of Chopin, Brahms and Liszt through their character pieces. This recording dissertation consists of two CDs recorded in the Dekelboum Concert Hall at the University of Maryland, College Park. These recordings are documented on compact disc recordings that are housed within the University of Maryland Library System.
We study properties of subspace lattices related to the continuity of the map Lat and the notion of reflexivity. We characterize various “closedness” properties in different ways and give the hierarchy between them. We investigate several properties related to tensor products of subspace lattices and show that the tensor product of the projection lattices of two von Neumann algebras, one of which is injective, is reflexive.
The coast of the Bulgarian Black Sea is a popular summer holiday destination. The Dam of Iskar is the largest artificial dam in Bulgaria, with a capacity of 675 million m3. It is the main source of tap water for the capital Sofia and for irrigating the surrounding valley. There is a close relationship between the quality of aquatic ecosystems and human health as many infections are waterborne. Rapid molecular methods for the analysis of highly pathogenic bacteria have been developed for monitoring quality. Mycobacterial species can be isolated from waste, surface, recreational, ground and tap waters and human pathogenicity of nontuberculose mycobacteria (NTM) is well recognized. The objective of our study was to perform molecular analysis for key-pathogens, with a focus on mycobacteria, in water samples collected from the Black Sea and the Dam of Iskar. In a two year period, 38 water samples were collected-24 from the Dam of Iskar and 14 from the Black Sea coastal zone. Fifty liter water samples were concentrated by ultrafiltration. Molecular analysis for 15 pathogens, including all species of genus Mycobacterium was performed. Our results showed presence of Vibrio spp. in the Black Sea. Rotavirus A was also identified in four samples from the Dam of Iskar. Toxigenic Escherichia coli was present in both locations, based on markers for stx1 and stx2 genes. No detectable amounts of Cryptosporidium were detected in either location using immunomagnetic separation and fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, mass spectrometry analyses did not detect key cyanobacterial toxins. On the basis of the results obtained we can conclude that for the period 2012-2014 no Mycobacterium species were present in the water samples. During the study period no cases of waterborne infections were reported.
An unidentified young Black woman is featured in this cabinet card portrait by photographer I. H. (Isaac) Lewis, of Toronto. The photographer's name and address is stamped in gold lettering on the lower front of the card. The address is given as 106 1/2 Queen St. W., Toronto. This cabinet card was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Bell - Sloman family relatives include former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.Isaac H. Lewis was a photographer in Toronto from 1886 - 1900. Source: Phillips, Glen C. The Ontario photographers list (1851-1900). Sarnia: Iron Gate Publishing Co., 1990.
La Securities and Exchange Commission vient d’étendre la possibilité pour les socités américaines cotées de refuser d’inclure dans les sollicitations de procuration les propositions des actionnaires concernant l’élection des administrateurs. Alors que ce thème fait débat et que l’autorité américaine ne sétait que peu prononcée, celle-ci propose une rédaction nouvelle de l’article 14a-8(i)(8) applicable depuis le 10 janvier 2008. Cette prise de position de la Securities and Exchange Commission offre l’opportunité d’analyser l’état de la gouvernance des entreprises américaines en matire d’élection de la direction et de constater que le pouvoir des actionnaires, bien que restreint par cette modification règlementaire, est revigoré en parallèle par le développement du « majority vote system ». La confrontation de ces deux orientations fait apparaître leur complémentarité sous-jacente et le fait que les actionnaires sont, au final, loin d’être dépourvus de moyens efficaces pour mettre en œuvre un activisme. C’est autour des mutations profondes que subit le paysage juridique entourant le pouvoir des actionnaires au moment de l’élection du conseil d’administration que cet écrit est orienté.
L'objecte del treball és conèixer la realitat de la intal·laci luminotècnica actual de l'edifici PII de l'EPS per proposar alguna millora, buscant l'estalvi energètic i per tant la menor emissió de gassos contaminants a l'atmosfera
Una de les causes principals que van motivar la creaci del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà va ser, indiscutiblement, la potencialitat de les zones marjalenques empordaneses d'acollir un gran nombre i varietat d'aus. El marc legislatiu que va fer efectiva la protecci, però, no limitava la seva acci a aquest grup, sinó que l'estenia al conjunt de flora i fauna present a la zona, i a tots els sistemes propers que n'havien de garantir la permanència. Així, a més de definir-se unes àrees de màxima protecci sota la denominaci de Reserves Naturals Integrals, els límits del PNAE engloben àrees potser menys emblemàtiques, però que sn clau per al manteniment del conjunt de sistemes d'aiguamolls a l'Alt Empordà. El present article se centra en un d'aquests sistemes, que tradicionalment ha realitzat un paper d'actor secundari, però que té unes qualitats que, almenys des d'una aproximaci geogràfica, el converteixen en protagonista. Es tracta de les closes
Trata de un paseo cronol??gico por la literatura valenciana para ni??os y j??venes. Desde sus or??genes a la actualidad, con el fin de conocer el pasado para situar el presente. Para ello da un repaso a los acontecimientos importantes que han ido surgiendo a lo largo de esta historia hasta situarse en un presente, present??ndonos las editoriales existentes, los premios concedidos, algunos autores, t??tulos y ??xitos editoriales, promoci??n y ense??anza de la literatura y, para finalizar algunas propuestas para el futuro.
Trata de la creacin de un máster de libros y literatura para nios y jóvenes con el fin de fusionar el capital humano y de conocimiento en una instancia que promocionase la vinculacin de todos y permitiese la formacin continua de profesionales con unos referentes conocidos, debatidos, y en definitiva, quizá compartidos. El máster se propone un acceso a la cultura, ya que lo considera imprescindible en nuestras sociedades, tambin se propone crear un referente de calidad que se extienda a ambos lados del Atlántico a través de la colaboracin con las instituciones de diferentes países que trabajan desde hace años en este campo.
Trata de la aportacin de Celia Vias a la literatura infantil, hace un recorrido por su biografía, las diferentes etapas de su vida que marcarán su creacin artística y sus propósitos renovadores que inspiraron tanto su libro de poemas dedicado a los primeros lectores, como su coleccin de relatos que presentó al Premio Nacional de literatura 1951. Tambin nos enseña algunas de sus composiciones de literatura infantil de su creacin, comentando de éstas los recursos estilísticos y los temas que solía emplear para la redaccin de éstos. Todo esto sin olvidar que aparte de obras dedicadas a la infancia tiene otros libros de poemas para los adultos.
Se da un recorrido por la evolucin del teatro de las Islas Baleares desde el 2002 con la iniciacin de la feria de teatro infantil y juvenil en el pueblo mallorquín de Vilafranca de Bonany. Nos detalla las características de la infraestructura del teatro en cuestin, el porqué de la eleccin de este teatro y la creacin de la Xerxa (la red) con la intencin de promover el teatro infantil y juvenil en los municipios de todo el territorio. As pues, se trata de una asociacin sin ánimo de lucro que organiza ferias en distintos municipios de Mallorca y Menorca.