932 resultados para Agricultural libraries


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Tedd, L.A. & Large, A. (2005). Digital libraries: principles and practice in a global environment. Munich: K.G. Saur.


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Cooper, J., Spink, S., Thomas, R. & Urquhart, C. (2005). Evaluation of the Specialist Libraries/Communities of Practice. Report for National Library for Health. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: National Library for Health (NLH)


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Yeoman, A., Urquhart, C. & Sharp, S. (2003). Moving Communities of Practice forward: the challenge for the National electronic Library for Health and its Virtual Branch Libraries. Health Informatics Journal, 9(4), 241-252. Previously appeared as a conference paper for the iSHIMR2003 conference (Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, June 1-3, 2003, Boras, Sweden) Sponsorship: NHS Information Authority/National electronic Library for Health


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Tedd, L.A. (2002). World Library Summit and visits to libraries in Singapore: a report. Program:electronic library and information systems, 36(4), 253-260.


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C.R. Bull, R. Zwiggelaar and R.D. Speller, 'Review of inspection techniques based on the elastic and inelastic scattering of X-rays and their potential in the food and agricultural industry', Journal of Food Engineering 33 (1-2), 167-179 (1997)


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C.M. Onyango, J.A. Marchant and R. Zwiggelaar, 'Modelling uncertainty in agricultural image analysis', Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 17 (3), 295-305 (1997)


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R. Zwiggelaar, C.R. Bull, and M.J. Mooney, 'X-ray simulations for imaging applications in the agricultural and food industry', Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 63(2), 161-170 (1996)


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Barry, L., Tedd, L.A. (2008). Local studies collections online: an investigation in Irish public libraries. Program: electronic library and information systems, 42(2), 163-186.


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Thomas, R., Urquhart, C., Crossan, S. & Hines, B. (2008). MUES (Mid Wales - Users - Ethnic Services) Ethnic services provision 2007-08. Report for Libraries for Life: Delivering the entitlement agenda for library users in Wales 2007-09. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University. Related policy guidance published separately Sponsorship: CyMAL


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Urquhart, C., Thomas, R., Crossan, S. & Hines, B. (2008). MUES (Mid Wales - Users - Ethnic Services) Ethnic services provision 2007-08. Policy guidance for Libraries for Life: Delivering the entitlement agenda for library users in Wales 2007-09. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University. Relates to report of same title - http://hdl.handle.net/2160/609 Sponsorship: CyMAL


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Badania dotyczące pozyskiwania środków pomocowych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe przeprowadzone zostały w ramach wewnętrznych projektów badawczych Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu. Realizacji projektu podjął się Oddział Prac Naukowych, Wydawniczych i Dydaktycznych BU. Zadanie wykonano od września 2008 do czerwca 2009 roku. Zamierzeniem autorek artykułu było uzyskanie pełnej informacji na temat środków pozabudżetowych pozyskiwanych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe oraz określenie stopnia ich wykorzystania. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety. Przygotowany kwestionariusz ankiety wraz z informacją dla respondentów o celu prowadzonych badań skierowano do wszystkich bibliotek uniwersyteckich, bibliotek głównych uczelni technicznych, medycznych, ekonomicznych, bibliotek akademii wychowania fizycznego, uczelni pedagogicznych i rolniczych oraz do bibliotek publicznych posiadających status bibliotek naukowych. Łącznie wysłano 70 ankiet, odpowiedzi udzieliło 38 respondentów. Wskazany w artykule okres 2000-2008 był czasem zwiększonych możliwości uzyskiwania dodatkowych funduszy przez biblioteki. Najczęściej otrzymywane fundusze to dotacje ministerialne, dalej środki sponsorów na działalność podstawową. W poważnym stopniu wspierały biblioteki, głównie biblioteki publiczne, lokalne samorządy. Zauważalne były dotacje wspierające biblioteki przekazywane przez fundacje i środki ofiarowane przez sponsorów na działalność organizacyjną; ewenementem natomiast – subwencje unijne.


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The future of theology libraries is far from clear. Since the nineteenth century, theology libraries have evolved to support the work of theological education. This article briefly reviews the development of theology libraries in North America and examines the contextual changes impacting theology libraries today. Three significant factors that will shape theology libraries in the coming decade are collaborative models of pedagogy and scholarship, globalization and rapid changes in information technology, and changes in the nature of scholarly publishing including the digitization of information. A large body of research is available to assist those responsible for guiding the direction of theology libraries in the next decade, but there are significant gaps in what we know about the impact of technology on how people use information that must be filled in order to provide a solid foundation for planning.


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The resolution passed by the BU University Council approving an initiative to establish an archive of the research and scholarship produced by the faculty of the University.


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Four librarians from Irish university libraries completed the U.K. Future Leaders Programme (FLP) in 2010. In this article they recount their experience and assess the effect of the programme on their professional practice and the value for their institutions. The programme is explored in the context of the Irish higher education environment, which is facing significant challenges due to the demise of the Celtic Tiger economy. A brief review of the literature relating to structured programmes to prepare librarians for senior positions, is presented. The structure and content of the FLP and the learning methodologies, theories, tools and techniques used throughout are discussed. The article suggests that the programme has real value for both individuals and institutions and that it can play a significant role in succession planning and the leadership development of librarians