Genome-wide association studies in bipolar disorder (BD)1 have implicated a single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs1006737, G right arrow A) in the CACNA1C gene, which encodes for the alpha 1c (CAV1.2) subunit of the voltage-gated, L-type calcium channel. Neuroimaging studies of healthy individuals report that this risk allele modulates brain function within limbic (amygdala, anterior cingulate gyrus) and hippocampal regions during tasks of reward processing2, 3 and episodic memory. Moreover, animal studies suggest that the CaV1.2 L-type calcium channels influence emotional behaviour through enhanced neurotransmission via the lateral amygdala pathway. On the basis of this evidence, we tested the hypotheses that the CACNA1C rs1006737 risk allele will modulate neural responses within predefined prefrontal and subcortical regions of interest during emotional face processing and that this effect would be amplified in BD patients.
How experience alters neuronal ensemble dynamics and how locus coeruleus-mediated norepinephrine release facilitates memory formation in the brain are the topics of this thesis. Here we employed a visualization technique, cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescence in situ hybridization (catFISH), to assess activation patterns of neuronal ensembles in the olfactory bulb (OB) and anterior piriform cortex (aPC) to repeated odor inputs. Two associative learning models were used, early odor preference learning in rat pups and adult rat go-no-go odor discrimination learning. With catFISH of an immediate early gene, Arc, we showed that odor representation in the OB and aPC was sparse (~5-10%) and widely distributed. Odor associative learning enhanced the stability of the rewarded odor representation in the OB and aPC. The stable component, indexed by the overlap between the two ensembles activated by the rewarded odor at two time points, increased from ~25% to ~50% (p = 0.004-1.43E⁻4; Chapter 3 and 4). Adult odor discrimination learning promoted pattern separation between rewarded and unrewarded odor representations in the aPC. The overlap between rewarded and unrewarded odor representations reduced from ~25% to ~14% (p = 2.28E⁻⁵). However, learning an odor mixture as a rewarded odor increased the overlap of the component odor representations in the aPC from ~23% to ~44% (p = 0.010; Chapter 4). Blocking both α- and β-adrenoreceptors in the aPC prevented highly similar odor discrimination learning in adult rats, and reduced OB mitral and granule ensemble stability to the rewarded odor. Similar treatment in the OB only slowed odor discrimination learning. However, OB adrenoceptor blockade disrupted pattern separation and ensemble stability in the aPC when the rats demonstrated deficiency in discrimination (Chapter 5). In another project, the role of α₂-adrenoreceptors in the OB during early odor preference learning was studied. OB α2-adrenoceptor activation was necessary for odor learning in rat pups. α₂-adrenoceptor activation was additive with β-adrenoceptor mediated signalling to promote learning (Chapter 2). Together, these experiments suggest that odor representations are highly adaptive at the early stages of odor processing. The OB and aPC work in concert to support odor learning and top-down adrenergic input exerts a powerful modulation on both learning and odor representation.
Lesions involving the anterior thalamic nuclei stopped immediate early gene (IEG) activity in specific regions of the rat retrosplenial cortex, even though there were no apparent cytoarchitectonic changes. Discrete anterior thalamic lesions were made either by excitotoxin (Experiment 1) or radiofrequency (Experiment 2) and, following recovery, the rats foraged in a radial-arm maze in a novel room. Measurements made 6-12 weeks postsurgery showed that, in comparison with surgical controls, the thalamic lesions produced the same, selective patterns of Fos changes irrespective of method. Granular (caudal granular cortex and rostral granular cortex), but not dysgranular (dysgranular cortex), retrosplenial cortex showed a striking loss of Fos-positive cells. While a loss of between 79 and 89% of Fos-positive cells was found in the superficial laminae, the deeper layers appeared normal. In Experiments 3 and 4, rats 9-10 months postsurgery were placed in an activity box for 30 min. Anterior thalamic lesions (Experiment 3) led to a pronounced IEG decrease of both Fos and zif268 throughout the retrosplenial cortex that now included the dysgranular area. These IEG losses were found even though the same regions appeared normal using standard histological techniques. Lesions of the postrhinal cortex (Experiment 4) did not bring about a loss of retrosplenial IEG activity even though this region is also reciprocally connected with the retrosplenial cortex. This selective effect of anterior thalamic damage upon retrosplenial activity may both amplify the disruptive effects of anterior thalamic lesions and help to explain the posterior cingulate hypoactivity found in Alzheimer's disease.
Aim: This study examines if injection of cobalt chloride (CoCl2) or antagonists of muscarinic cholinergic (atropine), mu(1)-opioid (naloxonazine) or 5-HT1 serotonergic (methiothepin) receptors into the dorsal or ventral portions of the anterior pretectal nucleus (APtN) alters the antinociceptive effects of stimulating the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) in rats. Main method: Changes in the nociceptive threshold were evaluated using the tail flick or incision pain tests in rats that were electrically stimulated at the RSC after the injection of saline, CoCl2 (1 mM, 0.10 mu L) or antagonists into the dorsal or ventral APtN. Key findings: The injection of CoCl2, naloxonazine (5 mu g/0.10 mu L) or methiothepin (3 mu g/0.10 mu L) into the dorsal APtN reduced the stimulation-produced antinociception from the RSC in the rat tail flick test. Reduction of incision pain was observed following stimulation of the RSC after the injection of the same substances into the ventral APtN. The injection of atropine (10 ng/0.10 mu L) or ketanserine (5 mu g/0.10 mu L) into the dorsal or ventral APtN was ineffective against the antinociception resulting from RSC stimulation. Significance: mu(1)-opioid- and 5-HT1-expressing neurons and cell processes in dorsal and ventral APtN are both implicated in the mediation of stimulation-produced antinociception from the RSC in the rat tail flick and incision pain tests, respectively. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Our aim was to make a quantitative comparison of the response of the different visual cortical areas to selective stimulation of the two different cone-opponent pathways [long- and medium-wavelength (L/M)- and short-wavelength (S)-cone-opponent] and the achromatic pathway under equivalent conditions. The appropriate stimulus-contrast metric for the comparison of colour and achromatic sensitivity is unknown, however, and so a secondary aim was to investigate whether equivalent fMRI responses of each cortical area are predicted by stimulus contrast matched in multiples of detection threshold that approximately equates for visibility, or direct (cone) contrast matches in which psychophysical sensitivity is uncorrected. We found that the fMRI response across the two colour and achromatic pathways is not well predicted by threshold-scaled stimuli (perceptual visibility) but is better predicted by cone contrast, particularly for area V1. Our results show that the early visual areas (V1, V2, V3, VP and hV4) all have robust responses to colour. No area showed an overall colour preference, however, until anterior to V4 where we found a ventral occipital region that has a significant preference for chromatic stimuli, indicating a functional distinction from earlier areas. We found that all of these areas have a surprisingly strong response to S-cone stimuli, at least as great as the L/M response, suggesting a relative enhancement of the S-cone cortical signal. We also identified two areas (V3A and hMT+) with a significant preference for achromatic over chromatic stimuli, indicating a functional grouping into a dorsal pathway with a strong magnocellular input.
"The functional organization of auditory cortex (AC) is still poorly understood. Previous studies suggest segregation of auditory processing streams for spatial and nonspatial information located in the posterior and anterior AC, respectively (Rauschecker and Tian, 2000; Arnott et al., 2004; Lomber and Malhotra, 2008). Furthermore, previous studies have shown that active listening tasks strongly modulate AC activations (Petkov et al., 2004; Fritz et al., 2005; Polley et al., 2006). However, the task dependence of AC activations has not been systematically investigated. In the present study, we applied high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging of the AC and adjacent areas to compare activations during pitch discrimination and n-back pitch memory tasks that were varied parametrically in difficulty. We found that anterior AC activations were increased during discrimination but not during memory tasks, while activations in the inferior parietal lobule posterior to the AC were enhanced during memory tasks but not during discrimination. We also found that wide areas of the anterior AC and anterior insula were strongly deactivated during the pitch memory tasks. While these results are consistent with the proposition that the anterior and posterior AC belong to functionally separate auditory processing streams, our results show that this division is present also between tasks using spatially invariant sounds. Together, our results indicate that activations of human AC are strongly dependent on the characteristics of the behavioral task."
Psychological factors play a major role in exacerbating chronic pain. Effective self-management of pain is often hindered by inaccurate beliefs about the nature of pain which lead to a high degree of emotional reactivity. Probabilistic models of perception state that greater confidence (certainty) in beliefs increases their influence on perception and behavior. In this study, we treat confidence as a metacognitive process dissociable from the content of belief. We hypothesized that confidence is associated with anticipatory activation of areas of the pain matrix involved with top-down modulation of pain. Healthy volunteers rated their beliefs about the emotional distress that experimental pain would cause, and separately rated their level of confidence in this belief. Confidence predicted the influence of anticipation cues on experienced pain. We measured brain activity during anticipation of pain using high-density EEG and used electromagnetic tomography to determine neural substrates of this effect. Confidence correlated with activity in right anterior insula, posterior midcingulate and inferior parietal cortices during the anticipation of pain. Activity in the right anterior insula predicted a greater influence of anticipation cues on pain perception, whereas activity in right inferior parietal cortex predicted a decreased influence of anticipatory cues. The results support probabilistic models of pain perception and suggest that confidence in beliefs is an important determinant of expectancy effects on pain perception.
The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) plays a central role in aspects of cognitive control and decision making. Here, we provide evidence for an anterior-to-posterior topography within the DMPFC using tasks that evoke three distinct forms of control demands--response, decision, and strategic--each of which could be mapped onto independent behavioral data. Specifically, we identify three spatially distinct regions within the DMPFC: a posterior region associated with control demands evoked by multiple incompatible responses, a middle region associated with control demands evoked by the relative desirability of decision options, and an anterior region that predicts control demands related to deviations from an individual's preferred decision-making strategy. These results provide new insight into the functional organization of DMPFC and suggest how recent controversies about its role in complex decision making and response mapping can be reconciled.
Résumé: L'objectif de l'étude est de caractériser la manifestation clinique d'une atteinte vasculaire cérébrale ischémique aiguë limitée au cortex insulaire, région intrigante et méconnue du cerveau humain. Dans la pratique clinique, une atteinte vasculaire aiguë limitée à l'insula, sans compromission d'autres régions cérébrales, est exceptionnelle et sa manifestation clinique neurologique est souvent non reconnue. L'étude est focalisée sur quatre patients, inscrits dans le Lausanne Stroke Registry, présentant une nouvelle atteinte vasculaire cérébrale avec une lésion unique purement limitée au cortex insulaire, objectivée à l'aide de la résonance magnétique (IRM). L'étude a mis en évidence cinq manifestations cliniques principales : 1) Troubles de la sensibilité corporelle sont révélé chez trois patients avec une atteinte insulaire postérieure (deux avec un syndrome pseudothalamique, un avec un déficit à distribution partielle). 2) Un patient avec une lésion insulaire postérieure gauche présent des troubles du goût. 3) Un syndrome pseudovestibulaire avec vertiges non rotatoires, instabilité à la marche sans nystagmus, est mis en évidence chez trois patients avec une atteinte ischémique insulaire postérieure. 4) Un patient avec atteinte de l'insula postérieure droite présente des épisodes d'hypertension artérielle d'origine cryptique. 5) Des troubles neuropsychologiques tels qu'aphasie et dysarthrie sont détectés chez les patients avec une atteinte insulaire postérieure gauche, un épisode de somatoparaphrénie est rapporté avec une atteinte insulaire postérieure droite. En conclusion, les atteintes vasculaires cérébrales ischémiques aiguës limitées au cortex insulaire postérieur peuvent se manifester principalement avec un tableau clinique caractérisé par un syndrome pseudothalamique associé à une symptomatologie pseudovertigineuse. Les lésions insulaires postérieures peuvent se manifester avec une dysarthrie et des troubles du goût, une aphasie (gauche), une somatoparaphrénie et une dysfonction hypertensive (droite). L'étude n'a pas mis en évidence de dysphagie, reportée dans les atteintes insulaires antérieures. Abstract: Objective: To characterize clinically acute insular strokes from four patients with, a first ever acute stroke restricted to the insula on MRI. Methods: The authors studied the clinical presentation of four patients with a first ever acute stroke restricted to the insula on MRI. Results: The authors found five main groups of clinical presentations: 1) somatosensory deficits in three patients with posterior insular stroke (two with a transient pseudothalamic sensory syndrome, one with partial distribution); 2) gustatory disorder in a patient with left posterior insular infarct; 3) vestibular-like syndrome, with dizziness, gait instability, and tendency to fall, but no nystagmus, in three patients with posterior insular strokes; 4) cardiovascular disturbances, consisting of hypertensive episodes in a patient with a right posterior insular infarct; and 5) neuropsychological disorders, including aphasia (left posterior insula), dysarthria, and transient somatoparaphrenia (right posterior insula). Conclusion: Strokes restricted to the posterior insula may present with pseudothalamic sensory and vestibular-like syndromes as prominent clinical manifestations, but also dysarthria and aphasia (in left lesions), somatoparaphrenia (right lesions) and gustatory dysfunction and blood pressure with hypertensive episodes in right lesions; we did not find acute dysphagia reported in anterior, insular strokes.
Après un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), 30% des personnes ont une atteinte de la fonction motrice du membre supérieur. Un des mécanismes pouvant intervenir dans la récupération motrice après un AVC est la réorganisation des interactions interhémisphériques. À ce jour, la plupart des études se sont intéressées aux interactions entre les représentations des muscles de la main. Or la réalisation de mouvements de la main nécessite une coordination précise des muscles proximaux de l’épaule et le maintien d’une stabilité assurée par les muscles du tronc. Cependant, il existe peu d’informations sur le contrôle interhémisphérique de ces muscles. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette étude était de caractériser les interactions entre les représentations corticales des muscles proximaux (Deltoïde antérieur (DA)), et axiaux (Erecteur spinal (ES L1)) chez le sujet sain et de les comparer avec les interactions interhémisphériques entre les représentations des muscles distaux (1er interosseux dorsal (FDI)). Deux techniques de stimulation magnétique transcrânienne ont été utilisées pour évaluer ces interactions. La stimulation du cortex moteur ipsilatéral évoque une période de silence ipsilatérale (iSP)-reflétant l’inhibition interhémiphérique-dans le FDI et le DA. Dans ES L1, l’iSP est précédée d’une facilitation. Le paradigme de l’impulsion pairée démontre aussi la présence d’inhibition interhémisphérique dans les trois muscles. Ces résultats suggèrent un patron distinct d’interactions réciproques entre les représentations des muscles distaux, proximaux et axiaux qui peut être expliqué à la fois par des changements d’excitabilité au niveau cortical et sous-cortical. Ces résultats pourraient servir de bases normatives afin d’évaluer les changements survenant suite à un AVC.
The characteristics of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist-induced epileptiform bursting seen in immature rat piriform cortex slices in vitro were further investigated using intracellular recording, with particular focus on its postnatal age-dependence (P+14-P+30), pharmacology, site(s) of origin and the likely contribution of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist-induced post-stimulus slow afterdepolarization and gap junction functionality toward its generation. The muscarinic agonist, oxotremorine-M (10 microM), induced rhythmic bursting only in immature piriform cortex slices; however, paroxysmal depolarizing shift amplitude, burst duration and burst incidence were inversely related to postnatal age. No significant age-dependent changes in neuronal membrane properties or postsynaptic muscarinic responsiveness accounted for this decline. Burst incidence was higher when recorded in anterior and posterior regions of the immature piriform cortex. In adult and immature neurones, oxotremorine-M effects were abolished by M1-, but not M2-muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-selective antagonists. Rostrocaudal lesions, between piriform cortex layers I and II, or layer III and endopiriform nucleus in adult or immature slices did not influence oxotremorine-M effects; however, the slow afterdepolarization in adult (but not immature) lesioned slices was abolished. Gap junction blockers (carbenoxolone or octanol) disrupted muscarinic bursting and diminished the slow afterdepolarization in immature slices, suggesting that gap junction connectivity was important for bursting. Our data show that neural networks within layers II-III function as primary oscillatory circuits for burst initiation in immature rat piriform cortex during persistent muscarinic receptor activation. Furthermore, we propose that muscarinic slow afterdepolarization induction and gap junction communication could contribute towards the increased epileptiform susceptibility of this brain area.
Although many examples exist for shared neural representations of self and other, it is unknown how such shared representations interact with the rest of the brain. Furthermore, do high-level inference-based shared mentalizing representations interact with lower level embodied/simulation-based shared representations? We used functional neuroimaging (fMRI) and a functional connectivity approach to assess these questions during high-level inference-based mentalizing. Shared mentalizing representations in ventromedial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate/precuneus, and temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) all exhibited identical functional connectivity patterns during mentalizing of both self and other. Connectivity patterns were distributed across low-level embodied neural systems such as the frontal operculum/ventral premotor cortex, the anterior insula, the primary sensorimotor cortex, and the presupplementary motor area. These results demonstrate that identical neural circuits are implementing processes involved in mentalizing of both self and other and that the nature of such processes may be the integration of low-level embodied processes within higher level inference-based mentalizing.
Previous functional imaging studies have shown that facilitated processing of a visual object on repeated, relative to initial, presentation (i.e., repetition priming) is associated with reductions in neural activity in multiple regions, including fusiforin/lateral occipital cortex. Moreover, activity reductions have been found, at diminished levels, when a different exemplar of an object is presented on repetition. In one previous study, the magnitude of diminished priming across exemplars was greater in the right relative to the left fusiform, suggesting greater exemplar specificity in the right. Another previous study, however, observed fusiform lateralization modulated by object viewpoint, but not object exemplar. The present fMRI study sought to determine whether the result of differential fusiform responses for perceptually different exemplars could be replicated. Furthermore, the role of the left fusiform cortex in object recognition was investigated via the inclusion of a lexical/semantic manipulation. Right fusiform cortex showed a significantly greater effect of exemplar change than left fusiform, replicating the previous result of exemplar-specific fusiform lateralization. Right fusiform and lateral occipital cortex were not differentially engaged by the lexical/semantic manipulation, suggesting that their role in visual object recognition is predominantly in the. C visual discrimination of specific objects. Activation in left fusiform cortex, but not left lateral occipital cortex, was modulated by both exemplar change and lexical/semantic manipulation, with further analysis suggesting a posterior-to-anterior progression between regions involved in processing visuoperceptual and lexical/semantic information about objects. The results are consistent with the view that the right fusiform plays a greater role in processing specific visual form information about objects, whereas the left fusiform is also involved in lexical/semantic processing. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Experientially opening oneself to pain rather than avoiding it is said to reduce the mind's tendency toward avoidance or anxiety which can further exacerbate the experience of pain. This is a central feature of mindfulness-based therapies. Little is known about the neural mechanisms of mindfulness on pain. During a meditation practice similar to mindfulness, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used in expert meditators (> 10,000 h of practice) to dissociate neural activation patterns associated with pain, its anticipation, and habituation. Compared to novices, expert meditators reported equal pain intensity, but less unpleasantness. This difference was associated with enhanced activity in the dorsal anterior insula (aI), and the anterior mid-cingulate (aMCC) the so-called ‘salience network’, for experts during pain. This enhanced activity during pain was associated with reduced baseline activity before pain in these regions and the amygdala for experts only. The reduced baseline activation in left aI correlated with lifetime meditation experience. This pattern of low baseline activity coupled with high response in aIns and aMCC was associated with enhanced neural habituation in amygdala and pain-related regions before painful stimulation and in the pain-related regions during painful stimulation. These findings suggest that cultivating experiential openness down-regulates anticipatory representation of aversive events, and increases the recruitment of attentional resources during pain, which is associated with faster neural habituation.
Wernicke’s aphasia occurs following a stroke to classical language comprehension regions in the left temporoparietal cortex. Consequently, auditory-verbal comprehension is significantly impaired in Wernicke’s aphasia but the capacity to comprehend visually presented materials (written words and pictures) is partially spared. This study used fMRI to investigate the neural basis of written word and picture semantic processing in Wernicke’s aphasia, with the wider aim of examining how the semantic system is altered following damage to the classical comprehension regions. Twelve participants with Wernicke’s aphasia and twelve control participants performed semantic animate-inanimate judgements and a visual height judgement baseline task. Whole brain and ROI analysis in Wernicke’s aphasia and control participants found that semantic judgements were underpinned by activation in the ventral and anterior temporal lobes bilaterally. The Wernicke’s aphasia group displayed an “over-activation” in comparison to control participants, indicating that anterior temporal lobe regions become increasingly influential following reduction in posterior semantic resources. Semantic processing of written words in Wernicke’s aphasia was additionally supported by recruitment of the right anterior superior temporal lobe, a region previously associated with recovery from auditory-verbal comprehension impairments. Overall, the results concord with models which indicate that the anterior temporal lobes are crucial for multimodal semantic processing and that these regions may be accessed without support from classic posterior comprehension regions.