957 resultados para AGRICULTURAL LAND


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Due to its extraordinary biodiversity and rapid deforestation, north-eastern Madagascar is a conservation hotspot of global importance. Reducing shifting cultivation is a high priority for policy-makers and conservationists; however, spatially explicit evidence of shifting cultivation is lacking due to the difficulty of mapping it with common remote sensing methods. To overcome this challenge, we adopted a landscape mosaic approach to assess the changes between natural forests, shifting cultivation and permanent cultivation systems at the regional level from 1995 to 2011. Our study confirmed that shifting cultivation is still being used to produce subsistence rice throughout the region, but there is a trend of intensification away from shifting cultivation towards permanent rice production, especially near protected areas. While large continuous forest exists today only in the core zones of protected areas, the agricultural matrix is still dominated by a dense cover of tree crops and smaller forest fragments. We believe that this evidence makes a crucial contribution to the development of interventions to prevent further conversion of forest to agricultural land while improving local land users' well-being.


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68 lakes (63 Swiss, 2 French and 3 Italian) located in an altitudinal range between 334 and 2339m spanning a wide range of land-use have been investigated. The aim of the study was to discuss influences of geographic location, vegetation and land-use in the catchment area on the water and sediment chemistry of small lakes. Detailed quantitative description of land-use, vegetation, and climate in the watershed of all lakes was established. Surface and bottom water samples collected from each lake were analyzed for major ions and nutrients. Correlations were interpreted using linear regression analysis. Chemical parameters of water and sediment reflect the characteristics of the catchment areas. All lakes were alkaline since they were situated on calcareous bedrock. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus strongly increase with increasing agricultural land-use. Na and K, however, are positively correlated with the amount of urbanization within the catchment area. These elements as well as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Mg, Ca, and alkalinity, increase when the catchment is urbanized or used for agriculture. Total nitrogen and organic carbon in the sediments decrease distinctly if large parts of the catchment consist of bare land. No correlations between sediment composition and maximum water depth or altitude of the lakes were found.¶Striking differences in the water compositions of lakes above and below approximately 700 m of altitude were observed. Concentrations of total nitrogen and nitrate, total phosphorus, DOC, Na, K, Mg, Ca, and alkalinity are distinctly higher in most lakes below 700 m than above, and the pH of the bottom waters of these lakes is generally lower. Estimates of total nitrogen concentrations, even in remote areas, indicate that precipitation is responsible for increased background concentrations. At lower altitudes nitrogen concentrations in lakes is explained by the nitrogen loaded rain from urban areas deposited on the catchment, and with high percentages of agricultural land-use in the watershed.


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Introduction. Lake Houston serves as a reservoir for both recreational and drinking water for residents of Houston, Texas, and the metropolitan area. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) expressed concerns about the water quality and increasing amounts of pathogenic bacteria in Lake Houston (3). The objective of this investigation is to evaluate water quality for the presence of bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, carbon, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, and chlorine in Cypress Creek. The aims of this project are to analyze samples of water from Cypress Creek and to render a quantitative and graphical representation of the results. The collected information will allow for a better understanding of the aqueous environment in Cypress Creek.^ Methods. Water samples were collected in August 2009 and analyzed in the field and at UTSPH laboratory by spectrophotometry and other methods. Mapping software was utilized to develop novel maps of the sample sites using coordinates attained with the Global Positioning System (GPS). Sample sites and concentrations were mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and correlated with permitted outfalls and other land use characteristic.^ Results. All areas sampled were positive for the presence of total coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The presences of other water contaminants varied at each location in Cypress Creek but were under the maximum allowable limits designated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. However, dissolved oxygen concentrations were elevated above the TCEQ limit of 5.0 mg/L at majority of the sites. One site had near-limit concentration of nitrates at 9.8 mg/L. Land use above this site included farm land, agricultural land, golf course, parks, residential neighborhoods, and nine permitted TCEQ effluent discharge sites within 0.5 miles upstream.^ Significance. Lake Houston and its tributary, Cypress Creek, are used as recreational waters where individuals may become exposed to microbial contamination. Lake Houston also is the source of drinking water for much of Houston/Harris and Galveston Counties. This research identified the presence of microbial contaminates in Cypress Creek above TCEQ regulatory requirements. Other water quality variables measured were in line with TCEQ regulations except for near-limit for nitrate at sample site #10, at Jarvis and Timberlake in Cypress Texas.^


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El río Mendoza riega el oasis Norte en el que se encuentra asentada la población del Gran Mendoza. El crecimiento urbano avanzó sobre áreas originalmente agrícolas, rodeándolas y atravesándolas con una intrincada red de canales y desagües de riego y colectores de desagües urbano-pluviales. Para conocer la evolución de la calidad del agua de esta cuenca se seleccionaron, estratégicamente, diversos sitios de muestreo: tres puntos (RI a RIII) a lo largo del río a partir del derivador (dique Cipolletti), cinco en la red de canales (CI a CV) y siete ubicados en los colectores de drenaje (DI a DVII). En ellos se realizó el análisis de las variables temperatura, pH, iones solubles y sólidos (en suspensión, sedimentables 10 minutos, totales, fijos y volátiles). En la red de drenaje sólo se analizaron los tres primeros parámetros. La metodología estadística incluyó el análisis descriptivo, inferencial y espacial de cada variable. Los resultados indican que en el río no hay diferencias entre los puntos de muestreo en lo que respecta a pH y sólidos totales volátiles. En cambio, sí se encuentran diferencias en todas las demás variables, y en general entre RIII y RII respecto de RI. En canales y RI no hay diferencias entre los puntos de muestreo en carbonatos y sólidos totales volátiles y sí en todas las demás variables analizadas.


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El oasis bajo riego del río Mendoza, en la provincia argentina del mismo nombre -al igual que casi todas las ciudades en la actualidadpresenta problemas de avance de la urbanización sobre las tierras agrícolas, multiplicidad de usuarios y disminución de la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. Si bien se destinan esfuerzos e inversiones tendientes a asegurar la disponibilidad de agua (mejora de eficiencias, ahorro de agua) no pasa lo mismo en relación con la preservación de su calidad. La agricultura mendocina resulta víctima de la contaminación producida por la urbanización y la industria a través del vuelco (puntual y/o difuso) de sus efluentes a la red de riego. Estudios realizados en el Oasis Norte de Mendoza pusieron de manifiesto la existencia de altos niveles de contaminación fosfatada en las aguas del río Mendoza. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la evolución espacio-temporal y detectar las fuentes de esta contaminación. Los resultados del diagnóstico basado en una serie de muestreos realizados en 2003 - 2009 ponen de relieve la existencia de una moderada contaminación por fosfatos en las aguas del río Mendoza que riegan el Oasis Norte provincial. Asimismo, se detectaron niveles considerablemente altos de fosfatos en tres sitios específicos del oasis: 1. la superficie regadía servida por los canales Cacique Guaymallén y Jocolí -se observa un incremento de seis veces el contenido de fosfatos del agua: de 0,2 mg L-1 (R I) a 1,2 mg L-1 (C II)-; en este último sitio sólo se riega un pequeño sector que se aproxima a las 7.300 ha; 2. la superficie regada por el Colector Pescara aguas abajo del punto D VIII (1.250 ha), en la que los valores medios arrojaron un contenido diecisiete veces mayor (8,5 mg L-1 ) que los del sitio D I (0,49 mg L-1 ) que recibe desagües agrícolas y urbano pluviales; 3. la zona del Bajo río Mendoza (en esta zona se registró un aumento de dieciséis veces más fosfatos entre la parte media y la cola del sistema, con valores medios de 0,2 mg L-1 en el sitio R II y de 3,25 mg L-1 en R III).


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La necesidad de estudiar la presencia de metales pesados en el suelo radica en su impacto como indicador de contaminación ambiental. Se determinó la presencia de Cu, Zn, Pb y Cd en suelos donde se distribuyen especies vegetales en un corredor ecológico. Entre los municipios de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez y San Luis Potosí (México) fueron establecidos 30 puntos distribuidos en cinco prácticas dominantes de usos de suelo: agropecuario, residencial rural, comercio y servicios, residencial urbano y minero. Los muestreos se realizaron en cuatro épocas durante 2009 y 2010 (verano, otoño, invierno y primavera). Se encontró un efecto significativo del uso del suelo en cuanto a los niveles de Cu (p = 0,000), Pb (p = 0,043) y Cd (p = 0,010). En el caso del Zn, el uso del suelo (p = 0,000) y la estación (p = 0,059) fueron significativos. El uso del suelo minero mostró las mayores concentraciones de metales y el agrícola las menores. Los niveles de los cuatro metales se encuentran en el rango marcado como alto por la EPA y por otras fuentes técnicas. En el caso de Pb y Cd no rebasan los estándares NOM-147- SEMARNAT-SSA1. Estos resultados reflejan el potencial indicativo del uso del suelo en la evaluación de la calidad ambiental, sin embargo, se requiere continuar con un monitoreo de metales pesados en la zona.


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Geochemical and palynological data from an annually laminated core sequence (Lake Belau, Schleswig-Holstein) are interpreted with respect to vegetation and settlement history on the basis of a chronostratigraphical model and archaeological evidence. Most settlement periods indicated by pollen and archaeological data can be geochemically identified in the sediment sequence using tracer elements such as K, Rb, Zr and the K/Zr ratio. Whilst air-borne pollen carry a more regional signal, the sedimentary flux of these trace elements is determined by the allogenic input from the catchment area of the lake and, therefore, provides information about the local history of settlement and agricultural land use in the lake's vicinity. This is exemplified for the period of the middle Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture ('Iversen landnam'), where a time offset of 250 years between both signals has been detected. In contrast, both geochemical and pollen signals are highly synchronous during the Early Migration Period and the High Medieval Period. Additionally, the Fe/Ca and/or U/Fe ratio may serve as a sensitive tracer for human impact on the trophic state of the lake. The suggested impact of the Romans and the High Medieval civilization can clearly be seen (and quantified) from elevated lead input into Lake Belau sediments at this time. Effects of secular climatic changes on the sedimentary chemistry have not been detected and, if present, seem to have been obliterated by anthropogenic activity.


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This paper reports the effects produced on the organisms of the soil (plants, invertebrates and microorganisms), after the application of two types of poultry manure (sawdust and straw bed) on an agricultural land. The test was made using a terrestrial microcosm, Multi-Species Soil System (MS3) developed in INIA. There was no difference in the germination for any of the three species of plants considered in the study. The biomass was increased in the wheat (Triticum aestivum) coming from ground treated with both kinds of poultry manure. Oilseed rape (Brasica rapa) was not affected and regarding vetch (Vicia sativa) only straw poultry manure showed significant difference. For length only Vicia sativa was affected showing a reduction when straw was exposed to poultry manure. When the effect on invertebrates was studied, we observed a reduction in the number of worms during the test, especially from the ground control (13.7%), higher than in the ground with sawdust poultry manure (6.7%), whereas in the ground with straw poultry manure, there was no reduction. The biomass was affected and at the end of the test it was observed that while the reduction of worms in the ground control was about 48%, the number of those that were in the ground with sawdust poultry manure or straw poultry manure decreased by 41% and 22% respectively. Finally, the effects on microorganisms showed that the enzymatic activities: dehydrogenase (DH) and phosphatase and basal respiration rate increased at the beginning of the test, and the differences were statistically significant compared with the values of the control group. During the test, all these parameters decreased (except DH activities) but they were always higher than in the ground control. This is why it is possible to deduce that the contribution of poultry manure caused an improvement in the conditions of fertilization and also for the soil.


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According to Corine Land Cover databases, in Europe between 1990 and 2000,77% of new artificial surfaces were built on previous agrarian areas. Urban sprawl ¡s far from being under control, between 2000 and 2006 new artificial land has grown in larger proportion than the decade before. In Spain, like in most countries, the impact of urban sprawl during the last decades has been especially significant in periurban agrarian spaces: between 2000 and 2006, 73% of new artificial surfaces were built on previous agrarian areas. The indirect impact of this trend has been even more relevant, as the expectations of appreciation in the value of land after new urban developments reinforce the ongoing trend of abandonment of agricultural land. In Madrid between 1980 and 2000 the loss of agricultural land due to abandonment of exploitation was 2-fold that due to transformation into urban areas. By comparing four case studies: Valladolild, Montpellier.Florence and Den Haag, this paper explores if urban and territorial planning may contribute to reduce urban pressure on the hinterland. In spite of their diversity, these regions have in common a relative prosperity arising from their territorial endowments, though their landscapes are still under pressure. The three last ones have been working for years on mainstream concepts like multifunctional agriculture. The systematic comparison and the analysis of successful approaches provide some clues on how to reconsider urban planning in order to preserve agricultural land. The final remarks highlight the context in which public commitment, legal protection instruments and financial strategies may contribute to the goals of urban, peri-urban or regional planning about fostering agrarian ecosystem services


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Soil erosion is a serious environmental threat in the Mediterranean region due to torrential rainfalls, and it contributes to the degradation of agricultural land. Techniques such as rainwater harvesting may improve soil water storage and increase agricultural productivity, which could result in more effective land usage. Reservoir tillage is an effective system of harvesting rainwater, but it has not been scientifically evaluated like other tillage systems. Its suitability for the conditions in Spain has not been determined. To investigate and quantify water storage from reservoir tillage and how it could be adapted to improve infiltration of harvested rainwater, a laboratory-scale rainfall simulator was developed. Rainfall characteristics, including rainfall intensity, spatial uniformity and raindrop size, confirm that natural rainfall conditions are simulated with sufficient accuracy. The simulator was auto-controlled by a solenoid valve and three pressure nozzles were used to spray water corresponding to five rainfall intensities ranging from 36 to 112 mm h-1 for 3 to 101-year return period with uniformity coefficients between 83 and 94%. In order to assess the reservoir tillage method under surface slopes of 0, 5, and 10%, three soil scooping devices with identical volume were used to make depressions in the following forms: a) truncated square pyramid, b) triangular prism, and c) truncated cone. These depressions were compared to a control soil surface with no depression. For the loam soil used in this study, results show that reservoir tillage was able to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff and significantly increase infiltration. There was significant difference between the depressions and the control. Compared to the control, depression (a) reduced surface runoff by about 61% and the sediment yield concentration by about 79%.


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According to UN provisions in the period from 2007 to 2050 world population will grow up to 9200 million people. In fact, for the first time in history, in the year 2008 world urban population became higher than rural population. The increase of urban areas and their transport infrastructures has influenced agricultural land use due to their irreversible change, especially when they remain as periurban vacant land, losing their character and identity. In the Europe of the nineties, the traditional urban-rural gradient, characterized by a neat contact between both land types, has become so complex that it has change to a gradient in which it is difficult to separate urban and rural land uses. [Antrop 2004]. A literature review has been made on methodologies used for the urban-rural gradient analysis. One of these methodologies was selected that integrates ecological characterization based on the use of spatial metrics and geographical characterization based on spatial components. Cartographical sources used were Corine Land Cover at 1: 100000 scale and the Spanish Land Use Information System at 1:25000 scale. Urban-rural gradient paradigm is an analysis methodology, coming from landscape ecology, which enables to investigate how urbanization provokes changes in ecological patterns and processes into landscape. [Hahs and McDonnell 2006].The present research adapt this methodology to study the urban-rural gradient in the outskirts of Madrid, Toledo and Guadalajara. Both scales (1:25000 and 1:100000) were simultaneously used to reach the next objectives: 1) Analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in relation to distance to the town centre and major infrastructures. 2) Analysis of landscape pattern dynamics in the fringe of protected areas. The paper presents a new approach to the urban-rural relationship which allows better planning and management of urban áreas.


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Soil erosion is a serious environmental threat in the Mediterranean region due to torrential rainfalls, and it contributes to the degradation of agricultural land. Techniques such as rainwater harvesting may improve soil water storage and increase agricultural productivity, which could result in more effective land usage. Reservoir tillage is an effective system of harvesting rainwater, but it has not been scientifically evaluated like other tillage systems. Its suitability for the conditions in Spain has not been determined. To investigate and quantify water storage from reservoir tillage and how it could be adapted to improve infiltration of harvested rainwater, a laboratory-scale rainfall simulator was developed. Rainfall characteristics, including rainfall intensity, spatial uniformity and raindrop size, confirm that natural rainfall conditions are simulated with sufficient accuracy. The simulator was auto-controlled by a solenoid valve and three pressure nozzles were used to spray water corresponding to five rainfall intensities ranging from 36 to 112 mm h− 1 for 3 to 101-year return period with uniformity coefficients between 83 and 94%. In order to assess the reservoir tillage method under surface slopes of 0, 5, and 10%, three soil scooping devices with identical volume were used to make depressions in the following forms: a) truncated square pyramid, b) triangular prism, and c) truncated cone. These depressions were compared to a control soil surface with no depression. For the loam soil used in this study, results show that reservoir tillage was able to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff and significantly increase infiltration. There was significant difference between the depressions and the control. Compared to the control, depression (a) reduced surface runoff by about 61% and the sediment yield concentration by about 79%.


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The expansion of agricultural land is responsible for most tropical deforestation. Historically, smallholder farming and shifting cultivation has been reported as the main agent of deforestation. However, the increasing global demand for food in recent years has greatly boosted the development of medium and large-scale commercial agriculture which is nowadays causing the majority of tropical forest cover loss, particularly in Latin America.


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In the last years, intensive animal husbandry production has led to a large concentration of animals in small areas. This has resulted in the production of excessive amounts of manures with insufficient nearby land for application. One of this areas is the Amblés Valley located in the centre of Spain, near to Ávila city, with an extension of 167472 ha of which 88.9% is agricultural land. This valley has an important livestock focused on pig, cattle, chicken production which is associated with the generation of more than 200,000 t/year of manure. There are a number of environmental problems associated with these intensive agricultural systems, including N and P pollution of water bodies, methane emissions and odour pollution. These serious environmental threats are called for innovative environmental management approaches. A feasible technology for the management of manures, offering a potential to valorise these wastes, is pyrolysis, which results in the production of biochar. The objective of this work is evaluated the technical and economic feasibility of the production of biochar in Amblés Valley (Spain).


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La mecanización de las labores del suelo es la causa, por su consumo energético e impacto directo sobre el medio ambiente, que más afecta a la degradación y pérdida de productividad de los suelos. Entre los factores de disminución de la productividad se deben considerar la compactación, la erosión, el encostramiento y la pérdida de estructura. Todo esto obliga a cuidar el manejo agrícola de los suelos tratando de mejorar las condiciones del suelo y elevar sus rendimientos sin comprometer aspectos económicos, ecológicos y ambientales. En el presente trabajo se adecuan los parámetros constitutivos del modelo de Drucker Prager Extendido (DPE) que definen la fricción y la dilatancia del suelo en la fase de deformación plástica, para minimizar los errores en las predicciones durante la simulación de la respuesta mecánica de un Vertisol mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos. Para lo cual inicialmente se analizaron las bases teóricas que soportan este modelo, se determinaron las propiedades y parámetros físico-mecánicos del suelo requeridos como datos de entrada por el modelo, se determinó la exactitud de este modelo en las predicciones de la respuesta mecánica del suelo, se estimaron mediante el método de aproximación de funciones de Levenberg-Marquardt los parámetros constitutivos que definen la trayectoria de la curva esfuerzo-deformación plástica. Finalmente se comprobó la exactitud de las predicciones a partir de las adecuaciones realizadas al modelo. Los resultados permitieron determinar las propiedades y parámetros del suelo, requeridos como datos de entrada por el modelo, mostrando que su magnitud está en función su estado de humedad y densidad, además se obtuvieron los modelos empíricos de estas relaciones exhibiendo un R2>94%. Se definieron las variables que provocan las inexactitudes del modelo constitutivo (ángulo de fricción y dilatancia), mostrando que las mismas están relacionadas con la etapa de falla y deformación plástica. Finalmente se estimaron los valores óptimos de estos ángulos, disminuyendo los errores en las predicciones del modelo DPE por debajo del 4,35% haciéndelo adecuado para la simulación de la respuesta mecánica del suelo investigado. ABSTRACT The mechanization using farming techniques is one of the main factors that affects the most the soil, causing its degradation and loss of productivity, because of its energy consumption and direct impact on the environment. Compaction, erosion, crusting and loss of structure should be considered among the factors that decrease productivity. All this forces the necessity to take care of the agricultural-land management trying to improve soil conditions and increase yields without compromising economic, ecological and environmental aspects. The present study was aimed to adjust the parameters of the Drucker-Prager Extended Model (DPE), defining friction and dilation of soil in plastic deformation phase, in order to minimize the error of prediction when simulating the mechanical response of a Vertisol through the fine element method. First of all the theoretic fundamentals that withstand the model were analyzed. The properties and physical-mechanical parameters of the soil needed as input data to initialize the model, were established. And the precision of the predictions for the mechanical response of the soil was assessed. Then the constitutive parameters which define the path of the plastic stress-strain curve were estimated through Levenberg-Marquardt method of function approximations. Lastly the accuracy of the predictions from the adequacies made to the model was tested. The results permitted to determine those properties and parameters of the soil, needed in order to initialize the model. It showed that their magnitude is in function of density and humidity. Moreover, the empirical models from these relations were obtained: R2>94%. The variables producing inaccuracies in the constitutive model (angle of repose and dilation) were defined, and there was showed that they are linked with the plastic deformation and rupture point. Finally the optimal values of these angles were established, obtaining thereafter error values for the DPE model under 4, 35%, and making it suitable for the simulation of the mechanical response of the soil under study.