924 resultados para (NZBxNZW) F(1) mouse


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1. This paper examines the interaction between the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus L., and the intestinal nematode, Heligmosomoides polygyrus Dujardin, using data collected at Tollymore Park Forest, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, between November 1978 and July 1981.


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(1) The abundance and dispersion of a population of Apodemus sylvaticus was investigated with respect to tree seed availability and vegetative structure over three harvests.


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Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a 38-kDa secreted protein, a prototypic member of the CCN family, which is up-regulated in many diseases, including atherosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and diabetic nephropathy. We previously showed that CTGF can cause actin disassembly with concurrent down-regulation of the small GTPase Rho A and proposed an integrated signaling network connecting focal adhesion dissolution and actin disassembly with cell polarization and migration. Here, we further delineate the role of CTGF in cell migration and actin disassembly in human mesangial cells, a primary target in the development of renal glomerulosclerosis. The functional response of mesangial cells to treatment with CTGF was associated with the phosphorylation of Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) and resultant phosphorylation of a number of Akt/PKB substrates. Two of these substrates were identified as FKHR and p27(Kip-1). CTGF stimulated the phosphorylation and cytoplasmic translocation of p27(Kip-1) on serine 10. Addition of the PI-3 kinase inhibitor LY294002 abrogated this response; moreover, addition of the Akt/PKB inhibitor interleukin (IL)-6-hydroxymethyl-chiro-inositol-2(R)-2-methyl-3-O-octadecylcarbonate prevented p27(Kip-1) phosphorylation in response to CTGF. Immunocytochemistry revealed that serine 10 phosphorylated p27(Kip-1) colocalized with the ends of actin filaments in cells treated with CTGF. Further investigation of other Akt/PKB sites on p27(Kip-1), revealed that phosphorylation on threonine 157 was necessary for CTGF mediated p27(Kip-1) cytoplasmic localization; mutation of the threonine 157 site prevented cytoplasmic localization, protected against actin disassembly and inhibited cell migration. CTGF also stimulated an increased association between Rho A and p27(Kip-1). Interestingly, this resulted in an increase in phosphorylation of LIM kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of cofilin, suggesting that CTGF mediated p27(Kip-1) activation results in uncoupling of the Rho A/LIM kinase/cofilin pathway. Confirming the central role of Akt/PKB, CTGF-stimulated actin depolymerization only in wild-type mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) compared to Akt-1/3 (PKB alpha/gamma) knockout MEFs. These data reveal important mechanistic insights into how CTGF may contribute to mesangial cell dysfunction in the diabetic milieu and sheds new light on the proposed role of p27(Kip-1) as a mediator of actin rearrangement.


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We investigated the phenotype of cells involved in leukostasis in the early stages of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice by direct observation and by adoptive transfer of calcein-AM-labeled bone marrow-derived leukocytes from syngeneic mice. Retinal whole mounts, confocal microscopy, and flow cytometry ex vivo and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in vivo were used. Leukostasis in vivo and ex vivo in retinal capillaries was increased after 2 weeks of diabetes (Hb A(1c), 14.2 ± 1.2) when either donor or recipient mice were diabetic. Maximum leukostasis occurred when both donor and recipient were diabetic. CD11b(+), but not Gr1(+), cells were preferentially entrapped in retinal vessels (fivefold increase compared with nondiabetic mice). In diabetic mice, circulating CD11b(+) cells expressed high levels of CCR5 (P = 0.04), whereas spleen (P = 0.0001) and retinal (P = 0.05) cells expressed increased levels of the fractalkine chemokine receptor. Rosuvastatin treatment prevented leukostasis when both recipient and donor were treated but not when donor mice only were treated. This effect was blocked by treatment with mevalonate. We conclude that leukostasis in early diabetic retinopathy involves activated CCR5(+)CD11b(+) myeloid cells (presumed monocytes). However, leukostasis also requires diabetes-induced changes in the endothelium, because statin therapy prevented leukostasis only when recipient mice were treated. The up-regulation of the HMG-CoA reductase pathway in the endothelium is the major metabolic dysregulation promoting leukostasis.


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Histone methylation is a dynamic and reversible process proposed to directly impact on stem cell fate. The Jumonji (JmjC) domain-containing family of demethylases comprises 27 members which can demethylate mono-, di- and tri-methylated lysine residues of histone (or non-histone) targets. To evaluate their role in regulation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) behaviour we performed a RNAi-based screen and found that demethylases JARID1B (H3K4) and JHDM1F (H3K9) play opposing roles in regulation of HSC activity. Decrease in Jarid1b levels correlated with an in vitro expansion of HSC with preserved long term in vivo lympho-myeloid differentiation potential. Jarid1b knockdown was associated with an increase in expression levels of 5’ Hoxa cluster genes and CxCl5 , and reduced levels of Pu.1, Egr1 and Cav1. shRNA against Jhdmlf, in contrast, impaired hematopoietic reconstitution of bone marrow cells. Together, our studies identified Jarid1b as a negative, and Jhdmlf as a positive regulator of HSC activity.


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The current study examined behavioral and histological effects of amyloid-ß (Aß) protein precursor (AßPP) overexpression in transgenic (Tg) rats created using the same gene, mutation, and promoter as the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Male Tg+ rats were bred with female wild-type rats to generate litters of hemizygous Tg+ and Tg- offspring. Tg+ rats and Tg- littermates were tested for memory deficits at 4, 8, and 12 months old using a water-maze procedure. There were no significant behavioral differences between Tg+ rats and Tg- littermates at 4 months old but there were significant differences at 8 and 12 months old, and in probe trials at 8 and 12 months old, the Tg+ rats spent significantly less time and covered less distance in the platform zone. Under acquisition of a fixed-consecutive number schedule at 3 months old, Tg- littermates demonstrated a longer latency to learning the response rule than Tg+ rats; while this might seem paradoxical, it is consistent with the role of overexpression of AßPP in learning. Histological analyses revealed activated astrocytes in brains of Tg+ rats but not Tg- littermates at 6 months old, and thioflavin-S positive staining in the hippocampus and cortex of 17-month old Tg+ rats but not Tg- littermates. Quantification of Aß load in the brain at 22 months indicated high levels of Aß38, Aß40, and Aß42 in the Tg+ rats. These data suggest this model might provide a valuable resource for AD research.


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The contribution of preexisting hypercholesterolemia to diabetic nephropathy remains unclear. We assessed the impact of hypercholesterolemia on diabetic nephropathy using a double knockout (DKO) mouse, null for the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLRNDASH;/NDASH;) and the apoB mRNA editing catalytic polypeptide 1 (APOBEC1NDASH;/NDASH;).


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Matrilysin-1 (also called matrix metalloproteinase-7) is expressed in injured lung and in cancer but not in normal epithelia. Bronchiolization of the alveoli (BOA), a potential precursor of lung cancer, is a histologically distinct type of metaplasia that is composed of cells resembling airway epithelium in the alveolar compartment. We demonstrate that there is increased expression of matrilysin-1 in human lesions and BOA in the CC10-human achaete-scute homolog-1 transgenic mouse model. Forced expression of the matrilysin-1 gene in immortalized human normal airway epithelial BEAS-2B and HPLD1 cells, which do not normally express matrilysin-1, promoted cellular migration, suggesting a functional link for BOA formation via bronchiolar cell migration. In addition, matrilysin-1 stimulated proliferation and inhibited Fas-induced apoptosis, while a knockdown by RNA interference decreased cell growth, migration, and increased sensitivity to apoptosis. Western blotting demonstrated increased levels of phospho-p38 and phospho-Erk1/2 kinases after matrilysin-1 expression. Gene expression analysis uncovered several genes that were related to cell growth, migration/movement, and death, which could potentially facilitate bronchiolization. In vivo, the formation of BOA lesions was reduced when CC10-human achaete-scute homolog-1 mice were crossed with matrilysin-1 null mice and was correlated with reduced matrilysin-1 expression in BOA. We conclude that matrilysin-1 may play an important role in the bronchiolization of alveoli by promoting proliferation, migration, and attenuation of apoptosis involving multiple genes in the MAP kinase pathway.


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Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 20% of all human lung cancers and is strongly linked to cigarette smoking. It develops through premalignant changes that are characterized by high levels of keratin 14 (K14) expression in the airway epithelium and evolve through basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia and dysplasia to carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. In order to explore the impact of K14 in the pulmonary epithelium that normally lacks both squamous differentiation and K14 expression, human keratin 14 gene hK14 was constitutively expressed in mouse airway progenitor cells using a mouse Clara cell specific 10 kDa protein (CC10) promoter. While the lungs of CC10-hK14 transgenic mice developed normally, we detected increased expression of K14 and the molecular markers of squamous differentiation program such as involucrin, loricrin, small proline-rich protein 1A, transglutaminase 1 and cholesterol sulfotransferase 2B1. In contrast, wild-type lungs were negative. Aging CC10-hK14 mice revealed multifocal airway cell hyperplasia, occasional squamous metaplasia and their lung tumors displayed evidence for multidirectional differentiation. We conclude that constitutive expression of hK14 initiates squamous differentiation program in the mouse lung, but fails to promote squamous maturation. Our study provides a novel model for assessing the mechanisms of premalignant lesions in vivo by modifying differentiation and proliferation of airway progenitor cells. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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The basic helix-loop-helix protein achaete-scute homolog-1 (ASH1) is involved in lung neuroendocrine (NE) differentiation and tumor promotion in SV40 transgenic mice. Constitutive expression of human ASH-1 (hASH1) in mouse lung results in hyperplasia and remodeling that mimics bronchiolization of alveoli (BOA), a potentially premalignant lesion of human lung carcinomas. We now show that this is due to sustained cellular proliferation in terminal bronchioles and resistance to apoptosis. Throughout the airway epithelium the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and c-Myb was increased and Akt/mTOR pathway activated. Moreover, the expression of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) including MMP7 was specifically enhanced at the bronchiolo-alveolar duct junction and BOA suggesting that MMPs play a key role in this microenvironment during remodeling. We also detected MMP7 in 70% of human BOA lesions. Knockdown of hASH1 gene in human lung cancer cells in vitro suppressed growth by increasing apoptosis. We also show that forced expression of hASH1 in immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells decreases apoptosis. We conclude that the impact of hASH1 is not limited to cells with NE phenotype. Rather, constitutive expression of hASH1 in lung epithelium promotes remodeling through multiple pathways that are commonly activated during lung carcinogenesis. The collective results suggest a novel model of BOA formation via hASH1-induced suppression of the apoptotic pathway. Our study yields a promising new preclinical tool for chemoprevention of peripheral lung carcinomas. © 2007 USCAP, Inc All rights reserved.


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Prior evidence has supported the existence of multiple susceptibility genes for schizophrenia. Multipoint linkage analysis of the 270 Irish high-density pedigrees that we have studied, as well as results from several other samples, suggest that at least one such gene is located in region 6p24-21. In the present study, family-based association analysis of 36 simple sequence-length-polymorphism markers and of 17 SNP markers implicated two regions, separated by approximately 7 Mb. The first region, and the focus of this report, is 6p22.3. In this region, single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the 140-kb gene DTNBP1 (dystrobrevin-binding protein 1, or dysbindin) are strongly associated with schizophrenia. Uncorrected, empirical P values produced by the program TRANSMIT were significant (P


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A recent report showed significant associations between several SNPs in a previously unknown EST cluster with schizophrenia. (1). The cluster was identified as the human dystrobrevin binding protein 1 gene (DTNBP1) by sequence database comparisons and homology with mouse DTNBP1. (2). However, the linkage disequilibrium (LD) among the SNPs in DTNBP1 as well as the pattern of significant SNP-schizophrenia association was complex. This raised several questions such as the number of susceptibility alleles that may be involved and the size of the region where the actual disease mutation(s) could be located. To address these questions, we performed different single-marker tests on the 12 previously studied and 2 new SNPs in DTNBP1 that were re-scored using an improved procedure, and performed a variety of haplotype analyses. The sample consisted of 268 Irish multiplex families selected for high density of schizophrenia. Results suggested a simple structure where the LD in the target region could be explained by 6 haplotypes that together accounted for 96% of haplotype diversity in the whole sample. From these six, a single high-risk haplotype was identified that showed a significant association with schizophrenia and explained the pattern of significant findings in the analyses with individual markers. This haplotype was 30 kb long, had a large effect, could be measured with two tag SNPs only, had a frequency of 6% in our sample, seemed to be of relatively recent origin in evolutionary terms, and was equally distributed over Ireland. Implications of these findings for follow-up and replication studies are discussed.


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The mouse spleen cell assay (MSCA) has been compared with a radioimmunoassay for the measurement of serum erythropoietin (Ep). In 20 normal subjects the serum values ranged from 15 to 73 mU/ml for the MSCA compared with 5-30 mU/ml for the RIA. For normal sera there was no correlation between the results of the two assays. In 37 patients with anaemias of differing aetiologies and at various stages of treatment values ranged from 10 to 3645 mU/ml for the MSCA and 13-10,000 mU/ml for the RIA. Although patient values from the two assays were highly correlated (r = 0.98, P less than 0.001), the MSCA results were generally lower. These discrepancies can be largely accounted for by two factors. Firstly the MSCA is sensitive to non-specific matrix effects. Secondly, heat inactivation of serum, a prerequisite for the MSCA, but not for the RIA, destroys a variable and unpredictable proportion of the Ep in the test sera leading to an underestimation of Ep in the MSCA. We conclude that the RIA is more reliable than the MSCA which, in its present form, cannot be recommended for the accurate measurement of serum erythropoietin.


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Infections with helminth parasites prevent/attenuate auto-inflammatory disease. Here we show that molecules secreted by a helminth parasite could prevent Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. When delivered at 4 weeks of age (coincident with the initiation of autoimmunity), the excretory/secretory products of Fasciola hepatica (FhES) prevented the onset of T1D, with 84% of mice remaining normoglycaemic and insulitis-free at 30 weeks of age. Disease protection was associated with suppression of IFN-γ secretion from autoreactive T cells and a switch to the production of a regulatory isotype (from IgG2a to IgG1) of autoantibody. Following FhES injection, peritoneal macrophages converted to a regulatory M2 phenotype, characterised by increased expression levels of Ym1, Arg-1, TGFβ and PD-L1. Expression of these M2 genetic markers increased in the pancreatic lymph nodes and the pancreas of FhES-treated mice. In vitro, FhES-stimulated M2 macrophages induced the differentiation of Tregs from splenocytes isolated from naïve NOD mice. Collectively, our data shows that FhES contains immune-modulatory molecules that mediate protection from autoimmune diabetes via the induction and maintenance of a regulatory immune environment.