938 resultados para wastewater during the production of chitin
Note regarding the number of days Fred Holmes was employed upon the Port Robinson and Thorold macadamized road during the months of July and August. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff and Fred Holmes, November, 1857.
Estimate for Fred Holmes and William Baird for time on the Port Robinson and Thorold Macadamized Road during the months of September, October and November, 1856. This was sent to S.D. Woodruff by Fred Holmes, Nov.29, 1856.
Estimate of work done by A. Cook on the marsh lands main drain during the month of June 1857. This is signed by Fred Holmes, June 30, 1857.
Estimate for A. Cook for the excavation of the marsh lands main drain during the month of July for A. Cook and Rose Osborne. This was sent to S.D. Woodruff by Fred Holmes, July 27, 1857.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Bien que le passage du temps altère le cerveau, la cognition ne suit pas nécessairement le même destin. En effet, il existe des mécanismes compensatoires qui permettent de préserver la cognition (réserve cognitive) malgré le vieillissement. Les personnes âgées peuvent utiliser de nouveaux circuits neuronaux (compensation neuronale) ou des circuits existants moins susceptibles aux effets du vieillissement (réserve neuronale) pour maintenir un haut niveau de performance cognitive. Toutefois, la façon dont ces mécanismes affectent l’activité corticale et striatale lors de tâches impliquant des changements de règles (set-shifting) et durant le traitement sémantique et phonologique n’a pas été extensivement explorée. Le but de cette thèse est d’explorer comment le vieillissement affecte les patrons d’activité cérébrale dans les processus exécutifs d’une part et dans l’utilisation de règles lexicales d’autre part. Pour cela nous avons utilisé l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) lors de la performance d’une tâche lexicale analogue à celle du Wisconsin. Cette tâche a été fortement liée à de l’activité fronto-stritale lors des changements de règles, ainsi qu’à la mobilisation de régions associées au traitement sémantique et phonologique lors de décisions sémantiques et phonologiques, respectivement. Par conséquent, nous avons comparé l’activité cérébrale de jeunes individus (18 à 35 ans) à celle d’individus âgés (55 à 75 ans) lors de l’exécution de cette tâche. Les deux groupes ont montré l’implication de boucles fronto-striatales associées à la planification et à l’exécution de changements de règle. Toutefois, alors que les jeunes semblaient activer une « boucle cognitive » (cortex préfrontal ventrolatéral, noyau caudé et thalamus) lorsqu’ils se voyaient indiquer qu’un changement de règle était requis, et une « boucle motrice » (cortex postérieur préfrontal et putamen) lorsqu’ils devaient effectuer le changement, les participants âgés montraient une activation des deux boucles lors de l’exécution des changements de règle seulement. Les jeunes adultes tendaient à présenter une augmentation de l’activité du cortex préfrontal ventrolatéral, du gyrus fusiforme, du lobe ventral temporale et du noyau caudé lors des décisions sémantiques, ainsi que de l’activité au niveau de l’aire de Broca postérieur, de la junction temporopariétale et du cortex moteur lors de décisions phonologiques. Les participants âgés ont montré de l’activité au niveau du cortex préfrontal latéral et moteur durant les deux types de décisions lexicales. De plus, lorsque les décisions sémantiques et phonologiques ont été comparées entre elles, les jeunes ont montré des différences significatives au niveau de plusieurs régions cérébrales, mais pas les âgés. En conclusion, notre première étude a montré, lors du set-shifting, un délai de l’activité cérébrale chez les personnes âgées. Cela nous a permis de conceptualiser l’Hypothèse Temporelle de Compensation (troisième manuscrit) qui consiste en l’existence d’un mécanisme compensatoire caractérisé par un délai d’activité cérébrale lié au vieillissement permettant de préserver la cognition au détriment de la vitesse d’exécution. En ce qui concerne les processus langagiers (deuxième étude), les circuits sémantiques et phonologiques semblent se fusionner dans un seul circuit chez les individus âgés, cela représente vraisemblablement des mécanismes de réserve et de compensation neuronales qui permettent de préserver les habilités langagières.
On line isotope separation techniques (ISOL) for production of ion beams of short-lived radionuclides require fast separation of nuclear reaction products from irradiated target materials followed by a transfer into an ion source. As a first step in this transport chain the release of nuclear reaction products from refractory metals has been studied systematically and will be reviewed. High-energy protons (500 - 1000 MeV) produce a large number of radionuclides in irradiated materials via the nuclear reactions spallation, fission and fragmentation. Foils and powders of Re, W, Ta, Hf, Mo, Nb, Zr, Y, Ti and C were irradiated with protons (600 - 1000 MeV) at the Dubna synchrocyclotron, the CERN synchrocyclotron and at the CERN PS-booster to produce different nuclear reaction products. The main topic of the paper is the determination of diffusion coefficients of the nuclear reaction products in the target matrix, data evaluation and a systematic interpretation of the data. The influence of the ionic radius of the diffusing species and the lattice type of the host material used as matrix or target on the diffusion will be evaluated from these systematics. Special attention was directed to the release of group I, II and III-elements. Arrhenius plots lead to activation energies of the diffusion process.
Aim: To develop a new medium for enhanced production of biomass of an aquaculture probiotic Pseudomonas MCCB 103 and its antagonistic phenazine compound, pyocyanin. Methods and Results: Carbon and nitrogen sources and growth factors, such as amino acids and vitamins, were screened initially in a mineral medium for the biomass and antagonistic compound of Pseudomonas MCCB 103. The selected ingredients were further optimized using a full-factorial central composite design of the response surface methodology. The medium optimized as per the model for biomass contained mannitol (20 g l)1), glycerol (20 g l)1), sodium chloride (5 g l)1), urea (3Æ3 g l)1) and mineral salts solution (20 ml l)1), and the one optimized for the antagonistic compound contained mannitol (2 g l)1), glycerol (20 g l)1), sodium chloride (5Æ1 g l)1), urea (3Æ6 g l)1) and mineral salts solution (20 ml l)1). Subsequently, the model was validated experimentally with a biomass increase by 19% and fivefold increase of the antagonistic compound. Conclusion: Significant increase in the biomass and antagonistic compound production could be obtained in the new media. Significance and Impact of the Study: Media formulation and optimization are the primary steps involved in bioprocess technology, an attempt not made so far in the production of aquaculture probiotics.
The present study has helped in finding out an efficient growth promoting substance for the fry of Liza garsia. 1Zfimethyltestosterone at the dosages of 2 mg/kg diet is the most effective anabolic agent for Liza parsia. The study also shows that by incorporating 8 mg MT/kg of diet the protein level in the diet could be reduced from 35 to 30%. thereby a significant saving in the cost of feed could be obtained. Further, the anabolic effect of MT helps to reduce the rearing period during the production of fingerlings from the fry stage.
Aim: To develop a new medium for enhanced production of biomass of an aquaculture probiotic Pseudomonas MCCB 103 and its antagonistic phenazine compound, pyocyanin. Methods and Results: Carbon and nitrogen sources and growth factors, such as amino acids and vitamins, were screened initially in a mineral medium for the biomass and antagonistic compound of Pseudomonas MCCB 103. The selected ingredients were further optimized using a full-factorial central composite design of the response surface methodology. The medium optimized as per the model for biomass contained mannitol (20 g l)1), glycerol (20 g l)1), sodium chloride (5 g l)1), urea (3Æ3 g l)1) and mineral salts solution (20 ml l)1), and the one optimized for the antagonistic compound contained mannitol (2 g l)1), glycerol (20 g l)1), sodium chloride (5Æ1 g l)1), urea (3Æ6 g l)1) and mineral salts solution (20 ml l)1). Subsequently, the model was validated experimentally with a biomass increase by 19% and fivefold increase of the antagonistic compound. Conclusion: Significant increase in the biomass and antagonistic compound production could be obtained in the new media. Significance and Impact of the Study: Media formulation and optimization are the primary steps involved in bioprocess technology, an attempt not made so far in the production of aquaculture probiotics
A marine isolate of jáÅêçÅçÅÅìë MCCB 104 has been identified as an aquaculture probiotic antagonistic to sáÄêáç. In the present study different carbon and nitrogen sources and growth factors in a mineral base medium were optimized for enhanced biomass production and antagonistic activity against the target pathogen, sáÄêáç=Ü~êîÉóá, following response surface methodology (RSM). Accordingly the minimum and maximum limits of the selected variables were determined and a set of fifty experiments programmed employing central composite design (CCD) of RSM for the final optimization. The response surface plots of biomass showed similar pattern with that of antagonistic activity, which indicated a strong correlation between the biomass and antagonism. The optimum concentration of the carbon sources, nitrogen sources, and growth factors for both biomass and antagonistic activity were glucose (17.4 g/L), lactose (17 g/L), sodium chloride (16.9 g/L), ammonium chloride (3.3 g/L), and mineral salts solution (18.3 mL/L). © KSBB
Globalization is widely regarded as the rise of the borderless world. However in practice, true globalization points rather to a “spatial logic” by which globalization is manifested locally in the shape of insular space. Globalization in this sense is not merely about the creation of physical fragmentation of space but also the creation of social disintegration. This study tries to proof that global processes also create various forms of insular space leading also to specific social implications. In order to examine the problem this study looks at two cases: China’s Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Jakarta in Indonesia. The PRD case reveals three forms of insular space namely the modular, concealed and the hierarchical. The modular points to the form of enclosed factories where workers are vulnerable for human-right violations due to the absent of public control. The concealed refers to the production of insular space by subtle discrimination against certain social groups in urban space. And the hierarchical points to a production of insular space that is formed by an imbalanced population flow. The Jakarta case attempts to show more types of insularity in relation to the complexity of a mega-city which is shaped by a culture of exclusion. Those are dormant and hollow insularity. The dormant refers to the genesis of insular– radical – community from a culture of resistance. The last type, the hollow, points to the process of making a “pseudo community” where sense of community is not really developed as well as weak social relationship with its surrounding. Although global process creates various expressions of territorial insularization, however, this study finds that the “line of flight” is always present, where the border of insularity is crossed. The PRD’s produces vernacular modernization done by peasants which is less likely to be controlled by the politics of insularization. In Jakarta, the culture of insularization causes urban informalities that have no space, neither spatially nor socially; hence their state of ephemerality continues as a tactic of place-making. This study argues that these crossings possess the potential for reconciling venue to defuse the power of insularity.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The maritime piracy included a wide variety of associated criminal activities including attack and confiscation of vessels and merchandise, imprisonment or torturing of merchants and rulers in sea-space in return for ransom money, attack and raiding of coastal trading centers and villages, creation of fear and terror in chief channels of navigation and attacking commercial competitors as a strategy to weaken the trading ability and the wealth-mobilizing ability of their rivals. All this applied to coastal south west India during the period under study. The merchant chiefs of Cannanore like Mamale Marakkar and later under Poca Amame (Pokar Ahamad) and Pocarallee (Pokar Ali) were some of the better known protagonists that the Portuguese had to deal with. But the Malabar corsairs had their corresponding English and Sicilian corsairs in the Mediterranean.
Vision is the sense that provides precise information about one’s position in the environment in relation to objects. The visual system is essential to guide people safely when moving around in the environment. The perception that an individual gets from a particular scene of her/his surroundings is accomplished by eye movements. The current study aims to identify differences in visual strategies between 15 women and 15 men within the age range of 18-24 years, who have been given a task to walk through an obstacle course drawn on the laboratory´s floor. They should start and finish at a predefined location. Twelve pylons were used as obstacles to be avoided during the walking.The participants' eye movements were recorded using the Mobile Eye model 1.35. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test was used for the statistical analysis. Significant differences occurred between men and women, in the duration of fixations: the men spend more time observing the finishing area than women (z=-1.929, p=.054); and in the number of fixations: before starting the task, the men fixate more often the middle phase of the obstacle course (z=-2.085, p=.037). Once they commence, the women fixate more the points outside the obstacle course than the men (z=-2.093, p=.036).