917 resultados para tin organometallics


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Titanium nitride (TiN) thin films are coated on HT-9 and MA957 fuel cladding tubes and bars to explore their mechanical strength, thermal stability, diffusion barrier properties, and thermal conductivity properties. The ultimate goal is to implement TiN as an effective diffusion barrier to prevent the inter-diffusion between the nuclear fuel and the cladding material, and thus lead to a longer lifetime of the cladding tubes. Mechanical tests including hardness and scratch tests for the samples before and after thermal cycle tests show that the films have a high hardness of 28GPa and excellent adhesion properties despite the thermal treatment. Thermal conductivity measurements demonstrate that the thin TiN films have very minimal impact on the overall thermal conductivity of the MA957 and HT-9 substrates, i.e., the thermal conductivity of the uncoated HT-9 and MA957 substrates was 26.25 and 28.44 W m-1 K-1, and that of the coated ones was 26.21 and 28.38W m-1 K-1, respectively. A preliminary Ce diffusion test on the couple of Ce/TiN/HT-9 suggests that TiN has excellent material compatibility and good diffusion barrier properties.


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Interface effects on ion-irradiation tolerance properties are investigated in nanolayered TiN/AlN films with individual layer thickness varied from 5 nm to 50 nm, prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Evolution of the microstructure and hardness of the multilayer films are examined on the specimens before and after He ion-implantation to a fluence of 4 × 10 m at 50 keV. The suppression of amorphization in AlN layers and the reduction of radiation-induced softening are observed in all nanolayer films. A clear size-dependent radiation tolerance characteristic is observed in the nanolayer films, i.e., the samples with the optimum layer thickness from 10 nm to 20 nm show the best ion irradiation tolerance properties, and a critical layer thickness of more than 5 nm is necessary to prevent severe intermixing. This study suggests that both the interface characteristics and the critical length scale (layer thickness) contribute to the reduction of the radiation-induced damages in nitride-based ceramic materials. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nitride materials and coatings have attracted extensive research interests for various applications in advanced nuclear reactors due to their unique combination of physical properties, including high temperature stability, excellent corrosion resistance, superior mechanical property and good thermal conductivity. In this paper, the ion irradiation effects in nanocrystalline TiN coatings as a function of grain size are reported. TiN thin films (thickness of 100 nm) with various grain sizes (8-100 nm) were prepared on Si substrates by a pulsed laser deposition technique. All the samples were irradiated with He ions to high fluences at room temperature. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution TEM on the ion-irradiated samples show that damage accumulation in the TiN films reduces as the grain size reduces. Electrical resistivity of the ion-irradiated films increases slightly compared with the as-deposited ones. These observations demonstrate a good radiation-tolerance property of nanocrystalline TiN films. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Porous tin films as anode for lithium-ion batteries are electrodeposited on graphite paper. Homogeneous tin films with significant void space accommodate the volume change during tin lithiation/delithiation. Through adjusting the electrodeposition currents and time, the morphologies and void space of tin films on graphite paper are controllable. At fixed electrodeposition current densities, the prolonged electrodeposition time plays the role in growing big tin particles and resulting the disappearance of void space among tin particles. The increased electrodeposition current plays the role to increase the quantity of tin seeds in thickness of tin film, and the void space among tin particles remains but the thick film limits its electrochemical performance. The tin films electrodeposited at an optimized current densities and for an optimized electrodeposition time, present the best electrochemical performance, because the tin nanoparticles are well dispersed on graphite substrate including void space. The tin film electrodeposited at 0.2 A cm-2 for 2 min shows the capacity of 1.0 mAh cm-2 after 50 charge/discharge cycles. The void space of tin film is very important for the best capacity and cyclic ability. The metallic tin film produced at 0.4 A cm-2 for 3 min remains the uniform and microporous structure after charge/discharge for 50 cycles.


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A poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone) copolymer, P(LL-co-CL), of composition 75:25 mol% was synthesized via the bulk ring-opening copolymerization of L-lactide and ε-caprolactone using a novel bis[tin(II) monooctoate] diethylene glycol coordination-insertion initiator, OctSn-OCH2CH2OCH2CH2O-SnOct. The P(LL-co-CL) copolymer obtained was characterized by a combination of analytical techniques, namely nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, dilute-solution viscometry, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis. For processing into a monofilament fiber, the copolymer was melt spun with minimal draw to give a largely amorphous and unoriented as-spun fiber. The fiber's oriented semicrystalline morphology, necessary to give the required balance of mechanical properties, was then developed via a sequence of controlled offline hot-drawing and annealing steps. Depending on the final draw ratio, the fibers obtained had tensile strengths in the region of 200–400 MPa.


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Constant load, progressive load and multipass nanoscratch (nanowear) tests were carried out on 500 and 1500 nm TiN coatings on M42 steel chosen as model systems. The influences of film thickness, coating roughness, scratch direction relative to the grinding grooves on the critical load in the progressive load test and number of cycles to failure in the wear test have been determined. Progress towards the development of a suitable methodology for determining the scratch hardness from nanoscratch tests is discussed. © 2011 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.


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Recent advances in the electric & hybrid electric vehicles and rapid developments in the electronic devices have increased the demand for high power and high energy density lithium ion batteries. Graphite (theoretical specific capacity: 372 mAh/g) used in commercial anodes cannot meet these demands. Amorphous SnO2 anodes (theoretical specific capacity: 781 mAh/g) have been proposed as alternative anode materials. But these materials have poor conductivity, undergo a large volume change during charging and discharging, large irreversible capacity loss leading to poor cycle performances. To solve the issues related to SnO2 anodes, we propose to synthesize porous SnO2 composites using electrostatic spray deposition technique. First, porous SnO2/CNT composites were fabricated and the effects of the deposition temperature (200, 250, 300 °C) & CNT content (10, 20, 30, 40 wt %) on the electrochemical performance of the anodes were studied. Compared to pure SnO2 and pure CNT, the composite materials as anodes showed better discharge capacity and cyclability. 30 wt% CNT content and 250 °C deposition temperature were found to be the optimal conditions with regard to energy capacity whereas the sample with 20% CNT deposited at 250 °C exhibited good capacity retention. This can be ascribed to the porous nature of the anodes and the improvement in the conductivity by the addition of CNT. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies were carried out to study in detail the change in the surface film resistance with cycling. By fitting EIS data to an equivalent circuit model, the values of the circuit components, which represent surface film resistance, were obtained. The higher the CNT content in the composite, lower the change in surface film resistance at certain voltage upon cycling. The surface resistance increased with the depth of discharge and decreased slightly at fully lithiated state. Graphene was also added to improve the performance of pure SnO2 anodes. The composites heated at 280 °C showed better energy capacity and energy density. The specific capacities of as deposited and post heat-treated samples were 534 and 737 mAh/g after 70 cycles. At the 70th cycle, the energy density of the composites at 195 °C and 280 °C were 1240 and 1760 Wh/kg, respectively, which are much higher than the commercially used graphite electrodes (37.2–74.4 Wh/kg). Both SnO2/CNTand SnO2/grapheme based composites with improved energy densities and capacities than pure SnO2 can make a significant impact on the development of new batteries for electric vehicles and portable electronics applications.


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Concentrations of tin in sea water decreased from estuarine and shelf (0.02-0.04 µg/kg) to surface Atlantic waters (0.009 µg/kg). Mean contents (ppm) in other materials included: ultramafic rocks, 0.8; basalts, 1.7; silicic rocks, 2.5; red clays, 3.4; amphibolites, 1.2. Oceanic ferromanganese deposits contained from 0.2 to 5.8 ppm; tin and cobalt contents were correlated.


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The plasma nitriding has been used in industrial and technological applications for large-scale show an improvement in the mechanical, tribological, among others. In order to solve problems arising in the conventional nitriding, for example, rings constraint (edge effect) techniques have been developed with different cathodes. In this work, we studied surfaces of commercially pure titanium (Grade II), modified by plasma nitriding treatment through different settings cathodes (hollow cathode, cathodic cage with a cage and cathodic cage with two cages) varying the temperature 350, 400 and 430oC, with the goal of obtaining a surface optimization for technological applications, evaluating which treatment generally showed better results under the substrate. The samples were characterized by the techniques of testing for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy, microhardness, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and a macroscopic analysis. Thus, we were able to evaluate the processing properties, such as roughness, topography, the presence of interstitial elements, hardness, homogeneity, uniformity and thickness of the nitrided layer. It was observed that all samples were exposed to nitriding modified relative to the control sample (no treatment) thus having increased surface hardness, the presence of TiN observed by XRD as per both Raman and a significant change in the roughness of the treated samples . It was found that treatment in hollow cathode, despite having the lowest value of microhardness between treated samples, was presented the lowest surface roughness, although this configuration samples suffer greater physical aggressiveness of treatment


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Thin layers of indium tin oxide are widely used as transparent coatings and electrodes in solar energy cells, flat-panel displays, antireflection coatings, radiation protection and lithium-ion battery materials, because they have the characteristics of low resistivity, strong absorption at ultraviolet wavelengths, high transmission in the visible, high reflectivity in the far-infrared and strong attenuation in the microwave region. However, there is often a trade-off between electrical conductivity and transparency at visible wavelengths for indium tin oxide and other transparent conducting oxides. Here, we report the growth of layers of indium tin oxide nanowires that show optimum electronic and photonic properties and demonstrate their use as fully transparent top contacts in the visible to near-infrared region for light-emitting devices.


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Surface modification of rutile TiO2 with extremely small SnO2 clusters gives rise to a great increase in its UV light activity for degradation of model organic water pollutants, while the effect is much smaller for anatase TiO2. This crystal form sensitivity is rationalized in terms of the difference in the electronic modification of TiO2 through the interfacial Sn−O−Ti bonds. The increase in the density of states near the conduction band minimum of rutile by hybridization with the SnO2 cluster levels intensifies the light absorption, but this is not seen with modified anatase. The electronic transition from the valence band to the conduction band causes the bulk-to-surface interfacial electron transfer to enhance charge separation. Further, electrons relaxed to the conduction minimum are smoothly transferred to O2 due to the action of the SnO2 species as an electron transfer promoter.


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The development of non-equilibrium group IV nanoscale alloys is critical to achieving new functionalities, such as the formation of a direct bandgap in a conventional indirect bandgap elemental semiconductor. Here, we describe the fabrication of uniform diameter, direct bandgap Ge1-xSnx alloy nanowires, with a Sn incorporation up to 9.2[thinsp]at.%, far in excess of the equilibrium solubility of Sn in bulk Ge, through a conventional catalytic bottom-up growth paradigm using noble metal and metal alloy catalysts. Metal alloy catalysts permitted a greater inclusion of Sn in Ge nanowires compared with conventional Au catalysts, when used during vapour-liquid-solid growth. The addition of an annealing step close to the Ge-Sn eutectic temperature (230[thinsp][deg]C) during cool-down, further facilitated the excessive dissolution of Sn in the nanowires. Sn was distributed throughout the Ge nanowire lattice with no metallic Sn segregation or precipitation at the surface or within the bulk of the nanowires. The non-equilibrium incorporation of Sn into the Ge nanowires can be understood in terms of a kinetic trapping model for impurity incorporation at the triple-phase boundary during growth.


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In the early 19th century, industrial revolution was fuelled mainly by the development of machine based manufacturing and the increased use of coal. Later on, the focal point shifted to oil, thanks to the mass-production technology, ease of transport/storage and also the (less) environmental issues in comparison with the coal!! By the dawn of 21st century, due to the depletion of oil reserves and pollution resulting from heavy usage of oil the demand for clean energy was on the rising edge. This ever growing demand has propelled research on photovoltaics which has emerged successful and is currently being looked up to as the only solace for meeting our present day energy requirements. The proven PV technology on commercial scale is based on silicon but the recent boom in the demand for photovoltaic modules has in turn created a shortage in supply of silicon. Also the technology is still not accessible to common man. This has onset the research and development work on moderately efficient, eco-friendly and low cost photovoltaic devices (solar cells). Thin film photovoltaic modules have made a breakthrough entry in the PV market on these grounds. Thin films have the potential to revolutionize the present cost structure of solar cells by eliminating the use of the expensive silicon wafers that alone accounts for above 50% of total module manufacturing cost.