891 resultados para super duplex stainless steel
In the present work, intermetallic alloys Fe-Si and Fe-Al (Fe(3)Si-C-Cr and Fe(3)Al-C), produced by induction melting, were evaluated regarding their oxidation and abrasive resistance. The tests performed were quasi-isothermal oxidation, cyclic oxidation, and dry sand/rubber wheel abrasion. As reference, the ASTM A297-HH grade stainless steel was tested in the same conditions. In the oxidation tests, the Fe-Al based alloy presented the lowest oxidation rate, and the Fe-Si based alloy achieved the best results in the abrasion test, showing better performance than the HH type stainless steel.
This paper presents results of an experimental investigation carried out to determine the effects of the surface roughness of different materials on nucleate boiling heat transfer of refrigerants R-134a and R-123. Experiments have been performed over cylindrical surfaces of copper, brass and stainless steel. Surfaces have been treated by different methods in order to obtain an average roughness, Ra, varying from 0.03 mu m to 10.5 mu m. Boiling curves at different reduced pressures have been raised as part of the investigation. The obtained results have shown significant effects of the surface material, with brass being the best performing and stainless steel the worst. Polished surfaces seem to present slightly better performance than the sand paper roughened. Boiling on very rough surfaces presents a peculiar behavior characterized by good thermal performance at low heat fluxes, the performance deteriorating at high heat fluxes with respect to smoother surfaces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Welded equipment for cryogenic applications is utilized in chemical, petrochemical, and metallurgical industries. One material suitable for cryogenic application is austenitic stainless steel, which usually doesn`t present ductile/brittle transition temperature, except in the weld metal, where the presence of ferrite and micro inclusions can promote a brittle failure, either by ferrite cleavage or dimple nucleation and growth, respectively. A 25-mm- (1-in.-) thick AISI 304 stainless steel base metal was welded with the SAW process using a 308L solid wire and two kinds of fluxes and constant voltage power sources with two types of electrical outputs: direct current electrode positive and balanced square wave alternating current. The welded joints were analyzed by chemical composition, microstructure characterization, room temperature mechanical properties, and CVN impact test at -100 degrees C (-73 degrees F). Results showed that an increase of chromium and nickel content was observed in all weld beads compared to base metal. The chromium and nickel equivalents ratio for the weld beads were always higher for welding with square wave AC for the two types of fluxes than for direct current. The modification in the Cr(eq)/Ni(eq) ratio changes the delta ferrite morphology and, consequently, modifies the weld bead toughness at lower temperatures. The oxygen content can also affect the toughness in the weld bead. The highest absorbed energy in a CVN impact test was obtained for the welding condition with square wave AC electrical output and neutral flux, followed by DC(+) electrical output and neutral flux, and square wave AC electrical output and alloyed flux.
The premature failure of a large agglomeration machine used for the annual production of 360,000 m(3) of eucalypt fiber panels was investigated to identify the nucleation and growth mechanisms of cracking in PH stainless steel belts (126 m x 2.9 m x 3.0 mm). These belts are used to compress a cushion composed of eucalyptus fibers and glue, being the pressure transmitted from the pistons by the action of numerous case-hardening steel rolls. Examination of the belt working interfaces (belt/rolls and belt/eucalypt fibers) indicated that the main cracking was nucleated on the belt/roll interface and that there is a clear relationship between the crack nucleation and the presence of superficial irregularities, which were observed on the belt/roll working surface. Used rolls showed the presence of perimetric wear marks and 2 mu m silicon-rich encrusted particles (identified as silicon carbide). Lubricant residues contained the presence of helicoidal wires, which were originated by the release of the stainless steel cleaning brush bristles, and 15 mu m diameter metallic particles, which were generated by material detachment of the belt. The presence of foreign particles on the tribological interface contributed to an increase of the shear stresses at the surfaces and, consequently, the number of the contact fatigue crack nucleation sites in the belt/roll tribo-interface. The cracking was originated on the belt/roll interface of the stainless steel belt by a mixed rolling/slip contact fatigue mechanism, which promoted spalling and further nucleation and growth of conventional fatigue cracks. Finally, the system lubrication efficiency and the cleaning procedure should be optimised in order to increase the life expectancy of the belt. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work addressed the production of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) by catalytic conversion of wastes from the bioethanol industry, in the form of either sugarcane bagasse or corn-derived distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Both bagasse and DDGS were pyrolysed at temperatures in the range of 600-1000 degrees C. The pyrolyzate gases were then used as CNM growth agents by chemical vapor deposition on stainless steel meshes, serving as both catalysts and substrates. CNM synthesis temperatures of 750-1000 degrees C were explored, and it was determined that their growth was most pronounced at 1000 degrees C. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of bagasse were in the form of long, straight, multi-wall nanotubes with smooth walls and axially uniform diameters. Typical lengths were circa 50 mu m and diameters were in the range of 20-80 nm. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of DDGS were in the form of long, entangled, rope-like structures with rugged walls, and axially non-uniform diameters. Typical diameters were in the range of 100-300 nm and their lengths were in the tens of microns. This process also produces a bio-syngas byproduct that is enriched in hydrogen. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coatings based on NiCrAlC intermetallic based alloy were applied on AISI 316L stainless steel substrates using a high velocity oxygen fuel torch. The influence of the spray parameters on friction and abrasive wear resistance were investigated using an instrumented rubber wheel abrasion test, able to measure the friction forces. The corrosion behaviour of the coatings were studied with electrochemical techniques and compared with the corrosion resistance of the substrate material. Specimens prepared using lower O(2)/C(3)H(8) ratios showed smaller porosity values. The abrasion wear rate of the NiCrAlC coatings was much smaller than that described in the literature for bulk as cast materials with similar composition and one order of magnitude higher than bulk cast and heat treated (aged) NiCrAlC alloy. All coatings showed higher corrosion resistance than the AISI 316L substrate in HCl (5%) aqueous solution at 40 degrees C.
The evaporators of sugar plants in Brazil have used carbon steel intensively because of it is, a low priced material, which possesses inferior corrosion resistance. The materials more indicated for the substitution of carbon steel are stainless steels, however they are considered expensive. The environmental and financial performances of evaporator pipes constructed with carbon steel and with types AISI 304 444 and 439 stainless steel were evaluated. For the environmental evaluation, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology Was used and it, revealed that stainless steel is more environmentally efficient than carbon steel. The life cycle costing (LCC) technique was the tool chosen for the financial evaluation and it showed that stainless steel is a better investment option compared to carbon steel. The results also indicate that LCA and LCC methodologies must be used together Therefore, it can he seen that safer environmental products can come to be the most profitable investment options.
The premature failure of steam turbine rotor blades, manufactured in forged 12% Cr-NiMoV martensitic stainless steel, was investigated using visual inspection non-destructive testing, macro and microfractography, microstructural characterization, EDS microanalysis, chemical analysis, micro hardness and tensile testing. The blades belonged to the last stage of a thermoelectric plant steam turbine generator (140 MV A). The results indicated that the failure of the blades was promoted by foreign-particle erosion, which attacked preferentially the low-pressure side of the lower trailing edge of the blades. The resulting wear grooves acted as stress raisers and promoted the nucleation of fatigue cracks, which probably grew during the transition events of the steam turbine operation. Finally, water drop erosion was observed on the blade upper leading edge (low-pressure side). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Curved steel and stainless steel wire balustrade to central deck area (North-East elevation).
The purpose of the present investigation was to gain an understanding of the nature of the carbon contamination on the surface of standard steel transmission electron spectroscopy (TEM) specimens, the effect of exposure of a clean specimen to normal laboratory air, and the efficacy of plasma-cleaning treatments. This knowledge is a necessary prerequisite to the development of appropriate specimen preparation and/or specimen cleaning methods. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in combination with argon ion beam profiling was used to characterize the specimen surfaces of X65 steel and 316 stainless steel. The only clean carbon-free surface obtained was that during argon etching of the sample in the surface analysis chamber. Any exposure of a previously cleaned sample to laboratory air resulted in a rapid carbon (hydrocarbon) contamination of the sample surface and the development of surface oxidation, Plasma cleaning with subsequent exposure of the specimen to the laboratory air also resulted in a carbon-contaminated surface. This suggests that procedures of preparation of TEM specimens of steels outside an ultrahigh vacuum chamber are unlikely to result in the lowering of contamination rates on specimens to levels where measurements for carbon in the grain boundaries are possible. What is needed is a cleaning system as an integral part of the specimen insertion system into the field-emission scanning transmission electron microscope. This cleaning could be carried out by argon ion etching. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Poly(pyrrole) (PPY) coating was prepared on a stainless-steel (SS) wire for solid-phase microextraction (SPME) by electrochemical deposition (cyclic voltammetric). The PPY was evaluated by analyzing new-generation antidepressants (mirtazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline) in plasma sample by SPME and liquid chromatography with UV detection (LC-UV). The effect of electrolyte Solution (lithium perchlorate or tetrabutylammonium perchlorate) and the number of cycles (50, 100 or 200) applied during the polymerization process on the SPME performance was evaluated. Important factors in the optimization of SPME efficiency such as extraction time, temperature, pH, influence of plasma proteins on sorption mechanisms, and desorption conditions are discussed. The SPME-PPY/LC method showed to be linear in concentrations ranging from the limit of quantification (LOQ) to 1200 ng mL(-1). The LOQ values range from 16 to 25 ng mL-1. The inter-day precision of the SPME-PPY/LC method presented coefficient of variation (CV) lower than 15%. Based on analytical validation results, the SPME-PPY/LC methodology showed to be adequate for antidepressant analysis, from therapeutic to toxic levels. In order to evaluate the proposed method for clinical use, the SPME-PPY/LC method was applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly depressed patients. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
The dynamics of mechanical milling in a vibratory mill have been studied by means of mechanical vibration, shock measurements, computer simulation and microstructural evolution measurements. Two distinct modes of ball motion during milling, periodic and chaotic vibration, were observed. Mill operation in the regime of periodic vibration, in which each collision provides a constant energy input to milled powders, enabled a quantitative description of the effect of process parameters on system dynamics. An investigation of the effect of process parameters on microstructural development in an austenitic stainless steel showed that the impact force associated with collision events is an important process parameter for characterizing microstructural evolution. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
In this study, we evaluated the acute effects of central NAC administration on baroreflex in juvenile SHR and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. Male SHR and WKY rats (8 10 weeks old) were implanted with a stainless steel guide cannula into the fourth cerebral ventricle (4th V). The femoral artery and vein were cannulated for mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) measurement and drug infusion, respectively. After basal MAP and HR recordings, the baroreflex was tested with a pressor dose of phenylephrine (PHE, 8 mu g/kg, bolus) and a depressor dose of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 50 mu g/kg, bolus). Baroreflex was evaluated before, 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after NAC injection into the 4th V. Vehicle treatment did not change baroreflex responses in WKY and SHR. Central NAC slightly but significantly increased basal HR at 15 minutes and significantly reduced PHE-induced increase in MAP 30 and 60 minutes after NAC injection (p < 0.05) in WKY rats. In relation to SHR, NAC decreased HR range 15 and 30 minutes after its administration. In conclusion, acute NAC into the 4th V does not improve baroreflex in juvenile SHR.
Objective: A new adjustable pinch has been developed for producing a crush injury, with a previously known load of 5 kg, on a 5 mm-long segment of the nerve. Methods: Stainless steel was the material selected for building the pinch due its durability and possibility of sterilization with anti-septic substances, which are often corrosive. The crushing load of the pinch is adjustable by increasing or decreasing the tension of the spring by means of a screw used for calibration, which is performed by a load cell. Result: This pinch has been used in a few experimental investigations and was shown to be as efficient as both the universal testing machine and the dead weight machine, previously used. Conclusion: The developed pinch has the advantages of being portable and user-friendly. In addition, the pinch is cheap and allows for the standardization of the applied load.
Stimulating neural electrodes are required to deliver charge to an environment that presents itself as hostile. The electrodes need to maintain their electrical characteristics (charge and impedance) in vivo for a proper functioning of neural prostheses. Here we design implantable multi-walled carbon nanotubes coating for stainless steel substrate electrodes, targeted at wide frequency stimulation of deep brain structures. In well-controlled, low-frequency stimulation acute experiments, we show that multi-walled carbon nanotube electrodes maintain their charge storage capacity (CSC) and impedance in vivo. The difference in average CSCs (n = 4) between the in vivo (1.111 mC cm(-2)) and in vitro (1.008 mC cm(-2)) model was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05 or P-value = 0.715, two tailed). We also report on the transcription levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta and TLR2 receptor as an immediate response to low-frequency stimulation using RT-PCR. We show here that the IL-1 beta is part of the inflammatory response to low-frequency stimulation, but TLR2 is not significantly increased in stimulated tissue when compared to controls. The early stages of neuroinflammation due to mechanical and electrical trauma induced by implants can be better understood by detection of pro-inflammatory molecules rather than by histological studies. Tracking of such quantitative response profits from better analysis methods over several temporal and spatial scales. Our results concerning the evaluation of such inflammatory molecules revealed that transcripts for the cytokine IL-1 beta are upregulated in response to low-frequency stimulation, whereas no modulation was observed for TLR2. This result indicates that the early response of the brain to mechanical trauma and low-frequency stimulation activates the IL-1 beta signaling cascade but not that of TLR2.