999 resultados para size depth constancy


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A major goal of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 130 was to drill four sites down the northeastern flank of the Ontong Java Plateau to collect a series of continuous sedimentary sequences that would provide a depth transect of Neogene sediments. In particular, the study of the sediments recovered along the depth transect is expected to yield high-resolution stratigraphic, geochemical, and physical properties records across intervals of major paleoceanographic changes by evaluating variations of primary sedimentological and paleoceanographic indicators (e.g., carbonates, isotopes, grain size, microfossil assemblages, etc.). This data report presents the results of highresolution (3-5 Ka sample intervals) analyses of carbonate concentration and bulk sediment grain size at Sites 803-806 for the time interval from 2 Ma to the present.


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Sexual segregation in habitat use occurs in a number of animal species, including southern elephant seals, where differences in migration localities and dive behaviour between sexes have been recorded. Due to the extreme sexual size dimorphism exhibited by southern elephant seals, it is unclear whether observed differences in dive behaviour are due to increased physiological capacity of males, compared to females, or differences in activity budgets and foraging behaviour. Here we use a mixed-effects modelling approach to investigate the effects of sex, size, age and individual variation on a number of dive parameters measured on southern elephant seals from Marion Island. Although individual variation accounted for substantial portions of total model variance for many response variables, differences in maximum and targeted dive depths were always influenced by sex, and only partly by body length. Conversely, dive durations were always influenced by body length, while sex was not identified as a significant influence. These results support hypotheses that physiological capability associated with body size is a limiting factor on dive durations. However, differences in vertical depth use appear to be the result of differences in forage selection between sexes, rather than a by-product of the size dimorphism displayed by this species. This provides further support for resource partitioning and possible avoidance of inter-sexual competition in southern elephant seals.


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Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 were drilled on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. F1) to recover a continuous high-resolution record of Antarctic glaciation. Site 1095 is the subject of a short paper in this volume (Pudsey, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.214.2001), whereas mass accumulation rates at the three sites are described by Wolf-Welling (2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.223.2001) and ice-rafted debris at Site 1101 is discussed by Cowan (2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.206.2001) This report documents grain-size data (sand and fine fraction) and the proportion of biogenic silica for the upper 300 m at Site 1095, the upper 250 m at Site 1096, and the whole 220 m at Site 1101.


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Nd and Pb isotopes were measured on the fine fraction of one sediment core drilled off southern Greenland. This work aims to reconstruct the evolution of deep circulation patterns in the North Atlantic during the Holocene on the basis of sediment supply variations. For the last 12 kyr, three sources have contributed to the sediment mixture: the North American Shield, the Pan-African and Variscan crusts, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Clay isotope signatures indicate two mixtures of sediment sources. The first mixture (12.2-6.5 ka) is composed of material derived from the North American shield and from a "young" crustal source. From 6.5 ka onward the mixture is characterized by a young crustal component and by a volcanic component characteristic of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Since the significant decrease in proximal deglacial supplies, the evolution of the relative contributions of the sediment sources suggests major changes in the relative contributions of the deep water masses carried by the Western Boundary Undercurrent over the past 8.4 kyr. The progressive intensification of the Western Boundary Undercurrent was initially associated mainly with the transport of the Northeast Atlantic Deep Water mass until 6.5 ka and with the Denmark Strait Overflow Water thereafter. The establishment of the modern circulation at 3 ka suggests a reduced influence of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water, synchronous with the full appearance of the Labrador Seawater mass. Our isotopic data set emphasizes several changes in the relative contribution of the two major components of North Atlantic Deep Water throughout the Holocene.


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Access to different environments may lead to inter-population behavioural changes within a species that allow populations to exploit their immediate environments. Elephant seals from Marion Island (MI) and King George Island (KGI) (Isla 25 de Mayo) forage in different oceanic environments and evidently employ different foraging strategies. This study elucidates some of the factors influencing the diving behaviour of male southern elephant seals from these populations tracked between 1999 and 2002. Mixed-effects models were used to determine the influence of bathymetry, population of origin, body length (as a proxy for size) and individual variation on the diving behaviour of adult male elephant seals from the two populations. Males from KGI and MI showed differences in all dive parameters. MI males dived deeper and longer (median: 652.0 m and 34.00 min) than KGI males (median: 359.1 m and 25.50 min). KGI males appeared to forage both benthically and pelagically while MI males in this study rarely reached depths close to the seafloor and appeared to forage pelagically. Model outputs indicate that males from the two populations showed substantial differences in their dive depths, even when foraging in areas of similar water depth. Whereas dive depths were not significantly influenced by the size of the animals, size played a significant role in dive durations, though this was also influenced by the population that elephant seals originated from. This study provides some support for inter-population differences in dive behaviour of male southern elephant seals.


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Im Sedimentationsraum der südwestlichen Ostsee verdient der nordöstliche Teil der Kieler Bucht besonderes Interesse. Dort öffnet sich die wichtigste Verbindung zwischen Ostsee und Nordsee. Von den Austauschvorgängen, durch welche diese Meeresräume aufeinander Einfluß nehmen, ist gerade jenes Gebiet entscheidend betroffen. Die Beobachtung der Dynamik des Austausches, die Beobachtung der Transportlast, welche von den Wassermassen bewegt wird, und schließlich auch die Beobachtung der Beziehungen, welche sich zwischen dem Zusammentreffen von Wassermassen unterschiedlicher physikalischer Eigenschaften und der Sedimentbildung ergeben, läßt deshalb vor allem dort wesentliche Hinweise zum Verständnis der Sedimentationsvorgänge in der südlichen Ostsee erhoffen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden an 49 Durchschnittsproben die Korngrößenverteilungen und Schwermineralgehalte von Sedimenten aus dem Südausgang des Großen Beltes untersucht. 1. Es wurden sechs in sich morphologisch etwa gleichwertige Gebiete ausgegliedert, die jeweils durch Sedimente mit ähnlichen Korngrößenverteilungen ausgezeichnet sind. Nach Lage, Typ und genetischer Ausdeutbarkeit fügen sich diese Gebiete dem von O. PRATJE (1939, 1948) gegebenen Modell der Sedimentationszonen gut ein. 2. Innerhalb dieser Gebiete ergibt sich für Sande in mehr als 20 m Wassertiefe südwärts gerichteter Transport. Oberhalb dieser Tiefe läßt sich stellenweise nordwärts gerichteter Transport nachweisen. 3. Der Schwermineralgehalt der Sedimente bleibt immer unter zwei Prozent. Die höchsten Anteile (1,7 bzw. 1,9%) werden in den Sedimenten der Tiefen Rinne und der ufernahen Bereiche des Großen Beltes angetroffen. 4. Die Korngrößenverteilungen der Sedimente werden nach der Lage der Modi in bis zu drei (Kies-, Sand-, Silt-) Komponenten zerlegt. Die Beteiligung der Silt-Komponente wird entscheidend von der Salzgehaltssprungschicht beeinflußt. 5. Es bestehen offensichtlich Zusammenhänge zwischen der Schlicksedimentation und der Salzgehaltsschichtung auch in der weiteren südlichen Ostsee.


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Sand-silt-clay distribution was determined at Scripps on samples collected at the time the cores were split and described. The sediment classification used here is that of Shepard (1954); sand, silt, and clay boundaries are determined on the basis of the Wentworth (1922) scale. Thus the sand, silt, and clay fractions are composed of particles whose diameters range from 2000 to 62.5 µm, 62.5 to 3.91 µm, and less than 3.91 µm, respectively. This classification is applied regardless of sediment type and origin.


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Grain size of 139 unconsolidated sediment samples from seven DSDP sites in the Guaymas Basin and the southeastern tip of the Baja California Peninsula was determined by sieve and pipette techniques. Shepard (1954) classification and Inman (1952) parameters correlation were used for all samples. Sediment texture ranged from sand to silty clay. On the basis of grain-size parameter, the sediments can be divided into three broad groups: (1) very fine sands and coarse silts; (2) medium- to very fine silts; and (3) clays and coarse silts.