365 resultados para salary
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
In today’s context of environmental degradation, environmental issues have increasingly become a focus of global discussion. Although many researchers emphasize the importance of knowledge and information in promoting environmental protection, research involving people’s notions about and attitudes toward the environment and establishing their connection with such knowledge is scarce. This lack of research led to the following inquiry: Is it possible to relate conservation actions and concern about a biome – in this case, the Cerrado – to the population’s level of knowledge about the environment in which they live? This research presents results from an investigation conducted in a representative population sample in Bauru, where there are fragments of a Cerrado Legal Reserve. The sampling approach used was probabilistic; it is based on random laws and can be submitted to statistical methods. The total sample (450 people) was divided into 90 people per Bauru region, 45 people female and 45 males. Each gender group was divided into three age groups: the first from 16 to 30 years, the second from 31 to 55 years and the third above 56 years. Through the questionnaire, we collected the following data from respondents: personal data such as salary, gender, age, level of education, notions/actions and intentions related to environmental conservation and general knowledge about the Cerrado. The result of the chi-square analysis is consistent with this finding, as it is less than 0.05, demonstrating a significant association between these two variables.
The implementation of residue selective collection has brought to the city of Sao Manuel an incalculable benefit. It brought a better life for a group of adults and children that lives in a humanitarian condition of extreme poverty. These people live in an open-air dump, disputing the remains found in fifteen tons of garbage that are deposited at the site almost every day.The objective of this paper is to present thecollectors annual income profile and the volume of solid waste collected.To present these factors, the total and fractionated amount according to their material items, collected since the creation of the Association in February 2003 until December 2008, were considered., In addition,the social gains were enumerated. These factors were developed from a theoretical base for municipal solid waste involving environmental, social, and financial concepts. Based on these results it was found that the ACAPEL income value was above the average of other income indicators of the population analyzed, besides the social value enhance that the creation of the Association brought to the people who work there.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The Jimmie E. Nunnery Papers contains records relating to Jimmie Nunnery’s career as a professor at USC-Lancaster. Included are correspondence, information about the scholarship program, fund raising, and the Lancaster County Educational Foundation, USC-Lancaster publications, promotion and tenure, indoor and outdoor recreation complexes, salary, building plans, committees, Medford Library, public relations, news releases, reports, conferences, expense reimbursement, teaching awards, faculty, newspaper clippings related to USC-Lancaster, and papers relating to teaching. The collection also contains personal papers, papers relating to early education, higher education, the S.C. National Guard, and the S.C House of Representatives, legal documents, various family papers, certificates, photographs, publications, general newspaper clippings, memorabilia, calendars, and various other materials.
The objective of this study was to identify the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of children and adolescents who study and work outside their home. This non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional study was performed using questionnaires applied to primary education students, enrolled in public schools in Ribeirao Preto (Brazil). Two schools were selected through a draw. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 14.0. Of the 133 students who answered the questionnaire, 36 (27.7%) reported working outside their home, 20.6% were between 11 and 13 years of age, and 66.7% were male (p=0.000) and had started working early to help with the family income (p=0.003). The salary they received helped comprise the family income, and it was found that as the family income increased, the need for the youngsters to work was reduced. It was found that many factors contribute to these subjects' early start at work, including family size, structure and poverty.
Analisam-se as características de ofertas de emprego do setor da Informação-Documentação. A mostra foi obtida de anúncios na Internet, feitos por empresas e instituições privadas brasileiras, durante o ano de 2010. A atividade foi realizada no âmbito de pesquisa maior, que tem como objetivo geral construir uma taxonomia que classifique e hierarquize as competências e conhecimentos exigidos pelas empresas, bem como as características dos postos oferecidos. Extraiu-se a informação de 200 ofertas de emprego obtidas nos portais Catho e Portal do bibliotecário. Cada entrada foi mantida em seu contexto de incidência e com a expressão original. Os termos obtidos passaram por um processo de normalização. A análise busca classificar e valorar as atividades, conhecimentos e tarefas mais solicitados, bem como as aptidões, competências e habilidades, além das incidências das unidades e dos profissionais de informação.
Abstract Background An estimated 10–20 million individuals are infected with the retrovirus human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1). While the majority of these individuals remain asymptomatic, 0.3-4% develop a neurodegenerative inflammatory disease, termed HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). HAM/TSP results in the progressive demyelination of the central nervous system and is a differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The etiology of HAM/TSP is unclear, but evidence points to a role for CNS-inflitrating T-cells in pathogenesis. Recently, the HTLV-1-Tax protein has been shown to induce transcription of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) families W, H and K. Intriguingly, numerous studies have implicated these same HERV families in MS, though this association remains controversial. Results Here, we explore the hypothesis that HTLV-1-infection results in the induction of HERV antigen expression and the elicitation of HERV-specific T-cells responses which, in turn, may be reactive against neurons and other tissues. PBMC from 15 HTLV-1-infected subjects, 5 of whom presented with HAM/TSP, were comprehensively screened for T-cell responses to overlapping peptides spanning HERV-K(HML-2) Gag and Env. In addition, we screened for responses to peptides derived from diverse HERV families, selected based on predicted binding to predicted optimal epitopes. We observed a lack of responses to each of these peptide sets. Conclusions Thus, although the limited scope of our screening prevents us from conclusively disproving our hypothesis, the current study does not provide data supporting a role for HERV-specific T-cell responses in HTLV-1 associated immunopathology.
This dissertation uses the concept of “precariousness” to analyze women’s labour conditions in Italian industry over the Fifties and Sixties, when the agricultural basis of the Italian economy was replaced by an industrial one. The present research studies the way in which female work has been employed on different and nearly always inferior terms to male work, whether quantitatively or qualitatively. In most cases wages have been lower, periods of qualification and dequalification more unfavourable, and contract terms generally less secure than for male workers. The combination of these aspects of women work conditions has resulted in what will be called job precariousness. Job precariousness is adopted as a paradigm for an in-depth analysis of women’s working conditions. Women (like immigrants) have always experienced considerably worse working conditions than men throughout the capitalist industrial age. Even in the “Golden Age” of the 20th century (1945-1975), considered by most sociologists and economists “the era of job stability”, women’s working conditions were worse than men’s and can be defined precarious. Women in Bolognese industry are not an exception. The dissertation will show how many women’s jobs in industry were the opposite of stable and therefore can be called precarious in the period of 1950s and 1960s, when the Italian economy experienced the most intense economic and industrial growth of the 20th century. The comparison between female and male work conditions will address several aspects related to job precariousness: duration and continuity of work, salary variability, forms of discrimination and the relation between contract and social rights. In addition, attention will be paid to the forms of contract, gender-specific forms of discrimination and material working conditions of women.
Nel presente lavoro vengono esaminate le forme impiegate dalla contrattazione collettiva per rendere aleatorio il trattamento economico dei lavoratori subordinati. Dapprima ci si occupa del limite alla “flessibilizzazione” della retribuzione dei lavoratori subordinati che viene individuato nella “retribuzione sufficiente” di cui all’art. 36 Cost., qualificata come elemento essenziale del contratto. Di seguito si sofferma l’attenzione sulla retribuzione di produttività e di redditività dei lavoratori del settore privato e sul trattamento accessorio dei dipendenti pubblici privatizzati. Nonostante a queste quote della retribuzione sia astrattamente conferita una funzione incentivante, in concreto non la svolgono: nel lavoro privato a causa della politica egualitaria del sindacato e della “modalità” di determinazione degli obiettivi, nel lavoro pubblico perché questa parte della retribuzione è stata tradizionalmente erogata “a pioggia”. Nel terzo capitolo si prendono in considerazione le liti che possono sorgere se, nel periodo di tempo che va dalla fissazione degli obiettivi a quando si deve verificare il loro conseguimento, il datore di lavoro apporti modifiche organizzative in grado di ripercuotersi sulla capacità dei prestatori di raggiungere i risultati. Al fine di risolvere tale questione, in chiusura del secondo capitolo, la clausola in tema di retribuzione flessibile è stata classificata come condizione sospensiva in quanto una parte del trattamento economico, aggiuntiva alla retribuzione “base”, viene subordinata al conseguimento di obiettivi di produttività e redditività qualificabili come eventi futuri ed incerti. Tale qualificazione è volta a consentire l’applicazione dell’art. 1359 c.c. nelle controversie sopra descritte: se i lavoratori non conseguono gli obiettivi a causa di modifiche che il datore di lavoro ha apportato all’organizzazione, si può fingere che l’evento (che non si è verificato per una condotta imputabile al datore di lavoro) si sia verificato e, di conseguenza, erogare la retribuzione di risultato ai prestatori.
Polizei in Afrika ist korrupt und schlecht ausgebildet und eine „Marionette“ der Regierungen − so das nicht nur im populären, sondern auch sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs vermittelte Bild. Eine ethnographische Perspektive, die Polizeiarbeit im Alltag beobachtet und auf die Interaktionsstrategien der Polizisten mit Klienten und ihre Deutungen und Selbstbilder fokussiert, erlaubt neue Einsichten in das alltägliche Funktionieren der Organisation. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einem dreimonatigen Aufenthalt in der domestic violence unit der Police Headquarters in der Upper West Region Ghanas. Sie zeigt unter anderem, wie die Akteure die Ausbildung zum Polizisten, Gehaltsfragen, Versetzungen, Geschlechterverhältnis und Beförderungen konzeptionalisieren und wo sie sich in ihrer Arbeitswelt positionieren. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Arbeit gilt der Interaktion der Polizisten mit Akteuren außerhalb ihrer Organisation, den „Klienten“. Eine zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass die Klienten erst mit Hilfe typischer bürokratischer Praktiken und Redensarten als solche von den Polizisten konstruiert werden. Dabei sind die Klienten aber weder passiv polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert noch können einflussreiche Klienten die Polizei nach ihrem Gusto manipulieren. In zwei Fallstudien von Verhandlungssituationen wird deutlich, wie Polizisten Autorität in der Interaktion mit Klienten herstellen und legitimieren und welche Maßnahmen Klienten ihrerseits ergreifen, um die Situation zu ihren Gunsten zu gestalten.
Since the late eighties, economists have been regarding the transition from command to market economies in Central and Eastern Europe with intense interest. In addition to studying the transition per se, they have begun using the region as a testing ground on which to investigate the validity of certain classic economic propositions. In his research, comprising three articles written in English and totalling 40 pages, Mr. Hanousek uses the so-called "Czech national experiment" (voucher privatisation scheme) to test the permanent income hypothesis (PIH). He took as his inspiration Kreinin's recommendation: "Since data concerning the behaviour of windfall income recipients is relatively scanty, and since such data can constitute an important test of the permanent income hypothesis, it is of interest to bring to bear on the hypothesis whatever information is available". Mr. Hanousek argues that, since the transfer of property to Czech citizens from 1992 to 1994 through the voucher scheme was not anticipated, it can be regarded as windfall income. The average size of the windfall was more than three month's salary and over 60 percent of the Czech population received this unexpected income. Furthermore, there are other reasons for conducting such an analysis in the Czech Republic. Firstly, the privatisation process took place quickly. Secondly, both the economy and consumer behaviour have been very stable. Thirdly, out of a total population of 10 million Czech citizens, an astonishing 6 million, that is, virtually every household, participated in the scheme. Thus Czech voucher privatisation provides a sample for testing the PIH almost equivalent to a full population, thus avoiding problems with the distribution of windfalls. Compare this, for instance with the fact that only 4% of the Israeli urban population received personal restitution from Germany, while the number of veterans who received the National Service Life Insurance Dividends amounted to less than 9% of the US population and were concentrated in certain age groups. But to begin with, Mr. Hanousek considers the question of whether the public percieves the transfer from the state to individual as an increase in net wealth. It can be argued that the state is only divesting itself of assets that would otherwise provide a future source of transfers. According to this argument, assigning these assets to individuals creates an offsetting change in the present value of potential future transfers so that individuals are no better off after the transfer. Mr. Hanousek disagrees with this approach. He points out that a change in the ownership of inefficient state-owned enterprises should lead to higher efficiency, which alone increases the value of enterprises and creates a windfall increase in citizens' portfolios. More importantly, the state and individuals had very different preferences during the transition. Despite government propaganda, it is doubtful that citizens of former communist countries viewed government-owned enterprises as being operated in the citizens' best interest. Moreover, it is unlikely that the public fully comprehended the sophisticated links between the state budget, state-owned enterprises, and transfers to individuals. Finally, the transfers were not equal across the population. Mr. Hanousek conducted a survey on 1263 individuals, dividing them into four monthly earnings categories. After determining whether the respondent had participated in the voucher process, he asked those who had how much of what they received from voucher privatisation had been (a) spent on goods and services, (b) invested elsewhere, (c) transferred to newly emerging pension funds, (d) given to a family member, and (e) retained in their original form as an investment. Both the mean and the variance of the windfall rise with income. He obtained similar results with respect to education, where the mean (median) windfall for those with a basic school education was 13,600 Czech Crowns (CZK), a figure that increased to 15,000 CZK for those with a high school education without exams, 19,900 CZK for high school graduates with exams, and 24,600 CZK for university graduates. Mr. Hanousek concludes that it can be argued that higher income (and better educated) groups allocated their vouchers or timed the disposition of their shares better. He turns next to an analysis of how respondents reported using their windfalls. The key result is that only a relatively small number of individuals reported spending on goods. Overall, the results provide strong support for the permanent income hypothesis, the only apparent deviation being the fact that both men and women aged 26 to 35 apparently consume more than they should if the windfall were annuitised. This finding is still fully consistent with the PIH, however, if this group is at a stage in their life-cycle where, without the windfall, they would be borrowing to finance consumption associated with family formation etc. Indeed, the PIH predicts that individuals who would otherwise borrow to finance consumption would consume the windfall up to the level equal to the annuitised fraction of the increase in lifetime income plus the full amount of the previously planned borrowing for consumption. Greater consumption would then be financed, not from investing the windfall, but from avoidance of future repayment obligations for debts that would have been incurred without the windfall.
The study considered the discrepancy between the official status and real position of Russian provincial officialdom in the middle of the 19th century. The law was not entirely coherent in all aspects of the officials' life and activity, with ordinary deviations from the law being adopted in practice and accepted, albeit not openly, by the public and sometimes even by the authorities. The main law determining the rights and duties of governors was never followed to the letter and in reality governors' activities were determined by the common (unwritten) law existing in the governmental sphere. The volume and nature of the governors' rights depended on a range of factors, with specific regional features and the governor's personal qualities having a particular significance. The standard of living of government clerks was much higher than their official salary would permit and Matkhanova studied the most widespread cases of abuse, identifying those positions in the administration which offered the most opportunities for such abuses. At the start of the period and on the eve of the reforms public opinion towards the bribery of officials underwent a change. From the late 1850s onwards, there appeared among provincial officials a group of young well-educated clerks with liberal ideas and a new system of moral values which did not allow them to accept bribes or infringe the law in any way. There was also a non-official hierarchy side by side with the legally existing one. A significant role in governing the region, and one which has been underestimated by historians, was played by the head of the governor's office, but the reforms of the 1860s contributed to changing this state of affairs.