836 resultados para sagesse, job, Pv, Qoh


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A strain of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria showing resistance to 1.2 mM cupric sulfate was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ESI (electron spectrophotometry imaging). Accumulation of copper was detected in the periphery of the cell membrane region, suggesting that the mechanism of copper resistance is similar to that previously described for Pseudomonas species. The ESI technique was used to detect copper in the membrane region. Copper-resistance in X. campestris pv. vesicatoria 484 is inducible and occurs by accumulation of the metal and not by efflux mechanism as has been suggested. The growth curve also showed that this system is inducible.


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Rapid changes in working life and competence requirements of different professions have increased interest in workplace learning. It is considered an effective way to learn and update professional skills by performing daily tasks in an authentic environment. Especially, ensuring a supply of skilled future workers is a crucial issue for firms facing tight competition and a shortage of competent employees due to the retirement of current professionals. In order to develop and make the most of workplace learning, it is important to focus on workplace learning environments and the individual characteristics of those participating in workplace learning. The literature has suggested various factors that influence adults' and professionals’ workplace learning of profession-related skills, but lacks empirical studies on contextual and individual-related factors that positively affect students' workplace learning. Workers with vocational education form a large group in modern firms. Therefore, elements of vocational students’ successful workplace learning during their studies, before starting their career paths, need to be examined. To fill this gap in the literature, this dissertation examines contributors to vocational students’ workplace learning in Finland, where students’ workplace learning is included in the vocational education and training system. The study is divided into two parts: the introduction, comprised of the overview of the relevant literature and the conclusion of the entire study, and five separate articles. Three of the articles utilize quantitative methods and two use qualitative methods to examine factors that contribute to vocational students’ workplace learning. The results show that, from the students’ perspective, attitudinal, motivational, and organizationrelated factors enhance the student’s development of professionalism during the on-the-job learning period. Specifically, the organization-related factors such as innovative climate, guidance, and interactions with seniors have a strong positive impact on the students’ perceived development of professional skills because, for example, the seniors’ guidance and provision of new viewpoints for the tasks helps the vocational students to gain autonomy at work performance. A multilevel analysis shows that of those factors enhancing workplace learning from the student perspective, innovative climate, knowledge transfer accuracy, and the students’ performance orientation were significantly related to the workplace instructors’ assessment regarding the students’ professional performance. Furthermore, support from senior colleagues and the students’ self-efficacy were both significantly associated with the formal grades measuring how well the students managed to learn necessary professional skills. In addition, the results suggest that the students’ on-the-job learning can be divided into three main phases, of which two require efforts from both the student and the on-the-job learning organization. The first phase includes the student’s application of basic professional skills, demonstration of potential in performing daily tasks, and orientation provided by the organization at the beginning of the on-the-job learning period. In the second phase, the student actively develops profession-related skills by performing daily tasks, thus learning a fluent working style while observing the seniors’ performance. The organization offers relevant tasks and follows the student’s development. The third level indicates a student who has reached the professional level described as a full occupation. The results suggest that constructing the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning period requires feedback from seniors, opportunities to learn to manage entire work processes, self-efficacy on the part of the students, proactive behavior, and initiative in learning. The study contributes to research on workplace learning in three ways: firstly, it identifies the key individual- and organization-based factors that influence the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning from their perspective and examines mutual relationships between these factors. Second, the study provides knowledge of how the factors related to the students’ view of successful workplace learning are associated with the workplace instructors’ perspective and the formal grades. Third, the present study finds elements needed to construct a successful on-the-job learning for the students.


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This study is a literature review on laser scribing in monolithically interconnected thin-film PV modules, focusing on efficiency of modules based on absorber materials CIGS, CdTe and a-Si. In thin-film PV module manufacturing scribing is used to interconnect individual cells monolithically by P1, P2 and P3 scribes. Laser scribing has several advantages compared to mechanical scribing for this purpose. However, laser scribing of thin-films can be a challenging process and may induce efficiency reducing defects. Some of these defects can be avoided by improving optimisation or processing methods.


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Invokaatio: I.N.J.


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The usage of PV batteries nowadays became more and more widely spread. Due to the fact that the efficiency of modern PV is rising every year the prevalence of this source of energy is increasing. As the source of the energy is sunlight, these batteries need to be complimented by storage capacitors which will store energy for future use. Nevertheless the less the calculation of demanded amount of energy according the load and capacity of a storage battery that will keep the end consumer in work during certain time still is not overviewed. In this thesis the overall system will be considered and there will be made economic calculations for configurations of such system that will depend from the load. Also the behavior of the system in different geographical and climate conditions that influence of the amount of energy produced will be overviewed.


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Neste estudo foi testada a técnica de condicionamento fisiológico em meio agarizado para inoculação de Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff) em sementes de feijão. Na primeira etapa, avaliou-se o comportamento das sementes de feijão cultivar Pérola, durante o pré-condicionamento osmótico em substrato agarizado com restrição hídrica. Os tratamentos consistiram em expor, por diferentes períodos de tempo, sementes de feijão desinfestadas a quatro níveis de restrição hídrica do meio 523 (-0,55, -0,75, -0,95 e -1,15 MPa), com o uso de quatro substratos (meio 523, meio 523+KCl, meio 523+manitol e meio 523+sacarose). Como testemunha, utilizou-se o meio 523 sem restrição hídrica (-0,55 MPa). Decorridos os respectivos tempos, avaliou-se a percentagem de sementes com protrusão radicular e, posteriormente, o teor de água, a germinação e os padrões enzimáticos das sementes. Na segunda etapa do estudo, avaliou-se o crescimento de quatro isolados de Cff (Cff DF - Feij-2936, Cff PR - 12768, Cff SC - Feij-2928 e Cff SP - Feij-2634) em substrato agarizado com restrição hídrica. Os tratamentos da terceira etapa foram definidos com base na primeira etapa, em que o melhor tratamento foi o meio 523 com manitol no potencial hídrico de -0,95 MPa e com 48 horas de exposição das sementes no meio agarizado. Na segunda etapa, verificou-se que o isolado de Cff SC (Feij-2928), proveniente do estado de Santa Catarina, apresentou o melhor crescimento no substrato e no potencial hídrico definido na primeira etapa. Portanto, foi possível a inoculação artificial de sementes de feijão com Cff por meio da técnica de condicionamento fisiológico em substrato agarizado, sem o comprometimento de sua qualidade fisiológica.


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The Finnish healthcare industry is currently facing significant challenges due to economic crises, aging population and major structural reforms, which have resulted in decreased job satisfaction and increased levels of turnover. This proposes that healthcare organizations need to come up with new, creative means to tackle these issues. Several researchers have argued that corporate entrepreneurship may be the necessary means to achieve this. As previous research has mainly focused on examining this concept from organizational perspective, this study looks at how it occurs on the level of individual employees. The purpose of this study is to examine how corporate entrepreneurship is manifested in individual behavior, and how this type of behavior is associated with the individual’s job satisfaction and turnover intention. Additionally, this study will examine the differences in corporate entrepreneurial behavior between private and public sector organizations, as previous research suggests that these two may be characterized differently. Data was collected with the help of a literature review as well as a survey study, which was sent out to a number of employees of four different healthcare organizations, out of which three were public and one was a private sector organization. Six distinct behavioral characteristics were recognized in previous research, which make up the measure for corporate entrepreneurial behavior. Principal components were formed from the different areas of the survey (corporate entrepreneurial behavior, job satisfaction, turnover intention), after which the association of these components were examined with linear regression analysis, which proved that corporate entrepreneurial behavior is positively correlated with both job satisfaction and intention to leave the organization. Differences between sectors were analyzed with analysis of variance and cross tabulation analysis, but neither of these suggested that any significant differences would occur. These results suggest that employees who behave entrepreneurially tend to be more satisfied with their jobs, but also consider leaving their current organizations more often than others. This may be due to the fact that healthcare organizations are not fertile for entrepreneurial behavior, which will drive entrepreneurial individuals looking for employers who may be more supportive of this type of behavior. With growing levels of dissatisfaction as well as little room for entrepreneurial behavior, the studied organizations may actually be in the process of losing those employees who have the ability and desire to behave in such manner, and who could very well be those who will eventually come up with solutions for the major challenges that these organizations are facing.


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Ce volume a été relié avec le ms. Latin 50 pour former une bible complète (cf. Berger, Hist. de la Vulg., 401), mais il semble que ces deux manuscrits ont été réalisés séparément, à une date et par un atelier différent. (F. Avril, Dix siècles d'enluminure italienne, notice 11). Avec prologues, arguments et « capitula ». Psalmi (1) ; Proverbia (13v) ; Ecclesiastes (20) ; Cant. canticorum (22v) ; Sapientia (24) ; Ecclesiasticus (29v) ; Oratio Salomonis (42v) ; Paralip. I-II (43) ; Job (62) ; Tobias (69) ; Judith (72) ; Esther (76) ; Esdras I-II (80) ; Macchab. I-II (87v). — Evangeliorum canones (103) ; Evang. Matthaei (106), Marci (112v), Lucae (117v), Johannis (125) ; Actus Apost. (131v) ; VII Epist. canon. (142), Apocalypsis (147v) ; Concordia Epist. Pauli (153) ; XIV Epist. Pauli (154) ; Epist. ad Laodicenses (addit. du XIIe s.) (176). — Quelques leçons indiquées en marge.


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Job I,3-XLII,16 (2).


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Claude Joly, chantre de Notre-Dame, a inscrit sa signature au f. 2v (XVIIe s.). Ce ms. a appartenu à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, dont il porte l'ex-libris "A la bibliotheque de l'Eglise de Paris" (XVIIe s., f. 2v). Notre-Dame.


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Ce ms. a été légué au chapitre de Notre-Dame par Pierre du Jardin, prêtre du diocèse de Limoges et chapelain de Notre-Dame de Paris, mort en 1431, comme l'indique la note au f. 251v: "Venerabilis et discretus vir deffunctus dominus Petrus de Orto, alias dictus Mallerat, presbiter Lemovicensis diocesis, quondam cappellanus hujus venerabilis eccelesie Parisiensis, qui obiit anno M° CCCC° XXXI° die XXIII° mensis aprilis, legavit per suum testamentum supra dicte ecclesie hunc presentem librum..." (XVe s.). Au f. 1 figure l'ex-libris "A la bibliotheque de l'Eglise de Paris" (XVIIe s.). Notre-Dame.