960 resultados para rules-in-form


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Includes bibliography


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The MRMAX chart is a single chart based on the standardized sample means and sample ranges for monitoring the mean vector and the covariance matrix of multivariate processes. User's familiarity with the computation of these statistics is a point in favor of the MRMAX chart. As a single chart, the recently proposed MRMAX chart is very appropriate for supplementary runs rules. In this article, we compare the supplemented MRMAX chart and the synthetic MRMAX chart with the standard MRMAX chart. The supplementary and the synthetic runs rules enhance the performance of the MRMAX chart. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Em Belém, nos últimos doze anos (1994-2006), o poder público passou a desenvolver iniciativas no sentido de criar projetos de intervenção no centro histórico da cidade, dentre os quais se destacou os projetos da Praça Frei Caetano Brandão e do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Pará, promovido pela Prefeitura Municipal, através do Programa Monumenta Belém, e do Complexo Feliz Lusitânia, executado pelo governo estadual, concentrados especificamente na área que abrange o bairro da Cidade Velha. Neste contexto, buscou-se compreender a lógica que explica a recente preocupação do poder público em intervir no Centro Histórico de Belém, buscando analisar suas implicações no processo de reorganização sócio-espacial do bairro da Cidade Velha; compreender como tem se dado a dinâmica de apropriação e reorganização desse espaço e como as práticas espaciais engendradas na dinâmica de produção/apropriação têm propiciado as diversas territorialidades dos agentes sociais que produzem o espaço urbano desse bairro, bem como identificar as possíveis contradições/conflitos de territorialidades entre os diversos agentes sociais (Estado, comerciantes e moradores) envolvidos no processo de produção/reprodução espacial, gerados na dinâmica sócio-espacial desse bairro, devido essas intervenções. Percebeu-se que as ações do governo do estado, referente à intervenção do Complexo Feliz Lusitânia, pautaram-se na adoção do planejamento mercadófilo e na introdução de técnicas de city marketing, justificado pela necessidade de recuperar a base econômica da cidade. Esse projeto fundamentou-se na concepção de revitalização, alterando a forma e a funcionalidade do patrimônio onde foram realizadas as ações de intervenção, com vistas a tornar a cidade mais competitiva na disputa por atração turística. Devido seu caráter conservador, não se chegou a constatar a materialização dos conflitos de territorialidade entre os diversos agentes sociais, visto que os comerciantes e moradores não se constituíram enquanto sujeitos partícipes no processo de elaboração e execução do referido projeto. Em relação às intervenções promovidas pelo governo municipal, pautaram-se em um planejamento mais progressista, onde a participação popular se fez um pouco mais presente. Tais projetos fundamentaram-se nos princípios da reabilitação urbana, que visam qualificar o espaço urbano e melhorar as condições de qualidade de vida e de infra-estrutura para os seus usuários. Apesar de se considerar de extrema relevância o desenvolvimento de projetos com vistas a reabilitar o Centro Histórico de Belém, acredita-se que estes deveriam ser elaborados, a partir de uma análise minuciosa da dinâmica sócio-espacial dos bairros que o compõe e da cidade como um todo, e que estes projetos partam de ações mais integradas entre os órgãos patrimoniais da esfera municipal, estadual e federal, de modo que seus resultados possam garantir uma maior eqüidade e participação dos diversos agentes produtores desse espaço urbano.


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A obesidade é uma doença crônica definida como o acúmulo de gordura anormal ou excessiva que pode prejudicar a saúde. Torna-se necessário intervir no seu combate e prevenção, especialmente entre as crianças. A literatura da área indica que, em geral, intervenções apenas com crianças ou com cuidadores, ou com ambos, apresentam resultados favoráveis. Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos de instruções, do treino de relato verbal (TRV) e do treino de automonitoração (TA), aplicados com e sem a participação do cuidador principal, sobre o seguimento de regras nutricionais em crianças com obesidade ou sobrepeso. Participaram duas crianças (9 e 11 anos) e suas cuidadoras primárias. O ambiente foi um consultório do ambulatório de psicologia de um hospital universitário. Foram utilizados: Prontuário dos pacientes, Roteiro de entrevista inicial, Inventário de estilos parentais (IEP), Roteiro de entrevista 2, Recordatório 24 horas, Manual informativo sobre obesidade e alimentação saudável, Teste de conhecimentos, Protocolo de orientação nutricional para crianças, Protocolo de automonitoração, Roteiro para análise do protocolo de automonitoração, jogos e brinquedos e Roteiro de entrevista final. O procedimento de coleta ocorreu em 10 sessões distribuídas em aproximadamente 15 semanas e consistiu de análise dos prontuários; entrevista no ambulatório com o cuidador e com a criança para assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, aplicação do roteiro de entrevista inicial e do IEP; inserção dos participantes em uma de duas condições (Condição 1, apenas a criança [P1] presente; Condição 2, tanto a criança [P2] quanto seu cuidador primário [C2] estavam presentes); aplicação do Roteiro de entrevista 2 seguido da aplicação do Recordatório 24 horas (Linha de Base 1 [LB1]); aplicação do Manual informativo sobre obesidade e alimentação saudável e do Teste de conhecimentos; TRV (Linha de Base 2 [LB2]); TA; entrevista de acompanhamento e entrevista de encerramento. Quanto aos efeitos das instruções, os resultados indicam que P1 manteve a mesma classificação em todos os itens, enquanto P2 melhorou seu desempenho nos itens conhecimento e seguimento das orientações nutricionais e C2 apresentou melhora no conhecimento sobre obesidade ao final do estudo. Os Índices de adesão à dieta obtidos por P2 foram mais elevados do que os obtidos por P1 em todas as fases da pesquisa. Comparando-se a média obtida pelos dois participantes em LB1 e LB2, observou-se aumento de 39,77% indicando mudança com significância clínica após intervenção. A combinação de variáveis nesta pesquisa mostrou-se favorável a ampliação do repertório dos participantes em relação ao comportamento alimentar, tendo como referência o próprio sujeito ao longo do estudo. Os resultados sugerem que há maior eficácia quando crianças e cuidadores são alvo de intervenção.


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Due to the high value of the bill that the Brazilian has been paying, one of the most expensive in the world, is becoming increasingly attractive the option for renewable energy in form of distributed micro and minigeneration. In other words, the renewable energy sources are becoming attractive not only because of environmental concerns, but also due to economic issues. This has become even more relevant and concrete after approval of rules by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) on 4/17/2012 (Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 of 04/17/2012) aimed at reducing barriers to installation of small distributed generation, including microgeneration, with up to 100 kW of power, and minigeneration, 100 kW to 1 MW. The Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 creates the Energy Clearing System, which allows consumers to install small generators in its consumer unit and exchange energy with the local distributor. The rule applies to generators that use renewable sources of energy (hydro, solar, biomass, wind and cogeneration qualified). In this context, this paper presents a technical and economic analysis of installing a residential microgenerating plant composed of photovoltaic cells, solar panels and small wind turbines


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Due to the high value of the bill that the Brazilian has been paying, one of the most expensive in the world, is becoming increasingly attractive the option for renewable energy in form of distributed micro and minigeneration. In other words, the renewable energy sources are becoming attractive not only because of environmental concerns, but also due to economic issues. This has become even more relevant and concrete after approval of rules by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) on 4/17/2012 (Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 of 04/17/2012) aimed at reducing barriers to installation of small distributed generation, including microgeneration, with up to 100 kW of power, and minigeneration, 100 kW to 1 MW. The Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 creates the Energy Clearing System, which allows consumers to install small generators in its consumer unit and exchange energy with the local distributor. The rule applies to generators that use renewable sources of energy (hydro, solar, biomass, wind and cogeneration qualified). In this context, this paper presents a technical and economic analysis of installing a residential microgenerating plant composed of photovoltaic cells, solar panels and small wind turbines


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: To evaluate the systemic blood pressure (BP) during daytime and nighttime in children with sleep breathing disorders (SBD) and compare parameters of BP in children with diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) to those one with primary snoring (PS). Methods: Children, both genders, aged from 8 to 12 years, with symptoms of SBD realized an overnight polysomnography followed by a 24 h recording of ambulatory BP. Results: All subjects presented with a history of snoring 7 nights per week. Children who have apnea/hipoapnea index >= four or a apnea index >= one presented a mean BP of 93 +/- 7 mmHg and 85 +/- 9 mmHg diurnal and nocturnal respectively whereas children who have a apnea/hipoapnea < four or a apnea index < one presented 90 +/- 7 mmHg and 77 +/- 2 mmHg. Eight children out of fourteen, from OSA group, lost the physiologic nocturnal dipping of the blood pressure. Among OSA children 57% were considered non-dippers. Two (16%) have presented absence of nocturnal dipping among children with primary snoring. The possibility of OSA children loosing physiologic blood pressure dipping was 6.66 higher than the possibilities of patients from PS group. Discussion: Our results indicate that children with sleep apnea syndrome exhibit a higher 24 h blood pressure when compared with those of primary snoring in form of decreased degree of nocturnal dipping and increased levels of diastolic and mean blood pressure, according to previous studies in literature. OSA in children seems to be associated to the development of hypertension or other cardiovascular disease. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study aims at analysing Brian O'Nolans literary production in the light of a reconsideration of the role played by his two most famous pseudonyms ,Flann Brien and Myles na Gopaleen, behind which he was active both as a novelist and as a journalist. We tried to establish a new kind of relationship between them and their empirical author following recent cultural and scientific surveys in the field of Humour Studies, Psychology, and Sociology: taking as a starting point the appreciation of the comic attitude in nature and in cultural history, we progressed through a short history of laughter and derision, followed by an overview on humour theories. After having established such a frame, we considered an integration of scientific studies in the field of laughter and humour as a base for our study scheme, in order to come to a definition of the comic author as a recognised, powerful and authoritative social figure who acts as a critic of conventions. The history of laughter and comic we briefly summarized, based on the one related by the French scholar Georges Minois in his work (Minois 2004), has been taken into account in the view that humorous attitude is one of man’s characteristic traits always present and witnessed throughout the ages, though subject in most cases to repression by cultural and political conservative power. This sort of Super-Ego notwithstanding, or perhaps because of that, comic impulse proved irreducible exactly in its influence on the current cultural debates. Basing mainly on Robert R. Provine’s (Provine 2001), Fabio Ceccarelli’s (Ceccarelli 1988), Arthur Koestler’s (Koestler 1975) and Peter L. Berger’s (Berger 1995) scientific essays on the actual occurrence of laughter and smile in complex social situations, we underlined the many evidences for how the use of comic, humour and wit (in a Freudian sense) could be best comprehended if seen as a common mind process designed for the improvement of knowledge, in which we traced a strict relation with the play-element the Dutch historian Huizinga highlighted in his famous essay, Homo Ludens (Huizinga 1955). We considered comic and humour/wit as different sides of the same coin, and showed how the demonstrations scientists provided on this particular subject are not conclusive, given that the mental processes could not still be irrefutably shown to be separated as regards graduations in comic expression and reception: in fact, different outputs in expressions might lead back to one and the same production process, following the general ‘Economy Rule’ of evolution; man is the only animal who lies, meaning with this that one feeling is not necessarily biuniquely associated with one and the same outward display, so human expressions are not validation proofs for feelings. Considering societies, we found that in nature they are all organized in more or less the same way, that is, in élites who govern over a community who, in turn, recognizes them as legitimate delegates for that task; we inferred from this the epistemological possibility for the existence of an added ruling figure alongside those political and religious: this figure being the comic, who is the person in charge of expressing true feelings towards given subjects of contention. Any community owns one, and his very peculiar status is validated by the fact that his place is within the community, living in it and speaking to it, but at the same time is outside it in the sense that his action focuses mainly on shedding light on ideas and objects placed out-side the boundaries of social convention: taboos, fears, sacred objects and finally culture are the favourite targets of the comic person’s arrow. This is the reason for the word a(rche)typical as applied to the comic figure in society: atypical in a sense, because unconventional and disrespectful of traditions, critical and never at ease with unblinkered respect of canons; archetypical, because the “village fool”, buffoon, jester or anyone in any kind of society who plays such roles, is an archetype in the Jungian sense, i.e. a personification of an irreducible side of human nature that everybody instinctively knows: a beginner of a tradition, the perfect type, what is most conventional of all and therefore the exact opposite of an atypical. There is an intrinsic necessity, we think, of such figures in societies, just like politicians and priests, who should play an elitist role in order to guide and rule not for their own benefit but for the good of the community. We are not naïve and do know that actual owners of power always tend to keep it indefinitely: the ‘social comic’ as a role of power has nonetheless the distinctive feature of being the only job whose tension is not towards stability. It has got in itself the rewarding permission of contradiction, for the very reason we exposed before that the comic must cast an eye both inside and outside society and his vision may be perforce not consistent, then it is satisfactory for the popularity that gives amongst readers and audience. Finally, the difference between governors, priests and comic figures is the seriousness of the first two (fundamentally monologic) and the merry contradiction of the third (essentially dialogic). MPs, mayors, bishops and pastors should always console, comfort and soothe popular mood in respect of the public convention; the comic has the opposite task of provoking, urging and irritating, accomplishing at the same time a sort of control of the soothing powers of society, keepers of the righteousness. In this view, the comic person assumes a paramount importance in the counterbalancing of power administration, whether in form of acting in public places or in written pieces which could circulate for private reading. At this point comes into question our Irish writer Brian O'Nolan(1911-1966), real name that stood behind the more famous masks of Flann O'Brien, novelist, author of At Swim-Two-Birds (1939), The Hard Life (1961), The Dalkey Archive (1964) and, posthumously, The Third Policeman (1967); and of Myles na Gopaleen, journalist, keeper for more than 25 years of the Cruiskeen Lawn column on The Irish Times (1940-1966), and author of the famous book-parody in Irish An Béal Bocht (1941), later translated in English as The Poor Mouth (1973). Brian O'Nolan, professional senior civil servant of the Republic, has never seen recognized his authorship in literary studies, since all of them concentrated on his alter egos Flann, Myles and some others he used for minor contributions. So far as we are concerned, we think this is the first study which places the real name in the title, this way acknowledging him an unity of intents that no-one before did. And this choice in titling is not a mere mark of distinction for the sake of it, but also a wilful sign of how his opus should now be reconsidered. In effect, the aim of this study is exactly that of demonstrating how the empirical author Brian O'Nolan was the real Deus in machina, the master of puppets who skilfully directed all of his identities in planned directions, so as to completely fulfil the role of the comic figure we explained before. Flann O'Brien and Myles na Gopaleen were personae and not persons, but the impression one gets from the critical studies on them is the exact opposite. Literary consideration, that came only after O'Nolans death, began with Anne Clissmann’s work, Flann O'Brien: A Critical Introduction to His Writings (Clissmann 1975), while the most recent book is Keith Donohue’s The Irish Anatomist: A Study of Flann O'Brien (Donohue 2002); passing through M.Keith Booker’s Flann O'Brien, Bakhtin and Menippean Satire (Booker 1995), Keith Hopper’s Flann O'Brien: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Post-Modernist (Hopper 1995) and Monique Gallagher’s Flann O'Brien, Myles et les autres (Gallagher 1998). There have also been a couple of biographies, which incidentally somehow try to explain critical points his literary production, while many critical studies do the same on the opposite side, trying to found critical points of view on the author’s restless life and habits. At this stage, we attempted to merge into O'Nolan's corpus the journalistic articles he wrote, more than 4,200, for roughly two million words in the 26-year-old running of the column. To justify this, we appealed to several considerations about the figure O'Nolan used as writer: Myles na Gopaleen (later simplified in na Gopaleen), who was the equivalent of the street artist or storyteller, speaking to his imaginary public and trying to involve it in his stories, quarrels and debates of all kinds. First of all, he relied much on language for the reactions he would obtain, playing on, and with, words so as to ironically unmask untrue relationships between words and things. Secondly, he pushed to the limit the convention of addressing to spectators and listeners usually employed in live performing, stretching its role in the written discourse to come to a greater effect of involvement of readers. Lastly, he profited much from what we labelled his “specific weight”, i.e. the potential influence in society given by his recognised authority in determined matters, a position from which he could launch deeper attacks on conventional beliefs, so complying with the duty of a comic we hypothesised before: that of criticising society even in threat of losing the benefits the post guarantees. That seemingly masochistic tendency has its rationale. Every representative has many privileges on the assumption that he, or she, has great responsibilities in administrating. The higher those responsibilities are, the higher is the reward but also the severer is the punishment for the misfits done while in charge. But we all know that not everybody accepts the rules and many try to use their power for their personal benefit and do not want to undergo law’s penalties. The comic, showing in this case more civic sense than others, helped very much in this by the non-accessibility to the use of public force, finds in the role of the scapegoat the right accomplishment of his task, accepting the punishment when his breaking of the conventions is too stark to be forgiven. As Ceccarelli demonstrated, the role of the object of laughter (comic, ridicule) has its very own positive side: there is freedom of expression for the person, and at the same time integration in the society, even though at low levels. Then the banishment of a ‘social’ comic can never get to total extirpation from society, revealing how the scope of the comic lies on an entirely fictional layer, bearing no relation with facts, nor real consequences in terms of physical health. Myles na Gopaleen, mastering these three characteristics we postulated in the highest way, can be considered an author worth noting; and the oeuvre he wrote, the whole collection of Cruiskeen Lawn articles, is rightfully a novel because respects the canons of it especially regarding the authorial figure and his relationship with the readers. In addition, his work can be studied even if we cannot conduct our research on the whole of it, this proceeding being justified exactly because of the resemblances to the real figure of the storyteller: its ‘chapters’ —the daily articles— had a format that even the distracted reader could follow, even one who did not read each and every article before. So we can critically consider also a good part of them, as collected in the seven volumes published so far, with the addition of some others outside the collections, because completeness in this case is not at all a guarantee of a better precision in the assessment; on the contrary: examination of the totality of articles might let us consider him as a person and not a persona. Once cleared these points, we proceeded further in considering tout court the works of Brian O'Nolan as the works of a unique author, rather than complicating the references with many names which are none other than well-wrought sides of the same personality. By putting O'Nolan as the correct object of our research, empirical author of the works of the personae Flann O'Brien and Myles na Gopaleen, there comes out a clearer literary landscape: the comic author Brian O'Nolan, self-conscious of his paramount role in society as both a guide and a scourge, in a word as an a(rche)typical, intentionally chose to differentiate his personalities so as to create different perspectives in different fields of knowledge by using, in addition, different means of communication: novels and journalism. We finally compared the newly assessed author Brian O'Nolan with other great Irish comic writers in English, such as James Joyce (the one everybody named as the master in the field), Samuel Beckett, and Jonathan Swift. This comparison showed once more how O'Nolan is in no way inferior to these authors who, greatly celebrated by critics, have nonetheless failed to achieve that great public recognition O’Nolan received alias Myles, awarded by the daily audience he reached and influenced with his Cruiskeen Lawn column. For this reason, we believe him to be representative of the comic figure’s function as a social regulator and as a builder of solidarity, such as that Raymond Williams spoke of in his work (Williams 1982), with in mind the aim of building a ‘culture in common’. There is no way for a ‘culture in common’ to be acquired if we do not accept the fact that even the most functional society rests on conventions, and in a world more and more ‘connected’ we need someone to help everybody negotiate with different cultures and persons. The comic gives us a worldly perspective which is at the same time comfortable and distressing but in the end not harmful as the one furnished by politicians could be: he lets us peep into parallel worlds without moving too far from our armchair and, as a consequence, is the one who does his best for the improvement of our understanding of things.


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The study of protein fold is a central problem in life science, leading in the last years to several attempts for improving our knowledge of the protein structures. In this thesis this challenging problem is tackled by means of molecular dynamics, chirality and NMR studies. In the last decades, many algorithms were designed for the protein secondary structure assignment, which reveals the local protein shape adopted by segments of amino acids. In this regard, the use of local chirality for the protein secondary structure assignment was demonstreted, trying to correlate as well the propensity of a given amino acid for a particular secondary structure. The protein fold can be studied also by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) investigations, finding the average structure adopted from a protein. In this context, the effect of Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs) in the structure refinement was shown, revealing a strong improvement of structure resolution. A wide extent of this thesis is devoted to the study of avian prion protein. Prion protein is the main responsible of a vast class of neurodegenerative diseases, known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), present in mammals, but not in avian species and it is caused from the conversion of cellular prion protein to the pathogenic misfolded isoform, accumulating in the brain in form of amiloyd plaques. In particular, the N-terminal region, namely the initial part of the protein, is quite different between mammal and avian species but both of them contain multimeric sequences called Repeats, octameric in mammals and hexameric in avians. However, such repeat regions show differences in the contained amino acids, in particular only avian hexarepeats contain tyrosine residues. The chirality analysis of avian prion protein configurations obtained from molecular dynamics reveals a high stiffness of the avian protein, which tends to preserve its regular secondary structure. This is due to the presence of prolines, histidines and especially tyrosines, which form a hydrogen bond network in the hexarepeat region, only possible in the avian protein, and thus probably hampering the aggregation.


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The rational construction of the house. The writings and projects of Giuseppe Pagano Description, themes and research objectives The research aims at analysing the architecture of Giuseppe Pagano, which focuses on the theme of dwelling, through the reading of 3 of his house projects. On the one hand, these projects represent “minor” works not thoroughly known by Pagano’s contemporary critics; on the other they emphasise a particular methodological approach, which serves the author to explore a theme closely linked to his theoretical thought. The house project is a key to Pagano’s research, given its ties to the socio-cultural and political conditions in which the architect was working, so that it becomes a mirror of one of his specific and theoretical path, always in a state of becoming. Pagano understands architecture as a “servant of the human being”, subject to a “utilitarian slavery” since it is a clear, essential and “modest” answer to specific human needs, free from aprioristic aesthetic and formal choices. It is a rational architecture in sensu stricto; it constitutes a perfect synthesis between cause and effect and between function and form. The house needs to accommodate these principles because it is closely intertwined with human needs and intimately linked to a specific place, climatic conditions and technical and economical possibilities. Besides, differently from his public and common masterpieces such as the Palazzo Gualino, the Istituto di Fisica and the Università Commerciale Bocconi, the house projects are representative of a precise project will, which is expressed in a more authentic way, partially freed from political influences and dogmatic preoccupations and, therefore, far from the attempt to research a specific expressive language. I believe that the house project better represents that “ingenuity”, freshness and “sincerity” that Pagano identifies with the minor architecture, thereby revealing a more authentic expression of his understanding of a project. Therefore, the thesis, by tracing the theoretical research of Pagano through the analysis of some of his designed and built works, attempts to identify a specific methodological approach to Pagano’s project, which, developed through time, achieves a certain clarity in the 1930s. In fact, this methodological approach becomes more evident in his last projects, mainly regarding the house and the urban space. These reflect the attempt to respond to the new social needs and, at the same time, they also are an expression of a freer idea of built architecture, closely linked with the place and with the human being who dwells it. The three chosen projects (Villa Colli, La Casa a struttura d’acciaio and Villa Caraccio) make Pagano facing different places, different customers and different economic and technical conditions, which, given the author’s biography, correspond to important historical and political conditions. This is the reason why the projects become apparently distant works, both linguistically and conceptually, to the point that one can define them as ”eclectic”. However, I argue that this eclecticism is actually an added value to the architectural work of Pagano, steaming from the use of a method which, having as a basis the postulate of a rational architecture as essence and logic of building, finds specific variations depending on the multiple variables to be addressed by the project. This is the methodological heritage that Pagano learns from the tradition, especially that of the rural residential architecture, defined by Pagano as a “dictionary of the building logic of man”, as an “a-stylistic background”. For Pagano this traditional architecture is a clear expression of the relationships between a theme and its development, an architectural “fact” that is resolved with purely technical and utilitarian aims and with a spontaneous development far from any aprioristic theoretical principle. Architecture, therefore, cannot be an invention for Pagano and the personal contribution of each architect has to consider his/her close relationship with the specific historical context, place and new building methods. These are basic principles in the methodological approach that drives a great deal of his research and that also permits his thought to be modern. I argue that both ongoing and new collaborations with younger protagonists of the culture and architecture of the period are significant for the development of his methodology. These encounters represent the will to spread his own understanding of the “new architecture” as well as a way of self-renewal by confronting the self with new themes and realities and by learning from his collaborators. Thesis’ outline The thesis is divided in two principal parts, each articulated in four chapters attempting to offer a new reading of the theory and work of Pagano by emphasising the central themes of the research. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis and to the theme of the rational house, as understood and developed in its typological and technical aspects by Pagano and by other protagonists of the Italian rationalism of the 1930s. Here the attention is on two different aspects defining, according to Pagano, the house project: on the one hand, the typological renewal, aimed at defining a “standard form” as a clear and essential answer to certain needs and variables of the project leading to different formal expressions. On the other, it focuses on the building, understood as a technique to “produce” architecture, where new technologies and new materials are not merely tools but also essential elements of the architectural work. In this way the villa becomes different from the theme of the common house or from that of the minimalist house, by using rules in the choice of material and in the techniques that are every time different depending on the theme under exploration and on the contingency of place. It is also visible the rigorous rationalism that distinguishes the author's appropriation of certain themes of rural architecture. The pages of “Casabella” and the events of the contemporary Triennali form the preliminary material for the writing of this chapter given that they are primary sources to individuate projects and writings produced by Pagano and contemporary architects on this theme. These writings and projects, when compared, reconstruct the evolution of the idea of the rational house and, specifically, of the personal research of Pagano. The second part regards the reading of three of Pagano’s projects of houses as a built verification of his theories. This section constitutes the central part of the thesis since it is aimed at detecting a specific methodological approach showing a theoretical and ideological evolution expressed in the vast edited literature. The three projects that have been chosen explore the theme of the house, looking at various research themes that the author proposes and that find continuity in the affirmation of a specific rationalism, focussed on concepts such as essentiality, utility, functionality and building honesty. These concepts guide the thought and the activities of Pagano, also reflecting a social and cultural period. The projects span from the theme of the villa moderna, Villa Colli, which, inspired by the architecture of North Europe, anticipates a specific rationalism of Pagano based on rigour, simplicity and essentiality, to the theme of the common house, Casa a struttura d’acciaio, la casa del domani, which ponders on the definition of new living spaces and, moreover, on new concepts of standardisation, economical efficiency and new materials responding to the changing needs of the modern society. Finally, the third project returns to the theme of the, Villa Caraccio, revisiting it with new perspectives. These perspectives find in the solution of the open plant, in the openness to nature and landscape and in the revisiting of materials and local building systems that idea of the freed house, which express clearly a new theoretical thought. Methodology It needs to be noted that due to the lack of an official Archive of Pagano’s work, the analysis of his work has been difficult and this explains the necessity to read the articles and the drawings published in the pages of «Casabella» and «Domus». As for the projects of Villa Colli and Casa a struttura d’acciaio, parts of the original drawings have been consulted. These drawings are not published and are kept in private archives of the collaborators of Pagano. The consultation of these documents has permitted the analysis of the cited works, which have been subject to a more complete reading following the different proposed solutions, which have permitted to understand the project path. The projects are analysed thought the method of comparison and critical reading which, specifically, means graphical elaborations and analytical schemes, mostly reconstructed on the basis of original projects but, where possible, also on a photographic investigation. The focus is on the project theme which, beginning with a specific living (dwelling) typology, finds variations because of the historico-political context in which Pagano is embedded and which partially shapes his research and theoretical thought, then translated in the built work. The analysis of the work follows, beginning, where possible, from a reconstruction of the evolution of the project as elaborated on the basis of the original documents and ending on an analysis of the constructive principles and composition. This second phase employs a methodology proposed by Pagano in his article Piante di ville, which, as expected, focuses on the plant as essential tool to identify the “true practical and poetic qualities of the construction”(Pagano, «Costruzioni-Casabella», 1940, p. 2). The reading of the project is integrated with the constructive analyses related to the technical aspects of the house which, in the case of Casa a struttura d’acciaio, play an important role in the project, while in Villa Colli and in Villa Caraccio are principally linked to the choice of materials for the construction of the different architectural elements. These are nonetheless key factors in the composition of the work. Future work could extend this reading to other house projects to deepen the research that could be completed with the consultation of Archival materials, which are missing at present. Finally, in the appendix I present a critical selection of the Pagano’s writings, which recall the themes discussed and embodied by the three projects. The texts have been selected among the articles published in Casabella and in other journals, completing the reading of the project work which cannot be detached from his theoretical thought. Moving from theory to project, we follow a path that brings us to define and deepen the central theme of the thesis: rational building as the principal feature of the architectural research of Pagano, which is paraphrased in multiple ways in his designed and built works.


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Die Arbeit beschreibt Untersuchungen zum nichtphoto- chemischen Lochbrennen, das bei 1.4 Kelvin in Form von rein lichtinduzierten Frequenzsprüngen einzelner in p-Terphenyleingebetteter Terrylenmoleküle beobachtet werden kann. Dabei zeigen alle Chromophore aus der X1-Einbaulage ein exzellent reproduzierbares Verhalten, sowohl im bistabilen primären Photozyklus wie auch in dem daran angegliederten sekundärenPhotozyklus, welcher aus drei weiteren spektralen Positionen besteht. Aus den Ergebnissen der nach der genauen Charakterisierung dieser Eigenschaft des Systems durchgeführten Experimente - Fluoreszenzspektroskopie der Photoprodukte, Stark-Effekt-Messungen und Polarisationsmodulation - wird ein Modell für die den lichtinduzierten Änderungen der Absorptionsfrequenzzugrundeliegenden Konformationsänderungender Wirt/Gast- Struktur abgeleitet und diskutiert. Die mittlerweile verfügbaren Ergebnisse von diesbezüglichen molekular- dynamischen Simulationen einer Theoriegruppe ausBordeaux, die alle grundlegenden Annahmen dieses Modellsbestätigen und eine noch genauere mikroskopische Beschreibung des Systems liefern, werden zur Abrundung der Darstellung ebenfalls vorgestellt. Außerdem geht die Dissertation auf die durchgeführten Einzelmolekül- untersuchungen an Terrylen in p-Terphenyl bei Raumtemperatur ein und stellt das im Rahmen der Arbeit aufgebaute temperaturvariable laserscannende Konfokalmikroskop im Detail vor.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine Behandlung von Säugerzellen mit O6-Methylguanin generierenden Substanzen zu einer Zunahme der GT-Bindungsaktivität und zu einer Translokation der MMR-Proteine MSH2, MSH6 und PMS2 aus dem Cytoplasma in den Zellkern führt. Versuche mit MSH6-defizienten DLD1-Zellen und Coimmunpräzipitationsversuche zeigten, daß der MutSalpha-Komplex (MSH2+MSH6) bereits im Cytoplasma gebildet wird und daß die Translokation von MSH2 nur im Komplex mit MSH6 erfolgt. Durch die Untersuchung von Zellinien mit unterschiedlichem MGMT-Status konnte gezeigt werden, daß der DNA-Alkylierungsschaden O6-Methylguanin (O6-MeG) in Form des O6-MeGC oder O6-MeGT-Basenpaars das initiale Signal für die nukleäre Translokation von MutSalpha darstellt. Untersuchungen zur post-translationalen Modifikation der MMR-Proteine zeigten, daß MSH2 und MSH6 sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro durch die Proteinkinase C (PKC) und die Casein Kinase II (CKII) phosphoryliert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Phosphorylierung von MutSalpha die Effektivität der Bindung an Basenfehlpaarungen beeinflußt, da unphosphoryliertes MutSalpha in vitro nicht effektiv an GT-Fehlpaarungen binden kann. Bei der Untersuchung der Resistenzentwicklung von Melanomzellen gegenüber Zytostatika konnte gezeigt werden daß die Resistenz gegenüber Fotemustin auf einer Erhöhung der Menge des Reparaturproteins O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) beruht. Die Reaktivierung des MGMT-Gens beruht seinerseits auf einer CpG-Hypermethylierung im kodierenden Bereichs des Gens.


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Die Rolle der DNA-Bindungsdomäne der Kapsidproteine L1 und L2 humaner Papillomviren (HPV) wird bezüglich der in vitro DNA-Verpackung kontrovers diskutiert und ist für die in vivo DNA-Verpackung noch ungeklärt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die L1 Proteine der HPV Typen 16, 18 und 33 DNA binden, nicht aber das HPV33 L2 Protein. Die DNA-Bindungsdomäne habe ich auf die letzten sieben Aminosäuren des Carboxyterminus eingegrenzt. In Funktionsanalysen zeigte ich, dass die DNA-Bindungsdomäne des L1 Proteins für den Einschluss von Markerplasmid DNA in Kapside in einem in vivo Ansatz essentiell ist, nicht aber für eine in vitro DNA-Verpackung. Das L2 Protein, das in Kapside eingebaut wurde, denen die L1 DNA-Bindungsdomäne fehlte, konnte die DNA-Verpackung nicht aufrechterhalten.Zusätzlich habe ich die Infektiösität in vitro und in vivo hergestellter DNA-haltiger Kapside (Pseudovirionen) verglichen. Dabei konnte ich zeigen, dass in vivo gewonnene Pseudovirionen, die DNA in Form von Chromatin enthalten, bis zu fünffach infektiöser sind als Pseudovirionen, die in vitro hergestellt wurden und histonfreie DNA enthalten. Biochemische und strukturelle Unterschiede konnten zwischen den zwei Arten von Pseudovirionen nicht festgestellt werden. Chromatin scheint demzufolge die Infektiösität der Pseudovirionen zu verstärken.