932 resultados para regional economic
Los modelos de desarrollo regional, rural y urbano arrancaron en la década de los 90 en Estados Unidos, modelando los factores relacionados con la economía que suministran información y conocimiento acerca de cómo los parámetros geográficos y otros externos influencian la economía regional. El desarrollo regional y en particular el rural han seguido diferentes caminos en Europa y España, adoptando como modelo los programas estructurales de la UE ligados a la PAC. El Programa para el Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, recientemente lanzado por el Gobierno de España (2010) no profundiza en los modelos económicos de esta economía y sus causas. Este estudio pretende encontrar pautas de comportamiento de las variables de la economía regional-rural, y como el efecto de distribución geográfica de la población condiciona la actividad económica. Para este propósito, y utilizando datos espaciales y económicos de las regiones, se implementaran modelos espaciales que permitan evaluar el comportamiento económico, y verificar hipótesis de trabajo sobre la geografía y la economía del territorio. Se utilizarán modelos de análisis espacial como el análisis exploratorio espacial y los modelos econométricos de ecuaciones simultáneas, y dentro de estas los modelos ampliamente utilizados en estudios regionales de Carlino-Mills- Boarnet. ABSTRACT The regional development models for rural and urban areas started in USA in the ´90s, modeling the economy and the factors involved to understand and collect the knowledge of how the external parameters influenced the regional economy. Regional development and in particular rural development has followed different paths in Europe and Spain, adopting structural programs defined in the EU Agriculture Common Policy. The program for Sustainable Rural Development recently implemented in Spain (2010) is short sighted considering the effects of the regional economy. This study endeavors to underline models of behavior for the rural and regional economy variables, and how the regional distribution of population conditions the economic activities. For that purpose using current spatial regional economic data, this study will implement spatial economic models to evaluate the behavior of the regional economy, including the evaluation of working hypothesis about geography and economy in the territory. The approach will use data analysis models, like exploratory spatial data analysis, and spatial econometric models, and in particular for its wide acceptance in regional analysis, the Carlino-Mills-Boarnet equations model.
Firm location patterns emerge as a consequence of multiple factors, including firm considerations, labor force availability, market opportunities, and transportation costs. Many of these factors are influenced by changes in accessibility wrought by new transportation infrastructure. In this paper we use spatial statistical techniques and a micro-level data base to evaluate the effects of Madrid?s metro line 12 (known as Metrosur) expansion on business location patterns. The case study is the municipality of Alcorcon, which is served by the new metro line since 2003. Specifically, we explore the location patterns by different industry sectors, to evaluate if the new metro line has encouraged the emergence of a ?Metrosur spatial economy?. Our results indicate that the pattern of economic activity location is related to urban accessibility and that agglomeration, through economies of scale, also plays an important role. The results presented in this paper provide evidence useful to inform efficient transportation, urban, and regional economic planning.
Os recursos energéticos naturais não estão distribuídos uniformemente pelo globo terrestre, e são raros os países que os têm na quantidade e na qualidade que necessitam para atender as suas necessidades. Ante a essa realidade, o comércio de energéticos tem sido a forma principal de acesso dos países que não os dispõem em relação as suas necessidades. Esse comércio, que muitas vezes é regido por tratados ou acordos firmados entre países ou blocos econômicos regionais, diversificou-se, traspassou fronteiras e, atualmente, tornou-se um item significativo nas pautas de exportações de vários países. A evolução desse comércio tem a favor a alternativa de integração por meio de interconexões estratégicas de redes e da constituição de mercados comuns, que viabilizam a exploração do potencial de complementariedade energética de forma mais racional. Diante desse contexto, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório que avalia o estado da arte da integração energética sul-americana e faz análises dos modelos técnicos, das regulamentações, das regulações regionais e multilaterais estabelecidas pelos blocos econômicos sul-americanos e pela Organização Mundial do Comércio. De forma complementar, o estudo verifica e apresenta os fatores que podem comprometer o avanço e a instituição de um futuro mercado comum de energia no continente, conclui pela viabilidade do prosseguimento de ações em prol da ampliação da integração da indústria de energia elétrica na América do Sul e tece recomendações. Os resultados e as recomendações deste trabalho oferecem um embasamento procedimental para a gestão e a atuação institucional dos envolvidos no processo de integração energética da indústria de energia elétrica da região sul americana.
Mining of groundwater, or extracting a larger quantity of water than what is naturally returned to the aquifer through recharge, has been occurring for more than fifty years. The minimal natural recharge to the Ogallala Aquifer makes sustainable use of this resource a daunting task for states across the High Plains that rely on it to support their well-established ways of life. This task is compounded when considering the different combinations of federal, state and local governance, as well as regional economic and social frameworks that each state overlaying the aquifer experiences. This project critically examines factors contributing to groundwater management successes and failures of three states that overlay the majority (87%) of this resource: Nebraska, Kansas and Texas.
From Introduction. Regional economic disequilibria was viewed as both an obstacle to and result of integration (European Commission 1965; European Commission 1962; European Commission 1969). Even within the Treaty of Rome, the Community tried to establish mechanisms to alleviate regional inequality. However, it was not until 1975 that the main mechanism of regional policy was established as a result of British and Irish enlargement: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Since then, cohesion policy has become a significant EU expenditure accounting for €347bn, or 35.7% of the total EU budget for 2007-13(European Commission Regional Policy-Info Regio 2012). It has also become a key policy linked to enlargement. The underlying principle of cohesion policy assumes that the market alone cannot solve development problems and therefore government intervention is needed. This notion is in direct contrast to the underlying principle of EU competition policy, which asserts that the free market can solve economic development problems (Meadows, interview by author, 2003). The logic underlying cohesion policy is not only counter to EU competition policy, but also regulatory policies. Unlike other EU policies, cohesion policy is not a sectoral policy, but rather territorial in nature (Leonardi, 2006). Thus at times EU regulatory policy has also unintentionally worked counter to the goals of regional policy, sometimes disadvantaging poorer regions (Dudek, 2005). As the Community has sought to ameliorate regional disparities, it meant that all levels of government: local, regional, national and supranational would need to be involved, however, member states have different territorial governance and European regional development programs have to varying degrees impacted the relationship and policy responsibility of different levels of government (Leonardi, 2006; Bachtler and Michie 1993; Marks, 1993). The very nature of regional development policy has provoked a re-examination of subsidiarity, or which level of government is the lowest and most appropriate level. The discussion of policy formulation and implementation at the lowest level possible also addresses the issue of the democratic deficit. Some argue that the closer government is to the people the more responsive and representative it is. Democracy, however, also implies that public funds are used in a transparent way and for public rather than private good. Yet, as we examine the history and current situation of EU regional funds we find that corruption and misuse still abound. Thus, to understand the history of regional policy it is imperative to look at the major transformations of the policy, how regional policy has impacted subsidiarity and the quality of democracy, become an important instrument of enlargement and contradicted or conflicted with other EU policies.
From the Introduction. In order to understand the historical roots of the current geopolitical confrontation between the EU and Russia, we have to go back to the end of the Cold War and to the catastrophic decade that it was followed by in Russian history. The dissolution of the USSR imposed serious economic hardship for Russia and for all the ex-communist East-European states. Russia was the hardest hit amongst them, as the center of the USSR's economic system it suffered most from the dissolution of regional economic ties. This crisis was just deepened by the IMF's privatization and reform campaign, which imposed austerity measures and state-asset privatization as a “shock-therapy” answer to the country's economic problems. This policy package did nothing to save Russia from economic collapse (which eventually happened in 1998), the only thing it achieved was an even stronger social and economic crisis and the enrichment of the rent-seeking ex-communist top bureaucrats by state-assets, which were sold out under-priced through diverse channels of corruption
Federal financial structures which include fiscal equalization between the states are and will remain to be indispensable. Such structures are required to equalize the significant regional economic differences which exist within the federal republic and to ensure sufficient funding for the responsibilities of the public sector across the nation. The current federal financial structures have a number of structural flaws which regard both the criteria for tax distribution, the design of the debt brake and the role of municipalities. The financial structures will have to be revised beginning in 2020. The objective is to consolidate in the long term the budgets of federation, state and municipal governments and to safe-guard a modern welfare state.
"Report No. 91-146-141."
In the fall of 2003, Governor Blagojevich unveiled Opportunity Returns, a regional economic development plan that is the most aggressive, comprehensive approach to creating jobs in Illinois' history. The Governor divided the state into 10 economic development regions -- finding areas with common economic strengths and needs, and is developing plans for each region that include specific actions to make these regions more accessible and more attractive to business. This grassroots effort is a product of significant outreach with economic development leaders, local elected officials and business and community leaders. Each Opportunity Returns economic development plan is designed to be flexible and effective and tailored to deliver real results that local businesses will see, feel, and hopefully profit from.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contains state personal income estimates for the years covered, arranged in tabular form.
In recent years there has been a resurgence of decentralized social governance concerned with the spatial dimensions of disadvantage. This article examines aspects of this resurgence in the Australian state of Queensland where, after the hasty birth of 'place management' in response to the rise of 'Hansonism', a plethora of 'joined-up' policy initiatives were undertaken in relation to the regional dimensions of poverty. We propose that these trends reflect in part new ways of thinking about the spatial aspects of disadvantage which have emerged in recent years and which have the potential to take regional policy beyond the narrow confines imposed by neoliberal economic orthodoxy. These new ways of thinking have arisen in social policy through the refraining of disadvantage in terms of social exclusion and in regional economic policy through the influence of the so-called 'new regionalism'. The article shows how together these bodies of theory point us towards a new model of 'associational governance'. The article reviews recent Queensland experience and indicates those features of 'associational governance' which have become characteristic of locality-based social policy ideas in Queensland. 'Joined-up' and regional policy aspirations of the Queensland State government have shown the influence of these new approaches. The political and policy sustainability of these trends, however, is uncertain. The lingering shadow of managerialism and neoliberal policy frameworks remains a significant barrier to the innovation and viability of these approaches. More directly, the inherent limits of the 'local' or 'regional' initiatives in the face of broader national and global factors will significantly constrain the capacity of associational governance systems to deliver positive democratic, social and economic outcomes. The article examines recent Queensland policy refors in light of this complex set of factors and concludes by offering directions for future research and policy development.
During the past two centuries there have been three major paradigm shifts in the management of Australian rainforests and the use of their timbers: from felling native forests towards growing plantations; from viewing forests and plantations as mainly providers of timber to viewing them as sources of multiple benefits (e.g. timber, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, catchment protection, recreation, regional economic development); and from timber plantations being developed mainly by government on public land towards those established by private citizens, companies, or joint venture arrangements, on previously-cleared freehold land. Rainforest timber plantations are increasingly established for varied reasons, and with multiple objectives. Landholders are increasingly interested in the biodiversity values of their plantations. However, there are few guidelines on the changes to plantation design and management that would augment biodiversity outcomes, or on the extent to which this might require a sacrifice of production. [Abstract extract]
A gestão de pessoas é um elemento estratégico nas organizações. Dentre as estratégias que podem ser adotadas pela gestão de pessoas, o monitoramento do clima organizacional vem sendo foco nas organizações. No mundo competitivo, as incubadoras de empresas surgem, com o objetivo de proporcionar aos novos empreendimentos, meios para que tenham condições de expandir, auxiliando no desenvolvimento econômico local e regional. O presente estudo objetivou analisar o clima organizacional de três empresas do projeto incubadora de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo e, verificar os impactos que o clima presente está causando nestes empreendimentos. O critério utilizado para a seleção das empresas foi o de graduação, isto é, foram escolhidas empresas com mais tempo de incubadora e que estarão prontas para deixar o projeto no final do ano de 2014. Este estudo valeu-se de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos para poder efetuar o processo metodológico e construir a análise final da pesquisa. Como método quantitativo foi utilizada uma Escala de Clima Organizacional construída e validada por Martins et al. (2004) e como método qualitativo foi realizada uma entrevista com funcionários e gestores das empresas estudadas, com o objetivo de coletar informações para auxiliar no estudo, proporcionar melhor compreensão do ambiente de trabalho e verificar quais os principais impactos causados pelo clima presente. Percebeu-se que, as empresas estudadas, apresentam sérios problemas em seu ambiente de trabalho e, por sua vez, este clima organizacional vem impactando em outras variáveis como, nível de estresse, rotatividade de profissionais, desempenho profissional e na lucratividade destas organizações.
Indonesia's long stability of over three decades came to a sudden end after the regional economic crisis of 1997–1998. The economic crisis not only shattered the Indonesian economy but also resulted in political turmoil. The national leadership has changed three times over the last five years. In such conditions, the confidence of foreign investors is very low. The present government has initiated a number of steps to restore political stability and economic recovery. This article provides useful information on the complex business environment, aimed to help foreign investors to develop a good understanding on key background knowledge for being successful in Indonesia. It reviews Indonesian historical development, political structure and climate, regional relations, and economy and foreign trade. Indonesia's infrastructure, legal framework, sociocultural setup, as well as market structure and potential, are also analyzed.