865 resultados para protein, semiconductor, solar energy
The solar resource is the most abundant renewable resource on earth, yet it is currently exploited with relatively low efficiencies. To make solar energy more affordable, we can either reduce the cost of the cell or increase the efficiency with a similar cost cell. In this thesis, we consider several different optical approaches to achieve these goals. First, we consider a ray optical model for light trapping in silicon microwires. With this approach, much less material can be used, allowing for a cost savings. We next focus on reducing the escape of radiatively emitted and scattered light from the solar cell. With this angle restriction approach, light can only enter and escape the cell near normal incidence, allowing for thinner cells and higher efficiencies. In Auger-limited GaAs, we find that efficiencies greater than 38% may be achievable, a significant improvement over the current world record. To experimentally validate these results, we use a Bragg stack to restrict the angles of emitted light. Our measurements show an increase in voltage and a decrease in dark current, as less radiatively emitted light escapes. While the results in GaAs are interesting as a proof of concept, GaAs solar cells are not currently made on the production scale for terrestrial photovoltaic applications. We therefore explore the application of angle restriction to silicon solar cells. While our calculations show that Auger-limited cells give efficiency increases of up to 3% absolute, we also find that current amorphous silicion-crystalline silicon heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) cells give significant efficiency gains with angle restriction of up to 1% absolute. Thus, angle restriction has the potential for unprecedented one sun efficiencies in GaAs, but also may be applicable to current silicon solar cell technology. Finally, we consider spectrum splitting, where optics direct light in different wavelength bands to solar cells with band gaps tuned to those wavelengths. This approach has the potential for very high efficiencies, and excellent annual power production. Using a light-trapping filtered concentrator approach, we design filter elements and find an optimal design. Thus, this thesis explores silicon microwires, angle restriction, and spectral splitting as different optical approaches for improving the cost and efficiency of solar cells.
Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional que simula o desempenho térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar de água com circulação forçada, adequado para uso em edificações. O programa trabalha realizando o balanço de massa e de energia no reservatório térmico a cada hora, tendo como valores de entrada dados do ano meteorológico típico da localidade selecionada e a vazão de água quente de consumo. Os componentes do sistema são o reservatório térmico de água quente com aquecedor auxiliar interno, o coletor solar e a bomba de circulação. A base de dados meteorológicos escolhida foi a do projeto SWERA, que contém arquivos no formato padrão TMY disponíveis na internet para um número considerável de cidades, incluindo diversas localidades brasileiras. Foi proposto um modelo de temperatura de água da rede de abastecimento relacionado com a temperatura do solo, dado disponível nos arquivos de entrada utilizados. O programa utilizou como referência para a validação dos modelos de cálculo resultados obtidos pelo programa comercial de simulação TRNSYS. Foram comparados resultados para os modelos de irradiação incidente em superfície inclinada, do coletor solar e do sistema completo. Para isto foram simulados sistemas localizados em quatro cidades distintas com climas diferentes. O tempo total usado nas simulações foi de um ano e os resultados das comparações dos valores resultantes foram considerados satisfatórios.
Apresenta-se uma avaliação técnico-econômica para o préaquecimento solar da água de reposição em caldeiras de sistemas de vapor abertos. São empregados, para compor um estudo de caso, os dados de uma indústria de laticínios de médio porte situada próximo da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Quarenta e oito simulações computacionais do sistema de aquecimento solar (SAS) foram realizadas em TRNSYS, correspondendo aos 5% melhores resultados econômicos de uma série de 2.700 simulações mais simples (método φ-f-chart), programados em MATLAB. Foram empregados dados horários de ano típico meteorológico (TMY) para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O ganho econômico foi baseado no consumo evitado dos três combustíveis mais comuns na indústria de laticínios, enquanto o custo de investimento foi composto a partir de valores comerciais e da literatura. Os resultados da avaliação econômica mostraram-se desfavoráveis para a substituição de óleo combustível, favoráveis no caso de caldeiras a gás natural, condicionado a existência de subsídios, e bem competitivos para a substituição de GLP. A eficiência térmica do sistema mostrou ser o parâmetro técnico chave para o desempenho econômico, consequentemente, uma vez que a eficiência se mostrou inversamente proporcional tanto ao volume do reservatório quanto à área de coletores, não há uma configuração ótima para o sistema. Não obstante, os resultados permitiram a proposição de políticas públicas para incentivar o uso da energia solar na indústria leiteira e, consequentemente, contribuir para a preservação ambiental.
A energia solar fotovoltaica é uma alternativa de energia limpa que está se tornando uma importante opção para se utilizar eletricidade em regiões desprovidas de energia elétrica. Um estudo das condições energéticas da região através de consulta às concessionárias de energia elétrica (Eletricidade de Moçambique - EDM no caso de Moçambique) e do Ministério de Energia do Governo, são fontes importantes de dados para se conhecer o cenário energético de cada região. Outra fonte de dados importante para se estimar o potencial de geração de energia solar fotovoltaico sãoos indices de irradiação da região. Estes podemser obtidos através do órgão meteorológico da região (INAM no caso de Moçambique) que forneceesses dados para as principais cidades através de suas estações meteorológicas espalhadas na região. Laboratórios de pesquisa internacionais sãooutra importante fonte de dados solarimétricos, pois utilizam satélites capazes de cobrir todo globo terrestre e os dados obtidos são publicados e permitem, a partir das coordenadas do local, identificar a irradiação solar em diversos locais do mundo. Os dados desses laboratórios podem ser comparados com dados de órgãos oficiais da região. Utilizando o banco de dados solarimétricospode-se calcular o potencial fotovoltaico de geração de energia de cada localização e também definir qual região seria mais propícia a utilização de energiasolar fotovoltaica conectada à rede.
Esta dissertação apresenta a avaliação térmica, econômica e ambiental de um sistema de aquecimento solar (SHS) que é usado em uma usina de asfalto, através de simulação computacional com TRNSYS. O processo escolhido é o aquecimento do betume a partir da temperatura de armazenamento até a temperatura de mistura, usando óleo mineral como fluido de transferência de calor (HTF). Os componentes do sistema são o trocador de calor HTF-betume, o coletor concentrador solar parabólico composto (CPC), o aquecedor auxiliar e a bomba de circulação. A simulação no TRNSYS calcula os balanços de massa e energia no circuito fechado do HTF a cada hora. Dados horários do Ano Meteorológico Típico (TMY) do Rio de Janeiro foram utilizados para executar este trabalho. Em muitos casos, a temperatura do HTF ultrapassou 238C, mostrando que o CPC é apropriado para esta aplicação. Economia de combustível e emissões evitadas foram consideradas para as análises economica e ambiental. Este trabalho descreve as fontes renováveis de energia, os tipos de usinas de asfalto e de aquecedores de betume. Ele também mostra a fração brasileira de algumas destas fontes. Os resultados, portanto, mostram ser possível encorajar políticas públicas ambientalmente corretas para incentivar o uso de energia solar na indústria de asfalto. Além disso, este trabalho pode ajudar na redução da elevada emissão dos gases de efeito estufa a partir da utilização dos combustíveis fósseis nesta indústria.
Although the mechanisms of climatic fluctuations are not completely understood, changes in global solar irradiance show a link with regional precipitation. A proposed mechanism for this linkage begins with absorption of varying amounts of solar energy by tropical oceans, which may aid in development of ocean temperature anomalies. These anomalies are then transported by major ocean currents to locations where the stored energy is released into the atmosphere, altering pressure and moisture patterns that can ultimately affect regional precipitation. Correlation coefficients between annual averages of monthly differences in empirically modeled solar-irradiance variations and annual state-divisional precipitation values in the United States for 1950 to 1988 were computed with lag times of 0 to 7 years. The highest correlations (R=0.65) occur in the Pacific Northwest with a lag time of 4 years, which is about equal to the travel time of water within the Pacific Gyre from the western tropical Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Alaska. With positive correlations, droughts coincide with periods of negative irradiance differences (dry, high-pressure development), and wet periods coincide with periods of positive differences (moist, low-pressure development).
A new strategy for enhancing the efficiency and reducing the production cost of TiO 2 solar cells by design of a new formulated TiO 2 paste with tailored crystal structure and morphology is reported. The conventional three- or four-fold layer deposition process was eliminated and replaced by a single layer deposition of TiO 2 compound. Different TiO 2 pastes with various crystal structures, morphologies and crystallite sizes were prepared by an aqueous particulate sol-gel process. Based on simultaneous differential thermal (SDT) analysis the minimum annealing temperature to obtain organic-free TiO 2 paste was determined at 400°C, being one of the lowest crystallization temperatures of TiO 2 photoanode electrodes for solar cell application. Photovoltaic measurements showed that TiO 2 solar cell with pure anatase crystal structure had higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) than that made of pure rutile-TiO 2. However, the PCE of solar cells depends on the anatase to rutile weight ratio, reaching a maximum at a specific value due to the synergic effect between anatase and rutile TiO 2 nanoparticles. Moreover, it was found that the PCE of solar cells made of crystalline TiO 2 powders was much higher, increasing in the range 32-84% depending on anatase to rutile weight ratio, than that of prepared by amorphous powders. TiO 2 solar cell with the morphology of mixtures of nanoparticles and microparticles had higher PCE than the solar cell with the same phase composition containing TiO 2 nanoparticles due to the role of TiO 2 microparticles as light scattering particles. The presented strategy would open up new insight into fabrication and structural design of low-cost TiO 2 solar cells with high power conversion efficiency. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Heterojunction is an important structure for the development of photovoltaic solar cells. In contrast to homojunction structures, heterojunction solar cells have internal crystalline interfaces, which will reflect part of the incident light, and this has not been considered carefully before though many heterostructure solar cells have been commercialized. This paper discusses the internal reflection for various material systems used for the development of heterostructure-based solar cells. It has been found that the most common heterostructure solar cells have internal reflection less than 2%, while some potential heterojunction solar cells such as ITO/GaAs, ITO/InP, Si/Ge, polymer/semiconductors and oxide semiconductors may have internal reflection as high as 20%. Also it is worse to have a window layer with a lower refractive index than the absorption layer for solar cells. Ignoring this strong internal reflection will lead to severe deterioration and reduction of conversion efficiency; therefore measures have to be taken to minimize or prevent this internal reflection. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Two solar cells based on an InGaN/GaN p-i-n hetero-junction, but having different dislocation densities, were fabricated and characterized. The structures were grown on c-plane (0001) GaN-on-sapphire templates with different threading dislocation (TD) densities of 5×108 and 5×109 cm-2. Structural characterization revealed the presence of V-defects in the InGaN epilayer. Since each V-defect was associated with a TD, the structural as well as the optical properties worsened with a higher TD density in the GaN/sapphire template. It was also found that additional dislocations were generated in the p-GaN layer over the V-defects in the InGaN layer. Because of its superior structural quality, the peak external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the low TD density sample was three times higher than that of the high TD density sample. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
In the present work we compare the performance of organic solar cells, based on the bulk heterojunction system of P3HT:PCBM when adequate silver nanoparticles (NPs) are incorporated in two distinct places among the device structure. Introduction of NPs on top of the transparent anode revealed better overall performance with an increased efficiency of 17%. Alternatively, placing the NPs on top of the active photovoltaic layer resulted to 25% higher photo-current generation albeit with inferior electrical characteristics (i.e series and shunt resistance). Our findings suggest that enhanced scattering to non-specular directions from NPs site is maximized when penetrating light meets the particles after the polymer blend, but even this mechanism is not sufficient enough to explain the enhanced short circuit current observed. A second mechanism should be feasible; that is plasmon enhancement which is more efficient in the case where NPs are in direct contact with the polymer blend. J-V characteristics measured in the dark showed that NPs placed on top of the ITO film act as enhanced hole conducting sites, as evident by the lower series resistance values in these cells, suggesting this mechanism as more significant in this case. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A highly efficient light-trapping structure, consisting of a diffractive grating, a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) and a metal reflector was proposed. As an example, the proposed light-trapping structure with an indium tin oxide (ITO) diffraction grating, an a-Si:H/ITO DBR and an Ag reflector was optimized by the simulation via rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) for a 2.0-mu m-thick c-Si solar cell with an optimized ITO front antireflection (AR) layer under the air mass 1.5 (AM1.5) solar illumination. The weighted absorptance under the AM1.5 solar spectrum (A(AM1.5)) of the solar cell can reach to 69%, if the DBR is composed of 4 pairs of a-Si:H/ITOs. If the number of a-Si:H/ITO pairs is up to 8, a larger A(AM1.5) of 72% can be obtained. In contrast, if the Ag reflector is not adopted, the combination of the optimized ITO diffraction grating and the 8-pair a-Si:H/ITO DBR can only result in an A(AM1.5) of 68%. As the reference, A(AM1.5) = 31% for the solar cell only with the optimized ITO front AR layer. So, the proposed structure can make the sunlight highly trapped in the solar cell. The adoption of the metal reflector is helpful to obtain highly efficient light-trapping effect with less number of DBR pairs, which makes that such light-trapping structure can be fabricated easily.
A new type of photovoltaic system with higher generation power density has been studied in detail. The feature of the system is a V-shaped module (VSM) with two tilted monocrystalline solar cells. Compared to solar cells in a flat orientation, the VSM enhances external quantum efficiency and leads to an increase of 31% in power conversion efficiency. Due to the VSM technique, short-circuit current density was raised from 24.94 to 33.7mA/cm(2), but both fill factor and open-circuit voltage were approximately unchanged. For the VSM similar results (about 30% increase) were obtained for solar cells fabricated by using mono-crystal line silicon wafers with only conventional background impurities. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diphasic silicon films (nc-Si/a-Si:H) have been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the region adjacent of phase transition from amorphous to microcrystalline state. Comparing to the conventional amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), the nc-Si/a-Si:H has higher photoconductivity (sigma(ph)), better stability, and a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength range. It can be found from Raman spectra that there is a notable improvement in the medium range order. The blue shift for the stretching mode and red shift for the wagging mode in the IR spectra also show the variation of the microstructure. By using this kind of film as intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell was prepared with the initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.01% (AM 1.5, 100 mw/cm(2)) at room temperature. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.